Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


No. I said ‘The battle is largely over who holds the keeps and a few strategic towers’.

Choke points in a map give a server control of larger regions, which contain other towers and camps.
Quentin is a good example. When blue holds it, it’s very difficult for green to move troops into the Eastern section of the map and if they do, blue has little difficulty in clearing them out again.

Good Commanders know that it isn’t enough to look at a camp or tower that’s ‘the wrong colour’ and just try to take it without considering it’s value strategically.

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


The problem here is that most people think the score matters.

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Interesting analysis of strategies in GW2, sadly it matters zero. The side with most players over a week wins, no matter how much microstrategy you apply.
If you cap a tower/camp/whatever, it should only be to make enemy movement predictable and allowing your side the easy farm.


Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


If this thread had a point, servers that are grossly outnumbered or had poor coverage would actually have a chance. Since we know this isn’t the case, apparently roaming isn’t worth squat in this game.

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


If this thread had a point, servers that are grossly outnumbered or had poor coverage would actually have a chance. Since we know this isn’t the case, apparently roaming isn’t worth squat in this game.

You’re forgetting that the server with more people also has more roamers…

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


No. I said ‘The battle is largely over who holds the keeps and a few strategic towers’.

Choke points in a map give a server control of larger regions, which contain other towers and camps.
Quentin is a good example. When blue holds it, it’s very difficult for green to move troops into the Eastern section of the map and if they do, blue has little difficulty in clearing them out again.

Good Commanders know that it isn’t enough to look at a camp or tower that’s ‘the wrong colour’ and just try to take it without considering it’s value strategically.

youre kidding right

there is absolutely no cost to walking past any tower in this game.
there is no way you can stop a zerg from doing anything but building siege next to your tower.

the out of combat healing is too strong a mechanic for terrain to matter.

good commanders know taking a tower is about asking how many upgrades, supplies, defenders a tower has. besides waypoint proximity, location and terrain dont matter.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


If this thread had a point, servers that are grossly outnumbered or had poor coverage would actually have a chance. Since we know this isn’t the case, apparently roaming isn’t worth squat in this game.

um… Logic? You may have been trying to say something semi-intelligent but trivially obvious like “nothing except numbers and coverage is worth squat”. But even that’s not entirely true. Skill, strategy, and organization is of course worth something; which is the point of this thread although you don’t see it.

The problem here is that most people think the score matters.

Though mostly just a representation of population and coverage for match making, score is the context for which most of WvW is played for and the point of even discussing strategy. Otherwise wouldn’t everyone open field fight all day and as often as possible for $$$? Would be awesome but might get boring fast. Well okay I forgot skill lag too…

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