Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


SoR currently ranked 5th in WvW is looking for more players, to kill people by the masses. We have a great NA prime-time crew, able to go toe to toe with any other server.

We currently need people for those sought after EU and Oceanic time periods of play. We currently have a good base of Oceanics in the guild Nine Dragon [ND], they do a fantastic early morning job, the server just needs more!

Currently we can offer low to no queue times any day of the week and short weekend queues. SoR is a good community with a large number of PvE players to fullfill your every PvE need.

Every transfer will receive a free lolipop and puppy***

subject to terms and conditions, offer applies to those that stay on the server for in and up to 2 years. Lolipop will arive in 6-10 weeks after 2 year activation, puppy not available in most regions.*

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: cargan.5689


LOL “puppy not available in most regions.*”

Speaking as an Oceanic player Dem are fighting words, we already have waypoints, dungeons and precoursers not available to most regions* you try and hold out on the puppy ill transfer off SoR just to hunt you down

Ulfar SOR

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


There are physical limitations to shipping a puppy across the ocean, SoR currently does not have the funding to afford holes in puppy shipping boxes. :/

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: cargan.5689


Good WvW play requires determination and creativity keep trying, alternative suggstion below in the mean time i will try cutting holes here and fax them to you.


Ulfar SOR

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


SoR wants me?!

/15 chars =(

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: Topix.6974


We could definitely use more EU and Oceanic time zone players/guilds. Need to make Blackgate work on keeping the top spot in this tier. Without more EU and Oceanics we don’t have a chance.

Mentally On Call – 80 Elementalist
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: Indo.8629


We have a large tent, we welcome everyone who has a good attitude, loves WvW, and enjoys a challenge.

Solid community, probably one of the better out there.

Tempest Wolves – The Sanctum
80k kills and counting

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


SoR wants me?!

/15 chars =(

We do, we really really do want you.

We want to give Blackgate a much harder time than we currently are.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Good luck in your search!

Beast mode

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


There are physical limitations to shipping a puppy across the ocean, SoR currently does not have the funding to afford holes in puppy shipping boxes. :/

I understand the manufacture and supply chain for holes has crippled several market sectors.

SO, I would presume (as a best practice) that one either procure or secure their own hole(s) prior to transfer.

Other than that, I have nothing but the respect for SoR and genuinely support their recruitment efforts.

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: DeLag.8391


Glad to hear this. I joined the server last night because I am a new player to guild wars 2. Looks like I chose the right server to begin with!

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Glad to hear this. I joined the server last night because I am a new player to guild wars 2. Looks like I chose the right server to begin with!

Welcome to the team.

When in WvW look for Purp Nurp. He does a good job of leading new players and smaller guilds in the EB. You’ll learn the ins and outs of WvW pretty quickly if you keep an eye out on what he does.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: DeLag.8391


Glad to hear this. I joined the server last night because I am a new player to guild wars 2. Looks like I chose the right server to begin with!

Welcome to the team.

When in WvW look for Purp Nurp. He does a good job of leading new players and smaller guilds in the EB. You’ll learn the ins and outs of WvW pretty quickly if you keep an eye out on what he does.

Thanks for the tip, I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield.

Sanctum of Rall Wants you!

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


I applaud this effort. Too many PvE carebears on SoR, we need more WvW players for EU and Oceanic zone to help our effort against BlackGate.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer