Scouting and professions

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Ghertu.7096


I figured that thief is only profession that have ability to scout on WvW maps, because only thieves have high movement speed and escapability both. Necromancers are close to them, but have no strong benefits against them. Mesmers have hight escapability, but low movement speed ( actually, lowest potential movement speed in the game). Don’t even mention rangers. They have only scout-style in aperreance, but have no any ability to scouting in mechanics.
So, ANet, you made each profession able to play any role in a fight, but there more than fighting roles – there also tactical roles. Maybe you should give opportunity to play them to more professions?

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


I saw a guardian who was working as a spotter for a treb wearing armor dyed various shades of green and hiding in some tall plants on a cliff. I was impressed by how many people just ran right past him.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


I figured that thief is only profession that have ability to scout on WvW maps, because only thieves have high movement speed and escapability both. Necromancers are close to them, but have no strong benefits against them. Mesmers have hight escapability, but low movement speed ( actually, lowest potential movement speed in the game). Don’t even mention rangers. They have only scout-style in aperreance, but have no any ability to scouting in mechanics.
So, ANet, you made each profession able to play any role in a fight, but there more than fighting roles – there also tactical roles. Maybe you should give opportunity to play them to more professions?

Actually, I think Engineer makes the best WvW scout.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

nice! good on that guardian I personally find it very annoying that our name tags stand out so much in those sort of circumstances. Hiding against a red background is the only real option we have in order to hide the name tag as well (unless you have steal that is).

It would be nice if ANet reduced the distance at which name badgers were visible (without having targetted the person at least). That way, camoflage would be more effective. Having said that, I can understand why they did it (makes it much easier for targetting purposes etc if you can see the name badges).

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


You are also forgetting Elementalist completely. They can actually be faster than a thief when specced correctly with Ride the Lightning (Yes it can be faster than spamming Infiltrator’s Arrow and Heartseeker). They also have 3 stun breaker utilities, one of which makes them invulnerable for a few seconds, and they have a heal that can remove any condition (including immobilize) for a straight 6 seconds. They make amazing scouts, and if I’m not the one on the siege or protecting it, then I’m out scouting for it. Also I’m an Asuran, easy to miss lol.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


nice! good on that guardian I personally find it very annoying that our name tags stand out so much in those sort of circumstances. Hiding against a red background is the only real option we have in order to hide the name tag as well (unless you have steal that is).

It would be nice if ANet reduced the distance at which name badgers were visible (without having targetted the person at least). That way, camoflage would be more effective. Having said that, I can understand why they did it (makes it much easier for targetting purposes etc if you can see the name badges).

Yeah I agree- there’s so much room for armor customization in this game it would be nice if it worked more reliably for camouflaging rather than just looks.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Doesn’t work at all,
green team has green dye
red team has red dye
blue team has blue dye
…regardless of what your allies see, that’s all the enemy sees.


Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Warriors also make good scouts. I don’t know if they’d beat a Thief or Elementalist in a foot race, but you can cover lots of ground quickly by rotating skills between Sword/Warhorn (Savage Leap/Charge) and Greatsword (Whirlwind Attack/Rush). Plus you have Signet of Rage and Bull’s Charge.

Also, I love that camouflage idea. Maybe that’s something the devs can figure out how to work in without being game-breaking.

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Boggler.7519


Standing in the trees does work, it slightly obscures your name.
Standing against walls – doesn’t work at all – trust me.
Three rules of scouting.
1. Expect to die.
2. Keep moving.
3. Be a Mesmer or Thief.
Covering ground is irrelevant if you can’t get near your target to scout it.

I’ve decided to stop doing what I am capable of doing and instead do what I love most.

(edited by Boggler.7519)

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Ghertu.7096


Here comes bump. I want more attention to this subject.

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

I saw a guardian who was working as a spotter for a treb wearing armor dyed various shades of green and hiding in some tall plants on a cliff. I was impressed by how many people just ran right past him.

But armor dye won’t matter because he will be w.e color that your team is, or rather that is what the enemy will see him as.

That’s just silly…