Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Good when you make love with it. Bad when you make crack.
SF and ET here comes HOD
Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Good when you make love with it. Bad when you make crack.
Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Good when you make love with it. Bad when you make crack.
Mr. Crystal Ball over here! =)
Gate of Madness
I’d still like to see DR/SF/ET. What I don’t want to see are ET and FC against a larger server. Both ET and FC seem to be doing better when not together.
Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace
Goodluck on your next matchup HoD’strs.
Ya know, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got another SF/ET/HoD or an ET/FC/HoD match up… We’ve literally faced every server in tiers 6-8 except GoM… wtf anet </3 WE WANT GOM!!!
Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
Ya know, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got another SF/ET/HoD or an ET/FC/HoD match up… We’ve literally faced every server in tiers 6-8 except GoM… wtf anet </3 WE WANT GOM!!!
Come on Anet, quit trolling us we want HoD.
Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif