Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


At this time Defiance has moved 157 of 211 members to SoS. For people stuck out all last week from Monday through Thursday the server was medium or high at us times.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: xgalaxy.7402



I’m on Fort Aspenwood here.
And yes, we are currently matched up.

From my perspective, it is really disappointing to go to bed, being up 4k points on both SoS and Mag, and then waking up to see SoS at a 10k point lead. That is a 14k point swing, in the middle of the night.

It makes wanting to take objectives and upgrade them feel pointless.

So your offering of joining SoS sounds real tempting because I’m getting tired of being nightcapped. Sigh.

Really tired of copping grief for simply playing during our prime time. When we go to sleep, we have 2 servers taking back all our nodes. Instead of complaining, we try to find solutions to the problem, ie. try to recruit!

Tonight, we actually had some good fights, and we were fortunate to bust a Maguuma hacker attempting to steal our orb.. which we took back. I’m impressed with how our server has come together these past weeks. Some of the best coordination and teamwork I’ve witnessed so far. So to say that we just night capped you for our points is ridiculous. Remember, your server beat us last time.

On topic, we absolutely welcome the NA guilds that have already transferred here, and encourage the ones who are considering it to do so.

I’m not posting to give you grief.
I’m sorry if it came out that way.

I think the situation sucks on both sides of the issue.
It’s not fun to be night capped. And its not fun to be in a WvW that is empty, or near empty, of opponents during your prime time.

Everybody wants good solid fights, where we feel like we matter, and our actions matter. And it is hard to feel that way when you go to sleep and wake up to find everything you fought so hard for has been taken away – not because we fought hard and lost – but because no one was there at all.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Elmy.5201



I’m on Fort Aspenwood here.
And yes, we are currently matched up.

From my perspective, it is really disappointing to go to bed, being up 4k points on both SoS and Mag, and then waking up to see SoS at a 10k point lead. That is a 14k point swing, in the middle of the night.

It makes wanting to take objectives and upgrade them feel pointless.

So your offering of joining SoS sounds real tempting because I’m getting tired of being nightcapped. Sigh.

Well…. TC got off to a flying start, but we soon started pegging them back. I guess that flying start is what gives you the impression that SoS only got our points overnight when this is not the case.

as i said we just started slow, but by 9pm Central we were the top points on potential, and stayed there until i went to bed at 11.30pm Central. I guess the aussies just kept that going and improved on it.

SoS definitely can compete in NA hours now, but we are still short a map of players at least.

Actually, that’s entirely inaccurate. You (SoS) were in the lead for at least the first 2 days, if not 3, with a solid 10k+ point lead. After that, however, we took the lead and kept it. And no, you were not getting your points during NA times. I’m not saying this to troll or to say we were that much better than you. It’s just simply not true. You would get your points starting around 4am to about 11am where we (TC) would then start having a presence again and slowly take everything back.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


I respect that you are trying to get a NA presence on SoS, but honestly, Tarnished Coast is the server on the upswing. Oceanic players and guilds should move to TC. Proof below.

TC is ok in their primetime, but, during SOS primetime, all they can do is hiding in eternal battleground.

there r a lot of oceanic players in SOS, Im living in Sydney, I know these guys, they wont give up working or sleeping for any games.

so everyday, during 6pm-3am Australia time (around 4am-1pm US time), SOS dominate the worlds, then, suddenly, everyone goes to bed, no one guarding those reinforced gates, or garrisons or orbs, which is really sad.

another thing about SOS, there was an aliance, it broke when we fighting against ET, then some large guilds turn inactive for some reason I dont know, after that the ranking kept dropping untill now, we r rising currently.

We really need some help from American players, so, our work wont be wasted, and no long queueing time. Its not like give us some large guilds then we can knock HOD or JQ out, I saw 1 HOD commander queuing in lion’s Arch for 3 hrs, which is no fun. all we need is just get into the WvWvW anytime we want, and can always find some allies to play with.

about the picture above, it is true, it not just happened once, it happened everyday during US primetime. but, when aussies get off work, its totally another story. the point is: YOU WONT NEED TO QUEUE! and if you log in at US noon, YOU HAVE 3 ORBS TO GUARD.

Have fun guys.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


Im not sure that why people kept arguing in this thread about which server is better. The point is, SOS need help from NA players, we do well during our primetime, which is not good enough.

SOS is really hard to get beaten during primetime, off that time, any server like TC or FA can easily take all keeps back. There is no point arguing. Just different timezone.

The fact is, there r way more NA players than oceanic players. wherever we go, we dont need to queue. Its better for NA players to come to our server.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Kog.6710


Oceanic server was a bad idea…hopefully sos gets a good NA pop going

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


It is great to see SoS has maintained it’s lead during the NA primetime in the current matchup against FA/Mag. This in large part due to the new NA guilds who have joined us in the last week

Anyone else who wants to join us on SoS apparently Mon-Thu the server is only listed as Med/High during NA primetime (and it is “high” now) so that might be the best time to do it.

Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


I still wonder how empty Mag is on a saturday between 2 and 6 pm. borderlands where almost empty.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Attention any North American guilds wanting to field their whole guild at one time in a top 10 server come to Sea of Sorrows. We have had about 600 new Americans come over and it shows in the scoring (actually held our lead almost throughout all of NA primetime last night) and now have a 10k lead after the aussies took over.

A few more guilds and we will be a force to be reckoned with

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


looking for a few more NA guilds willing to step up.

Give props to Defiance (RUN), HUG, and nMe for coming over.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Vargas.9254



I’m on Fort Aspenwood here.
And yes, we are currently matched up.

From my perspective, it is really disappointing to go to bed, being up 4k points on both SoS and Mag, and then waking up to see SoS at a 10k point lead. That is a 14k point swing, in the middle of the night.

It makes wanting to take objectives and upgrade them feel pointless.

So your offering of joining SoS sounds real tempting because I’m getting tired of being nightcapped. Sigh.

Really tired of copping grief for simply playing during our prime time. When we go to sleep, we have 2 servers taking back all our nodes. Instead of complaining, we try to find solutions to the problem, ie. try to recruit!

Tonight, we actually had some good fights, and we were fortunate to bust a Maguuma hacker attempting to steal our orb.. which we took back. I’m impressed with how our server has come together these past weeks. Some of the best coordination and teamwork I’ve witnessed so far. So to say that we just night capped you for our points is ridiculous. Remember, your server beat us last time.

On topic, we absolutely welcome the NA guilds that have already transferred here, and encourage the ones who are considering it to do so.

That’s funny, I just watched SoS Orb fly hack them last night, don’t point fingers. The thing that sucks is SoS didn’t even have the decency to return it.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

That’s funny, I just watched SoS Orb fly hack them last night, don’t point fingers. The thing that sucks is SoS didn’t even have the decency to return it.

I didn’t see this (I was in Wv3 most of yesterday from 20:00 to 12:00 EST – mainly in SoS BL so might well have missed it) but sincerely apologise for the frustration this causes. There’s nothing worse than having some moron ruin everyone elses hard work.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841



I’m on Fort Aspenwood here.
And yes, we are currently matched up.

From my perspective, it is really disappointing to go to bed, being up 4k points on both SoS and Mag, and then waking up to see SoS at a 10k point lead. That is a 14k point swing, in the middle of the night.

It makes wanting to take objectives and upgrade them feel pointless.

So your offering of joining SoS sounds real tempting because I’m getting tired of being nightcapped. Sigh.

Really tired of copping grief for simply playing during our prime time. When we go to sleep, we have 2 servers taking back all our nodes. Instead of complaining, we try to find solutions to the problem, ie. try to recruit!

Tonight, we actually had some good fights, and we were fortunate to bust a Maguuma hacker attempting to steal our orb.. which we took back. I’m impressed with how our server has come together these past weeks. Some of the best coordination and teamwork I’ve witnessed so far. So to say that we just night capped you for our points is ridiculous. Remember, your server beat us last time.

On topic, we absolutely welcome the NA guilds that have already transferred here, and encourage the ones who are considering it to do so.

That’s funny, I just watched SoS Orb fly hack them last night, don’t point fingers. The thing that sucks is SoS didn’t even have the decency to return it.

Yeah we have a couple hackers. They just took FA’s orb on FA borderlands and bragged about it but we brought it back to you guys. They keep taking it though.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Vargas.9254


Thank You. i have a video of the hackers on the HACKING thread. We are trying to cathc an orb hack to upload next. This isnt just to say hey look its so Anet can see it in action.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

Thank You. i have a video of the hackers on the HACKING thread. We are trying to cathc an orb hack to upload next. This isnt just to say hey look its so Anet can see it in action.

awesome…the more we can all do to get rid of scum like these guys, the better.

Sea of Sorrows welcomes American guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Hacking is done by a very small minority of players and is not a server problem. Only Anet has the ability to fix this and it should not be discussed in this thread.

P.S. welcome Americans.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @