[KnT] – Blackgate
Sanctum of Rall I Blackgate I Isle of Janthir
[KnT] – Blackgate
Well done IoJ…..I was in EBG for 10 minutes and saw you guys using speed hacks….and stealth hacks to hold a supply camp…we had 20 ppl on that camp and couldn’t take it cause of a speed hacker and perma-stealth hacker…..GG, go L2P
Here is how you could have said the same thing in a manner that would have been far more effective.
“I was just playing on EBG and while trying to take [name of supply camp], there was a player from the IoJ server that appeared to be using speed/stealth hacks. This person managed to stop 20 of us from capping the supply camp due to this. We tried reporting the person, but because of the nature of the hacks, we never had enough time to apply the report function. If you guys could keep an eye out for this player and hopefully report him if you find that he is indeed using either hacks or an exploit, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.”
Insulting an entire server is not going to make them want to help with the issue.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
BG has to earn it’s reputation back.
BG’s reputation is perfectly fine.
A world’s reputation is not based on the rantings of a handful of people posting continuously on forums that are read by less than 1% of the in-game community.
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl
Wow, you have us pegged exactly. Now that you have successfully called us out, everyone on BG might as well fess up to other nefarious behavior you might have missed. I’ll start:
When we took your garrison early this week I personally:
- Washed my hands with the decorative soaps in the Garrison bath room
- Repeatedly opened and closed the Water Gate even though it had a sign that said "Keep this gate closed at all times
- Drank the last cup of coffee in the Lord’s Break room without brewing a fresh pot
I will understand if these deeds leave you to outraged to properly compete next week.
Its okay – we have staff that looks after that. Its all part of our friendly concierge service at SOR.
I’m surprised your server can’t afford such perks.
We spend all our moneys on mass golems ^.^ huehuehue
We will one day find the lands where BG keeps their army of Golems and make sure we pour water over their gears so they rust on you.
Though IoJ is a close 2nd I must admit.
I think it was TEST on opening night who used 10 golems to take briar.
We rushed Garrison last night on the SoR borderlands with 10ish golems while they were taking Ascension Bay ^.^
Trade off was worth it because we found 4 empty SoR golems sitting inside hehe.
Ok so this is in no way me speaking for anyone or my server, this is my thoughts only. Blackgate and IoJ you guys are great servers to fight against. Probably one of or the toughest I have ever fought against and I thank you for that. Don’t let the thoughts or actions of others bring you guys down. You guys are great at what you guys do, you would have to be to be tier 1 or 2. So keep up the good work and I hope to be a part of some more epic battles with all of you.
Ok so this is in no way me speaking for anyone or my server, this is my thoughts only. Blackgate and IoJ you guys are great servers to fight against. Probably one of or the toughest I have ever fought against and I thank you for that. Don’t let the thoughts or actions of others bring you guys down. You guys are great at what you guys do, you would have to be to be tier 1 or 2. So keep up the good work and I hope to be a part of some more epic battles with all of you.
Great post, I agree. Tier 2 is pretty balanced, lots of back and forths and each server has their own strengths and weaknesses in coverage.
Beast mode
Looking for some solid 1v1 and 1v2s. Hit me up in-game.
< My account name is right there.
Wow, you have us pegged exactly. Now that you have successfully called us out, everyone on BG might as well fess up to other nefarious behavior you might have missed. I’ll start:
When we took your garrison early this week I personally:
- Washed my hands with the decorative soaps in the Garrison bath room
- Repeatedly opened and closed the Water Gate even though it had a sign that said "Keep this gate closed at all times
- Drank the last cup of coffee in the Lord’s Break room without brewing a fresh pot
I will understand if these deeds leave you to outraged to properly compete next week.
Its okay – we have staff that looks after that. Its all part of our friendly concierge service at SOR.
I’m surprised your server can’t afford such perks.
We spend all our moneys on mass golems ^.^ huehuehue
We will one day find the lands where BG keeps their army of Golems and make sure we pour water over their gears so they rust on you.
Though IoJ is a close 2nd I must admit.
I think it was TEST on opening night who used 10 golems to take briar.
We rushed Garrison last night on the SoR borderlands with 10ish golems while they were taking Ascension Bay ^.^
Trade off was worth it because we found 4 empty SoR golems sitting inside hehe.
Yeah that was a nice counter! So fast too!
In the end, you guys didn’t get them all, and we used what was left to take back the Garrison and your upgraded Hills and Greenlake about 30 mins later. 4 Golems for the map and one of your Golems in Woodhaven. Seemed like fitting payback. Fun!
Sanctum of Rall
BG has to earn it’s reputation back.
BG’s reputation is perfectly fine.
A world’s reputation is not based on the rantings of a handful of people posting continuously on forums that are read by less than 1% of the in-game community.
BG’s rep is not fine, when a commander from a large BG guild purposely abuses an exploit.
Score update. I’ll try to update every hour
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
I actually figured out last night that if I combined all my 1000’s (of otherwise useless) badge of honors and loose gold I could make 31 Omega golems… but I will probably spend it on dye or something.
As for the ‘incident that wont be spoken of again’, lodge a ticket, there’s no much more we can do and hope Anet responds slightly faster than tectonic drift that we’re used to for bug fixes. Heck I’ve thrown 2 at SOR and 1 at IOJ members in the last 2 weeks for “being places in towers they couldn’t have been”. Including one last night, is this a big deal? No, I killed them, then reported it with a screenshot.
Likewise, asking people to police people outside of their own guild- if we see it, it gets reported… you see, for the slow and dim out there, our ability to do more than report it and advise their guild leader they’ve got rubbish members, is pretty much just limited to that until they invent a way of physically cutting off their fingers and toes over the internet.
KnT Blackgate
BG’s rep is not fine, when a commander from a large BG guild purposely abuses an exploit.
What does one person, or even a small handful of people, have anything to do with the rep of an entire server? I killed a bunny in WvW last night. Does this mean the entire Blackgate server should be considered bunny killers? Also, what does it matter that it was a large guild? Would it have been okay if it was a small guild?
See where I’m going with this? As intelligent players from all three servers have been posting repeatedly throughout this thread, blame the player, not the server.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I’d just ignore him Liquid…he is also one person of little consquence. BG’s rep is fine and anyone with a shred of intellect knows that tarring a whole group with the same brush is a silly thing to do.
@dissonance, we were planning those golems for about 30mins prior, it just so happened that your attack on AB was perfect timing. It was the last act of the night for NOC and a few others, seemed like you guys returned the favour not long after!
Co- GM Nocturnal | WvW Oceanic Commander
Also, what does it matter that it was a large guild? Would it have been okay if it was a small guild?
It would’ve hurt BG’s rep less, if that’s what you mean.
Guilds and Commanders represent the server, whether you want them to or not.
Also to respond, to Kaid, I’m not saying the individuals on BG rep is hurt, I’m saying the server as a whole rep is hurt. There’s a huge difference
You are still tarring the whole server…from the acts of individuals that have been dealt with. It’s childish.
How about keeping it on topic to the match at hand…if you are actually on one of these servers do them a favour and get out and help them in game where it’s actually fun. Too many forum warriors here.
I have to say, this has been a very fun match up. Last week was good, but this week SoR and IoJ Oceanics have come out swinging. Apologies I can’t comment on any of IoJ other time zones as I’m oceanic.
I look forward to this again next week!
Co- GM Nocturnal | WvW Oceanic Commander
You hurt your own image (and, by exention, your server’s image) by pursuing this senseless smearing.
The gap between SoR and BG is getting pretty wide, but I get the feeling SoR might be able to get a lot of work done in the next couple of nights. I say, “bring it on.”
from the acts of individuals that have been dealt with.
err, no they haven’t
EDIT: as far as I’m the aware, the GL if Icoa is lying through his teeth to protect everyone in hils guild except the 1-2 mesmers. Almost everyone else on BG is defending him. I’d love to be wrong though
Drama aside, I’m really enjoying this weeks match-up. The score is constantly close and every server is constantly fighting back. Looking forward to seeing BG and IoJ in our next match too!
Also, don’t touch my dolyak’s. We’ve bonded, I’ve named some of them and we have a wonderful (but slow) stroll along the shoreline. Any loss is avenged by my eating 3 of yours. They were very tasty :P
Wow, you have us pegged exactly. Now that you have successfully called us out, everyone on BG might as well fess up to other nefarious behavior you might have missed. I’ll start:
When we took your garrison early this week I personally:
- Washed my hands with the decorative soaps in the Garrison bath room
- Repeatedly opened and closed the Water Gate even though it had a sign that said "Keep this gate closed at all times
- Drank the last cup of coffee in the Lord’s Break room without brewing a fresh pot
I will understand if these deeds leave you to outraged to properly compete next week.
Its okay – we have staff that looks after that. Its all part of our friendly concierge service at SOR.
I’m surprised your server can’t afford such perks.
We spend all our moneys on mass golems ^.^ huehuehue
We will one day find the lands where BG keeps their army of Golems and make sure we pour water over their gears so they rust on you.
Though IoJ is a close 2nd I must admit.
I think it was TEST on opening night who used 10 golems to take briar.
We rushed Garrison last night on the SoR borderlands with 10ish golems while they were taking Ascension Bay ^.^
Trade off was worth it because we found 4 empty SoR golems sitting inside hehe.
Yeah that was a nice counter! So fast too!
In the end, you guys didn’t get them all, and we used what was left to take back the Garrison and your upgraded Hills and Greenlake about 30 mins later. 4 Golems for the map and one of your Golems in Woodhaven. Seemed like fitting payback.
Awwww dang it! We actually all logged off for the night after we did this Should have stayed around by the looks of it hahaha
Score update (For those people who are working.)
Edit as of 7:13PM PST
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Moderator)
Been great this week. SoR has a lot to learn about defending. BG got a tarnished reputation due to the acts of a few, lets hope next week is different and we don’t see insane point increases due to cheating. IOJ they are like the little engine that could, Awesome I hope next week we will be better for everyone.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Just wanted to point out that all score updates reflect our 3 servers coverages regardless of anything else, BG strongest overall coverage, but WOW, IOJ oceanics tear it up and NA primetime SOR tears it up. there are holes in each server and I being from BG know when our time is weakest and in our 2nd week fighting vs each other you other servers know it too. If you dont you havent been paying attention. Hats off to all of you on all 3 servers I know here at BG we worked our kitten off Monday morning until now to try and claw back in this thing. Super fun and super close, this is competitive wvwvw at its finest. I got zero bad things to say, all you guys rock and it has been a great week minus a few bumps.
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)
when i’m at work, yes yes, i know, i should probably be harder working.. lol, bu ti like to keep tack of how our world is doing! and can i say, as even not the biggest WvW-er out there (still map completing, working on a legendary, another set of exotic armour, what have you…) whenever i’ve been on in the past couple of weeks, it’s been helluva good time!!!
SoR – props to you all. the various commanders and people i’ve run with, great stuff.
GB and IoJ – formidabble foes!! have had a few clashes here and there with either side of you. both in large scaled battles and of the more stealthy skirmishes that only you and I know about. keep it up.
and here’s just a special token of appreciate for those who have stayed on topic. it’s been an honor, serving as well as playing against these three giants.. best of luck to all!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Another score update. Relentless battle in BG borderlands.
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
Well done IoJ…..I was in EBG for 10 minutes and saw you guys using speed hacks….and stealth hacks to hold a supply camp…we had 20 ppl on that camp and couldn’t take it cause of a speed hacker and perma-stealth hacker…..GG, go L2P
Lawl speed hacks. I’m sure theres better ways to get yourself banned for hacking like, hmm..i dont know glitching into keeps or hacking orbs.
Apparently thieves abusing the culling and perma-stealthing is now new and officially “hacking”. If you had 20 people and couldn’t cap the supply camp then you should of had time to atleast get some video footage or atleast a screenshot.
Morale of story… GG go L2P
BG has to earn it’s reputation back.
BG’s reputation is perfectly fine.
A world’s reputation is not based on the rantings of a handful of people posting continuously on forums that are read by less than 1% of the in-game community.
Lol those orbs would disagree.
You guys are not kicking a dead horse. Your nuking it, Jesus every server has had hackers. So inless your servers nose is clean. Dont talk. FYI No servers nose is clean.
On another note: Around 5 to 6 pm I like to go near fogs treeline and stare at the trees. I dont know why, But i just have a feeling they are up to something. Standing there, Not moving. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
Ayy Lmao
Looks like oceanic logged on… wonder if IOJ can catch up to SOR before the reset…
You guys are not kicking a dead horse. Your nuking it, Jesus every server has had hackers. So inless your servers nose is clean. Dont talk. FYI No servers nose is clean.
On another note: Around 5 to 6 pm I like to go near fogs treeline and stare at the trees. I dont know why, But i just have a feeling they are up to something. Standing there, Not moving. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
now now, its not just paranoia, after all Blackgate really IS out to get them!
I think most of us have moved on and the last few poking at you are doing so for laughs. It is a bit comical watching players gets so upset about being called ’Hackgate’, you gotta just pet that stuff roll off. Besides all you really need to say is ’scoreboard’ and the discussion is pretty much over.
Just do what I do when someone annoys me on the forums, find them in game, defeat them, and then plant a flame ram on their corpse. Trust me, it will make you smile.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
The situation has been handled, the member has been kicked/reported and asked to leave the server. This issue has been resolved with a combined effort by Blackgate to put this exploiter to justice. Thank you all for you patience. See you in WvWvW and may good fortune follow you all!
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
This has been a fun week of wvwvw, with a very balanced matchup, the closest match I have ever seen. Lets not ruin the fun with childish shenanigans, because those belong in tier 1.
The matchup hasn’t ended yet, but whoever wins GG SOJ and GG IOJ.
SoR really wanted Greenlake for a while there.
This week has been amazing! I wouldn’t mind keeping this matchup for quite a while to be honest. The only thing at all I could wish for is that each server had more people during their weak time slots, It would be a lot more even.
Love T2 atm, GG everyone!
Tarnished Coast
Well got on EB, SoR had nothing. So had a bit of fun.
Got Langor, Valley back. IOJ tried to push Valley, but we repelled them, repaired gates, and trebbed brav back.
Time for me to sleep a bit, but score post:
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Congrats on another win BG! We were down by at least 20k when the weekend was over and we rallied and came back to take the lead! SoR was awesome to fight like usual and it was nice to see IoJ out this week alot! GG to all 3 servers.
Beast mode
(edited by pot.6805)
Logged on when i got up to check the score real quick, here is an update as of 7:30am EST
12 hours to go. IoJ might make it to second place !
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus
Nice IoJ. I had to laugh when someone said IoJ had weak oceanic population in a post I read in another thread. They outnumber BGs oceanics on a consistent basis and can hit 2 maps at once, very strong.
Beast mode
(edited by pot.6805)
Is there a reward for winning a match? Maybe they should do something like that, give more incentive to win beyond bragging. A trophy in lions arch that you can touch to get every PVE guild banner bonus for the next week.
Oh, nice Oceanics! You rule! C’mon IoJ!
IoJ at 500 PPT versus SoR’s 50 as I make this post.
wt… o_o
IoJ at 500 PPT versus SoR’s 50 as I make this post.
wt… o_o
Do you have a full score update? :P
wow, nice way to step it up overnight IoJ
Keep up the awesome work guys. Sadly i cant join you this morning. Total score update anyone?
IoJ just wasn’t content being seen as a T3 server. If there is another T1 exodus expect IoJ to become SoS.
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
IoJ Oceanics pushing hard to try and make 2nd! Lots of ppl going to be staying up for a long night… Best of luck to everyone
Tarnished Coast