Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.
Remove the road kinda maps.. where you need to follow narrow paths to reach X
But make maps open with forests. And hills you can run over (daoc style)
unique borderlands per server would make for unbalanced play. There is no way they could balance that correctly, which is why it is the way it is.
Bollox, the layout of the map has very, very minute impact on the actual WvW outcome/performance.
The Eternal Battleground doesn’t have an identical layout for every Keep and is still balanced.
Each week, replace the borderlands with one random map from PvE. Remove hearts, keep wildlife, add keeps, throw players. It balances itself like now with 3 identical borderlands, each side having a different spawn on each.
I want to fight in the broken Ruins of Ascalon. I want to fight in the valleys of Lornar’s Pass. I want to fight in the dredge mines of Frostgorge Sound. I want to man cannons in the Pirate base in Gendaran Fields.
We’ll never have open world pvp. Fine. But pleaaaaase, there’s so many pretty areas in this game, give us these maps to play on!
Save the Bell Choir activity!
add orbs of power back in as open world controlled objectives to encourage more combat outside of siege range. arrow carts are boring.
less walls less gates more smush!
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Less water.
Actually, no water.
Desert map, please.
Also, for some reason, i really like the idea of having a city based map, if people want to encourage small group fights, then the answer is pretty simple, make objectives further apart, but the terrain itself more compact and complex. Nobody is really going to run in a small group when there is no real terrain to support them, there is no way to hide from the mighty zerg, beyond running perma stealth. A city map with small cramped streets, along with underground and aboveground tunnels would give plenty of real estate for experienced roamers to explore and own. In the meantime, zergs would have a hard time navigating convoluted terrain, which would both break up and slow down huge groups.
This is so key. The terrain right now is so basic that it supports zerging.
And it doesn’t even have to be, say, a city based map. I love fighting in the ruins in south Borderlands and in the tunnel/ruins near Valley keep, the giant hill outside Anzalias, etc.
It would add a whole new level of complexity and creativity as well as encourage better organization.
…Though it remains to be seen whether or not ANet actually wants “complexity” at all in this.
And this:
Less water.
Actually, no water.
Desert map, please.
I still vote drain the water and put in its place a desert-like area for control of a single Orb in the middle of the Borderlands. No moving the Orb. Servers get to decide how much they want to send to maintain “king of the hill” Orb status while fighting elsewhere.
…beware the unicorns.
unique borderlands per server would make for unbalanced play. There is no way they could balance that correctly, which is why it is the way it is.
Bollox, the layout of the map has very, very minute impact on the actual WvW outcome/performance.
The Eternal Battleground doesn’t have an identical layout for every Keep and is still balanced.
I’ve heard already a lot of QQ about how hard is to take Red keep Overlook and how vulnerable is the Blue keep whichthenameidontremember.
Maybe those are minor unbalances, but problably because you can easily siege those keep from anywhere (any of the 4 towers around it).
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I’ve heard already a lot of QQ about how hard is to take Red keep Overlook and how vulnerable is the Blue keep whichthenameidontremember.
Maybe those are minor unbalances, but problably because you can easily siege those keep from anywhere (any of the 4 towers around it).
Red Keep is for the last place team, so this may be slightly intentional.
That’s also why a random 4-map set of Borderlands (with 1 out of the rotation per week) would be so much fun.
…beware the unicorns.
Bigger territories. I think we can all agree on that. Doing that right there should fix some of the problems with wvw.
I’m going to repeat what I suggested in another thread: Add a 4th map that has no objections, specific environmental effects (to be determined later), and scores based off of kill points, not cap’n’hold.
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)
Make the maps bigger.
Make camps more difficult. I can solo them as a GC warrior…
Make sentries more potent, make them 3 man squads. They need to be able to kill unguarded dolyaks.
Remove the JP in the borderlands.
Rework the OS JP to have multiple ways to get to the top, and give the server that holds the top a small periodic supply increase in their structures (keep the loot chest for personal interest). Siege weapons would be reinstated in the JP and the spawn areas would be closed off from the other servers.
The more people you commit to the JP, the less you have in the field. But, you will get the buff to supplies. It will be a tactical decision whether to go for the buff, or take over when the enemy goes for it.
I would make it so that each server had a unique borderland map based on their server name (e.g. Crystal Desert borderlands is actually in the desert). Not only would it make fighting new servers unique and fun, but you might see players transferring to lower population servers just because they have a cool map. Of course it would be a lot of work to make 24 unique maps, but I’m a workaholic so it wouldn’t be a problem.
^ THIS would be amazing, but a lot of work of course… but the game should be around for years, so maybe something work towards. There were multiple maps in GW1 for GvG, perhaps something they could work towards?
I would make the map double layered, so the battle can be fought in underground caves and big open spaces for a new resource. These resources are needed to maintain your fortified walls, if one does not have enough of this resource the structure brakes down over time.
Hence i would introduce drops for only WvW that include WvW PvP bonusses such as for example:
10% stronger vs thiefs
10% stronger vs warriors
These drops can be ‘Infused’ in the infusion slots you can get from the PVE side of the game or from the laurel shop.
And that people can ride horses, when they earned one by getting 5000 achievement points, and wvw ppl will complain but if you want a horse, you have to do the PVE side of the game too.
These horses haves special scout abilities like checking how much supply and resources are available in the towers/keeps, because its a bit strange we can see the enemy stockpile.
And i want capes.
Girls get quaggans
Boys wants capes.
Thank you for listening to my imagination
Hence i would introduce drops for only WvW that include WvW PvP bonusses
Asura Nightvision Googles to see through the endless thief stealth.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
1. Players should be able to run supply from camps and drop them at keeps/towers etc. The fact that I can’t drop my supply at a keep is just silly.
2. Sentry’s should be able to kill dolyaks, otherwise, what’s the point of claiming those positions anyway if they don’t serve any beneficial purpose.
3. All NPC health and attack should be much higher. A single real player should not be able to cap supply camps, frogs, dredge, quaggan, etc.
4. As mentioned above, each server should get it’s own map for their homeworld BL… probably a boatload of work, but there are ways to make it easier on the devs… piggy-back on existing maps, changing aesthetics. All the western jungle-esque lands of Tyria could be similar to each other. The mountainous regions similar to each other… etc…
5. There should be some elevated positions for each section of that map. It’s unreasonable that the Garrison and NW and NE tower for the homeworld team can treb both keeps, but nothing can get elevated enough to treb back at the garrison.. Now that I think of it, I guess that’s actually reasonable that the homeworld gets a slight advantage over the invaders, so I withdraw this one, unless others think it’s a good idea
6. Here’s an interesting idea. What if point tally was somehow based on opponent population? This is more of a gripe than anything, but two evenly matched servers, whoever has the most late-night coverage wins for the week. Seems unreasonable to have a great fight for 16 hours of the day and then get blown out because God-forbid we want some sleep.
What I’d REALLY like for April Fool’s day on WvW is the ability of a dolyak escorter to turn any attacker into a doylak, with slowed down speed, little defenses … basically the minute an enemy gets close to the dolyak, the escort service can use a proc to change them.
1. Players should be able to run supply from camps and drop them at keeps/towers etc. The fact that I can’t drop my supply at a keep is just silly.
This. So much this.
Ambush holes at every choke point with another ambush hole just meters away….
lol, says the thief. Go fig.
Basically what others have said:
Increase the size of the maps, make supply something that can be delivered by hand and lootable (suddenly gives those small/solo players a contribution to the war if they want it besides just random ganking). Make the maps unique, guards meaningful, anything to spread out the zergs, so on and so forth. Remove the stupid JP.Really most serious wuvwuvers seem to be on the same page about this.
Oh and the most important part:
Remove invisibility, or fix culling.
Or fix stealth (so it’s more like the predator, think about how you see yourself via JP stealth buff, see through and shimmery but not completely invisible.
Wasn’t my original idea I ninja’d it from another thread. Don’t hate on the ambush holes man. One would not have to be a thief to take advantage of a hole from which one were to ambush someone else from.
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
Jumping puzzles get canned. Instead of jumping puzzles for the borderlands, turn that area into another contestable point of interest — a hidden asura lab. It would be captured by breaking down doors and killing the npc’s inside of it like towers, but it would award no ppt for controlling it. Instead, control of this room would reward its owners with an asura portal connecting to their spawn, and with a radar station allowing players to see any group of 10 or more enemies not located in a keep, tower or spawn via the world map.
Some advantages of this:
- makes it easier for invaders to reach the northern part of the map
- makes it easier for defenders to see massive zergs so they might defend more easily
- emphasizes the importance and quality of smaller groups on the map
- adds asuran flair to a predominantly human, norn and charr themed map
Replace the center shrine with a sylvari tree, and the quaggan power nodes with small quaggan villages. The center tree would have four sylvari living at it. Three of the sylvari tend to the tree and want the quaggan to share fish and food with them so that they don’t have to leave. A fourth sylvari — a shaman — oversees the tree’s growth and cannot be disturbed.
Players can gain favor with the quaggan villages by bringing them pearls, killing krait, and reviving defeated sylvari guards just as it currently works. Once the quaggan are happy, they’ll help your server out by sharing food with one of the sylvari. If an opposing server wipes out the quaggan village, then the sylvari will no longer get fed and will be unable to assist players.
When players have favor with one of the sylvari tenders, that tender will supply their server with magical seeds. Magical seeds function similarly to the ones in GW1’s version of the Maguuma Jungle. Players can use the seeds at specific locations to build shortcuts and to access otherwise unavailable locations. Using a seed would create a vine bridge (again like GW1) that would last a short while (around 15 seconds) before withering. Friendly players could reinvigorate the vine bridges by interacting with them (allowing the controlling server to access them again), while enemy servers could damage the bridges to destroy them.
Occasionally krait would attack the center tree and try to disrupt the shaman’s work (similar to the current krait attacks). Players would earn his favor by defending him. If the sylvari shaman died, the tree would wither until he returned. While withered, the lake water would become murky and hard to see in, and krait would begin slaving quaggans (slowly losing favor with any allied quaggan if not maintained with pearls/krait kills). However, while the tree is healthy the water would be clear and krait attacks more infrequent.
If the sylvari shaman was sucessfully defended, then the server responsible would benefit from mercenary troops. These would be plant creatures grown from the tree by the shaman, and they would take the function of the current quaggan troops.
Some advantages of this:
- Players can create shortcuts, such as up the large northern cliff or across the water in outer Bay
- Siege can be better placed by accessing different areas, allowing for more aggressive/defense siege
- Temporary walls can be built in choke points, such as the tunnel at the southeast tower
- Some sylvari culture and flair is added to the map without really changing things too much
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
Sharks in Bay would use their electroreceptors better. Hidden players (such as via stealth) would attract the shark’s attention. Players wouldn’t be directly revealed, but the sharks would betray their location by doubling back and sniffing around their hiding spots. Any player paying attention has a much easier time chasing them out.
Additionally, hiring additional guards would add in more sharks. Strengthening guards would cause the sharks to actually attack hidden players instead of just sniffing for them. Hiding players would have to choose different hiding spots — swimming forever wouldn’t work anymore.
Some advantages of this:
- Bay becomes easier to defend and harder to hide in
- Players no longer consider Bay harder to hold or more trouble than it’s worth
Add a chest to each server’s spawn area that would allow players to collect any missed loot, up to 100 items, similarly to the interface presented at the end of GW1 missions. Any uncollected loot would be lost forever once the player left the borderland.
This sucks for players that disconnect, but it’s what already happens when they disconnect surrounded by loot bags. There’s no “nice” solution to the DC problem.
Some advantages of this:
- Players will no longer feel super depressed when they die surrounded by bags
- Players can focus on what’s important (sieging/defending objectives) rather than looking for bags
Go through and hammer out terrain exploits.
Some advantages of this:
- No more terrain exploits.
Make it so that players attempting to enter enemy spawns are repelled (similarly to how the sylvari personal story chapter “Snuffing Out Embers”) rather than just instantly killed. Super guards instantly killing players doesn’t always work.
Some advantages of this:
- Eliminates an anomaly
- Saves players a lot of grief and confusion
- Allows invaders and defenders peace of mind to build golem armies without scouts jumping in on them
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
An enormous tyria-sized multi-zone 3-way tug-of-war map. Think EBG on a multi-zone scale. When a zone is completely dominated by a server, it is effectively ‘captured’ or ‘locked’ for a period of time and no opposing waypoints can be built during that time.
dynamic events that could temporarily boost supply camps:
1) grab a mining pick and mine some rocks for the quarry supply camp
2) grab an axe from the rack and chop down some trees for the lumber yard
3) use this whip and round up some dolyaks to the camp
Succeeding in this could give short term benefits to the camp:
- a temporary boost in supply generation rate
- a one-time deal second dolyak (if it dies it is gone)
Chain the supply camp with a second DE that allows you to carry a bundle directly from the camp to the tower/keep. The bundle gives you a different set of weapon abilities – gimpy fighting abilities mostly designed to limit your fighting ability. Carrying the bundle also reduces your run speed by a set amount in order force further vulnerability. If you swap weapons you drop the bundle and have to run back to start over. Upon delivering the bundle, the tower/keep receives a little supply.
Different/more siege options tied to more DE:
- a ‘dynamite’ bundle you could pick up that allows you to plant on the walls
- ladders/siege towers events when an enemy objective has been standing for far too long
6. Here’s an interesting idea. What if point tally was somehow based on opponent population? This is more of a gripe than anything, but two evenly matched servers, whoever has the most late-night coverage wins for the week. Seems unreasonable to have a great fight for 16 hours of the day and then get blown out because God-forbid we want some sleep.
Seems like it could get a bit complicated, but the current way it’s set up makes NA populations a lot less relevant than Oceanic populations. (I can think of a couple servers that we’ve smoked in the past during NA hours, but have kicked our kittens over the course of a week because they’re Oceanic-based.) Obviously old hat, but still. Great way to better WvW play in general.
…beware the unicorns.
Borders in their current state are backwards, the invading army gets the edge while the defending army has to protect their keeps/towers/camps from attack, especially the supply camps and towers right next to border “invuln” zones. The defending army in their BL should be able to set siege/defenses to portect that border and invading armies should be forced to break through those defenses before they can even reach the defending armies supply camps. Up until that point supply lines have to be established from the invading armys own BL by creating/building waypoints from their supply camps to the border they are attacking for the dolyaks to follow. Forward camps are then built with supply depots that are filled by those dolyaks or by the players. The invading army gets to build let us say 2 forward camps once they break through border defenses and from which their assault on towers/keeps can proceed.
The defense of all countries should begin at the border, not the nearest tower/keep. Supply camps should be well behing the border which forces the invading army to bring supply from their own country forcing a decision to be made, “do we lower supply at home to attack another country or do we need the home supply to defend against an attack in progress”?
Just as an added bonus the forward supply camps would have to be upgraded to allow a larger number of soldiers to pour over the border to attack the enemy and which in effect would reduce zergs as some of those numbers would have to stay back to protect those forward camps and a zerg of 100 plus cannot instantly invade your borderland.
EB is treated the same way. A team just cannot race to Stonemist castle on server reset. Supply lines and forward camps have to be established first.
(edited by Theftwind.8976)
1. One choke point !
2. Spawns where enemy can camp it!
3. More Lag !
4. Farm structures worth more than enemy players!
Oh wait, they did that already in swtor.
Just some food for thought, how much better this game is!
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
JP GET THE kitten OUT! ty
Bigger maps, i like the idea of one huge BL instead of the small ones, they are too small…
[IRON] Gaming
In another thread they talking about different map for different tiers.
so as a server progresses through the ranks the maps change.
fewer waypoints. less supply.
maybe instead of random maps. maps based on the last outcome.
winners get an invader map with less stuff in it.
losers get a more dug in map.
maybe even a way to purchase the next map with points from the previous game.
or the same map as everyone else but purchase the current keeps and supply points and such. if not purchased they do not show up.
maybe that would be a new dimension to the combat. the initial stages of w3 all the keeps and supply points have to be built. protect the workers and supply while the keeps are being built.
this might also give the option to raze a keep.
i call it ZERGTOPIA
3 spawn areas a large temple in the middle of large flat open area no seige can be placed.
Control of the temple gives your server buffs
time to see who the best open field sever is
oh i can dream lol
(edited by ghostchipz.2341)
Making diferent borderlands for each server would generate QQ about how team X is winning because they have Y borderland… I hear that kind of thing since 2005 when Alterac Valley was implemented on World of Warcraft.
However i would change how the Borderlands currently are… Let’s see if i can make you people understand my idea.
This is how i see the WvWvW in general:
With that vision, I think the borderlands maps need to change, as if you were actually being attacked by two differents worlds one at each side (yes, a 2v1 feeling, because it is what its suposed to be defending your homeland).
I did some paint-made sketch of how i think the maps should be… I don’t really care about the terrain, maybe some hills or more water… But not making some lowground useless place like the Bay Keep (which can’t counter treb anything but colorbriar).
Eternal Battleground: stands for Keeps
T stands for Towers
C stands for Supply Camps
S stands for Sentry StationsI think EB stayed pretty much the same with some minor changes on routes and 3 extra camps.
And for Sentry Stations, i don’t mean that lone guard sitting on the road waiting for the next noob to come pummel him… I’d turn it into a Small Tower (like the ones the dredge use on Lornar Pass and Dredgehaunt Cliffs) with a few guards who can actually stop undefended supply caravans (and give a little more trouble for solo roamers/escorts).
I’ve also removed Skritts, Centaurs, Quaggans, Hyleks, Dredges and Ogres from the sketchs and added a few more Camps and Towers (Maybe that would make PvP’ers happy, since they call it PvE stuff).
Terror [TG]
you know what…
I would hire a historical tactician team to create the maps with parameters of the game in mind. Set up an editorial review process so the maps are edited and created within game capabilities while retaining their strategic value.
but dont stop there….
hire an economist team to work with on the project as well to get the supply and demand process working and reasonable points to fight over.
Hire some sociologists to assist in creating the social interaction requirements in the game.
Please add more maps like EB so servers with high population can play WvW instead waiting in queue on one of current 4
T3 + 1 map
T2 + 2 maps
T1 +3 maps
Now I really want to see this happen:
Now I really want to see this happen:
This can be the new PvE content to replace the boring vet wurm or centaur culling.
1. Change BL maps so they have different terrains, desert, jungle or swamps for example and make it so there were 9 different terrains so you never have to look at the same 2 weeks running.
2. re-scale maps or reduce treb range.
3. Increase the size of EBG and remove waypoints.
4. Introduce new types of siege weapons like moveable towers to scale walls with.
5. introduce defence stuctures you can put around siege on battlefield
6. Buff fully upgraded supply camps so it takes at least 5 people to take them, its a joke they can still be solo’d
7 Introduce a guild v guild map
[MM] recruiting currently
1. First of all before designing the new maps i would determine the major flaws of the current system and then engage the community of what they want more and less of.
Major flaws
a. Too much Zerg incentive, not enough incentive to small group it.
b. Too much Pvdoor/wall
c. Lack of variety
d. Long periods of downtime between encounters/lots of running
e. Not much incentive to defend a tower
f. Too much siege warfare
g. Jumping puzzle – joke enough said.
h. Static repetitive objectives.
I. No orbs has made the borderlands a bit bland.
J. Points system unbalanced and heavily favors a team with even small uncontested time periods.
k. Stealth unbalances
2. Introduce a new guild rating points system, acquired by killing players, taking objectives and defending objectives. The rating system would be designed so only the past 1 hour of play gave the rating and it was average points accumulated per player. there would be 3 categories. 5 player / 10 player / 20 player. (Why have this will be explained later)
3. Redesign maps to the following
Eternal Battlegrounds
I. Each team has a SMC type castle that they spawn into and that area is not accessible to the enemy and it has three unique exits similar to the borderlands. This castle is conquerable by the opposition but is very difficult to maintain due to home re spawn advantage. If the enemy caps it and holds for 15 minutes they get an instant points reward and guild points.
II. Replace stonemist castle with a capture the points style environment with no siege or walls/doors. Make each capture point a unique style and 5 individual capture points. (Open area, possible jumping puzzle style area, underground narrow cave system, possibly even under water area.) you receive server and guild points for holding an area. If you hold all 5 it makes the oppositions castle walls and doors targetable.(must remain in charge of all 5 to keep ops castles targetable.
III. Keep lords are only targetable if a wall or door has been breached in the past 15 minutes or an objective has been achieved.
IV. Each keep increases in value by .1 point each 15 minutes continuously held.
V. Supply camps points are a time based now and allocated a home spawn team. Only the team that held it the longest gets the points they accumulated and it needs to be over 50% possession. You could add that if a home area team does not hold it for 50% then the other two teams get their accumulated points.
VI. One random time in 3 hours you would have a special guild versus guild area match. There would be 3 areas 5/10/20 man and if the highest ranked guild officer has the gvg toggled on and your guild is currently winning the guild points system they get a 5 minute count down and there top 5/10/20 points contributors will be ported to a death match map (in the theme of the current points winning servers individual style I.e desert for CD). Winning could give guild perks, sever points etc, open up objectives in w3 etc.
VII. Supply in keeps would have two stacks. Repairs and player controlled for siege etc. Repairs stack would be for ordering upgrades and ordering repairs on the walls doors. Nobody would be able to take this supply for themselves individually. The other stack would be for doing whatever they want accept repairing the walls.
VIII. Dynamic quests that open up advantageous areas of the map for sieging towers/keeps instead of being able to treb from keep to keep.
Part 1
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
(edited by Diashame.6328)
Part 2
- I really love the idea of a different map per server but its just not realistic. What may be realistic is implementing that wonderful idea waffling posted of orb control in the centre of the map and having that area completely different according to the 51 different servers. Still maybe too unrealistic unfortunately.
- make it so each server has a re spawn point in this area and can port straight back into the action, obviously you can’t get out of his area unless you choose to respawn back to base. On this borderland there is only one keep each to siege and that is your respawn point.
- all objectives on this map are to gain advantages for orb / points control. They don’t involve doors and walls
- The total value of points possibly gained from the 3 borderlands are equal to EB so each one is only 1/3 the value of EB. Meaning lower pop servers won’t go too far behind in points if they can defend EB through the night.
- borderlands hold half as many players as EB.
- put incentives in to make teams split up. Zerging will ultimately fail.
5th map. Guild versus guild map that is earned in EB.
A play until you win scenario for benefits / points. A map that resets once one team wins and the random count down for the next matchups start.
All these ideas are at draft level and mods can be added / removed to map improve balance.
Some other things I would like implemented
Karma pays for upgrades and to keep Anet rich gold can buy speedups to the upgrades.
Using Bs or cloak and dagger make a thief get a buff that disables them from invising for 30 seconds. DMG brings them out of invis and they get the same buff for 10’seconds.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Havnt read all the replys, so forgive me if I have repeated any suggestions…
A fourth NPC enemy. Size and difficaulty of arm is scaled on the size of the population on the WvW map. Main target of this fourth army would be to prioritise attacks on the wining team or those with the most towers/keeps etc. Their objective is not to help loosing opposing teams, as they are targets too.
Reduce the range on Trebuches, catapaults and Balistas. Sieging should be tactical and not an easy instant win feature. If you want to siege, then yes as mentioned you should be prepaired to defend them.
The ability to drop supplys you are carrying into tower/keep supply depots.
Supplys from other border lands can not be taken to another border.
Increased effectiveness of NPC deffenders.
Remove Stonemist Castle from EB.
New towers and keeps, especially if they are going to keep water, perhaps put some under water, and cliff faces (maybe even sky towers and sub terrain), will need to increase the map sizes.
Remove the downed state in PvP (structured, team and WvW) once dead, you respawn at the closest available waypoint.
Less effectiveness for larger groups to discourage zergs. So for example..
Small groups of up to 5 have a greater Vitality, Power, Condition and Toughness buff applied to them, as you get into closer proximity to greater numbers of allies this buff is reduced then removed and even given a negative state as the numbers get greater.
1) Stretch out keeps and towers etc. so the trebs are out of range if placed on towers/keeps and have to be placed down in the open.
2) Connect all 4 maps. Srsly, if system designers found a solution to connect all 4 maps into one with the same backend servers setup, so the transition is seamless, the whole point of open pvp would shine.
2.a) In case something like 2) is implemented, there is a problem with current maps that borders from BLs to EB would present a chokepoint, and it would be extremely hard for an outnumbered server to get ouf of that BL. Some serious thought or overhaul into breakout system should be made for that issue.
3) If not enough time to design a different layout of the maps, at least make it visually different (concerning repetitive borderlands design). Maps should follow a natural terrain pattern (from example, one bl is snowy/mountain-y, the other is more like beach/oceans, the other is green etc.
4) Keep all the JPs everywhere. This is WvW and if some PvE elements are not accessible due to zergs camping it, that is OK. The only people crying here are badge farmers who can’t get them easily. The population of EB JP is small enough to not impact the end result of a matchup.
5) Remove the downed state completely from maps, asap.
6) Break up zergs by removing orange swords from the map, add more variety of objectives/rewards for solo/small groups…
7) Drastically increase wall+gate HP. It would remove ninja-ing keeps (which shouldnt be called a seige), and would enforce long (epic) sieges, requiring tactics, draining keep supply etc. etc.
(edited by Father Busho.2796)
Architect phoning in. But joking aside.
EB is good as is. It be cool to have a rotating borderlands map with no changes in keep locations. For example if one week we get a map where the water on the map is actually lava. Or if structure rotations are your thing have a tower in the center of the lake where underwater combat would/could be implemented.
Could bring back orbs without the log out glitch and its effect give a stat boost instead of raw damage. Instead of pedestals that the orb has to be on a flag would spawn in the middle of the map where there’s a few minutes to get in and the teams duke it out for the buff. Have the buff reset every couple of hours.
An underworld theme would be cool, just like caverns made to look like rogues quarry and giant bases built into the area would be the keeps and towers.
There’s a lot of ways to spin it but we’ll never see a new wvw map :/
Dragonbrand [Formerly Devona’s Rest]