Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


So we managed to get the orb from Kodash, placed it in Dreaming Bay and started the reinforcement until suddenly the Orb was placed on the opposite side in Seafarer´s Keep without taking Dreaming Bay.

Great job, Seafarer´s, way to go.

Anet, how you going to fix that? Doesn´t seem to be the first time this happened.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Yoke.4671


Witnessed it myself just earlier, a kitten shame and leaves a bitter taste for the week now. We know were are against cheats and must treat them as such. People who done it should be banned, but hard to prove if no solid screenshots/evidence on offer. Although Anet will have records of orb being in A then being in B, in Y time under X circumstances. And I’m sure they can tell what was done. Will they do anything?

I doubt it

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Berserker.7425


Yay… more cheaters….

I was in that map when we got the orb, it was a good battle with Kodash until we finally secured it and its disgusting that the other team just cheat to take it. Really Hope Anet punishes the culprits… but doubt they will =/

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Well played Seafarer’s rest..

One does simply walk into keeps

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Tristanian.6084


I was on that map as well when the orb all of a sudden disappeared from a fortified keep and magically appeared on Seafarer’s Rest keep. My best guess is the person doing it used a noclip hack and/or a speed hack.

While I’m not one to hold an entire server accountable for the actions of a few (or one) individuals, in all honesty these kinds of hacks are only hurting whatever integrity is still left in WvWvW (if any). We currently have speed hacks, gravity hacks, fly hacks, camera hacks, noclip and I could go on and on but you get the idea. The fact that GW2 is one of the few if not the only MMO that has been plagued by so many hacks simultaneously (available literally at a mouse click on your favorite search engine) in the last few years is mind boggling.

If this trend continues, expect people to leave in droves. This needs to be addressed…yesterday.

Tristanian, Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Officer
Desolation EU

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Spongehunter.1743


I was active in the zone. I watched the orb reset then within 2m it was in the EH keep. I was 2 far north to see the person responcible. Sadly this isnt the first time I have seen this happen. Last week I watched it done against my server in 2 of the 3 zones. Im sorry this happened to you guys. I would also be willling to hand it over. But sadly you no longier own anything in the zone. :/

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


as an active rvr player in sfr i am verry sorry to hear this but know that it is NOTHING 99% of our server condones, asks for or anything. If it is actually cheating see it as an individual doing it and not us all and i just like you hope someone caught a screenshot of it and report the guy so he can get perm banned.

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Steveo.1574


I will keep my eyes open for it, i have plan to catch them too.

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Desert Fox.3271

Desert Fox.3271

On Kodash borderlands @ 04:20 CET, a hacker from SeaFarer’s Rest took the Orb from Desolation, (Dreaming Bay iirc) and it appeared in their keep.
Dreaming Bay was never under attack during this period, so what ever hack they used was able to just take the orb and replace it in anther keep.

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Tristanian.6084


I want to thank the SR people for their responses. As has been stated, we are not bashing the entire server but the person/people responsible for this. Truth be told however, even with screenshots and a name and a possible perma ban, the damage is already done. Losing the orb that people fought hard for about an hour to acquire (actually the ONLY orb Desolation managed to snatch and defend), after facing both Kodash’s and SR’s teams in some awesome fights, in the way it was done, demoralized and dissapointed people to the point of simply leaving the zone. As a result, we lost our towers and keep after making a last (outmanned) stand in the Bay (I was inside when Kodash sieged it, with little resistance).

Tristanian, Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Officer
Desolation EU

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Scuzzy.2713


To quote the SR community webiste:

‘We dont tolerate and despise hackers just like everybody else and have a policy of no exploits/hack. If anyone witnessed what happened and know players name and guild – please report to us and Anet’

From a server point of view we have a Wall of Shame in the coumminty forums where such things may be reported.

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


Since coming to SFR all ive seen is server pride and enjoyment in winning properly.

If this dirtbag cheats when the rest of the server is awake he will get reported by everyone. Were on your side in this.


Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: SgtMarple.3025


From the German WvW: He/they did the same with the Kodash Orb

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


Cocobloco.4617 seems to be the hacker, seems to be a heavy armor wielder, so he probably wasn´t stealthed or anything or portaled inside.

go to and report that guy please.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

(edited by Uder.9187)

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Jerat.6732


Im from Seafarer’s Rest and I hope this cheater gets banned fast. I really liked the new match up vs desolation and kodash and I am very angry that this cocobloco guy (Edwardus Maximus ingame, he was active in our map chat) shamed our server.

I hope that you dont blame our entire server for the actions of one player. It happened in the night when the majority of our server was asleep. Hopefully this wont happen again.

Guild: Nástrandir [Nas]
Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Securing a computer system has traditionally been a battle of wits: the penetrator tries to find the holes, and the designer tries to close them. I imagine the wits of a wvw cheater are pretty low. Step it up ArenaNet.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Tum.5894


All you guys from Seafarer could sit back and let the other 2 servers retake their orbs, without any resistance, and let them even out the scores again. So then the week can be played out fairly.
Because at the minute, myself and i guess many others are not even joininging in this week again.

Cheating players, and night capping have totally ruined this game now !

Seafarer´s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Tum if you seriously belive the point gap that is now is due to the hacking last night then you are delusional at best, the point gap now is due to sfr’s mainline force doing the job because this morning sfr was not controlling the orbs nor was we ahead (actually at second place) and by morning i mean 9cet.

excuses is excuses its that simple, cowboy up sally.