SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: soji.1475


SBI is currently 2nd place in server standings. We could use some guilds/players during all time slots NA and European time especially, although our Oceanic/Asia could use some coverage too. Some of the best guilds to ever step foot in WvW call our server home. So if you’re up to experience some of the most epic fights T1 has to offer join our server!! We’re a diehard tryhard server looking to get back up at the #1 spot.

We have a server wide community forums and a server teamspeak.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Anyone looking to transfer to Tier 1, would find a determined, honorable server in SBI. That is, if you’re not considering Jade Quarry, then please consider SBI. Two servers with a healthy competitive spirit, outstanding tradition, and mature communities.

The “can-do” attitude and high standards of integrity present you with exciting options in Tier 1. I can think of no better server to join than SBI (cake) unless, of course, you’re determined to join Jade Quarry (pie). Naturally, if you are a combat diabetic and want your vegetables, there’s always SoS (broccoli).

Cake or Pie? Sweet, satisfying, food for combat…

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: BMW.2951


Tier 1 isnt even fun. Tier 2 is where its at. Also you have a chance to kick out a tier 1 server into a tier 2 server BG is where its at.

Character- [KnT] Masta Yodaa
Asura Thief
Server- Beastgate

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: RavenWind.9283


Tier1 isnt fun??!! Beemer(BMW) has no clue what he’s talking about. Tier1 is where the most active, most competitive WvW goes on. That’s why its Tier 1. Heck in his own post he talks about joining Tier 1 by knocking somebody out. Now at SBI we like that kind of spirit and we hope to see BG in Tier 1 one day. But that day aint today.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


Tier1 isnt fun??!! Beemer(BMW) has no clue what he’s talking about. Tier1 is where the most active, most competitive WvW goes on. That’s why its Tier 1. Heck in his own post he talks about joining Tier 1 by knocking somebody out. Now at SBI we like that kind of spirit and we hope to see BG in Tier 1 one day. But that day aint today.

1) bandwagoneers
2) if your winning and your not SBI or JQ you MUST be “hacking” or “exploiting” and your server is a hacking or exploiting server
3) other servers putting bots in your BL to generate queues
4) smear campaigns on the forums
5) if your 1 big guild (WM) gets burnt out, you wind up getting crushed

why the heck would BG WANT to go back to tier 1 right now?


SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Umeil.5384


1. Bandwagoneers a problem to almost every top server can deal with that

2. Any time we have seen one of our own hacking/exploiting or cheating we have reported them ourselves most of the SBI community dont tolerate it at all

3. Que times could from may things is very weird to get a 30 min que time to EB and then have the outmanned buff when you do get in

4. Smearing tactics have very few and far between since the removal of orbs

5. It not about 1 guild. I can think of at least 8 commanders that have not returned to play since the last big PvE patch was released. WM were active in our home borderlands and to smaller extent in the other 2 borderlands and practically non existant in EB so it has nothing to do with 1 guild, it has more to do with the complete lack of Anet to address WvWvW issues. There is talk about Feb there will be a big update to WvWvW…….sadly 6 months after launch is way to long 80% of what the people have been requesting should have been implimented at launch or within the 1st 30 days.

It is pretty clear to see people are leaving the game, W3 is looking very empty with outmanned buffs being seen far too much now. ORR is basically empty. leveling zones you hit the jackpot if you even see someone else . Been said before you have roughly 3 months to address or at least start to address main issues before people will pack in the game and move on to the next,or back to an old game while waiting for the next one. New content within days of launching the game was stupid they should have rather fixed game issues and bugs than waste all that resource on new content. Most WvW’s have not asked for much except to fix what was not working right, prime example is wall/door bugging to gain entrance in WvW still a problem. When it was seen in Fractual’s the fix was almost instant……

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


We’ve seen a large drop-off over the past month in our WvWvW population.

I think everyone is these days. WvW is just getting to be a boring grind and the players are feeling it.

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

perhaps desolation can come to sbi since they were abandoned by ruin?

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


perhaps desolation can come to sbi since they were abandoned by ruin?

lol again? does ruin ever stick to one server….. wait they left the game huh?

but yea we would love to have you all EU folks over =P

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


I am a soloer, small group player from SOS. I would suggest you would be in good company if you joined SBI, JQ or SOS. I have seen some amazing fights and have learned a lot from both SBI and JQ teams.

In the 10-12 hour period I play daily, there is often only a few players ( been alone ) on a map. You can get instant queues and some good small team stuff in Tier 1 as well as the big end of town stuff.

See you on the battlefied.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: RavenWind.9283


Wow Tammuz, someone seems bitter. I’ve been on SBI for over 3 months mostly in WvWvW and I have not experienced any of what you claim.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Amori.7598


I would also encourage players to join SBI. We have great commanders matched with a good WVW community. We have been fighting a uphill battle with our population dropping in WVW. Even with the decline, we have continued to stay close on the boards.

There is rarely a que and at any given time we are normally outmanned on 1-2 maps. There is plenty of room in WVW for your guild!

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: crewthief.8649


Tier1 isnt fun??!! Beemer(BMW) has no clue what he’s talking about. Tier1 is where the most active, most competitive WvW goes on. That’s why its Tier 1. Heck in his own post he talks about joining Tier 1 by knocking somebody out. Now at SBI we like that kind of spirit and we hope to see BG in Tier 1 one day. But that day aint today.

1) bandwagoneers
2) if your winning and your not SBI or JQ you MUST be “hacking” or “exploiting” and your server is a hacking or exploiting server
3) other servers putting bots in your BL to generate queues
4) smear campaigns on the forums
5) if your 1 big guild (WM) gets burnt out, you wind up getting crushed

why the heck would BG WANT to go back to tier 1 right now?

Ah, the tears of the defeated! You guys haven’t been up in Tier 1 for weeks, you really should let it go and move on with your lives.

Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Indo.8629


Why is BG raining on SBI’s recruit thread.

You guys had your day in T1 and you got kicked out. Change up your gameplay or recruit the gaps in your coverage, but why hate on any other server because you guys couldn’t compete?

Rock on T1 duders, rock on. If SoR gets some more coverage, we hope to see you guys soon.

Tempest Wolves – The Sanctum
80k kills and counting

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: ashleydoll.8563


I play on SBI and have for a long time now (was originally on Shiverpeaks but I changed to be with friends). SBI seems to have more quality PvPers overall, but SoS has become a massive bandwagon server and just runs over SBI and JQ with sheer numbers all the time. Doesn’t help that for some reason JQ seems very intent on often ganging up on SBI instead of trying to help fight the SoS zergs.

I think SBI’s biggest issue right now is that SoS is home to a ton of Oceanic players. During American/Canadian peak hours, everything seems evenly matched and SBI will often keep pace or take a lead, but during off hours the SBI and JQ numbers dwindle, but all the SoS Oceanic crew takes over for their Americans and Canadian players and their numbers stay very high, so at night SoS will take over a lot of stuff on multiple fronts.

So if you desire to play in T1, but want a challenge, SBI is a good place. We’re often dealing with larger numbers from SoS and JQ seems to have it out for us. There is always an objective on SBI, I can’t say the same for SoS though, they tend to camp a lot and seems like it would be generally boring to be the top dog with such a big population for so long. I much prefer having to push out and overcome the odds, if you do as well, SBI is the place for you.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

right now i think a lot of sbi is waiting for patch or something.. which scares me a bit.. when is that patch due?

by the way if our server is full, but people aren’t playing anymore, does arena net have a way to factor that into the math of being full? like if a player doesn’t login for a certain number of days open up a spot?

if prx(sos) doesn’t smarten up this round, and stop letting jq do whatever they want, jq is gonna wind up in 1st…. or is this all just to get sbi out of tier1 still? if it is to get us out of tier 1, do you really think its gonna be this much fun, and this great of a challenge once we are knocked out? lets have a real match for once.. without being dedicated to wiping us off map… think it would be the funnest, best challenge since game started.

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

(edited by lobo fett.4705)

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: soji.1475


Match Reset is right around the corner xD!! Come join us in SBI in what promises to be a very exciting matchup this week!!

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Mogar.9216


somewhat pointless. good luck try to transfer. Server full all the time. My freinds have been trying for weeks.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


Join JQ! =)

Btw, we don’t have it out for SBI, we’ve been allied since the “BG” days remember. How dare you sir!

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Umeil.5384


Join JQ! =)

Btw, we don’t have it out for SBI, we’ve been allied since the “BG” days remember. How dare you sir!

LOL you can jest well sire !!

JQ and SBI dont run together. In fact the only way JQ remains in T1 is by doubling up against SBI.

Yea SBI have lost a lot of WvW’s atm due to lack of anything to do with W3 from Anet. Our Europe time slot has left us almost completely outmanned so any guilds want to help fill that slot would be great

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: soji.1475


Desperately seeking European guilds to come to SBI plenty of JQ and SOS to fight during European time!!! If you’re European guild or guilds looking for a competitive server to make a difference in SBI is the place!!

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: soji.1475


SBI server is Open right now for more WvW guilds/players come join us while it’s hot !!!

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

even if its full, if a large guild tries it takes only about a week for entire guild to get here… We are also looking for any single players that are focused on WVW.

[NöPë] is also recruiting for WVW minded individuals

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: dekyos.1548


Gearmatrix reporting in.

SBI borderlands always need help, and I need more faithful volunteers for my havoks (yes, with a k)

If you want to see how a non-tankcat engineer rolls, come join SBI and watch me infuriate camp defenders everywhere

Gearmatrix – Level 80 Crash’N’Burn Engineer
SBI WvW Junkie

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Aesseus.4596


I play on SBI and have for a long time now (was originally on Shiverpeaks but I changed to be with friends). SBI seems to have more quality PvPers overall, but SoS has become a massive bandwagon server and just runs over SBI and JQ with sheer numbers all the time. Doesn’t help that for some reason JQ seems very intent on often ganging up on SBI instead of trying to help fight the SoS zergs.

I think SBI’s biggest issue right now is that SoS is home to a ton of Oceanic players. During American/Canadian peak hours, everything seems evenly matched and SBI will often keep pace or take a lead, but during off hours the SBI and JQ numbers dwindle, but all the SoS Oceanic crew takes over for their Americans and Canadian players and their numbers stay very high, so at night SoS will take over a lot of stuff on multiple fronts.

So if you desire to play in T1, but want a challenge, SBI is a good place. We’re often dealing with larger numbers from SoS and JQ seems to have it out for us. There is always an objective on SBI, I can’t say the same for SoS though, they tend to camp a lot and seems like it would be generally boring to be the top dog with such a big population for so long. I much prefer having to push out and overcome the odds, if you do as well, SBI is the place for you.

Wait this post makes no sense, SBI proclaimed itself to be the official WvW hardcore server since launch and in such had a wave of like minded players surge to its ranks. If that’s not a form of bandwagon then I don’t know what is. So really you are a self glorified person with a sore losing attitude. On prime time, SBI, SoS, JQ have full queue’d servers just the same as one another making your post sound even more of a cry for attention of “you see guys we are actually the best” This should sway any future die hards, I’d hate to associate myself with such a petty attitude.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Heres another post from a tier one server asking for transfers. Something is wrong here.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

SBI is currently 2nd place in server standings. We could use some guilds/players during all time slots NA and European time especially, although our Oceanic/Asia could use some coverage too. Some of the best guilds to ever step foot in WvW call our server home. So if you’re up to experience some of the most epic fights T1 has to offer join our server!! We’re a diehard tryhard server looking to get back up at the #1 spot.

We have a server wide community forums and a server teamspeak.

we are still badly in need of Oceanic coverage.

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


‘’what i did was pre-ordered the game , decided on a server then realised it was not doing well in wvw then i switched to no.1 server in wvw..then when we did bad i moved again to the no.1 server……now i can say im amazing and we have the best guilds of guilds in tier1’’…………then i woke up and realised im not a glory hunter but a proud CD server thief.

I hate it when new guilds come into our server… ‘’so we are doing well huh and you decided to join the karma train’’ where were you when we were losing huh!!!!…..leeches lmao

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

‘’I hate it when new guilds come into our server… ’’so we are doing well huh and you decided to join the karma train’’ where were you when we were losing huh!!!!…..leeches lmao"

if there was a queue all the time.. maybe id agree with you, but 95% of the time there isnt.. .and we need people and organization to win, without the first one.. organization doesnt mean anything. all we are is a full pve server… and thats a fact!

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

(edited by lobo fett.4705)

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Heres another post from a tier one server asking for transfers. Something is wrong here.

Ya think? I’ve been very vocal in my support for SBI recruiting efforts (even if it was snarky toward SoS and playfully subversive).

We (collectively) are hemorrhaging players from open amputations. Like many, I’m at my wits end with the fairy-dusted, pony poop about butterflies and flower-power community snugglies. The “community” is evaporating before our eyes. We are in post-apocalyptic, eyesocket sucking zombie survival mode.

And there is genuine (if not misdirected) resentment toward the PvE community — bordering on rage hate.

I’m not sure at this point that if we combined the WvW population of all the Greens, Blues, and Reds into three servers, we would have a single viable, sustainable tier of servers from now until February.

SBI has some really serious talent and good people. Anyone not considering JQ would find a fine home in SBI. Or (door number three), you can just continue to be an eyesocket sucking zombie.

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

still need more to fill up our ques, oceanic and na times!

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


I love how hostile you guys can be with each other and still make it sound nice in T1 :P Tell you what, we in TC will give BG what for eh?

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

SBI recruiting guilds/players all over

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


It is pretty disappointing that WvW is dying. It is so much fun when there are people to do it.