Seige griefers; lack of report function

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Tarkus.4109


Siege trolling by random players happens to most servers at some point, and currently there is no way to get these guys to stop other than waiting it out and hoping they get bored. There is a precedent to get these guys banned (i.e. Manual-breathing got banned after a ANet staff member was contacted) as what they are doing breaches the ToS (

There really isn’t a way currently to report these people, as filling a garrison full of ballistas and rams whilst emptying the supply doesn’t fall under botting, spamming, verbal abuse or scamming.

Here’s an example ( ) of a person who decided to fill BG garrison with useless paper siege recently after he got called out by a well known commander for making racist slurs. I’m not going to add the name up here as it will likely get this post deleted.

This isn’t a complaint thread about one server in particular, but more to the underlying issue that there is no other way other than contacting an Anet employee directly to get these guys to stop. Including a function to report griefers would be easy to include into the report UI and would probably fix the issue.

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

(edited by Tarkus.4109)

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Supreme.4051


We have our own server griefer too, draining supplies everywhere

Because lack of a real report function, I report them for everything a few times just to be sure.

edit: inb4infraction

(edited by Supreme.4051)

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Muusic.2967


Every game has their own version of these types of trolls in that their favorite activity in game is disrupting other players and causing unhappiness in general amongst the players around them. The psychology goes back to the “little brother” who would annoy an older sibling until they received a negative backlash because any attention is better than none.

Most MMO’s have turned a blind eye to this trolling because to address it would take an enormous amount of resources once the trolls turn their attention from their fellow players to the customer support staff. It comes down to “who wants to babysit”?

It’s just not in the best interest for any MMO to try to police an issue like trolling because it isn’t a game issue, it’s a human social issue thats not going to be fixed by banning a few players because there will be many to fill their shoes.

I would love nothing more than to see these little ******* get what they deserve but in the scheme of things it just isn’t going to happen.

Be who you are and say what you feel for those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind
~Dr. Seuss

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


i don’t see the problem with the places in sieges , speacial the last image inside lord room.

if you dont know OP the flame ram ti applies defense to allies and fear + fire condition + damage from condition on enemies . so it is very good siege for defense inside the fight .

one day i solo hold the southest camp against up to 4 enemies with 2 simple rams and 2 balistas for over 6 hours ….

if you want to be the only one that place sieges in a tower ask from anet the claim gives this ability on the guilds and only that have claimed the tower. this will be good to see what guild is a real wvw guild and not just blah …blah ….blah ….

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


What about making siege equipment moveable inside a fortified area? That way, if these griefers use up all the siege, scouts can just move them to a useable spot. That or I like the idea of a commander being able to “repurpose” (destroy) siege and gain supply back. Maybe with a salvage kit of some kind with a chance at retrieving blueprints…

(edited by Jerbiwan.9271)

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: ChrisKader.6457


I would love to see grief siege punishable. It seems it is becoming a new thing and it is not doing anything to help people. Placing 20 flame rams right next to the outter Bay wall (on the bridge) does nothing but drain supply from the server.

I would really like to see a cap in siege that can be dropped by one player in a given time frame. Commanders do drop a lot of siege but its nothing compared to what trolls drop.

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Delta.2093


I agree with Tarkus (OP) on this – it is very bad, and what’s worse: it’s been a long time since these are… ignored (?) by Anet or whoever should care.

And it’s not just wasting supply deliberately – some of them just “take over” map chat, insulting everyone, making racist remarks (against “asians”, “french”, “canadians”, …) and hate speeches, and so on. We can report/block/ignore – that’s nice… but not really – because the next day they are still there, and the day after… Anyone cares to check the chat logs after players being reported and see at least the insults there?

We need a few players choosen by each WvW community, from their most trusted members, given the right to temporarily “ban” chating, taking over siege, taking supply, placing supply (and similar) actions from these individuals. Spending time in this game should be fun, not intoxicated by these… (add the most negative words to describe them… )

Stop ignoring these reports. Feels like you support them. What can we do more? Please tell us. Exploiters & hackers are already in advantage – we need to make videos & screenshots, and send it to your exploit email… not everyone can do that. You should have at least from time to time a presence in this game, hunting down these problems. Contacting community leaders and working together with them, would be a huge step. We can’t solve these – you can.

Delta | Spell (M) | Bold (W) | Conde (N) | Sky (El) | Flames (G) | Heart (T)
[FUG/SG/TDT] on the Jade Quarry

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Aazo.2841


What I would suggest is the devs put the NAME of the character on the piece of siege they built. This way a player could accurately report said siege griefer. So when you right click a piece of siege it not only gives you the timer left on it, but also says "built by “insert name here”". After all, folks should take pride in what they build eh? And this way a griefer that is spamming siege would be tracked so much easyer to prove said griefing for report and punishment purposes.

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Please tell me how anet is going to tell the difference between:
-a person building useless siege with malicious intent
-a person building useless siege because they don’t know better

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: ChrisKader.6457


Please tell me how anet is going to tell the difference between:
-a person building useless siege with malicious intent
-a person building useless siege because they don’t know better

The latter is pretty easy, they are not filling up a base with a bunch of crap and are most likely not spamming chat with BS.

A person dropping siege once or twice not knowing will quickly learn as the community corrects them.