Sanctum of Rall - Mesmer of Avenger and Others

Sanctum of Rall - Mesmer of Avenger and Others

in WvW

Posted by: Siliconhobbit.4361


I’d just like to put a shout out to Mesmer of Avenger and other Mesmers on Sanctum of Rall who spend quite a bit of time in the EB Jumping Puzzle day after day, acting as quick travel agents to the end of the puzzle.

Your efforts and assistance make the EB jumping puzzle not only easy but immensely less frustrating allowing myself and others to get in quick, get what we need, and get back onto the field of Battle with the rest of our compatriots.

Thank you for the job you do and keep up the great work.

bows deeply


Sanctum of Rall - Mesmer of Avenger and Others

in WvW

Posted by: Tungsten Monarch.6058

Tungsten Monarch.6058

On behalf of CAMP and the “others” we thank you. CAMP is always happy to port you. All we ask in return is supply and some assistance from time to time for when we defend the puzzle.

Sanctum of Rall - Mesmer of Avenger and Others

in WvW

Posted by: Avenger.7348


I (we) love our job as puzzle-porters & defenders. We’ve come to see the EB JP as both a resource and psychological game-changer. Showing our enemies “No, you can’t have this, you can’t play” is both hilarious and helps our server!

To those who’ve donated siege or money – thank you very much! Know that these donations are put to good use for Rall. I try to distribute siege to good commanders to use in the field when I get too many to use myself.

We will keep [CAMP]ing, through thick or thin.

- MoA