Same Fate as Warhammer?

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


So, if things keep going the way they’re going, I get the feeling this game is going to die. It already feels quite dead in WvW. I’m on Stormbluff isles, I’m used to fighting JQQ and Henge. This week we got bumped down to fight Janthir and Blackgate. They’re currently ranked 5 and 6. The difference between being in the top 3 to fighting 4-6 is huge. There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers. This on top of the invisibility bug has basically made my entire 30 man guild stop WvWing.

There absolutely has to be a better WvW system. The ranking system now along with night capping and free transfers every other day is ridiculous. The only thing free transfers are doing is ruining WvW. People don’t like losing. They go to servers with higher ranks. They ruin queues for people originally on high rank servers. Then the people on the high rank server all have to leave to find a new server. This process is just going to keep happening over and over again. Look at Henge. All the best guilds left because of people transferring to it and ruining queue times.

Basically, merge all the tiny dead servers into one server. Fix the stupid invisibility problem you introduced on the 7th. I’d rather have it the way it was than not be able to see ANYTHING at all. Get rid of the stupid PvE mobs or at least make it so people can’t rally off of them. PLEASE PLEASE get rid of free transfers. It’s the ruin of this game. If someone hasn’t switched to a server with their friends by now then they’re probably not very good friends.

I’d really hate to see this game share the same fate as Warhammer. It has solid PvP and Thief is the only insanely faceroll easy mode no skill class as of right now. If you guys actually listen to the community for a change instead of instituting things you think might be better then I actually see this game lasting as long as Gw1.

Thank you for reading and thank you for all the flaming and bashing.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

they are probably going to have to merge servers if the population decreases, or you can switch to a more populated wvw realm.

it wont suffer wh’s fate simply because there’s no subscription, and because its done alot better than wh.

big part of this unbalance are the free server transfers. they need to be restricted to ONCE per match, not once per day.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Basically, merge all the tiny dead servers into one server.

So sorry, I just wish to comment on this one sentence. I have read more than one suggestion regarding server merging. I just wish to add some insight regarding this. Due to the nature of the WvWvW, the number of server must be multiplication of three, otherwise there will be server that can’t join a WvWvW. So the logical merge is not merging tiny server into one server. It’s to remove one bracket. So in US, there are 21 servers. Merge rank 19 into 18, Rank 20 into 17, rank 21 into 16.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


Screw that. Let’s just make it this way. No transferring to a high pop or full pop server. Make transfers cost 20$+ and make it a limit to once a month.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


Yeah, I’m fine with your idea Squeal. Just give players another option outside of the top 3 servers. PvP elsewhere is far too boring. There needs to be a healthy population throughout all servers. If there was there wouldn’t be such an influx on the popular few.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


Well actually IoJ and BG started off with full on all maps on the weekend after SBI started to take over lots of places and it became clear we were always holding 380+ points players stopped for the week kind of like on SBI no one went last week against HoD/JQ we had no queues, many people from BG/IoJ have complained people have given up

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


Yeah, it’s not fun playing against people that give up. Also, Ignicity, let’s 1v1 in WvW I’ll stream it. Everyone can watch

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


Yea, when my ego gets bruised I resort to empty fight club threats too.


On topic (for the sake of the moderator) : I don’t think this game shares the same fate as Warhammer.

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Dredj.4025


The ultimate thing I think hurts GW2 are the queues for the END GAME content. I’m British, and as a nation we love queueing, but not when it cost’s £39.99.

GW2 will eventually take a nose dive but won’t fall into obscurity like Warhammer did.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Not likely..

I could see my opponent in Warhammer Online, so it’s already doing worse.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Vigil.3408


The combat in Guild Wars 2 is a lot better than Warhammer ever was. The clunky combat in WAR is what killed it for me. That said; the end game progression was A LOT better in WAR than what Guild Wars will ever be. Guild Wars doesn’t really have any progression. At least in WAR you had traits and stats you could invest in.

As far as the servers – I’m yet to see this problem. I totally agree that server mergers hurt the community, though. I still can’t believe they allow people to do it.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


The difference is… GW is not in EA’s pocket. Warhammer got the shaft when the devs were pulled to do SWTOR. EA = poison to MMO longevity.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I Warhammer Online had three factions instead of two, GW2 combat (But kept collision detection) and classes, and wasn’t bought out and ruined by EA it would still be played today.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


They must have been doing some live updates or something because the last couple days were not as bad as the first two. There is a claim that it was removed on last night’s patch.

Let us look at what caused other MMOs to dwindle:
Ultima Online - player killing run rampant
Everquest - stuck in its time
DAoC - unnecessary nerfs, over-use of cc, breaking from Mythic ethos with new devs
World of Warcraft - running with the profits, time cap
Warhammer - creeping death from lack of support, divergent ideas, and listening to the wrong players
Rift - A fascinating one day spectacle followed by diminishing spectacle returns

Can someone fill us in on the others? It all comes down to poor content. It starts with taking content away from players, and modifying what the game started with. It’s evident by players feeling unheard. It’s sealed when devs change over to a team with no power or ability to repair or update.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: FrozeNuggz.7219


Warhammer was a fun game with bad support and a horrible corp buy out, Rift i really enjoyed but they lacked serious open world PVP, GW2 a huge world for PVE plagued by the death of a million bugs and the best open world combat system seen in a decade but killed by the current invisible player graphic crisis and the lack someone in ANET with the common sense to keep its player base informed about their response to it with the end result being we are all leaving to play other games, and some might be back, some wont be back.

Shaniquia Johnson – Frozenuggz [KnT] Blackgate

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


i really doubt guild wars 2 planned on keeping many people for a long time. it was meant for casual play now and then like Dota 2 or league of legends. Once you’re 80 and dont want a legendary you’ll realize how little there is to do aside from helping pugs dungeon in their magic find gear or just getting run over an invisible zerg in wvw.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Warhammer is fine as it is. We don’t want you, we don’t need you. Last think we need is to have a bunch of Zerging, whining clowns back.

Nidwinqq RR92 Magus (The Murder Junkies) badlands

No for server merges.
We transfered to RoS to make sure we don’t have any queues anymore, and hopefully never will again. If you want or need more peeps on your server, advertize and find them somewhere. Leave the ones having tons of fun every evening on their little servers alone.

Nidwina lvl80 Mesmer (Les Billouman) RoS.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Terok.7315


There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

I’m thinking you equate player skill with massive numbers rampaging across all time zones. I have far more respect for the individual skill of Janthir enemies than I do Storm.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


on SBI no one went last week against HoD/JQ we had no queues, many people from BG/IoJ have complained people have given up

Isn’t it kind of your own fault you fell to a less fun bracket if you didn’t show up to fight last week?

And I think the only “game is doomed” problem WvW has right now is the invisible armies. This week was even worse than normal, so I just skipped WvW this week. They’ll get it fixed, but the engine screwing them up is 3rd-party culling stuff. It always takes a while to coordinate for solutions with outside companies, so just be patient.

For free transfers, I still think it makes sense just to disable WvW until the match resets. There are other parts of the game outside of WvW (I know, probably not to most of us talking in this forum), so I think our suggestions should really try to minimize impact on the other aspects of the game.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

SBI just shouldn’t have been paired with the 2 servers it is paired against atm.
SBI is too stronk for us and has way more W3 guilds.
IoJ and BG are somewhat comparable in strength, but SBI belongs in higher tier (shows when you drop from Tier 1 against #6)

So yes, like in all matches where 1 side is dominating you get empty maps on the other 2 sides.
Bad matchup leads to no fun fights.

Last week BG vs Fort Aspenwood vs Dragonbrand, the points were within 10k of each side for the 1st half of the week, the maps were almost always full until BG became dominant and took over full map, then you only had a few organized guilds and some pugs come in now and then to stir things up and leave

It’s not the game, but the people

Basically, the gap between top 4 servers and anything below is too big, and as #4 always ends up vs #5 and 6 you get this roflstomp scenario

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Zagz.6402


This mentality is 100% Backwards.

Solution to your problem? Move to another server.

[Tempest Wolves]

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


This mentality is 100% Backwards.

Solution to your problem? Move to another server.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


This mentality is 100% Backwards.

Solution to your problem? Move to another server.

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: fathamburger.8453


I’m glad I’m not the only one having that reaction either. I just transferred from ET (left Ruin) onto Fort Aspenwood to “retire”/reunite with some friends / find some more strategic and tactical players / see a glimmer of potential there and yeah my initial 15 minute assessment was that skill level was very low. Abysmally low.

Tier 2 just has problem with consistency and turnout but when I showed up in EB where people were getting spawn camped.. there were about 8 people being spawn camped by maybe around 12-15. A ballista and a push would have done the job. Instead i ask around.. does anyone have supply? I have a ballista (actually have at least 2 of everything up to and including a trebuchet at all times), no answer.. hmm maybe the worst case is that these people don’t even know what supply is! I decided to plop down a ballista just to get the measure of how these guys are.. NO one came out to build it, and SoS spent about 3 mins just staring at the build site before someone came out to kill it lol. I’ve never seen 10s go up in smoke so fast.

Anyhow yeah.. there does seem to be a big gap, but apparently the game between Tier 2 and Tier 3 is even wider.

Woman Scorned – 80 Sylvari Elementalist
OMG U Noobs – 80 Norn Guardian
Jade Quarry server

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Yes it’s turning into Warhammer.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I love how people make all these threats but have absolutely no clue how to compare them.

Warhammer died for 5 major reasons:

1. It wasn’t WOW and tons of WOW players joined, forcing them to buy infastructure for these players, who then left because it wasn’t WOW.

2. EA catered to these players (the wrong players) to make the game more WOW-like instead. This catered to an unwinnable crowd and alienated everyone else.

3. WvW had lackluster implementation and issues.

4. AOE was out of control in WvW.

5. The biggest pride point of capital takes was broken. Their engine couldn’t handle it and their servers couldn’t handle it. People often intentionally crashed servers on purpose as a means of defending.

GW 2 does not suffer any of these crippling problems, just some bugs and the normal growing pains.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

say what you want, people are still figthing in Warhammer nowadays, more than 4 years later

as things are going now, I dont picture many people bothering to queue for WvW 1 year from now….

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


They’re currently ranked 5 and 6. The difference between being in the top 3 to fighting 4-6 is huge.

Well yah, cause everyone who was serious about WvW transferred to the top 2-3 servers. Now they outnumber and faceroll everyone else unless they play each other.

These people have no one to blame but themselves…

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


GW2 shouldn’t be used in the same sentence as the steaming pile of dung called Warhammer…

@ OP, Simply… NO.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

How many wvw games were actually successful?

I hear conan lost so many players in the first three months probably a good 7/8ths of them.

You say warhammer failed.

I’d like to see the amount of games that failed with wvw than those that actually succeeded, and I heard wow even removed it’s wvw but added it back. I think arenanet has been trying to make one that succeeds in this area due to so many failures. I also think they should add in new formats especially the one that defines what the guildwars title means.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


Warhammer is fine as it is. We don’t want you, we don’t need you. Last think we need is to have a bunch of Zerging, whining clowns back.

Nidwinqq RR92 Magus (The Murder Junkies) badlands

No for server merges.
We transfered to RoS to make sure we don’t have any queues anymore, and hopefully never will again. If you want or need more peeps on your server, advertize and find them somewhere. Leave the ones having tons of fun every evening on their little servers alone.

Nidwina lvl80 Mesmer (Les Billouman) RoS.

Nerf Magus!

<3 Nidwin always trying your hardest on that kitten kitten toon

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: ecwoodrow.7034


Why would Anet listen to their players opinions, when those players are completely incapable of getting basic facts straight. Like the fact that most transfers have been from winning/high queue servers to losing/low queue servers, or that most servers have high/full populations and server transfers would therefore be impossible.

Atsug Em – [RvR] – lvl 80 Engineer – IoJ
Tryggon Gathol – [RvR] – lvl 80 Warrior – IoJ
Sechnal – [RvR] – lvl 80 Ranger – IoJ

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Hey Tklees.

Yep, I still <3 my Magus, even if Mythic’s going to nerf her again so badly. Anyway.

I’ve to admit that the Mesmer is a very good GW2 Magus and I enjoy playing her. It’s somewhere a mix of Zealot + Magus, perfect for my kind of gameplay. Say hello to everyone mate and catch ya around.

On Topic
I don’t think GW2 is going to die anytime soon, but I think there’s going to be a lost of interrest in WvW in the near future for a lot of players. It’s still all shiny at the moment, let’s wait and see.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Highlet.8039


The only similarity I see to GW2 and WAR is that amount of whining spewing from players. Seriously, you people are never happy and nothing is ever good enough.

There are some problems right now, but they for the most part, have been acknowledged and fixes are in the works or have already been implemented. After one month, attempting to draw similarities to the train wreck that was WAR and GW2 is a bit drastic.

Also, anyone calling combat in WAR “WvW” did not play WAR which makes it very hard to take any point put forth after said statement seriously.

Aside: Hello TK and Nidwin.

(edited by Highlet.8039)

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Everquest is not dead, they just released expansion pack 19. I have stopped playing it because they have changed the game to be MORE like todays games. It lasted 7 years as the number one MMO game. It offends me you put it on the death of list :P

Was and will always be the best ever MMO, GW2 is the next best imo.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


I’ll add 3….

LOTRO went F2P then quickly to P2W

Aion Korean grinder, nuff said

ToR failed miserably with open world PvP

I think what some peoples problem is that they think there is winning and losing in WvWvW. Read the forums, the people on the bottom and in the middle tiers are having a blast! Have fun with winning!!!11!!!!

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

I’m thinking you equate player skill with massive numbers rampaging across all time zones. I have far more respect for the individual skill of Janthir enemies than I do Storm.

100% agree, there is zero skill in massively outnumbering both servers 24/7 in all borderlands, if either BG or IOJ had even half the numbers of Storm it would’ve been a much different week.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


So, if things keep going the way they’re going, I get the feeling this game is going to die. It already feels quite dead in WvW. I’m on Stormbluff isles, I’m used to fighting JQQ and Henge. This week we got bumped down to fight Janthir and Blackgate. They’re currently ranked 5 and 6. The difference between being in the top 3 to fighting 4-6 is huge. There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers. This on top of the invisibility bug has basically made my entire 30 man guild stop WvWing.

There absolutely has to be a better WvW system. The ranking system now along with night capping and free transfers every other day is ridiculous. The only thing free transfers are doing is ruining WvW. People don’t like losing. They go to servers with higher ranks. They ruin queues for people originally on high rank servers. Then the people on the high rank server all have to leave to find a new server. This process is just going to keep happening over and over again. Look at Henge. All the best guilds left because of people transferring to it and ruining queue times.

Basically, merge all the tiny dead servers into one server. Fix the stupid invisibility problem you introduced on the 7th. I’d rather have it the way it was than not be able to see ANYTHING at all. Get rid of the stupid PvE mobs or at least make it so people can’t rally off of them. PLEASE PLEASE get rid of free transfers. It’s the ruin of this game. If someone hasn’t switched to a server with their friends by now then they’re probably not very good friends.

I’d really hate to see this game share the same fate as Warhammer. It has solid PvP and Thief is the only insanely faceroll easy mode no skill class as of right now. If you guys actually listen to the community for a change instead of instituting things you think might be better then I actually see this game lasting as long as Gw1.

Thank you for reading and thank you for all the flaming and bashing.

GW2 WvW is way more fun than Warhammer RvR ever was.

The servers are ranked for a reason. It just so happens there are four top servers, so one has to drop down each week and fight easier opponents. The tier 1 reject rolling over the other tier 2 servers is not a new thing. It’s happened since week 1.

Those tier 2 servers are by no means under-populated, they are full or high all of the time. They just have more players who are not interested in WvW.

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


Why would Anet listen to their players opinions, when those players are completely incapable of getting basic facts straight. Like the fact that most transfers have been from winning/high queue servers to losing/low queue servers, or that most servers have high/full populations and server transfers would therefore be impossible.

Dear Fanboi,

You’re delusional…

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: ecwoodrow.7034


There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

I’m thinking you equate player skill with massive numbers rampaging across all time zones. I have far more respect for the individual skill of Janthir enemies than I do Storm.

100% agree, there is zero skill in massively outnumbering both servers 24/7 in all borderlands, if either BG or IOJ had even half the numbers of Storm it would’ve been a much different week.

While it may be true that there is no skill in zerging, don’t think that means SBI’s players are unskilled. From my experience over the last week their players are much more skilled that ET’s were the week before. Even if it we had their numbers it wouldn’t be an easy fight, though it would be a fun one.

Atsug Em – [RvR] – lvl 80 Engineer – IoJ
Tryggon Gathol – [RvR] – lvl 80 Warrior – IoJ
Sechnal – [RvR] – lvl 80 Ranger – IoJ

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

I’m thinking you equate player skill with massive numbers rampaging across all time zones. I have far more respect for the individual skill of Janthir enemies than I do Storm.

100% agree, there is zero skill in massively outnumbering both servers 24/7 in all borderlands, if either BG or IOJ had even half the numbers of Storm it would’ve been a much different week.

While it may be true that there is no skill in zerging, don’t think that means SBI’s players are unskilled. From my experience over the last week their players are much more skilled that ET’s were the week before. Even if it we had their numbers it wouldn’t be an easy fight, though it would be a fun one.

rofl, they absolutely are. Watching 15+ LOD with some pugs wiping to 9 pug, same goes for that DD guild. puh-lease.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


. I’m on Stormbluff isles, I’m used to fighting JQQ and Henge. This week we got bumped down to fight Janthir and Blackgate. They’re currently ranked 5 and 6. The difference between being in the top 3 to fighting 4-6 is huge. There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

You should really step back and read this nonsense you just wrote
Extremely low player skill?
You should be ashamed of yourself
Coming from a server who got bumped down
Could you imagine your reaction if a player from JQ or HoD came out and said Oh well SBI shouldnt be in the same bracket as us because of their low player skill.

Well I guess you will have a chance to test out your “player skill” this week

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


. I’m on Stormbluff isles, I’m used to fighting JQQ and Henge. This week we got bumped down to fight Janthir and Blackgate. They’re currently ranked 5 and 6. The difference between being in the top 3 to fighting 4-6 is huge. There is almost no resistance and extremely low player skill on those two servers.

You should really step back and read this nonsense you just wrote
Extremely low player skill?
You should be ashamed of yourself
Coming from a server who got bumped down
Could you imagine your reaction if a player from JQ or HoD came out and said Oh well SBI shouldnt be in the same bracket as us because of their low player skill.

Well I guess you will have a chance to test out your “player skill” this week

I have to agree, BG and Janthir do well when they have the population presence. BG seems to be more of a mid day server and pretty much dominate during that time. During primetime, they seem to only have enough to fight on one map. They do quite well on that map. The other two are barren and they are not a factor.

Janthir seems to do well in fights also. Their population high/low seems more inline with Storm but they just don’t seem to have as much. In the maps where they do have a presence, they do well.

Neither server folded and kept up a good fight. Some of the best individual players I fought so far in this game have been from Janthir. I usually win 99% of my one on one’s in WvW with my totally kitten condition rifle warrior, but they had two people I fought that I could not beat. These guys would dodge at the right times, block, and had enough condition removal to render me useless. I couldn’t even out run that kitten Engineer. You know who you are

WvW is more about population that anything in this game. Winning and losing mean very little because you have no control over the population for the most part.

As far as this game dying, it never will. It is free. Sure the servers will get smaller. Those other games had big budgets and promised to much. When they didn’t produce results, they pulled the plug. That will not happen with GW2. Until someone copies the WvW, I don’t see people that like massive combat leaving.

(edited by Ljiona.9142)

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


If they don’t fix the player culling/Invisible enemy issue in Wv3, then Wv3 will die. This latest fix DID NOT fix the issue. And the majority of players that want true competition and massive combat are not going to put up with it much longer

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I’ll keep putting up with it, as long as tab target still works.

Strategies ARE slightly limited to AoE this way, AoE that way… and large flanking maneuvers. The more numbers the safer you are, else you might end up in 40 guys invis. With 40 around you, then the damage is spread out due to the AoE cap.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


Ljiona, were any of them an elementalist that take a bow after a 1v1 fight?

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


The only similarity I see to GW2 and WAR is that amount of whining spewing from players. Seriously, you people are never happy and nothing is ever good enough.

There are some problems right now, but they for the most part, have been acknowledged and fixes are in the works or have already been implemented. After one month, attempting to draw similarities to the train wreck that was WAR and GW2 is a bit drastic.

Also, anyone calling combat in WAR “WvW” did not play WAR which makes it very hard to take any point put forth after said statement seriously.

Aside: Hello TK and Nidwin.

Thats why i am sitting here laughing at people comparing this game to War. The sPvP is completely different. Same applies to WvWvW. But bads will be bads in any game. Game is less than 2 months old folks give it some time before you jump to the next big thing. Unless Pandas are your favorite animal. Then i completely understand.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Whisper TSP.8706

Whisper TSP.8706

I think what some peoples problem is that they think there is winning and losing in WvWvW. Read the forums, the people on the bottom and in the middle tiers are having a blast! Have fun with winning!


Makes me think there’s a maturity component to this formula as well. Some folks are content to have a good time during their matches and not threaten to cut themselves over the score at the end of the week.

Sure people like to do well and win, that is a given. Having said that, I think there is a larger, less vocal on the forums, segment of the GW2 player base that have enough depth and experience in MMOs to not speculate on the entire fate of the game based entirely on how panda-grade sad™ they feel on any given Friday night.

Fix the mechanics, then we can get back to talking about how to evolve the WvW user experience for consistency, longevity and sustainable replay value past points on a scoreboard.

Everything is kind of moot until they unbreak BGs.


Whisper Keelhauler
Commander in The Shipwrecked Pirates
Tarnished Coast –

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: Fudge.9527


Yeah, I’m fine with your idea Squeal. Just give players another option outside of the top 3 servers. PvP elsewhere is far too boring. There needs to be a healthy population throughout all servers. If there was there wouldn’t be such an influx on the popular few.

There are plenty of options outside of the top 3-4 servers. Ask the people in the Shiverpeaks vs. Yak’s Bend vs. Sanctum of Rall matchup if they’re bored with WvW. That match has been a virtual 3-way tie all week.

You are making assumptions about this game based solely on your particular WvW matchup. If your guild is bored, transfer to Dragonbrand, Crystal Desert, BG or IoJ; help bridge that gap between tiers 1 and 2.

Same Fate as Warhammer?

in WvW

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for the feedback.