Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Furanku.1654


Hello I am the guild leader of Fallen Lords a med sized guild that does WvW constantly. We are in Sanctum of Rall, as the title suggests and I did not know where to really put this rant however, since it pertains to WvW I decided to place it here.

(to the rant)

Fallen Lords since alpha and early launch as been in WvW Daily fighting against all odds unfair and fair as other guilds and players did their leveling in PvE. We understood people wanted to do PvE content as we got rolled in the daily matches but we stood firm and fought anyway. I and my officers have attempted to forage guild alliances because we are a world and as such we need to unite to win in WvW its not up to a single guild or a small group of guilds to win in WvW, it’s a servers job to pull together and fight as one.

I face constant bashing, trolling and just plan kitten people day in and day out. However, what does the trolling do? Nothing you just bring the servers moral down, be more a positive force in our world. I thrive for a time when big guilds will toss their unneeded egos aside and work with the other guilds on the server because all your doing is creating a rift between the server and wvw guilds.

Overall, this is my plea for the big guilds who are not already working with FL and the SoR-Alliance to come join in. Its easy and simple to start working together. We are all teammates, no enemies. No one is better or less skilled than another.

Fallen Lords is an SoR Guild, and will stay on SoR for better or worse. Even though we face guilds who disrespect or troll what we are doing we stand firm and will march for the 1# World Slot.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Ardelin.9543


I can’t imagine why people on your server have no respect for you guys, note that I couldn’t manage to get the other 3 corpses in this screenshot. It was pretty funny watching you guys try to gank 2 people with 6 though. Somehow I knew this would come in handy some day.


Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Furanku.1654


^ i.e of trolling.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Ardelin.9543


Not even trolling, I just think it’s funny because the only reason I remember your guild is because of how bad they were. Good luck with whatever it is you guys are trying to accomplish though.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Spartyr.6795


Not even trolling, I just think it’s funny because the only reason I remember your guild is because of how bad they were. Good luck with whatever it is you guys are trying to accomplish though.

Ok, classless then? Yeah, we’ll go with that…

I can vouch that I’ve seen you on since the very beginning Furanku, and I’ve also seen you take a lot of heat in /team, and I’m not exactly sure why. Some people see Commander icon as an iWin button, and when that doesn’t just happen, people get ticked off.

Easier to pess on the commander than face the fact that you might just suck yourself.

Spartyr – Norn Thief
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018



The reason why people bash you and your guild in game is for the following.

-Zerg Guild: Spamming guild invites to anyone that walks by, constantly spamming in lions and in the WvW lakes that your guild is recruiting.
-Trying to get all guilds to disband and join your guild, to have one mega zerg guild.
-Not earning your commander books. 1000 gems currently buys like 3 gold, how much RL cash did you spend for your zerg book?
-Wasting Slots in the WvW/EB: having your guild meetings in the WvW for hours, taking up much needed slots which could be used for active players.
-Misleading the pugs with you commander title
-Telling Pugs to follow you instead of the commanders that are currently in the lake leading

Many of the good guilds in SoR, such as VIG, EPIC, FMC, WAR, just to name a few, leave any borderlands you and your zerg join, because you instantly do something foolish the moment you enter the battle field.

Now don’t get me wrong, zerg guilds have their much needed place, you are perfect for throwing bodies at a door over and over again(not actually setting up a ram or anything) while the guilds with tactics go make a difference using you and your guild as a distraction.

Here is some advice, talk less, spam less, and just lead your guild in /g chat. People that see you taking an active roll will most likly follow you into battle, and then want to join your guild.

My guild does not recruit, we play the game, we are in the battle field, and we get a constant feed of players looking to join us… why? because we are fighting a long side them in the field, and not in the spawncamp spamming recruit messages.

Anywho, if you want to make a name for yourself, and your guild, get off SoR, and join the server on the bottom of the list, and bring it to the top!

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


I have seen some of the issues presented by the above poster, usually tend to take my crew to other boaderland when this happens

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Furanku.1654


So many points to touch on testpig.
1. We offer guild events since we are a WvW guild, we recruit in wvw. . . wow holy kitten.
2. 20 people working together means its a zerg… holy kitten Epic must be the mega zerg.
3. We all stood up and raised our command sigil by grinding EB-Supply run.
4. Yes, god forbid, we wait for our group together and form before running into the masses like an idoit. Sorry if you like repair bills by all means, run forward!
5 / 6. If you don’t like how any of the commander’s in FL lead, please earn yourself a commander tag and try and lead. If you have one why havent’ you lead yet?

Honestly; Its easy to point blame and turn a nice post about the server working together as a flame. I’m utterly sadden by your lack of world spirit.

VIG, FMC and many other guilds work with us. We are just like anyone else, we work as a guild don’t like us? Oh well there are 10 other servers you can goto.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: LJimbox.6391


A guild that recruits people? Thats terrible, why would anybody recruit!

A screenshot of dead corpses at the ledge of the borderlands jumping puzzle where people jump down with 1% health! kitten you owned all of them?! Thats siiick.

Furanku – don’t feed the trolls.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Ardelin.9543


A screenshot of dead corpses at the ledge of the borderlands jumping puzzle where people jump down with 1% health! kitten you owned all of them?! Thats siiick.

That’s nowhere near the waterfall ledge, good try though. That’s actually right at the end of the platform before the first jump, every single one of them regened to full.

People don’t respect bad guilds and the only solution to that is to step up and get better, not go cry on the forums.

(edited by Ardelin.9543)

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Not all of the trolling, bashing, etc is necessary…..

Having said that…

Your guild has definately left a bad impression on a lot of people. Most noticably (for me) was when we were losing in last week’s matchup and Novus was saying in map chat how the entire server of Rall couldn’t pvp to save their life. We were all horrible pvp’ers and we should just give up.

Stuff like that leaves a very bad impression for your guild. If this was just once incident it wouldn’t matter. However there’s been quite a few things which stick out in my mind.

As others have said though, saying things on the forums is one thing. Doing things in game is another. If you want respect from the server, earn it.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


This thread should be deleted. It will just bait needless guild drama. Already, other servers are jumping in trolling you.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I can’t say I’ve seen FL in WvW as a group, only 2 or 3 roaming. I guess you guys aren’t online much after midnight. I do remember seeing a couple of your members saying how bad our server was in team chat and generally being abusive, maybe that’s why you’re having problems. Like I said though, I don’t recall any overly active presence of FL that stands out. Most of the guilds in WvW when I’m online are HF, WU, EPIC and VIG and we work together well, our offpeak commanders work together and share the responsibility.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: MegaExAiDSyphillix.3940


You’re a hypocrite furanku, everything you say right now go against everything you do in game, your member trash talk in WvW, you yourself have a huge ego and you lead with a ego, you and your member have done nothing for SoR but trash the server when we are losing, and when we are winning you guys go and take all the credit, one of your member said “FL is opening the way for SoR”, yeah right the other guilds like EPIC, GSCH, VIG,HF are really opening the way for SoR cause they actually TRY and don’t leave in the middle of defending a garrison to do a jump puzzle.

NICE TRY FURANKU, you little hypocrite.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Isredel.4302


I’d like to see some screenshots of these incidents.

And I’d also like to hear from representatives of VIG, GSCH, EPIC, FMC, and WAR though I doubt some would comment.

Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community

(edited by Isredel.4302)

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Kawloon Fuathach.3807

Kawloon Fuathach.3807

Sorry but, VIG, GSCH, FMC, EPIC, WAR and all the other productive guilds are currently too busy to post in this thread, as they are busy making a difference in WvW.

Wilhelm The Pursuer

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Icecat.4528


SoR has nearly no oceanic presence so we are night capped every week by any server we face that has a large wvw oceanic presence. FOO guild is doing this to us this week.

Short of a total redesign or forced redistribution of oceanic players across US servers (anet will do neither of these) SoR is always going to be a 2nd tier server in wvw.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

This whole thread brings disrespect to our server and the person it was named for, honestly you all should be ashamed of how we act in WvW. My guild can’t stand going in anymore because not only do we have to deal with the night capping but now we have to deal with unending drama and I’m not pointing to a specific guild, you all do it. Stop disrepecting our server and either learn to work together or stop posting your dirty laundry all over the forums.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Foghladha.2506


I agree with Nay. We need to move past this. Fallen Lords has their ways and nothing says you have to follow them. If you don’t like their lead feel free to start up a group or follow another. Not everyone’s playstyle is the same. Some people like the high stress warefare, others… well were old enough to fight the grey hair.

Each playstyle has it place but I would like to request that when things go bad, please please please, stop pointing fingers, stop accusing the other side of cheating, stop tearing each other down.

We as a community need to stand together, build each other, and put our best foot forward. It’s only through Defeat that we learn. But we only learn if were looking for the “Why” and “How”. Pay attention to where things went wrong and avoid it in the future. But at no time knock your brothers and sisters down.

If you beat down your own force eventually you’ll be left with nobody to watch you back. Pick each other up when we fall, learn from our defeats, and build a strong community that can endure. Theres no room for bickering and blame pointing. Only room for growth.

Quite honestly if you can’t see the future of a united Sanctum of Rall you might want to transfer to a server you can believe in. Burning bridges just ensures you end up on an island.

Lets stop the blame game and move forward.

Benjamin “Foghladha.2506” Foley
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Hawkens.3894


Drama. Drama. Drama. Drama.

I would also appreciate it if you guys stopped with the petty bickering and quit dragging our Server’s name through the dirt. It’s getting old in W3 chat in game as well.

Get over yourselves and start working together.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


How about everyone relax, and have some fun.
Gangnam Style :P

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Icecat we have plenty of players in WvW during Oceanic time and we are going quite well ever since we fought back against Darkhaven.

FL, I have no problem with you guys at all. Like I said earlier, I haven’t seen much of you in WvW when I’m online but the guys that are online are good fun to play with. I did hear rumours but that is neither here nor there, I can only form an opinion of what I see and the guys I have played with were fine and we had a good laugh last night. Lets move on from this and turn our blades out not in.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: kKagari.6804


I hate FL. They’ve done nothing beneficial for SoR.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Isredel.4302


The only things I could say are about these three points:

“-Zerg Guild: Spamming guild invites to anyone that walks by, constantly spamming in lions and in the WvW lakes that your guild is recruiting.

-Trying to get all guilds to disband and join your guild, to have one mega zerg guild.

-Wasting Slots in the WvW/EB: having your guild meetings in the WvW for hours,
taking up much needed slots which could be used for active players."

Now if these three in particular are true, then I can see that a lot of the anger towards FL is justified.

As for the first point, I don’t care what you do in LA. But in WvW if you’re spamming recruitment messages, then any relevant WvW chatter gets scrolled up for people who are actually reading it. In fact, if you did this while I was playing, I’d have blocked you immediately. There are far more important things that could be said in WvW than, “Such and such guild is recruiting.”

On the other hand, if you’re just saying, “Hey. FL is doing a guild event here.” Then that’s okay. So long as you aren’t being disruptive.

On the second point, trying to get guilds to disband is.. If anything a major disrespect to those guilds and something no one but the officers/leaders of said guilds should even talk about.

On the third point. If you are having your guild meetings in WvW then you are wasting valuable space for other players to come in and fight. In WvW it’s either, “lead, follow, or get out.” Holding a guild meeting in WvW is not productive to WvW. It just wastes space. I’m pretty sure a lot of players in SoR would appreciate it if your guild held a meeting before going into WvW.

Lastly, if your guild does in fact have members that are “talking crap” about SoR, then that overall hurts your guild’s reputation. Big time. Now, like I said. I don’t know if any of these are true or not since no one has yet to post even a screenshot. That said, this anger has to come from somewhere.

Viktor Rageclaw: Seaimpin na Cu, (Officer)
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I believe the guild recruitment spam is coming from another guild (I wont name names)
I have never seen FL spam guild recruitment in LA or WvW but I do know that the spammer is not them.

Sanctum of Rall - Fallen Lords

in WvW

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

Thanks for your contribution. However, this thread has gone already off-topic and rampant and therefore we will proceed to close it. Remember that we are all here to have fun and that posting in a respectful tone helps a great deal the community.

Thanks for your understanding.