Sea of no co-op (sorrows)
Set up a public voice server for the zerg / everyone, a lot of the more organized servers have done this. Then just spam the address in /team
Triscuit hit the nail on the head, the more organized you are the better off you are. Best of luck guys!
Proud play of SoS here. I agree with everything OP has said. We need to organize larger guilds for WvW and try and get some people to defend during off peak hours. I’m willing to help any way I can.
Sea of Sorrows
i can tell you this wont be an easy feat. alliances are fickle and easily offended creatures. i do not wish to sway you from doing this, infact i greatly encourage it. better coordination will make you better which in turn will make the community better.
here are some issues you will have to overcome, find the answers to these and you will be setting yourself up for success, ignore them and watch as your hard work goes up in smoke.
- 1. 10 chieftans or 1 emperor: the death of 90% of alliances is leadership. no one will every say that they do not have the experience to lead and the smallest notion that they might (even if its clear they dont) will bring down the whole house of cards, quickly the fight will focus from the enemy and into yourselves. so having several small leaders doesnt work out to well unless you dont touch eachothers villages with a 100 mile pole, so lets look at the emperor. the emperor is a single leader/guild that coordinates the other. this works well in the long run, but ultimately requires people to agree earlier on that they cannot offer what you offer. people are less likely (especially on the internet) to give into the demands of others and unless you have VASTLY superior force/coordination ability, your right to leadership will always be called into question (wasnt it easier back in the day when you could just claim divine right…)
- 2. communication: i can tell you this is still very much an issue in ET and will continue to be an issue until our guilds can get over their wish to be unique and beautiful snowflakes and understand that for the greater good of the server, easier communication should always be a priority. (im refering to the fact that ruin has a 1000-2000 man teamspeak which could easily house all WVW activity in a open environment, but people prefer to stay on their individual 20 man ventrillos/mumbles and the idea of doing the logical thing, would mean they would have to work in another guilds environment) LEARN FROM THIS, while it may remove some of your unique flare, put the good of the server over any inter-guild drama/BS
- 3. divide the battle field: no single guild can rule WVW it takes the combined work of hundreds of people to ensure success. to better facilitate this, split up borderlands/eb between guilds. if you have enough in the alliance, start breaking it down into time blocks where guilds are in charge of say a 5 hour block of time to dedicate to wvw
- 4. try desperately to make it clear to the pugs that to ensure success you either need them to help, or to stand aside. because of the queuing system pugs throw a serious wrench in most battle plans. right now getting a commander tag helps a lot, but pugs need to realize that largely being unwilling to work with the large server community harms the server in general. (honestly i wish arena net has some sort of vote kick system where you could remove afk’rs or people who are being kitten and just running around trying to solo keeps)
this is just a rough list that i can think of before i go to bed. i know somewhere in there i went from bullet points to advice tips but long posts are hard and words and stuff.
i wish you luck with this and hope you can get this going
*edit: formatting so less wall-o-text
Desolation [DESO]
(edited by Moderator)
We have an alliance / union setup. Thats not the problem its all the terrible guilds with 5 people sitting in spawn / jumping puzzle 24hours a day filling slots of useful people.
Heck as commander and leader of one of the top wvwvw guilds on the server, I have set up numerous ways for us all to communicate we have public voip and everything. Motivation is the problem.
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood
Thank you, MaximumPanda, for taking the time out to write that.
I have also observed the huge lack of coordination and cooperation from pugs and guilds alike on SoS. As MaximumPanda said, guilds need to stop flaunting their kittens and work together SoS wants to achieve anything in WvW.
Pelum and I have been talking about the Sea of Sorrows Union[SoSU] as a means to bring together the leaders of each guild so that we might communicate properly and on an even ground – it’s no ones guild. We invite dedicated WvW players on Sea of Sorrows to whisper myself, Pelum or Brynna Swiftarrow to get this guild off the ground.
I also encourage any Sea of Sorrows guild that is interested in WvW to also pst one of us.
The Union currently consists of 3 guilds. We hope to expand as soon as possible.
Dragonbrand is hit or miss. There are a couple of smart, and fairly organized guilds so there are times where we just dominate, certain lakes specifically … and then there are times when it’s just stupid zergs attacking 4 gates at one keep and two other towers all at the same time.
It doesn’t take much to be in a position where you can hold your own. Win some, lose some, but finish with a realistic point spread. Just get organized. The commander icon works wonders when used properly (and I have no idea how to use it properly, but I know how to follow it when it isn’t over an idiot).
Dragonbrand is doing well in our matchup sofar, but the other teams are fairly competitive. It’s a fun environment for the most part. Maybe thats cuz im winning, but I honestly feel that even if I was on the losing server atm .. I would be able to have some fun, especially if someone is organizing.
Nah, don’t think you’d be having too much fun on Maguuma. The differences in player populations at night has given me a burning hatred for you and your server.
I’m on Isle of Janthir, we’re having the same issues, but slowly getting everyone organised. You might have noticed we’re making a big push the last few days. However, we’re wanting to make an Alliance with you guys against ET. If you’re up for it, can you get in contact and we’ll set up a vent/TS server.
Guild – [RUIN]
yeah that IoJ alliance won’t happen, we found the hidden meaning behind it.
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood
There’s no need to make some silly “alliance” anyway. Just focus your efforts on the winning team if they’re doing that well.
Unfortunately, given they pretty much control everything at this point both SoS and IoJ are presumably already doing that and it’s not working well enough.
Eredon Terrace has a lower population than both Sea of Sorrows and Isle on Janthir. It’s because Eredon Terrace has an a working Alliance that they are doing so well.
Lower population as a server or lower population in Wuv? I was online a short while ago and the numbers of people actually fighting outside the SoS spawn in EB looked pretty even, maybe slanted towards ET.
I’m not sure what IoJ’s spawn looked like, but they controlled more than SoS at the time.
I think we must have just gotten all the spuds on our server who think killing the grub and placing sieges in the middle of no where will somehow help our team. That, and nobody really listens or calls out places that need defending.