Score calculating - how it works?

Score calculating - how it works?

in WvW

Posted by: Arallion.9471



I want to ask, how does the scoring calculation works? I know it’s 15 min intervals with potential score being added each 15 mins, but what’s with the deal with score changing between these? Often I see small +-es added to the score, like 1-10, what are these for? And when a 15 min tick goes, the score shows -||- or something like this for 2-3 mins, is it because the server calculates too slowly?

Score calculating - how it works?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


Camps are worth 5 points, towers are worth 10 points, keeps are worth 25 points, and Stonemist Castle is worth 35. Add everything up that you own, and that’s how many points you get.

Open up the WvW menu and you’ll see the breakdown.

Score calculating - how it works?

in WvW

Posted by: Arallion.9471


Please read it more closely. I said I know about score intervals, I asked about BETWEEN those 15 mins, why do we get small increments of score?

Score calculating - how it works?

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


Ah I understand what you’re asking now. Hmm… no idea honestly, kills perhaps?