Rexir-80 Guardian
Guild- [EMP]
Server-Jade Quarry
whats the score at the moment?
jw….im at my girlfriends house and cant log in
Lets just say, if there was a way to bottle and then market tears of our enemies, HOD would be very rich.
the Tier of Tears™
The score is HoD sacrificed 20 children to the lifeless God, and he smiled and bestowed upon them His army of the oceanic beast. Although SBI and ET fought valiantly, sleep overtook them after three days without, and the HoD heathen hordes swept over all the realm as the faithful defenders slept.
30k points behind to 10k points ahead in 24 hours. So yeah, Arenanet definitely planned on all of the Aussies congregating to the same server just like a black hole devours everything in its path.
According to HoD, this is all according to Anet’s plan, and it’s working exactly as intended. Let’s just go clone those buggers so every server can have a 24/7 WvW presence, and we’ll be good to go.
Let’s just say that HoD isn’t winning because of its primetime team.
(Because they’re decent but not that great).
The score is HoD sacrificed 20 children to the lifeless God, and he smiled and bestowed upon them His army of the oceanic beast. Although SBI and ET fought valiantly, sleep overtook them after three days without, and the HoD heathen hordes swept over all the realm as the faithful defenders slept.
30k points behind to 10k points ahead in 24 hours. So yeah, Arenanet definitely planned on all of the Aussies congregating to the same server just like a black hole devours everything in its path.
According to HoD, this is all according to Anet’s plan, and it’s working exactly as intended. Let’s just go clone those buggers so every server can have a 24/7 WvW presence, and we’ll be good to go.
Would read again.
I wouldn’t mind an off peak crew like theirs, but they can keep their stupidly long queue times.
@ 06:50 GMT, to save all these people and there riddling.
HoD Night-Capping > SBI/ET Double team Prime-time efforts > HoD Prime-time efforts
fixed for accuracy. Thank me later.
Hmm, that sure seems like they are dominating primetime…
“HoD Night-Capping > Stormbluff Isle Prime-time efforts > HoD Prime-time efforts”
You totally didn’t see that we more or less gave up today? Two night caps in a row, and we’re done. It’s kind of demoralizing to fight like hell, go to sleep, log in, and see that HoD is +500-600 points a tick and has turned their 30k point deficit into a 10k point lead. Not to mention that you take keeps that are undefended, completely fortify them, and sit tight for us to start logging back into the game. Of course we’re not going to take them back easily when we start the day off being spawn camped.
Good job, HoD. You win at WvW. You’ve also broken WvW for the time being. Congratulations. You must be so proud of yourselves.
30k points behind to 10k points ahead in 24 hours. So yeah, Arenanet definitely planned on all of the Aussies congregating to the same server just like a black hole devours everything in its path.
Speaking as an Aussie player myself I can happily tell you that we didn’t “all congregate to the same server”. HoD did recruit a number of Oceanic guilds, but believe it or not there are plenty more on other servers. No, I’m not on HoD.
yeah HoD is leading now… because their Asia/Oceanic crews are much more competent and awesome than those in ET/SbI… just as their NA primetime crew are much more competent and awesome than those in ET/SbI….
Hmm, that sure seems like they are dominating primetime…
I got into EB instantly during our prime time. How was your queue?
Dem alliances, so i hear Stormbluff is allied with Eredon to take out Henge who’s allied with Eredon to push back Stormbluff who’s allied with Henge to knock out Eredon from the bracket but there allied with Kaineng because there OP.
True story! I saw a guy say it somewhere!
I find it hilarious….. Last week Ruin (and other ET guilds) were telling IoJ and SoS how awesome their Oceanic / Asian presence was and that made them the most awesome guild ever to play any MMO ever…..
Now they are whingeing because someone else is doing the same to them? I guess they haven’t doing too much server swapping this week then?
SbI and ET should blame their Asian/Oceanic members for failing to cover theirkitten instead of cry foul…..
I find it hilarious….. Last week Ruin (and other ET guilds) were telling IoJ and SoS how awesome their Oceanic / Asian presence was and that made them the most awesome guild ever to play any MMO ever…..
Now they are whingeing because someone else is doing the same to them? I guess they haven’t doing too much server swapping this week then?
This actually true.
Little recap on RUIN.
QQ we lost vs henge, its because our server NSP is too big so we are transferring to a small server so we can all play with no ques….
Matched against other servers, epic bragging and night cappage just like HoD.
Matched against HoD now, nothing but excuses on why they are losing…. now apparently they dont have enough people, and their magical night crew is…. no where to be seen…
Whats next on the table guys. Lets move on from this SBI/HoD/ET crap.
all eredon terrace does is cry…especially ruins
I’m curious to see when the guilds on HoD split off. Winning is great and all but I’d be surprised to see guilds stay on the server continually. Their queues aren’t dying, nor are they going to die anytime soon. That has to be demoralizing. I live for WvW, but I couldn’t wait in queue for 6 hours without punching something. Let alone having to be glued to the pc the whole time in case it did randomly pop and I missed it for taking a bathroom break.
winning unconditionally is more boring than being on the losing side…. you sit in wvw and do… nothing…. except maybe porting between the grub and the spirit champion…
and then what happens? you wait for someone to call out that someone captured something so you can wipe it out in 5 minutes or less, gain your 700 point tick back, then go back to grub and champion farming.
yay fun..
on a sid enote, the fact that you cannot render enemies at all during large fights is causing huge problems for people who want to play even when outmanned.
we spent an hour fighting for our isle keep in EB tonight when HoD wiped out the whole map..
we were in, we had the keep back to our color 1 tick away from capping… and suddenly….. there was someone in our midst that we couldn’t see… it was a thief, but the problem was, we had 25 people in the circle, and apparently he had enough time between stealth going away and rendering to get back into stealth because he never came out of stealth until the reinforcements arrived…. screwed by the rendering issues. eventually we got a few people with eyes on him as soon as they died (im sure veryone knows how nice it is that apparently you cant render enemies until you die to them haha)
winning unconditionally is more boring than being on the losing side…. you sit in wvw and do… nothing…. except maybe porting between the grub and the spirit champion…
and then what happens? you wait for someone to call out that someone captured something so you can wipe it out in 5 minutes or less, gain your 700 point tick back, then go back to grub and champion farming.
yay fun..
on a sid enote, the fact that you cannot render enemies at all during large fights is causing huge problems for people who want to play even when outmanned.
we spent an hour fighting for our isle keep in EB tonight when HoD wiped out the whole map..
we were in, we had the keep back to our color 1 tick away from capping… and suddenly….. there was someone in our midst that we couldn’t see… it was a thief, but the problem was, we had 25 people in the circle, and apparently he had enough time between stealth going away and rendering to get back into stealth because he never came out of stealth until the reinforcements arrived…. screwed by the rendering issues. eventually we got a few people with eyes on him as soon as they died (im sure veryone knows how nice it is that apparently you cant render enemies until you die to them haha)
Ya the rendering issue is bad…. you could be running through a zerg of enemies and not even know it lol.
this works to our advantage sometimes, and sometimes not
when running ahead of a pack, i literally ran straight through a group of 10 defenders…. right through them, they didnt even look like they were targeting me… all this while we were attacking a keep… its just ridiculous though.
anet doesnt realize, we would rather play with SOME lag, than have to play vs invisible enemies all night.
somehow during bwe2 we had fights numbering in the 60s on both ends.. and had no problems.. but now, even with zone caps, they have to put in rendering issues for all
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
where are those self-centered RUIN ? can’t be sleeping are they ?
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
where are those self-centered RUIN ? can’t be sleeping are they ?
we were on, but not everyone has a massive night force.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend ).
see you guys in the morning, so we can take back half of our maps and then lose them tomorrow night
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
lol…. This was exactly my assessment of last week ET vs. IoJ and SoS…. but the difference was we didn’t just chuck in the towel and turn into quitters….
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
where are those self-centered RUIN ? can’t be sleeping are they ?
we were on, but not everyone has a massive night force.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
see you guys in the morning, so we can take back half of our maps and then lose them tomorrow night
ah so you’re saying those in Thai and PH guilds that play on ET are not skillful as well ?
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
where are those self-centered RUIN ? can’t be sleeping are they ?
we were on, but not everyone has a massive night force.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
see you guys in the morning, so we can take back half of our maps and then lose them tomorrow night
ah so you’re saying those in Thai and PH guilds that play on ET are not skillful as well ?
Yeah looking like they don’t want to keep the Oceanics they currently have.
I saw something weird from Ruin guild earlier in the day on SBI borderlands. They all got on about 30-40 of them. They retook bottom half of map in 30 mins and vanished. As soon as they left ET lost everything again. When organized they can stop HoD…but no guilds on so cant win.
I saw something weird from Ruin guild earlier in the day on SBI borderlands. They all got on about 30-40 of them. They retook bottom half of map in 30 mins and vanished. As soon as they left ET lost everything again. When organized they can stop HoD…but no guilds on so cant win.
its just how it is.. when you can spawn 30-40 people into a borderland…. and take objectives… all coming from EB.. and then spawn 30-40 people right back into EB.
the problem is not that people leave an area… its that they can leave and join areas so easily which means there is no one occupying these areas in numbers.
ET aren’t true pvpers if they dont win or cant win they just whine and quit, WoW fall back. Never deserved to be in the top tier fights to begin with. SBI yes ET no.
sorry. but trying to discredit people simply due to a lack of players at a certain time isn’t what we do.. it may be HoD’s thing, but when no one logs on due to night time defeats, then there isn’t anything you can do but take some stuff, hold it, cap some more, and do it til you log off.
not everyone gets to have coverage 90% of the entire time and claim to be “skilled”
once the fights are more even and everybody has near the same coverage. we will see what happened on the weekend when we all had coverage…. HoD. behind, because they are so used to just night capping to win all the time.
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
where are those self-centered RUIN ? can’t be sleeping are they ?
we were on, but not everyone has a massive night force.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
see you guys in the morning, so we can take back half of our maps and then lose them tomorrow night
ah so you’re saying those in Thai and PH guilds that play on ET are not skillful as well ?
excuse me, don’t put words in anyones mouth. thai and ph don’t make up enough to fill an entire BG, and i didn’t see many tonight, they may be off doing other things, who knows.. they might have just saw the fact that we put in all the effort to stay ahead during the weekend, only to get overrun in every borderland at night because thai and PH hang out in EB mostly.
fact remains that in the end, HoD has far superior coverage throughout, and loses when its even.
This is like the 15th thread now and 3 of them are on the second page… /sigh You can go to guru and post there. They keep a regularly updated thread on the score.
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
lol…. This was exactly my assessment of last week ET vs. IoJ and SoS…. but the difference was we didn’t just chuck in the towel and turn into quitters….
nope, you just wait until monday when the queues become easymode for you… then you take everything with ease and post on the forums how you dont quit.. when in reality, you just hang out in last til the winners can’t stay on the field, then score goals when no one is looking
it’s clear from the score ET doesn’t have a night time presence or they would have at least 100 points potential even pugs can make that happen.
When ET went vs IoJ and SoS their lead was so big it made up for the night time loss and they eventually stopped doing massive siege.
On the weekend when henge had full resistance they choked and was losing as soon as sunday night came they starting gaining ground.
it’s clear from the score ET doesn’t have a night time presence or they would have at least 100 points potential even pugs can make that happen.
When ET went vs IoJ and SoS their lead was so big it made up for the night time loss and they eventually stopped doing massive siege.
On the weekend when henge had full resistance they choked and was losing as soon as sunday night came they starting gaining ground.
everybody sees this, and i hope Anet figures a fix or alleviation to it soon, or else hendge will be the downfall of US WvW… nobody wants to play a good game for an entire weekend, only to have to lose it due to sheer numbers of 1 server for the rest of the week, and then have to hear people gloat about it like they did something amazing, like coming back from a 30k deficit by capping unpopulated areas
its obvious that people on hendge that are not part of guilds, don’t care about it either, as they have nothing to lose by switching servers, they just want to win even if they only play an hour a day due to queues.
and as soon as a solution for guild transfers goes in, guilds won’t have excuses either to spread out and make the fights more enjoyable for the rest of the WvW community. from the second and third tier on down. it should be epic, evenly matched fights all around.. not 1 sided victories because of silly reasons like having more players at off times due to EU rolling US and vise versa.
it was not very fun in the second tier, steamrolling two other servers simply because they didnt have th enumbers and got so far behind that no one wanted to queue anymore over there.
(edited by Kracin.6078)
Queues in HoD seem to be coming down somewhat. (Probably due to MoP, Borderlands/Torchlight. We are still having the problem of essentially random queue pops though. I’ll queue up an hour after my friend and I’ll get in before him etc.
But you guys are right, getting all of your friends/guildies/team in at the same time REALLY IS better than having random people running around WvW, which is basically what HoD has at primetime. A whole guild can queue up and maybe a few will get in after hours sitting in the queue.
nah it won’t be…. ET downfall perhaps, but not GW2 WvW in general.. you’re over exaggerating things….. if ET fall there is always JQ….
Also this
nah it won’t be…. ET downfall perhaps, but not GW2 WvW in general.. you’re over exaggerating things….. if ET fall there is always JQ….
but the same things happen over and over. ground is just retaken during the time when the other server has issues keeping people in.
its not just 1 bracket, its in multiple brackets, US and EU.
transferring for people who want to be on a winning server is as simple as clicking a button, and a lot of people really don’t care about server pride as long as they are on the best server. more people will eventually transfer to HoD until an equally bloated server is put on the board and has a force to equal that one 24/7
Who’s ET? This is SBI vs HoD.
and its pretty obvious that the rest of the server doesn’t want to deal with going from 250 points back to 0 every single night, and then having to hear how awesome hendge is because they have ridiculous coverage (definately not skill, lets not get into how bad they were losing when queues were up all weekend
lol…. This was exactly my assessment of last week ET vs. IoJ and SoS…. but the difference was we didn’t just chuck in the towel and turn into quitters….
nope, you just wait until monday when the queues become easymode for you… then you take everything with ease and post on the forums how you dont quit.. when in reality, you just hang out in last til the winners can’t stay on the field, then score goals when no one is looking
Rofl…. see now you just make yourself look silly. I’m actually from IoJ and last week the exact things HoD is doing to you is word for word exactly what happened last week. You guys are all so tough when you’ve got the numbers, but the moment you come up against someone with a bigger presence than you you turn into a giant pack of whiners and quitters. IoJ guilds were fighting till Friday night last week and we didn’t have to server hop to recruit, block siege or lead opposition forces astray……
So I know next week we’ll see your kitten kitten again. And we’ll have to put up with how you guys are better – all because of your superior numbers – not skill in any way, shape or form. Just a bunch of hot air bags…..
it’s clear from the score ET doesn’t have a night time presence or they would have at least 100 points potential even pugs can make that happen.
When ET went vs IoJ and SoS their lead was so big it made up for the night time loss and they eventually stopped doing massive siege.
On the weekend when henge had full resistance they choked and was losing as soon as sunday night came they starting gaining ground.
This is from one of the guild websites in AA, fully copy pasted :
Resonance (AU)
Harlequin (AU)
Nocturnal (AU)
Oceanian (AU)
Fury of Order (CH)
Heroes.Ph (PI)
7 guilds and they can’t field 50 people in every borderland and EB? Come on!
Instead of complaining about the HoD night time’s domination, and saying that we suck because our group of randoms who are lucky enough to get into WvW during primetime can’t hold their own against a full guild of organized people, start recruiting night time guilds OR maybe start talking to guilds and alliances on the opposing servers and make a ‘mega-server’ like HoD and then come for us.
SBI is starting to get their crap together and are really becoming a force to be concerned with. Maybe some of you whiners and complainers should join SBI and bring some Aussie/Asian guilds with you to combat HoD’s night force. Jade Quarry has a ton of people from Reddit, just go make a thread and gauge interest on transferring to take us down.
Use some of that legendary tactics, organization and skill everyone keeps bragging about and put together a server with the numbers capable of matching HoD.
it’s clear from the score ET doesn’t have a night time presence or they would have at least 100 points potential even pugs can make that happen.
When ET went vs IoJ and SoS their lead was so big it made up for the night time loss and they eventually stopped doing massive siege.
On the weekend when henge had full resistance they choked and was losing as soon as sunday night came they starting gaining ground.
This is from one of the guild websites in AA, fully copy pasted :
Resonance (AU)
Harlequin (AU)
Nocturnal (AU)
Oceanian (AU)
Fury of Order (CH)
Heroes.Ph (PI)7 guilds and they can’t field 50 people in every borderland and EB? Come on!
Yeah but a screenshot shows no clear resistance from the server. Seriously sub 100 potential points for an alliance is terrible.
Also no one is complaining it’s just stating facts
The fact is HOD can’t hold when 2 competent servers are duking it out which showed on the whole weekend. Then comes sunday night when no one is on they are top dog again and patting themselves on the back just for having a full coverage.
it’s clear from the score ET doesn’t have a night time presence or they would have at least 100 points potential even pugs can make that happen.
When ET went vs IoJ and SoS their lead was so big it made up for the night time loss and they eventually stopped doing massive siege.
On the weekend when henge had full resistance they choked and was losing as soon as sunday night came they starting gaining ground.
This is from one of the guild websites in AA, fully copy pasted :
Resonance (AU)
Harlequin (AU)
Nocturnal (AU)
Oceanian (AU)
Fury of Order (CH)
Heroes.Ph (PI)7 guilds and they can’t field 50 people in every borderland and EB? Come on!
Yeah but a screenshot shows no clear resistance from the server. Seriously sub 100 potential points for an alliance is terrible.
Then isn’t it AA’s responsibility to make sure their very own members actually are online and enter WvW instead of bashing HoD for the Oceanics/Asians/Europeans for being online during their respective prime times?
I understand that SBI has only WM/EVIL and maybe a few smaller guilds for off-peaks, but ET really has no excuse here… And yet HoD aren’t bashing ET for providing absolutely 0 challenge in any of the WvW maps for the past 2 days. I thought that was the whole point of AA? To be competitive throughout multiple timezones, the same goal TA had when it was founded.
Also, HoD can very much duke it out with the big boys, but when 2 top tier servers concentrate a large amount of their forces solely on HoD (note that I am not saying SBI and ET didn’t attack each other), it’s hard to get out of spawn to capture anything. As posted by multiple players from both servers, the focus was definitely HoD. I loved that we were 2v1 and never QQ’d about it. In fact, it was one of the most intense matches in a long time!
SBI, you’re a very very good server and all you need is probably a few more off peak guilds to really hand it to us on HoD ET, I don’t really know what to say though. Motivate your off peak crew and we’ll have some very good PvP
(edited by Samfisher.7942)
Fun video of this weeks match.
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