Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Petrichor.7591


Link –
rough translation: Well, now server is going up because of Russians guilds. Green Fire + Nugos + few randoms whos follows with our commanders> if we leave WvW at least a week or two – server will goes down
I want to know is this really? European guilds are useless?

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Nannaly.1975


Mawr and hes squad thinking they are gods? Lol lets see what’s you got when we meet at WvW. I’m really think the most of words at this post are lies…

Anyways wanna see comments from guild playing at this server.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


If they ARE playing in Far shiverpeaks then they ARE contributing to the server, it’s true that if they stopped playing the server might drop.
BUT THEN if the other guilds in the EU primetime stopped playing then the server would drop also. It’s a group effort.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019



European guilds are useless?

See the sticky about nightcapping. Russia has the most timezones, therefore Russia wins.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Far Shiverpeaks saw better days in pvp. They always were close to Vizunah in EU primetime, but when you look at the scores right now, something has happened. But I think it hasn’t much to do with russians.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Petrichor.7591


They think thats EU guilds are useless and they are gods)

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


I have been on FS from the start and it seemed to me that the DL alliance have carried us so far. There is another alliance on the server but I don’t see near as many people from those guilds in WvW as the guys from DL. There are a few other guilds recently doing there part like DiE and Epic. Let’s hope they get more members as well as the other EU guilds to assist DL.

RP enthusiast

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Bart.5023


And if other europeans guilds stopped playing then the server would also go down… Its all a team effort, if GF thinks its only because of them, that we are 2nd, then they are idiots…

XS Bart
Seafarer’s Rest

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Well, what do we have here? Oh dear. I believe there is some explaining in order. You see, this guy – Petrichor – is also Russian. But he is not on FS. He is from one of the Russian guilds on other EU servers. And let me tell you, many such guilds – and, naturally, people in those guilds – do not like Disorder League. Because we are strong, much stronger than they could ever hope to be. and they can’t even get their servers high enough to meet us. So the only way they could try to hurt us is by spreading posts like this, taking things out of context and riling people up.

Now, I personally do believe that DL is the strongest alliance on the server at this time. But every person with some brains would also know, that one alliance alone does not equal server. You can be sure that DL never thought of FS as of ‘Russian server’. FS is an international server, with many alliances and separate guilds representing many nations working together. And believe me (and if you are on FS and we fought against our enemies together, you know that), I know what I talk about and I mean what I say.

So. Please, do not listen to Petrichor – he does not mean well for DL, obviously, out of jealousy, and acting so he also does not mean well for our server. Don’t go believing him and thinking that what he insinuates is actually what DL means.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

(edited by Kirn.3129)

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250


The people on Far Shiverpeaks are not the same that were there from the start.

It is now filled with players to bad to do anything on the other servers, players that dont know how to work together, dont want to work together and are only there “for the ride”

I dont think, at its current level, that Far Shiverpeaks is even 5-6 in EU

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Razzin.4302


Well if you read that theme from the link its is pretty much a flame thread started by a person who hate us (and he even deleted first post because how stupid it was) so that was a reply for trolling some kitten there.

We never called someone ‘useless’ but we also realize our strength and role on the server with respect to allies.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Razzin.4302


‘kitten’ lol seems my word was too rude :P

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250


At the start there were more alliances and guilds, but now i guess Nug and GF is the only ones left, and not even you are that strong anymore.

Once the transfer of guilds goes live, my guild would be interested of planing some move to a more WvW guild centric english speaking server

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Soulcheg.5048


Lol@petrichor. Afaik, he’s been direly humiliated, when he tried to spread his butthurt at the, so now he’s trying to provoke at least someone, trying to throw false statements here.

And this is kinda sad, that some ehmmm… not very smart people are taking OP-post seriously. Are you guys believe in every word in the internet?

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kees.2573


If they think they are gods, and success of the server is their success, remember any failure is yours too.

Epika, [Chaos]

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Soulcheg.5048


And as i see, noone reads further than the first post. It saddens me even more.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: EmperorOfDoom.4362


They are probably right but them saying that just proves why the server isn’t doing the best it can do. The Russians don’t really communicate with any other guilds and just do their own little thing. When I see Elona Reach the new opponent it is a lot of different guilds working well together and planning attacks. Not just the Russians who run around and mainly win because of numbers (not saying they don’t have tactics at all).

Far Shiverpeaks will need a lot more shared effort between the other smaller guilds and more players that work together during the later hours. Elona reach had 7 siege golems and 40+ people that took garrison in about 2 minutes (at night) while we had about 20 defenders that couldn’t do anything about it.

Far Shiverpeaks is starting to get outplayed by better servers and the whole Canadian excuse is getting a bit old. Seeing as how we are losing from a German server as well.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Bart.5023


Well, what do we have here? Oh dear. I believe there is some explaining in order. You see, this guy – Petrichor – is also Russian. But he is not on FS. He is from one of the Russian guilds on other EU servers. And let me tell you, many such guilds – and, naturally, people in those guilds – do not like Disorder League. Because we are strong, much stronger than they could ever hope to be. and they can’t even get their servers high enough to meet us. So the only way they could try to hurt us is by spreading posts like this, taking things out of context and riling people up.

Now, I personally do believe that DL is the strongest alliance on the server at this time. But every person with some brains would also know, that one alliance alone does not equal server. You can be sure that DL never thought of FS as of ‘Russian server’. FS is an international server, with many alliances and separate guilds representing many nations working together. And believe me (and if you are on FS and we fought against our enemies together, you know that), I know what I talk about and I mean what I say.

So. Please, do not listen to Petrichor – he does not mean well for DL, obviously, out of jealousy, and acting so he also does not mean well for our server. Don’t go believing him and thinking that what he insinuates is actually what DL means.

im rly glad that we got the real truth, cause i could neither understand if any in GF could have said something like that.

XS Bart
Seafarer’s Rest

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


All good and well, but I went to the link and I did google translation on it:
“Well, actually now the situation is such that the server is pulled up Russian Guild, in particular GF nugos + smart enough random who runs around with our commanders. If GF score on WwW at least a week or two – the server will go to the bottom.

The score part is off but so i’m going by what the other guy translated because the context fits.
It is said by the Greenfire person which I guess is part of the alliance.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Draw.7529


From the game I came from. There was a lot of problems regarding xenophobic feelings towards the Russians. This because they lack any communication with the rest of the other guilds and were a bit selfish when it came to sieging and pvp. Ruining most the of plans.

I hope this doesn’t happen here in Gw2. In fact, a couple of nights ago we were led by Nugos and they did a really awesome work. They were fast and determined. The only problem it was a silent leading. Where they were talking to eachother (probably via TS) while the rest of us were just following them. It kinda worked.
But this is a problem anyway with Far Shiverpeaks commanders. They don’t talk, and I see most of them AFK. Tonight I saw some newbies leading and doing a better job them most commanders who only wasted they’re gold to get some useless status.

Back to the topic. If Russians keep on helping FS. Than it’s nothing but a good thing, I guess.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


The only problem it was a silent leading. Where they were talking to eachother (probably via TS) while the rest of us were just following them. It kinda worked.

Well, yes, that is the problem. Actually, I can tell you right now that it is so not only for Russian guilds. I saw other organized raids, and they, while doing a good job and being organized, also were pretty silent, never saying where they go.
Now, I am in GF, so I can talk on behalf of GF only, and I can say, that GF tries to work on that problem. Actually, it is my exact job to, while I am with GF raid, to coordinate and explain to others what our plans are. And that helps, cause unaffiliated players add a lot of power to the raid.
But anyways, that is the discussion for other topic, I think. Maybe even not for this forum either.

The score part is off but so i’m going by what the other guy translated because the context fits.
It is said by the Greenfire person which I guess is part of the alliance.

To understand this in full context, you would have to translate like 100+ pages of angry arguments on forums, which is like a central station for Russian MMO community. You know, the main argument of people who don’t like us there (and the Petrichor is one of them) is that we – DL – do not do anything on FS, and are being pulled up by Scandinavian guilds. After months of such trolling and other insults, it is no wonder, that people would start to respond in a similar manner.
That’s really all there is to it.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Anhellbro.7210


Kirn Dolyak defender =)))

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kees.2573


The only problem it was a silent leading. Where they were talking to eachother (probably via TS) while the rest of us were just following them. It kinda worked.

Well, yes, that is the problem. Actually, I can tell you right now that it is so not only for Russian guilds. I saw other organized raids, and they, while doing a good job and being organized, also were pretty silent, never saying where they go.
Now, I am in GF, so I can talk on behalf of GF only, and I can say, that GF tries to work on that problem. Actually, it is my exact job to, while I am with GF raid, to coordinate and explain to others what our plans are. And that helps, cause unaffiliated players add a lot of power to the raid.
But anyways, that is the discussion for other topic, I think. Maybe even not for this forum either.

The score part is off but so i’m going by what the other guy translated because the context fits.
It is said by the Greenfire person which I guess is part of the alliance.

To understand this in full context, you would have to translate like 100+ pages of angry arguments on forums, which is like a central station for Russian MMO community. You know, the main argument of people who don’t like us there (and the Petrichor is one of them) is that we – DL – do not do anything on FS, and are being pulled up by Scandinavian guilds. After months of such trolling and other insults, it is no wonder, that people would start to respond in a similar manner.
That’s really all there is to it.

I know the main reason why other russian players dont like you – you are arrogant trolls.

Epika, [Chaos]

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


I know the main reason why other russian players dont like you – you are arrogant trolls.

And there you go, you can meet another Russian who tries to bash others, successful, Russians. Interesting fact – he and Petrichor are from the same guild.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


>>Interesting fact – he and Petrichor are from the same guild.

Any proof ?

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Both of them have the same forum names on, and are known there for being haters and trolls. First one is known to be from that guild and the second one is from the same server. And his attitude and the specific of that server makes me about 99% certain that he is from the same guild.
Anyways, this thread is nothing more than people who don’t like us trying to troll us outside of goha. Which makes me sad, but what can you do?

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Are you agree that TS has translated it correct?

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


The people on Far Shiverpeaks are not the same that were there from the start.

It is now filled with players to bad to do anything on the other servers, players that dont know how to work together, dont want to work together and are only there “for the ride”

I dont think, at its current level, that Far Shiverpeaks is even 5-6 in EU

It has been an unorganised mess from the start and I also see still a lot if not mostly the same players around (at least those I remember the name of).
I think the difference you notice is that the other servers are improving (esp. the new matchup with ER (DE) impressed me so far) but we are not because none of the bigger guilds are stepping up to get any structure in.
And if somebody does then all that happens is they either get discussion against them with everything they say or if they make a misstake (everybody does at times, we all gotta learn and improve from it…) get flamed childishly by some that seem to hate their teammates as much as their enemy.

On the topic, yes those russian guilds of course have an impact on the server but they don’t rule it because if their commanders are on the map they don’t say a word in mapchat nor even in /say when their zerg picks up random players (like myself because I’m not in a big guild). So they don’t contribute to the tactics (if there are any on this server) because they never ever share what they’re doing.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Petrichor.7591


cleared up only one moment
Now I am not in a guild I was wondering the truth or not say GF imagined themselves gods

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


>>Interesting fact – he and Petrichor are from the same guild.
Any proof ?

Of course.
Kees is member of Xaoc and at the moment he is playing devil’s advocate role in delicious thread about guild exploiting.

And “Petrichor” is known as Alsimoos from the Xaoc guild and his current profile on their guild forum:

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: nin.1029


<3 Disorder League.

FS would be tier 5 without them. They have eradicated a lot of the misconseptions I had about playing with russians based on other MMO’s.

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Petrichor.7591


Lol another good topic
short translation-Russian community is calling on the strong Russian server in Europe. Far Shiverpeaks where the Russians dominated and the Europeans help them.
non-Russians from FS do not have pride?shame on your heads

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Hemi.2867


hmm…why do you started this thread after being banned on this forum [goha]?
i see this as an act of revenge for being banned

though, haters gonna hate

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Razzin.4302


Lol another good topic
short translation-Russian community is calling on the strong Russian server in Europe. Far Shiverpeaks where the Russians dominated and the Europeans help them.
non-Russians from FS do not have pride?shame on your heads

…probably you should start using your brain little bit before posting censored. Because that was an advertising of the server made for russian players on russian game site and it says nothing bad about anyone so kitten please…

…also go back defend your pathetic guild using glitches here:

have a nice day ugly troll :P

Russians rules at server Far Shiverpeaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractis.4653


Hey, look American guilds! Far Shiverpeaks has been mentioned in the forums! You should transfer over here and help us fight the good fight at night; you could be part of one of the servers mentioned in the forums!

Dux Ducis – Far Shiverpeaks