STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


Oh look another thread created by those who know little of the class they complain about. Thief would never be able to secure kills if they weren’t able to do this or one one of their other stomp types. Also stopping a stealth stomp is not complicated. You can even manually aim your interrupt skills if you are experienced enough to know where they are standing while stomping you. Did they blind you first? Well throw an auto attack THEN your interrupt.

If you think you can win vs a skilled thief while in down state you are silly, even if you are a ranger. If you are trying to delay the thief so your friend can come save you, then manually aim your interrupt. Some downed state skills don’t even need to see the target, like ranger aoe interrupt, or engineer bomb blast. Also, it’s your friends job to stop the stomp. If the ally is too inexperienced to know when a stealth stomp is happening, sorry, tough luck. If the ally IS experienced, then they can easily interrupt and stop the thief, then res you.

Stealth stomping isn’t broken. Elixir S stomping isn’t even broken, and neither is stability stomping, shadow step stomp, distortion stomp, blind field stomp, they all have a counter. (interrupts, and boon strips) Sometimes you must interrupt the beginning of the stomp rather than the end of it, but there is almost ALWAYS a window of opportunity to interrupt on these types.

The one and only stomp mechanic you should be complaining about is Mist Form stomp, as it literally has no counter and is unstoppable.

TLDR? Stealth stomp isn’t the issue. Either you or your allies are inexperienced. Maybe instead of complaining about how someone is spiking you, you should be analyzing why you got downed in the first place and adjust your playstyle.

I main engi now, but have played almost every type of build imaginable on all classes. I used to main thief as well, but it’s more or less retired due to boredom. I have no issues with people stealth stomping.

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I think there’s a difference in degree between a stability stomper and an invincibility stomp, since you can damage stability stompers.

stealth stomping is like invincibility in many ways, though obviously not all ways

You cant damage a stealth stomp? oh i must be insane, i thought you could just use a skill and it’d deliver damage infront of you. Man i’m just a nutcase.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


How come every other class in the game can’t do what a thief does with stomping/reviving?

Because every class is not the same and they have differing roles? By your line of thinking every class should be able to do everything every other class can do with the same degree of capability. The thief is a rogue/assassin archetype that excels at picking off single targets, it only makes sense that they should have the best options when it comes to finishing wounded opponents. Your post is just as misguided as those in the thief forum complaining that they suck in zergs and die constantly when they try to mindlessly stack on the commander at the front of the hammer train.

Every other class has a different role yet the thief has access to cheap mechanics that are unstoppable?

Shadowstep stomping

Zero reveal on stealthing, dmg, cc etc does not reveal stealth

PERMANENT stealth with d/p thieves..None of the other classes has that

Unlimited access to a weapon skill with zero cool down to bypass cc and immobilize..NONE of the other classes has that.

Stealth stomping=completely nullifies some down states

Access to the ability to Always initiate combat on the thieve’s terms over and over again

Ability to reset the fight unlimited times till they win or run away with zero consequence

Zero cool down on weapon skills. Why is the thief the ONLY class that has zero cool down on weapon skills and can spam the same weapon skill repeatedly?

Do any of the classes have access to all of the above? No..

It’s a funny excusesaying every class is unique bordering on the usual ‘L2P’ spouted by baddy thieves.

No worries..ppl will roll more thieves and thus others will quit the game thus affecting Anet/NcSoft’s cash flow and then they will act. By then, ESO is out.

Great decision by the bad devs -who came up with the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of the world- to continue to support this broken system against mass protests. Or maybe they can’t deal with it..I favor the latter.

Thieves need to be fixed or people not willing to play a cheap class did, are and will keep quitting.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


If you people were not ignorant and played one you would know better. Do your slow butt a favor and hop into spvp/tpvp with a thief and see how you do. Because you will be smashed sooo hard you will never play the class again. I know some kitten is going to say but they have 1sec longer reveal and your right they do, but the fights are 5v5 not 20 v thief and you can see how op they really are lol.

Do us all a favor and take some screens at the end of each match so we can see your score k/d and so on…. thanks!

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


How come every other class in the game can’t do what a thief does with stomping/reviving?

Because every class is not the same and they have differing roles? By your line of thinking every class should be able to do everything every other class can do with the same degree of capability. The thief is a rogue/assassin archetype that excels at picking off single targets, it only makes sense that they should have the best options when it comes to finishing wounded opponents. Your post is just as misguided as those in the thief forum complaining that they suck in zergs and die constantly when they try to mindlessly stack on the commander at the front of the hammer train.

Every other class has a different role yet the thief has access to cheap mechanics that are unstoppable?

Shadowstep stomping

Zero reveal on stealthing, dmg, cc etc does not reveal stealth

PERMANENT stealth with d/p thieves..None of the other classes has that

Unlimited access to a weapon skill with zero cool down to bypass cc and immobilize..NONE of the other classes has that.

Stealth stomping=completely nullifies some down states

Access to the ability to Always initiate combat on the thieve’s terms over and over again

Ability to reset the fight unlimited times till they win or run away with zero consequence

Zero cool down on weapon skills. Why is the thief the ONLY class that has zero cool down on weapon skills and can spam the same weapon skill repeatedly?

Do any of the classes have access to all of the above? No..

It’s a funny excusesaying every class is unique bordering on the usual ‘L2P’ spouted by baddy thieves.

No worries..ppl will roll more thieves and thus others will quit the game thus affecting Anet/NcSoft’s cash flow and then they will act. By then, ESO is out.

Great decision by the bad devs -who came up with the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of the world- to continue to support this broken system against mass protests. Or maybe they can’t deal with it..I favor the latter.

Thieves need to be fixed or people not willing to play a cheap class did, are and will keep quitting.

You say all this, exaduration or not, and yet, thieves are competing with Ranger for worst class in PvE and Dungeons, are far from top in Spvp, pretty much only getting in on one gimmick build that doesn’t even focus on it’s stealth, and they’re only seen as a mobile blast finisher in WvW zerg battles (the ones that determine which server is the winner).

Also you’ve been riding on thief longer then anyone on the forums. What does that say about your credibility, when so many have overcome them?

You also ignore many other classes capable of thiefish feats (such as engie).

You don’t give a rip about balance, all you care about is seeing thieves stomped from existance.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


If you people were not ignorant and played one you would know better. Do your slow butt a favor and hop into spvp/tpvp with a thief and see how you do. Because you will be smashed sooo hard you will never play the class again. I know some kitten is going to say but they have 1sec longer reveal and your right they do, but the fights are 5v5 not 20 v thief and you can see how op they really are lol.

Do us all a favor and take some screens at the end of each match so we can see your score k/d and so on…. thanks!

Seriously. When it comes to PvP, thieves are overworked. I rolled a Necro just to see how the other side lives. Man, all I had to do was keep painting circles on the point and let my pets do all the work. What I was doing could hardly be described as Player vs Player so much as Player vs Point. Then I head back to my thief and had to start working again.

And on a side note, I am so sick of hearing people complain about D/P perma-stealth. You know what you can accomplish while maintaining this transcendental, godly state? MOAR STEALTH! It’s not like you go into stealth and wreck all who dare cross your invisible butt. It’s more like you go into stealth and… go into more stealth and… go into more stealth. WvW doesn’t score for kills for a reason. If the only thing your opponent is doing is perpetuating their own, lowly existence, then you’ve essentially beat them, as far as the rules are concerned.

Ok, so you can’t beat them to death while roaming? Well, you’re right, you get deprived of a bag. Almost like they… STOLE it from you. We should rename them thieves! The truth is, in sPvP and more so in WvW, getting your opponent to flee IS a win. And honestly, if you’re just roaming wvw looking for 1v1’s, loot probably isn’t your biggest concern. You could always do what I do when I’m looking for small-scale fights. Go to sPvP.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


How come every other class in the game can’t do what a thief does with stomping/reviving?

Because every class is not the same and they have differing roles? By your line of thinking every class should be able to do everything every other class can do with the same degree of capability. The thief is a rogue/assassin archetype that excels at picking off single targets, it only makes sense that they should have the best options when it comes to finishing wounded opponents. Your post is just as misguided as those in the thief forum complaining that they suck in zergs and die constantly when they try to mindlessly stack on the commander at the front of the hammer train.

Every other class has a different role yet the thief has access to cheap mechanics that are unstoppable?

Shadowstep stomping

Zero reveal on stealthing, dmg, cc etc does not reveal stealth

PERMANENT stealth with d/p thieves..None of the other classes has that

Unlimited access to a weapon skill with zero cool down to bypass cc and immobilize..NONE of the other classes has that.

Stealth stomping=completely nullifies some down states

Access to the ability to Always initiate combat on the thieve’s terms over and over again

Ability to reset the fight unlimited times till they win or run away with zero consequence

Zero cool down on weapon skills. Why is the thief the ONLY class that has zero cool down on weapon skills and can spam the same weapon skill repeatedly?

Do any of the classes have access to all of the above? No..

It’s a funny excusesaying every class is unique bordering on the usual ‘L2P’ spouted by baddy thieves.

No worries..ppl will roll more thieves and thus others will quit the game thus affecting Anet/NcSoft’s cash flow and then they will act. By then, ESO is out.

Great decision by the bad devs -who came up with the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of the world- to continue to support this broken system against mass protests. Or maybe they can’t deal with it..I favor the latter.

Thieves need to be fixed or people not willing to play a cheap class did, are and will keep quitting.

Yeah well I had to play other cheap classes to learn how to beat them. No excuse NOT to do that, Burnfall 2.0.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


Yeah well I had to play other cheap classes to learn how to beat them. No excuse NOT to do that, Burnfall 2.0.

Here are professional game balancer David Sirlin’s thoughts on “cheap classes” and those who make such accusations. (Can’t remember who linked to this the other day, but thanks! It wasa great read.)

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Yeah well I had to play other cheap classes to learn how to beat them. No excuse NOT to do that, Burnfall 2.0.

Here are professional game balancer David Sirlin’s thoughts on “cheap classes” and those who make such accusations. (Can’t remember who linked to this the other day, but thanks! It wasa great read.)

Already read it. Facts are none of the classes are cheap once you know how to handle them. For example, I kept getting ripped apart by mesmers in wvw until I made one and played with everything. Now I can almost safely guess a mesmer’s build by highlighting them.

Again, no excuse.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


Yeah well I had to play other cheap classes to learn how to beat them. No excuse NOT to do that, Burnfall 2.0.

Here are professional game balancer David Sirlin’s thoughts on “cheap classes” and those who make such accusations. (Can’t remember who linked to this the other day, but thanks! It wasa great read.)

Already read it. Facts are none of the classes are cheap once you know how to handle them. For example, I kept getting ripped apart by mesmers in wvw until I made one and played with everything. Now I can almost safely guess a mesmer’s build by highlighting them.

Again, no excuse.

Ah cool, all good then. And I wholeheartedly agree. Granted, from one update to the next things can swing one way or the other (looking at you, early July necros), but even then, every class can be beaten by understanding it.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: kamedin.4698


god I don’t know where to even start with this one.

1. I would love to see stealth stomping atleast changed, since it is saying that no matter what, you are dead, if you have an entire zerg with you or 1v1 not much is going to save your sorry kitten .

2. The belief that when you go down you should no chance. not totally true, if you are good enough (meaning lucky), i’ve had many a time where we both went down, and it was down to just those skills, so i think we should have a chance to get back up with them, if not, why even have that system when that was what they advertised?

just my opinion as everyone has already shared theirs.

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Some downed state skills don’t even need to see the target, like ranger aoe interrupt, […] The one and only stomp mechanic you should be complaining about is Mist Form stomp, as it literally has no counter and is unstoppable.

Little correction there. I moslty agree with your post (that I didn’t qoute). But ranger interrupt needs a target and then interrupts as AoE centering the target. And mistform stomp can be countered by stealth and teleport aka mesmers and thieves.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Why is this still up?

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Why is this still up?

No one has suggested any good cake or pie?

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Why is this still up?

No one has suggested any good cake or pie?

I just recently got addicted to southern pecan pie. So delicious.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: ilr.9675


Learn to play, don’t get downed in the first place.

Give us back our Monks and ally targeting, and that won’t be a problem…

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Theyre stealthed, not invincible. Just learn to counter it…

Thieves without stealth is like a mesmer without illusions.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

This thread is now about pie.

I like southern pecan pie. Simple to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking delicious.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

This thread is now about pie.

I like southern pecan pie. Simple to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking delicious.

I hope you add whiskey. Whiskey pecan pie.
Best. Pie. Evar.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Cynz.9437


in every game people cry about stealth, it is pathetic

if we start removing stealth, lets also remove shields, knockbacks, illusions etc.

you know what the game would come to? yeah one class having 3 spells: 1 simple attack, 1 block and 1 heal; who would play that game…

every class does have its advantages, every class has its unique spells

you think thieves have fun times vs other classes? not really

as for complains about stomping thieves, if i don’t have to stomp them i just kill them in downed state; problem solved

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

This thread is now about pie.

I like southern pecan pie. Simple to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking delicious.

I hope you add whiskey. Whiskey pecan pie.
Best. Pie. Evar.

I am more of a rum guy. That does sound good, though.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

This thread is now about pie.

I like southern pecan pie. Simple to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking delicious.

I hope you add whiskey. Whiskey pecan pie.
Best. Pie. Evar.

I am more of a rum guy. That does sound good, though.

Rum Cake with a nice rum butter icing.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The down state is fine as is. The only change in WvW is that mist form shouldn’t allow people to go through portals.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Theyre stealthed, not invincible. Just learn to counter it…

Thieves without stealth is like a mesmer without illusions.

He’s referring to downed state stomping. If you’re downed, and we’re acting like all 3 of the downed skills other than bandage are available and fully charged, stealth nullifies downed state defenses only for Rangers.

However if we’re not including the #3 being fully charged, then it nullifies downed state defenses for Ranger, Engineer, I think Necromancer (can’t remember if the #2 is direct target or not), and Warriors. Meaning that’s half of the classes unable to fight back or get away from the stealth stomp.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Morinmeth.9823


Oh look another thread created by those who know little of the class they complain about. Thief would never be able to secure kills if they weren’t able to do this or one one of their other stomp types. Also stopping a stealth stomp is not complicated. You can even manually aim your interrupt skills if you are experienced enough to know where they are standing while stomping you. Did they blind you first? Well throw an auto attack THEN your interrupt.

If you think you can win vs a skilled thief while in down state you are silly, even if you are a ranger. If you are trying to delay the thief so your friend can come save you, then manually aim your interrupt. Some downed state skills don’t even need to see the target, like ranger aoe interrupt, or engineer bomb blast. Also, it’s your friends job to stop the stomp. If the ally is too inexperienced to know when a stealth stomp is happening, sorry, tough luck. If the ally IS experienced, then they can easily interrupt and stop the thief, then res you.

Stealth stomping isn’t broken. Elixir S stomping isn’t even broken, and neither is stability stomping, shadow step stomp, distortion stomp, blind field stomp, they all have a counter. (interrupts, and boon strips) Sometimes you must interrupt the beginning of the stomp rather than the end of it, but there is almost ALWAYS a window of opportunity to interrupt on these types.

The one and only stomp mechanic you should be complaining about is Mist Form stomp, as it literally has no counter and is unstoppable.

TLDR? Stealth stomp isn’t the issue. Either you or your allies are inexperienced. Maybe instead of complaining about how someone is spiking you, you should be analyzing why you got downed in the first place and adjust your playstyle.

I main engi now, but have played almost every type of build imaginable on all classes. I used to main thief as well, but it’s more or less retired due to boredom. I have no issues with people stealth stomping.

I was about to type these

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Someone close this thread please. This thread isn’t creating healthy discussion because there is nothing to fix.

This thread is now about pie.

I like southern pecan pie. Simple to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking delicious.

I hope you add whiskey. Whiskey pecan pie.
Best. Pie. Evar.

I am more of a rum guy. That does sound good, though.

Rum Cake with a nice rum butter icing.

Oh man, I need to go to the Rum Runner in Nova Scotia again to get some rum cake now. (It’s just on the opposite side of the country from me.)

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


I’m a Thief, and I agree with this

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Yet again the quick to judge the forest to miss all the tress Thief defense comes out to play.

The problem with stealth stomping is not stealth in general, you are correct in that, but there is a huge problem with the EASE OF ACCESS to stealth. That is the problem.

As most of the fail Thieves have done in this thread, you can list all the invulnerability and stability skills in game if you want but the fact will remain that stealth stomp is by far more accessible, easier to do, and cost no where near as much to do (in terms of cool down and important skill use).

Start off with the typical argument turn too; the dreaded Elementalist “Mist Form” stomp. The Elementalist will have to save this skill just for the end of the battle to start with, while the Thief will have 0 problems with having “Black Powder” ready or “Cloak and Dagger” (+10000000 to Thieves).
The Elementalist skill has a actual cool down attached to the skill to make sure no spamming is involved with it, while the Thief can use “Black Powder” or “Cloak and Dagger” whenever they want (don’t give me the horrible, but it cost initiative bs, I have played Thief and there is no problem with initiative management. In fact, it is far to easy, so +2 or +3 to Thief).
Elementalist while in “Mist Form” can not be hit by anything, while the Thief can be hit by an AOE or UN-TARGETED ATTACKS while in stealth (a slight +1 to Elementalist but only if there is more than 1 person, if it is 1v1 it doesn’t matter as nearly all downed state ccs and general attacks require a target).

The fact remains, a Thief can stealth stomp countless times over what a Elementalist can “Mist Form” stomp, Warrior “Stability” and “Endure Pain” stomp, Mesmer “Distortion” stomp, Engineer “Elixir S” stomp, Guardian “Stability” stomp, etc etc.

This does not even bring into account the Thieves ability to start a stomp and shadow step away and back to finish the stomp to out range a cc.

To sum up, nothing is wrong with stealth stomping.

The problem lies in the heavily noob friendly stealth spamming this class is and will be forever. There should be draw backs for this kind of stealth and there is nothing but incentives in this game. It is broken and very stupid.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


This thread is about pie now. You are going off topic. :I

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


This thread is about pie now. You are going off topic. :I

I apologize, but I am more of a cake person anyway.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.6940


A lot of classes have stability to prevent certain downed skills working, perhaps the downed skills should be changed to work regardless?

Invisible kittening is my pet hate. Characters who are invisible should not be able to perform this act and at least a delay before they can do it when they become visible.

The supposed invisibility trap is worthless too. Then the number of times I’ve nearly killed a thief just to see them escape into invisibility and attack me again later is ridiculous. The devs really need to reconsider the whole issue of thieves and invisibility.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: tom.7468


Thief in its current state is really good. They are supreme spies. Their not suppose to be easy to catch or there would be no point in stealth. But thieves have to chose between damage or invincibility. They can stealth a lot in fights but a few aoe or burst and their dead. They cannot hit multiple 6k+ heartseekers and stealth at the same time. They have limited initiative. And there is a 3sec cooldown on stealth. Any more nerf to stealth now and theif is going to be subpar on everything in wvw.
Stealth stomping is not any better than , blind,block , stability, invulnerable etc stomps.
If you are seriously complaining about this, I’m pretty sure you are one of those guys who are stomping when its 10vs 1 instead of just dps.
Without stealth thieves would need 20k hp heavy armor and 50% more base damage.
Its better to just let them have stealth and be different from other professions.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Ikaros.7812


A lot of classes have stability to prevent certain downed skills working, perhaps the downed skills should be changed to work regardless?

Invisible kittening is my pet hate. Characters who are invisible should not be able to perform this act and at least a delay before they can do it when they become visible.

The supposed invisibility trap is worthless too. Then the number of times I’ve nearly killed a thief just to see them escape into invisibility and attack me again later is ridiculous. The devs really need to reconsider the whole issue of thieves and invisibility.

Sounds like you’re not only serious, you’re dead serious.

Banana And Cookies [BC]
all is vain

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


invincibility/invisibility stomping is pretty annoying, and probably shouldnt be a thing

at least in stability, you can be attacked

Can do damage but I still can’t help my team since I can’t CC to stop the stomp.

Stealth stomp is the easiest stomp to deal with and I can stop it with my CC.

Use an unaimed stun, dance around, use another one. There, the thief is running away or is downed himself. As a thief myself I just pistol whip the thief’s location when he’s trying to revive or finish someone.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


In my experience, reviving someone after the first down is a fraction of a second slower than stomping. If you start reviving right when the thief downs a player, the time it takes to CnD and stomp is actually too slow and the stomp will fail (happened literally thousands of times when I solo roam). I don’t think most players realize this though.

Second, Every class I can think of has multiple easy AoE/untargeted stuns and/or knock backs. Except ranger(?)

Assuming 2v2 (or 2v1), run to the downed player, stun, revive.

Or, if you have 2 revivers near you’ll win the race regardless of any other action.

If its 1v1 and you’re down, not even an argument.

Also, cheesecake is the only really good cake. Otherwise pie all the way.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

(edited by Zephyrus.9680)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


In my experience, reviving someone after the first down is a fraction of a second slower than stomping. If you start reviving right when the thief downs a player, the time it takes to CnD and stomp is actually too slow and the stomp will fail (happened literally thousands of times when I solo roam). I don’t think most players realize this though.

Second, Every class I can think of has multiple easy AoE/untargeted stuns and/or knock backs. Except ranger(?)

Assuming 2v2 (or 2v1), run to the downed player, stun, revive.

Or, if you have 2 revivers near you’ll win the race regardless of any other action.

If its 1v1 and you’re down, not even an argument.

Also, cheesecake is the only really good cake. Otherwise pie all the way.

I thought cheesecake was technically considered a pie…?

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


To all who are still complaining about this…. L2P!

Blackgate thief :)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


In my experience, reviving someone after the first down is a fraction of a second slower than stomping. If you start reviving right when the thief downs a player, the time it takes to CnD and stomp is actually too slow and the stomp will fail (happened literally thousands of times when I solo roam). I don’t think most players realize this though.

Second, Every class I can think of has multiple easy AoE/untargeted stuns and/or knock backs. Except ranger(?)

Assuming 2v2 (or 2v1), run to the downed player, stun, revive.

Or, if you have 2 revivers near you’ll win the race regardless of any other action.

If its 1v1 and you’re down, not even an argument.

Also, cheesecake is the only really good cake. Otherwise pie all the way.

I thought cheesecake was technically considered a pie…?


Also, cheese cake. a cake having a firm custardlike texture, made with cream cheese, cottage cheese, or both, and sometimes topped with a jamlike fruit mixture. "

^- take from ->

What’s next… people trying to say that ice cream cake isn’t cake either?

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


the ice creme part isnt :3

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


the ice creme part isnt

With that logic…

The meat in a meat pie isn’t pie.


Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –