Season one rewards

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Maybe i missed the topic, but was there any actual info/clarification of what to expect from the Season One final chest reward, other than doylyaks finishers?

The achivement is probably the biggest ever grind compared to any other living world/dungeon achivements.

So is there a chance there`ll be something worthy? Or it`ll be finishers and some greens again? Though the title alone makes it worth. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Nope, no information yet.

And calling it a grind is quite silly, since you would quite easily finish the meta by just playing WvW as usual for those 7 weeks. But I suppose playing the game is grind for some.

I personally don’t see the big deal with rewards at all. I play for fun and that is reward enough in my eyes.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


Nope, no information yet.

And calling it a grind is quite silly, since you would quite easily finish the meta by just playing WvW as usual for those 7 weeks. But I suppose playing the game is grind for some.

No, I wouldn’t. The only reason I’m less than halfway done my Season 1 achievements was because SoR gave up for a long while and I was able to get some decent BL karma training going.

For a casual player, like myself, these achievements are a grind. And especially since I’m more of a solo roamer, I’m not getting any of these major objective caps. Even things I should be doing like killing yaks and taking ruins are grindy by virtue of how many I need. They discourage organic play and promote camping out an objective to complete.

With any luck, I can karma train some more each weekend. I’m sure that’s what ANet intended.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Coarr.3286


And especially since I’m more of a solo roamer, I’m not getting any of these major objective caps.

run from keep to keep, kill 2-3 guards and wait till you your zerg does the rest while you do your roaming thing. no need to grind the large objectives

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: denimdan.8642


And especially since I’m more of a solo roamer, I’m not getting any of these major objective caps.

run from keep to keep, kill 2-3 guards and wait till you your zerg does the rest while you do your roaming thing. no need to grind the large objectives

this guy is very right, you never have to karma train, just as you roam past a tower or keep, run up and kill the guards, if you do this to every tower and keep on map then you will get bronze when if your side caps it and credit twards the event, u just have to retag the guards if you leave map

Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: NiceSight.9837


It would be nice having a preview of reward. Just to build an idea.
I’m actually 13/15 and no need of grinding, just playing with guild mates.
Of course I expect something better in the Season Chest than the junk in the WvW Achievement chest.

Badges, wxp tonics, greens are a very poor loot. I hope the season Chest is not just a large Achievement chest…
Prove me wrong!

Mr. Copycat – Mesmer
Insert Coin [IC]

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


My money is on a mini and 3 blues

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Nope, no information yet.

And calling it a grind is quite silly, since you would quite easily finish the meta by just playing WvW as usual for those 7 weeks. But I suppose playing the game is grind for some.

I personally don’t see the big deal with rewards at all. I play for fun and that is reward enough in my eyes.

It IS grind, harmful to that too.

The kills/captures achivement can be done easilly playing WvW indeed, but the other ones require you to go out of the way of you normally play to get them and are substantianal grind in time.

People are dropping 5 rams on doors to get Destructor achivement, repair walls that dont need to be repaired wasting supplies, capture empty control points in borderlands over and over to get 50, queue to EB to get the SM achivement etc.

The achivements motivate people running with zerg train and even so, after you done with main ones require you to go out of the way to get Mercs, repair, door destroy, supply etc. ones since total requirement to get reward is high.

It IS by all means a pointless and time consuming grind requiring more time investemt/wasted effort than many Live Stories combined.

I just hope for next season they either reduce number required to get reward, or add bigger variety including things like Defensive achievements, ressurrections, healing, kills with siege weapons, money spent on upgrades etc.

>But I suppose playing the game is grind for some.
Well, thats the point – you have to get out of the way you normally play WvW to get all the needed achivements. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


It will be the usual 2 greens and a blue…don’t get your hopes up!

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

I’m not holding my breath for anything great. Devon Carver told us in another thread on this exact topic that the chests from the various WvW achievements should address the lack of drops of dragonite in WvW, but that certainly hasn’t been the case for me.

I finished 15/15 last night, the last one being the yaks. That chest took me 2.5 weeks and gave me 50 dragonite. I can get that amount from one round of Shatterer, Claw and the Golem, which might take as much as 2.5 hours.

It’s the good old Anet time/reward problem and they really don’t like to provide comparable rewards to WvW players.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


They don’t like to provide rewards to their players. Period.

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I can’t see myself getting it, despite being a 24/7 WvW player.

I play mostly borderlands so the Mercenary camps are not really my ‘thing’ (More kitten PvE). Looking at the numbers, I’d have to spend forever in EB to get the ach. Especially with the toxic nonsense having taken over everything in that area.

The alternative would be to do a JP (shudder).

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


It IS grind, harmful to that too.

Its only a grind if you make it one. I play about 25 hours a week and just finished my Season Meta. The only one I “farmed” was ruins because I was in queue on a full capped map. Being its only week 3, you still have 4 weeks to finish it. That said for non WvW players that just want to get it done, its absolutely a grind but they are choosing to grind it out.

Harmful? In Week 1/2 absolutely! Now, not so much it hasn’t been much of a issue. At least on Blackgate.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


was there any actual info/clarification of what to expect from the Season One final chest reward, other than doylyaks finishers?

Are they really giving away dolyak finishers? First reward people for farming sPvP and then giving out finishers to anyone who wants one?

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


at this point there is nothing i could receive from a season win achievement that would compensate for the chaos that’s become of wvw – serious, they could give me a whole set of ascended armor, weapons, trinkets and a unique 1 of a kind pet monkey… and i still would trade it in for a balanced game.

rewards, achievements, not on my important list – i’m just trying to grind the gold i need to make my one ascended weapon and hope they fix the game issues.

win a mini doylak and in 2 weeks you’ll forget you even have it. win ascended gear, it does nothing for alt characters.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


One green. One blue. A hundred badges. Some empyreal fragments. One gold coin.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I doubt it will be anything like way back during the first karka event when you opened that big chest and got a bunch of exotics and stuff. I expect a few blues and greens and some badges and siege. Rewards for doing events have GREATLY dropped in quality over the course of the game. A few months from now, getting a green will probably be a rare occurrence and we’ll be getting whites and a few copper.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


Rewards generally in the game have become increasingly kittenrdly over the months.

Loot bag drops, badge drops have been nerfed and the introduction of account bound T7 materials was just adding insult to injury.
Presumably Anet think that making the stuff more difficult to obtain will induce us to keep grinding. Maybe that works for some people.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Personally I’m just doing it for the mini Dolyak. I don’t really care what the other rewards are. Well, I started doing it for the mini. Then I found out I really enjoy WvW and now it’s more like I’m playing it for fun and will get the mini anyway.

I don’t feel like getting the achievements has been a grind, even having never played WvW before and having missed the first week or two.

I’ve got 8 so far – the jumping puzzles (4), Big Spender (bought an ascended ring), Mists Invasion Defender (kill 10 players, ridiculously easy), Master of Ruins and Castles in the Air. Those last two did take a bit of time but not a lot really and you can do other things in between.

I’m very close to getting the ones for killing players and guards and capturing towers, keeps and camps. I’ll get World Ranker too, either through normal play or buying World XP with badges and laurels.

I’m not sure what the 15th will be yet. I’m going to wait until I’ve gotten the others and then see what’s easiest for me to do to finish it off.

I haven’t been keeping track of exactly how long it’s taken me but I can only play for an hour or two on week nights (and not every night) and usually about 4 hours a day on weekends and I’ve managed all of the above in about 3 weeks. So I would have thought for most WvW players it’d be pretty easy to get the meta achievement.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’d keep it quiet about having done the JP one’s if I were you.

You don’t want to look like a total kitten in front of the real men.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Danikat.8537


lol, that’s ok I’m not a man at all. (I’m actually not, I’m a woman.)

Also I mainly did them because they’re quick and easy, the first borderlands one took me about 15 minutes having never done it before, the other two were more like 5 minutes. Obsidian Sanctum I had done before but I did it on a Saturday morning when it was quiet and everyone was just there to get it done and get out so it was really easy.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


A beast finisher.

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Dani, it’s folks like you who are a great benefit from the leagues. It’s fantastic to read people say they came in for the achievements, but fell in love with WvW. Here’s hoping more of you are out there.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Stillmoon.6894


don’t get your hope up, the reward will be suck enough to make people who transfer server cry for their money

its a server wide reward so it wont be anything fancy

“Dream and hope sundered my world, it will no longer wreak such sorrow”

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Lol, I disagree. To ensure max participation and actually make winning a competition mean something, I’m betting the three league winners will get something pretty significant. My money’s on an ascended back piece because: it’s been asked for in WvW for a while now, most living story big rewards were some kind of back piece, and they have plans in the works to eventually allow everyone to get a WvW ascended back piece, so those screaming will be placated, and the winners of the leagues will have the benefit of owning one for a couple of months ahead of everyone else.

If it’s a skin or lame reward, I think motivating people to really push for their server in season two will be an uphill battle. I also think it may help spread out the WvW population for season two.

Also this from Sept. 1, almost two months before the leagues started:

I can’t comment at this time as we haven’t finalized anything. In addition, you should look at it this way, if people flee lower league servers to get into the top leagues, it opens the opportunity for people to move to those lower leagues and finish 1st or 2nd, rather than being in the top league and finishing 6th or 7th. The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


My money’s on an ascended back piece because: it’s been asked for in WvW for a while now, most living story big rewards were some kind of back piece, and they have plans in the works to eventually allow everyone to get a WvW ascended back piece, so those screaming will be placated, and the winners of the leagues will have the benefit of owning one for a couple of months ahead of everyone else.

It is extremely unlikely that they would reward a few servers with something as significant as this, especially if it is a “couple of months” before the rest of us can get them.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Oh I think that would guarantee a stampede for season two.

Couple that with the fact they had a sale on transfers on the week leading up to the leagues, and that info like the one quoted above had been out for two months prior, I think people can rage all they want, lol. If the shiny carrot was the most important thing, you had all the tools to make that decision. Heck, medium pop servers were actually free to transfer.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Yeah sure. Ascended back piece with fixed stats combination nobody needs. But if it was really only that I would not care. Difference in stats probably not that big.

As long as they don’t give tons of free chests with exos that you can sell or rank xp liquid wxp stuff(that only helps that server that already is strong in gaining more ranks fast).

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Maybe i missed the topic, but was there any actual info/clarification of what to expect from the Season One final chest reward, other than doylyaks finishers?

The achivement is probably the biggest ever grind compared to any other living world/dungeon achivements.

So is there a chance there`ll be something worthy? Or it`ll be finishers and some greens again? Though the title alone makes it worth.

WvW achievments are the least grindy of them all. They are things you do during normal play in WvW, assuming you actually play WvW and arent just in there to get acheivements.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master |

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: ShiningMassXAcc.4735


Based on what’s been dropping from these
Killing 225 yaks is equivalent to doing Mark 2 Golem once.

I think we can expect the normal WVW fare from the season chest.

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


I “actually” play WoW and i length have my achivement, i`d say, i have more say about WvW than most people posting here and its always ironic to read someone implicate silly things without knowing the person they refer to.

Now to point of grind: It is. All points i listed stand.

Any living world update can be finished in a few hours/days/few days if it requires dailies.

The WvW achivement in contrast requires active gameplay for long period of time and substantional amount of pure meaningless “grind”. Unless you are not dedicated to getting it – chances are, a lot of even active players will not have it finished till end of season having it “almost done” unless they specifically go to grind few remaining ones.

The WvW set of achivements requires more time investment and dedication than both “monthly” achivements, let alone any living world or any other.

And about the “actually play WvW and not just get there to get achivements” – if i would just normally play WvW as i usually do, chances of me getting achivements would be much much slimmer: sunce current achivement set motivates nothing but zerg run and objective flip. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

Season one rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Orthas.4937


The achievement doesnt take long to get, im on GOM and there isnt a massive WvW presence, i mean, sure, on weekends we get an influx, but thats expected, on weekdays its typically the same 15 guys in TS all spread out being smart, sure, this week is going to get a few people down, but hey, tough weeks will do that (kitten those triple zergs)

i stopped playing for a good 6ish months, got back on and acquired my key within a week, that’s playing smart and just keeping with some good commanders (“The One Spartan”, “Certified Killa X” & “Grim Charazard” You guys rock!)

Just play smart and stick on the tags. it doesn’t take long.

BTW: getting the 4 JP ones makes things much easier, although i think over the couple weeks I’ve been back, I’ve managed to get pretty much all the achievements.

Newguy – GOM

I play when I can and help who I can