Scoring System Concept
I love how your idea
1- Gives a reason to defend
2- Gives a chance to lower pop server
3- Compared with a population’s calculation, is harder to use wrongfully
Only downside I see :
It would mean that there would be even more people running from fight (don’t wanna die!)
The actual way it works, only stomps can be counted (I bring my bus down a cliff, 25 died, giving the ennemies 25 x Xpoints? For the points to be attributed according to who really defended, we would need to know who killed who, and not just X ennemies died, so the two other servers get X ennemies)
It seems to me it would not be fair, that if I defend Bay on an ennemy borderland, against the 3rd server, I give more points to the ennemy that I get for my side…
Only downside I see :
It would mean that there would be even more people running from fight (don’t wanna die!)
The actual way it works, only stomps can be counted (I bring my bus down a cliff, 25 died, giving the ennemies 25 x Xpoints? For the points to be attributed according to who really defended, we would need to know who killed who, and not just X ennemies died, so the two other servers get X ennemies)
It seems to me it would not be fair, that if I defend Bay on an ennemy borderland, against the 3rd server, I give more points to the ennemy that I get for my side…
Hey Jocksy,
I do agree that people would probably be more cautious about engaging, but with the current Bloodlust stomp bonus, I haven’t seen a difference… so maybe not. (and that could be as much as 3 points per death)
Secondly, I’m sure Anet could code it so only players that die from other player damage would count towards the total. Cliff diving is a valid concern though that would have to be addressed when coding.
Lastly, I’m not sure I understand your last comment. Could you elaborate on it?
Yep, I meant it should not be players dying that gave the points, but players killed – which means stomped, that gave it to the server making the stomping.
Lets say on red’s team border, blue and green have one tower and one fort, and one camp. Red have two towers and one fort and three camps.
Blue attacks green, lots of deaths on both sides. If only deaths were calculated – not stomps, red – that took no part in the battle – would get a truckload of points for doing nothing – because out of stomps, it’s hard to know who killed who to balance points.
it is hard to balance players’s localisation around an objective.
So not sure if the idea of killed players can be applied to a perimeter around a structure (eg, blue attacking green would only give points for killed attackers to green in a perimeter of X around the structure – green defenders killed would give no points to attacking blue team that already has structures on the map)
Not sure if that’s any clearer :s
The idea being to give defenders points according to attackers killed – I’m not sure about how the calculations can possibly be made…
Jocksy, I don’t think we are seeing eye to eye.
I’ll take your example and how it would be scored.
Blue attacks Green and loses. 50 people die.
During that fight, Blue did happen to kill 10 people.
Both of those totals would add to each teams “mark” score. Red wouldn’t get anything.
It does not matter where they fight. The team that kills gets the marks.
Then at the end of the tick, the system would take the total number of kills on that particular map and multiply it by the objects owned on that map.
In your example, it would be:
Green = (1[camp] + 2[tower] + 3[keep]) x (number of kills) = 6 × 50 = 300 points
Blue = (1[camp] + 2[tower] + 3[keep]) x (number of kills) = 6 × 10 = 60 points
That is how I envisioned it working.
Kills counting for score.
New T1 with TC and YB due to Arrow cart kills.
Moving along….
Yep, but what I’m trying to say is that, with the actual tools the game has, it cannot see exactly who killed who, except when there is stomps.
It can see who died, but I guess the calculations of who did the most damage to a player to kill him would be too taxing on the servers – which already have an hard time dealing with regular fights. (because it would need to add up all damages made to a player from one side – which would demand adding all damages taken from individual players, given the actual way it works, and adding all damages taken from the other group before it’s able to give the death point to a server…
So, blue attacks red garnison from one door, green from the other door, they mett at 2nd door, start figthing, red jumps in, everyone is damaging everyone…
With the system as it currenlty is, the only sure way to know is to look at the number of stomps.
The only way I see, with the overall way informations are treated by the server, is to make an algoryth that would check up the damages done by all players to a single player, and doing it all the time for all the players…
If they would have been able to make a simple formula to see who killed who, I do not think they would have made stomps the way to give bloodlust’s points…