[Introductory Statement: This thread is requesting an exchange of views on the topic. I would ask commenters to attempt constructive discussion and to leave your match-up hatred outside. Please don’t turn this into a match-up thread, cause it’s something we do need to talk about.]
Anyway, we have these things called Seasons, which are supposed to be tournaments to find the best WvW server. we’ve had a different tournament system each time, and each time the system has demonstrated considerable flaws. I don’t have a good answer myself, so I’m throwing open the question. What would be a good tournament system?
It should be noted that the servers are fundamentally unequal. As time passes, Glicko does work well to ensure that each Tier is reasonably equal, but there’s a massive difference if you go up or down a Tier. A T3 server will get destroyed in T2, but dominate in T4. Obvious, I know, but the tournament system does kind of rely on all servers within a league being somewhat equal.
Season 1: Round-Robin
Season 1 tried to have a Round-Robin sort of system, with all matches scheduled in advance. There were a number of flaws with it, such as:
- Inescapably setting lower Tier servers against higher Tier ones
- Gaming the system by working out matches in advance
- Of the servers suggested to win the tournament, some getting more “easy” weeks than others
- Reliance on accumulating points over the course of the season
- Not enough weeks for a true round-robin
Season 2: Swiss Style
Season 2 attempted to fix some of these flaws, with the Swiss system. Instead of pre-arranged match-ups, each server gains a number of points based on their performance, and are ranked into Tiers based on those points. Flaws include:
- Treats each Tier as equal, so the winner of Week 1’s T5 gets the same amount of points as the winner of Week 1’s T3.
- Based on that, inescapably setting lower Tier servers against higher Tier ones
- Gaming the system by tanking one week to get a solid win the next
- Not treating every week as equal (the “2v1 question”). While this isn’t really about 2v1’s (whatever those actually are), servers are playing each week based on how it will help them for the tournament as a whole, rather than simply doing their best to win each week.
- Reliance on accumulation of points over the course of the season
Based on what I read on this (and other) forums, no one has appeared to be particularly happy with either season. While some of the problems with WvW are endemic and probably inescapable, the issues with Seasons might be, at least partly, solved by a better match up system, or by a re-thinking of the entire concept.
Examples/food for thought (I do not particularly support any of these, but rather hope for them to assist discussion. Each suggestion is independent of the others, obviously. And I’m working within the existing framework of WvW, so not discussing changing the PPT system, or removing the concept of servers entirely, etc. This is purely about how a Season is organised.):
- A round-robin system, but with undisclosed match-ups. Only solves a very few of the problems, of course.
- Swiss system, but treating each Tier as unequal. Eg: In a 3-Tier League (like NA Silver), winning the top tier might be worth 9 points, second place 7, 3rd place 5; in the middle tier, winning would be 7, 2nd place 5, 3rd place 3; and so on. The numbers are arbitrary. Of course, this slightly defeats the purpose of Seasons, in that it enforces the Glicko Tier system, and doesn’t allow a low-tier server to win (which is apparently desirable/possible).
- Smaller Leagues: only 6 or 3 servers per league. Would solve some problems, but again, might defeat the purpose of Seasons. And would probably be boring.
- Change to concept of Seasons to be longer, and based on normal WvW: instead of a special event, each 3 months would be a season. The server in each League with the best performance over the course of those 3 months would be considered the winner, and get some sort of reward.
- Get rid of Seasons altogether. Has the advantage of avoiding the problem completely, otherwise is probably undesirable.
So, what do you guys think? Please try to keep discussion civil and constructive