Seafarer's rest/Night time
Erm. As official representative of Seafarers Rest community website and FUBAR alliance, i sadly cant support this post as it was a hasty own decision of one of our members.
We do not call anyone to our server. We are quite fine as we are, the people that select it as home world are welcomed, but we have no intend to make it much more populated and are quite happy with it being medium as it stand, thus would like to avoid migration to this server.
Thank you for understanding. While night presence is indeed trouble for us, we dislike the scoring system itself as it stands, and will not bend for it, maintaining the style we have now and raising our server by our own forces in attempt to prove, that one does not have to be on overpopulated server to have fun and do well in WvW even against the much bigger opponents.
While the night population in WvW is indeed an issue for Seafarer’s Rest, the fact that the server is obsessed with Eternal Battleground is a more pressing (and avoidable) concern. No point holding Stonemist and dominating in EB when we lack any significant presence in all 3 borderlands unless it’s prime time.
“unless its prime time”
The FUBAR alliance fights at prime time until 1 AM CET usually, and i hope no one disputes we are doing well there against any opponent. No, we are not intending to change it and play at day at workday, or wake up in 5 AM – most of us are older gamers, have jobs and families and thus have limited schedules.
Outside of that time, you can organize whatever you like, and if you feel there is lack of presence in some maps, you can directly talk with other guilds or try to organize them via event planer on the community website: or by using “Offtime WvW” channel on community teamspeak to organize with other people playing at that time.