Scrappiest Server?

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: micron.5369


I would assume any server that floats around in the bottom tier.

Rationale: I would expect fair-weatehred PvPers to flock to the winning, and higher-tiered servers, not the lower ones. The ones who play (and more importantly stay) on the lower tiers are more likely to PvP because it’s fun and are less likely to quit whenever one server builds an unsurmountable lead.

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Been on Ruins of Surmia since day -3, and the ones who remained at RoS are the ones full of fighting spirit. When The Exodus happened, lot’s of guilds left, but the ones who stayed didn’t give up, even with Das Zerg upon us all the time. Now We’re fighting the RuZerg BUT we’re recuperating, soon we will get strong enough to fight back!

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


scrappy (adj.)
1. Quarrelsome; contentious.
2. Full of fighting spirit.

Which server do you think is the scrappiest and why?

~Please keep a positive tone~

I recently transferred to Tarnished Coast after all the bandwagoners decided to swarm Jade Quarry. All this week we’ve been WAY down on the scoreboard (server mismatch with Blackgate) but everyone still brings the pain every day. There’s been no quitting and no complaining. Earlier today we were planning on how to get our orb back, but only for the sake of server pride. Honestly this is the most fun I’ve had playing WvW to date (and we’re losing!). Plus the chat box gets hilarious from time to time when the RP’ers get into it.


Isle of Janthir

why? The Island has been the one constant since the game has launched

it’s the gatekeeper of tier 1, always been the 5th ranked server and ALWAYS been crushed by whoever the leftover tier 1 happened to be that week JQ/SBI/ET

The Island remains, keeps fighting, doing what it can with what it has..

it’s not easy losing week in and week out to overwhelming tier 1 opposition or to servers with far better coverage than ours, but Janthir is the 1 server who has kept fighting and pushing forward

the real question is not which server fights the hardest, the question is: Which server does the most with what they have?

the answer is found on the Island of Janthir

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Toggles.1783


I think tier 1 and 2 servers are automatically disqualified from this title. (despite certain servers ‘wanting every title’)

I’d say lower tiers have more resolve/fight. It’s easy to fight when you’re on top/winning… and not just in a match up either, but in the rankings.

It’s easy for people to be the best and justify not being the best but are close. Dismissing ‘the top server’ or ‘not being the best because they have more zerg 24/7’ is very easy to do.

Because of this we must look towards the low-mid to bottom. Here we will find the servers that truly are full of the fighting spirit.

Which server jumps between bottom and second to bottom tier the most? THAT server, to me, is the scrappiest server as escaping “the bottom” only to be shoved back into it is very demoralizing yet they keep the fight up week after week despite the top(glory) being completely out of reach for them at that time.

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

(edited by Toggles.1783)

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Adric Melchior.3682

Adric Melchior.3682

Absolutely Tarnished Coast! Being where we are in the third tier, we very often get matched up against a second tier server that got stomped in their previous match and are trying to prove themselves and move back up. We perservere through it all, and even make some amazing captures/defenses in the process. FOR THE COAST!

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


People in the upper brackets should just stop trying to make it seem that they got a lot of fighting spirit because fact it. Remaining in the lowest tier server, or remaining in a higher tier server require different amounts of fighting spirit no matter how “outmatched” you were.
Therefor only the last and second last tier count.
Also about the ‘switching’ tier from last to second last, you atleast have hope to going higher, while the last 2 such as: Devona’s Rest, Kaineng, Fissure of Woe and Ruins of Surmia have to fight much harder to even think of winning and have very little chance of going into an upper tier. Therefor these 4 servers are the winners of this contest, kthxbai.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


Stormbluff isle…every night we come on to 99% of the map taken and 3x orb buff for Jade Quarry, and every night we manage to take a 50/50split(sometimes more) of the map for a few hours before being overrun due to lack of numbers. Even with the impossible to get glitched orb that is always in Jade Quarrys hands no matter who owns the keep it is in.

We’re outnumbered and out-buffed but we still try to cling on against Jade henge of denravi’s Quarry.

(edited by AnthonyZdravko.2051)

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: HandBanana.8701


Stormbluff isle…every night we come on to 99% of the map taken and 3x orb buff for Jade Quarry, and every night we manage to take a 50/50split(sometimes more) of the map for a few hours before being overrun due to lack of numbers. Even with the impossible to get glitched orb that is always in Jade Quarrys hands no matter who owns the keep it is in.

We’re outnumbered and out-buffed but we still try to cling on against Jade henge of denravi’s Quarry.

hod doesn’t far nearly as well as us, since they all hoped ship to JQ and blackgate.


SBI is the official server of Sisyphus. Every night when we come home from work JQ (and HoD before them) control 95% of the map, and yet every night we destroy them taking back 50% or more, all the while knowing that when we wake up in the morning we will be back down to 5% control max.

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: zoobaby.7804


SBI for the reasons stated above. I’ll also toss a bit of love to Janthir. Good fights with them every night.

SBI native and Altoholic
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347



Strategy, spirit, skill, and very low queues for my play times.

SBI has been fighting whatever the Goliath bandwagon server is for a very long time. We’ve never beaten the Goliath, and even still we fight until we can fight no more.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


SBI at least have player and have a good ranking. Some lower tier server doesn’t even have enought player to take tower during peak time. They never won a match ether.

I think it’s even harder to keep the fighting spirit when you are in the bottom tier, and you keep fighting up without enought people to make a group.

Each night, I join a borderland with around 4-5 ally, and we fight all night vs 20-50 players. But we aren’t in the worse spot.

I’d say Devona’s Rest have a good spirit. They have it bad. They keep fighting each week, and they keep losing each week. They doesn’t have the underdog aura like Kaineng that attract wvw guild.

My vote goes to them, don’t give up Devona’s Rest!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Echo all the SBI posts, we’ve been in trenches every week aside from our 1 week spent in tier 2 against massive servers. Try starting off every day with maybe one supply camp on the map you are working on that night, every day. It’s hella fun takin’ it all back though Also with a score that’s like 1 maybe 200k ahead of yours, you tend to flip the f it switch and go for mass murdering with that evil grin on no matter how you can.

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


As a Devonas Rest local, and after seeing this weeks matchup. This award goes uncontested to Kaineng.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


SBI at least have player and have a good ranking. Some lower tier server doesn’t even have enought player to take tower during peak time. They never won a match ether.

I think it’s even harder to keep the fighting spirit when you are in the bottom tier, and you keep fighting up without enought people to make a group.

Each night, I join a borderland with around 4-5 ally, and we fight all night vs 20-50 players. But we aren’t in the worse spot.

I’d say Devona’s Rest have a good spirit. They have it bad. They keep fighting each week, and they keep losing each week. They doesn’t have the underdog aura like Kaineng that attract wvw guild.

My vote goes to them, don’t give up Devona’s Rest!

Thanks bud! My guild is about to enter the arena. We will see that same spirit that Kaineng has no matter what. Keep an eye on us.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Oh please, SBI hasn’t even gone to the depths of despairs the servers such as Ruins of Surmia, kaineng, etc have gone through.
What you describe happens all the time with us. Before our current matchup we were fighting constant german zergs, that had the maps filled with players almost all the time. Even when we put all our players in 1 map we wouldn’t have as many as the germans would have, and we DID have as many people we would drive them off our lands. We fought for every crumb of points we could gather.

So really, no, Not SBI, not any other server who’s not in the lowest tier, whatever you say, you’ve NEVER had it as tough as we had.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


Stormbluff isle…every night we come on to 99% of the map taken and 3x orb buff for Jade Quarry, and every night we manage to take a 50/50split(sometimes more) of the map for a few hours before being overrun due to lack of numbers. Even with the impossible to get glitched orb that is always in Jade Quarrys hands no matter who owns the keep it is in.

We’re outnumbered and out-buffed but we still try to cling on against Jade henge of denravi’s Quarry.

aside from how much I <3 JQ, I’d nominate SBI, they don’t quit.. a lot of servers could find enjoyment modeling this imo. (i’ve only played against T2/T1 apologies for not knowing other Tiers scrappiness). These mother scratchers will make us sweat everyday to hold/take back or curse every keep on the maps… imo they should get award. If I hadn’t already fallen in love with JQ lol …

and ps we dont condone any intention orb glitching… least i’ve never heard it on TS and don’t know any who would intentionally do so… for record cuz that stuff suxorz.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Scrappiest Server?

in WvW

Posted by: Goregash.4952


Gotta go with IOJ

More for their forum pvp than anything. Many servers handle themselves as well and better than them in wvwvw, but they talk the most crap of any of the servers ive seen.