Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


People can be in multiple guilds, you just represent whichever one you feel like it at the time. Since SoS has become one of the unofficial Oceanic servers we have a lot of communities which have presences in other games re-create these smaller presences in GW2 and we tend to stick to our own groups largely.

This is fine for PvE content, it doesn’t work really well for WvW content. We have tons and tons of small guilds and individually that lack presence or cohesion in WvW and we are up against servers which are far better organised and coordinated.

I think the leaders of all the guilds should sit down and formally organise to create a WvW guild where members of other guilds can join and switch presenting to the WvW guild for WvW activities. Call it ANZAC, call it Dipkitten, call it whatever you want to call it but we need to get all our kitteny little expat guild presences and turn it into something effective out in WvW or else none of us are going to be enjoying thekittenreamings we are going to be receiving by organised servers.

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

As Pharcyde has said, myself and Brynna Swiftarrow, working with the leader of Dark Immunity [DI], have created the Sea of Sorrows Union [SoSU]. We have around 15 guild leaders – and some co leaders – in the SoSU guild and it acts as a place where the leaders can convene on an equal footing.

The SoSU’s first official meeting is being held tonight at 8pm AEST (3 and a half hours away).

Level 80 Human Necromancer

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Pelum.5261


The term alliance is extremely bad, we are a Union of all the decent guilds. The problem with our server is the fact we have 10000000 guilds claiming to be large and wuvwuv based but in reality have maybe 2 members do it for an hour a day.

All these guilds that are either lacking in the wuvwuv department or just plain bad should either join one of the main 5 wuvwuv guilds or just stay well away from it and not fill the slots of the decent people

Leader of the Dark Immunity Gaming Community – Est. 2003
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


Haven’t heard about it, it is not much use if nobody knows about it. Advertise it, get people to spread the word on /map and spread the word to the individual guilds to join it. It is only going to work if people know about it and use it.

Ideally we should stuff as many people as possible into these guilds, even if we have to make 2, 3 or more guilds. You cankitten far around with the details afterwards, you need to get people accustom to working together within larger groups and we need clear communication through the entire community.

We are getting a lot of individuals joining up, without any leadership, they wander around aimlessly, they get ganked, don’t achieve anything other than occupy space and we don’t do anything pro-active with the numbers we have. Once we can turn the Oceanic community into an effective fighting force, our server will be attractive for any major US based guilds who are open to moving somewhere where they will have a good off-peak presence.

(edited by Vim.7318)

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Pelum.5261


The people that need to know, know. If people don’t know about it they should consider absorbing into one of the decent wuvwuv guilds.

We also have several US guilds we absorbed from other servers.

Leader of the Dark Immunity Gaming Community – Est. 2003
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


who are the decent WvW guilds?

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Pelum.5261


DI, GULL, SoV, MERC and TS for oceanic times.
BYOB for american times.

There are many more in the union that all contribute but these are the most organised.

Leader of the Dark Immunity Gaming Community – Est. 2003
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Pelum.5261)

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


The term alliance is extremely bad, we are a Union of all the decent guilds. The problem with our server is the fact we have 10000000 guilds claiming to be large and wuvwuv based but in reality have maybe 2 members do it for an hour a day.

All these guilds that are either lacking in the wuvwuv department or just plain bad should either join one of the main 5 wuvwuv guilds or just stay well away from it and not fill the slots of the decent people

I agree. I am in a guild of friends I have gamed with for a long time, but we have maybe a handful at best who like to WvW and maybe only two of us who do it seriously. I think it is just a better idea to have those interested in it join a larger community so when they join up they are part of something that is coordinated.

I haven’t see any guild in our TZ that can claim to be a good WvW guild. Unless you have 500+ members and can dominate a Borderland in your TZ then you are writing cheques you can’t cash.

People just have to leave the ego at the door, pride and vanity are just things which will get in the way of us having any success and that is going to create a bad environment for every Oceanic player.

If we try and make this ‘alliance’, ‘union’, ‘coalition’ or whatever the kitten you want to call it exclusive it will just mean you only have coordination with too small a portion of those actually out there. You need to educate the masses because the system will not give preferential treatment to someone useful, we are only as strong as our weakest links and our weak links are paper thin.

Sea of Sorrows - Oceanic

in WvW

Posted by: Regnier.9240


The Sovereign Gaming is part of SoSU as well. We look forward to upcoming events.