Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?
I look at it this way:
Many people in WvW devote countless hours and hundreds of gold to the cause.. whether it be with upgrades or siege weapons.. And they do it without the expectation of being reimbursed. Half the time they don’t even get recognized for their work. These are the people (a small portion of the population) who are the driving force in winning a match. More often than not they are commanders.
When those players see you trying to sell siege weapons instead of donating them to commanders or putting them down yourself, they’re going to call you out on it. They’ll accuse you of taking up a spot in WvW to do jumping puzzles and “make gold” instead of contributing to the war effort. And there’s nothing you can do to stop that.
I am not a commander, nor do I want to be, but I contribute quite a bit of gold to upgrades and siege placement. I don’t do it for kudos or recognition but because I personally want to help with a certain objective. If your objective is to make gold then I say do whatever you want with your siege.
Ye should be helpin ‘da coast. O’ corse ye be gettin flack over ’dis.
There be many o’ us putting tons o’ time and money ’ta help da coast.
Ye are rather selfish ’ta be lookin fer money ye should be doin fer free.
If ye be not plannin ’ta be a team player keep ya filthy siege.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Hey if you want to switch servers, and be my pusher, I’d be happy to have my guild buy siege off you.
I think our entire Alliance would do it. Don’t be afraid to get in touch!
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Hey if you want to switch servers, and be my pusher, I’d be happy to have my guild buy siege off you.
I think our entire Alliance would do it.Don’t be afraid to get in touch!
No thanks, I’m loyal to TC. Even if they act silly about things like this. When I see them donating their exotics to new lv 80s I’ll start to feel bad for my “filthy” siege.
I’ve been doing it for a while, but a lot of my regular customers have left the game or just don’t WvW much anymore. I tried advertising in map chat and, let’s just say, it didn’t go well. I was accused of not being a team player, of not caring about the server, and all that jazz.
None of it is true. I just see it like this. I am almost exclusively a skirmisher. Most siege is useless to me. If I ever do find myself near a zerg or helping out when we’re outmanned, I drop siege if I have it without a second thought.
However, it drops often enough that I can gather up a reasonable stock. To me, selling siege rather than giving it away is no different than selling exotics rather than not giving them to your allies. You got luck and got them. They’re your stuff and you have to right to profit off them if you’d like to. No one is forced to buy from me. I also never sell to the enemy.
Not to mention, I always sell at lower than vendor cost to purchase the prints. I manage to profit from my play and the players I sell to get a good deal as well. Seems like a win win to me.
Am I wrong? I know I won’t be advertising anymore, lol. I’ve had enough of the pious server pride stuff. But I’m interested to hear what people think.
So am I wrong on this? Are arms dealers okay and are they good for WvW? Let’s keep this polite and friendly. I hope we can discuss this rather than bicker.
A lot of people routinely sell off the blueprints that they don’t use. Golem’s for example are more useful to large organized guilds than individual players because they require a decent sized forced to protect them. The idea that anyone is not a team player or being ‘disloyal’ is complete bull. If I didn’t sell my golem for 75s then it would be sitting in my inventory collecting dust. The fact is I am doing my server a favor by offering an additional method for acquiring blueprints at a reduced cost. If somebody doesn’t want to buy them from me, then don’t. If you want to get them for free, then run the jumping puzzle.
Bottom line, there’s nothing wrong with it at all.
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
All I know is I’d buy some from you simply because its cheaper than the vendor. I can see where some people might get their feathers ruffled having spent tons of gold on it for the good of the server or what not. Idk, I wouldn’t worry so much, I don’t really see a problem with it.
For all they know you could be a PvE exclusive player who trys to help the server by doin the JP once in a while and selling the siege for cheap :P
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
Did you spend 60 dollars on the game? Your game, as long as you respect the terms and conditions Anet has placed forth…sell all the seige you want. I am with 47ninjas here, if you were on SoS, I’d be one of your biggest customers. You can never have enough seige.
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
I suppose that is your choice and if people buy them then good for you. Personally I just drop the big things over to commanders I have followed and know do a good job. I keep little things for myself though like arrow carts.
All I be havin ‘ta say ’ta da PvE players ’dat be comin in ’ta WvW ’ta sell yer siege and not helpin ’da team by offer’n fer free is that ’da lovely PvE bonus ye be gettin come from ’da war effort.
Helping ‘da server by giving siege ’ta commanders or large guilds be helpin ye ’ta make more money in ’da end when we be winnin’.
’TA each their own but it still be mighty selfish of ye.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
w8 w8 … arent siege soulbound … ?
Yes, but you can equip them like you are going to build and instead of building it you drop it. Then someone else can pick them up.
w8 w8 … arent siege soulbound … ?
If you drop siege anyone can pick them up which is intended. From my understanding reading a post, they would like to make blueprints tradeable but atm there are some wierd codeing that is preventing this which may get resolved in the future, but its not on the list of high priorities. (We can debate this if it is a good idea or not some other time).
In my opinion people that play WvW make it easier for me to do the jumping puzzles so I give them my unwanted siege as a tradeoff if i’m not going to use it myself in matches. I can see the beneifit where cheaper siege allows for more gold for upgrades. I can also see that if this becomes really profitable you will get people running a lot of characters just to the jumping puzzle allowing enemy forces to rally on the map while your own forces que up waiting for the PvE players to leave.
Don’t listen to them. Making gold not only helps you but they can buy dsicounted siege weapons to further aid their servers benefit. It is a WIN WIN situation.
Also call yourself the Official TC ArmsDealer… people like shows(RP) hence the golem god. ;P
I look at it this way:
Many people in WvW devote countless hours and hundreds of gold to the cause.. whether it be with upgrades or siege weapons.. And they do it without the expectation of being reimbursed. Half the time they don’t even get recognized for their work. These are the people (a small portion of the population) who are the driving force in winning a match. More often than not they are commanders.
When those players see you trying to sell siege weapons instead of donating them to commanders or putting them down yourself, they’re going to call you out on it. They’ll accuse you of taking up a spot in WvW to do jumping puzzles and “make gold” instead of contributing to the war effort. And there’s nothing you can do to stop that.
This. So much this.
All I be havin ‘ta say ’ta da PvE players ’dat be comin in ’ta WvW ’ta sell yer siege and not helpin ’da team by offer’n fer free is that ’da lovely PvE bonus ye be gettin come from ’da war effort.
Helping ‘da server by giving siege ’ta commanders or large guilds be helpin ye ’ta make more money in ’da end when we be winnin’.
’TA each their own but it still be mighty selfish of ye.
Sorry commander, but I disagree. It isn’t selfish.
I understand the mentality behind wanting all siege to enter the war chest for free, but it isn’t realistic. Siege is never free — not even from the jumping puzzle or map exploration.
When you explore a WvW map, you get some siege in exchange for your time. When you complete the jumping puzzle, you get some siege in exchange for your time. Time is a resource to be spent and exchanged, and is equivalent to currency in its value.
If you invest time into stocking up siege, then you have every right to choose to exchange that time investment for a monetary investment rather than handing it out for free. I actually believe that it’s more selfish for people to take handouts for granted and expect them to always be there.
Let’s say that SteepledHat sells you a Golem for 50s — what’s happened is you have saved 50s and gained a Golem, and SteepledHat has gained 50s for repairs, food buffs, etc. If SteepledHat just outright gives you the Golem, then you gain a Golem and SteepledHat gains nothing.
How is that not selfish, entitlement, or taking advantage of your allies? Again I understand the whole concept of what you’re arguing, that it’s for the greater good and etc, but it isn’t reasonable to expect that from anyone outside of your own guild. If people do that then cool beans, but that’s not what you should be expecting as the norm.
You should honestly be tipping at least 1 silver per piece of siege you get, if for no other reason than to be polite.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
In the past month I have probably spent 50 gold on upgrades & stuff in WvW. I’m not a commander or part of a big guild, and I’m not rich, I’ve just contributed as needed when needed. Now, I’m not saying that everyone should make this size of contribution, but everyone should make some form of contribution, whether it’s putting down siege where it is needed, or stopping by a tower when running past to see if there is any siege that needs refreshing or upgradeds starting.
Now, if you feel that you would rather make a profit than a fair contribution, then that is your choice and your right to do so if you choose, after all you paid for the game the same as everyone else, just don’t expect me to pat you on the back and congratulate you.
There is plenty in life to worry about, this is not one of them. I’m sure as long as you keep it in map chat and don’t spam too much it is fine.
In the past month I have probably spent 50 gold on upgrades & stuff in WvW. I’m not a commander or part of a big guild, and I’m not rich, I’ve just contributed as needed when needed. Now, I’m not saying that everyone should make this size of contribution, but everyone should make some form of contribution, whether it’s putting down siege where it is needed, or stopping by a tower when running past to see if there is any siege that needs refreshing or upgradeds starting.
Now, if you feel that you would rather make a profit than a fair contribution, then that is your choice and your right to do so if you choose, after all you paid for the game the same as everyone else, just don’t expect me to pat you on the back and congratulate you.
I’m happy to make a “fair contribution.” However I fail to see how my giving something away for free is equitable. I find it silly that you all see giving away a resource as the standard. So I can expect to get free exotics now? For the good of the server, give me your drops.
I’m happy to make a “fair contribution.” However I fail to see how my giving something away for free is equitable. I find it silly that you all see giving away a resource as the standard. So I can expect to get free exotics now? For the good of the server, give me your drops.
You obviously did not read my post properly. I did not ask you to give anything away. I was suggesting that you USED them.
No-one sees giving away resources as standard, you are the only one to suggest that, however in WvW everyone (apart from the rare exception) sees USING their resouces as standard, even those too tight-fisted to contribute to building upgrades will usually place a piece of siege when someone says “We could really do with a <insert siege item here> at this location”, I have even seen people say “I’ve got a <insert siege item here> spare, do we need one anywhere”, and othere even start placing siege without even being asked if they see that it is needed.
As I said before, if you’d rather sell than use your siege – your choice, but it’s not the one that I would make.
Your remarks hold the assumption that everyone in WvW is a zerglet. If you read my OP, you’d notice that I am not a 1 spammer. I roam and cap camps mainly. Solo or with two or so people. I have very, very little need of siege. I also talked about how, in those rare instances that I’m with a zerg, I do contribute. So there you go.
Here is my 2 cents on this issue.
1. Hey NO ONE can tell anyone else how to play this game as long as not botting/exploiting etc. In a party you can have more say if you have issues w/screwing things up etc. What we are saying is OUR OPINION which is what you asked.
2. I do a lot of the jumping puzzles spread out over multiple characters and I try and do them all daily. Then I’ll hop onto my gf’s account (if she’s busy cooking dinner etc.) and grab all the eb jp ones on all of her characters if we have mesmers available. So roughly in the last 3+ weeks between us I have donated 200+ siege easily to my guild’s commanders I am in Icoa which is a heavy wvw guild in BG). I give them FREELY to help fund the war effort as I am doing the jp’s for the badges/drops from chests; the bp’s are just a bonus:)
3. You are taking a simplistic approach to the scenario. No matter how cheap you make the siege it is STILL taking away possible funds that others can be BETTER utilized for upgrades and MORE siege. You are on TC right? Do you enjoy being on T2? Ever have hopes/aspirations of making it to T1? It takes all hands on deck and every little bit helps. I know numerous mesmers who try DAILY to camp the eb jp and ask for NOTHING in return and will spend hours in there. Most if they ask for anything will only ask for donations of siege which in turn they turn over to their favorite guilds/commanders. I can hop into eb almost anytime of the day and we get ppl asking about mesmers and it seems most of the time it is yes or they are clearing out the puzzle and requesting help.
4. If more people did this and it became the norm here on BG and we lost our mesmer hordes that strive to assist in eb jp we would find ourselves quickly dropping tiers/watching ppl transfer away en mass. It is what has allowed BG to grow into the force we are today. The amount of nonsense you hear in my guild’s TS about pugs would make your head spin but the moment we ask a random group/guild to go do something (ala attack different gate, escort yaks, drop siege, etc.) they do it and they do it kitten well. Why? Cuz pugs gave server PRIDE (at least on BG) and want to effing win and are willing to do whatver is required if it helps the war effort. Without them BG would be nowhere.
5. Hey you don’t normally do zergs and are more of a roamer? Well if those zergs aren’t around keeping the heat on the opposing servers trying to defend/take heavily defensed objectives guess what happens? The opposing teams disband their zergs and make numerous strike squads to find and destroy roamers such as yourself. So in essence they are protecting you albeit while you are providing a valuable service for them. The problem is their effort has a prohibitive cost involved while yours has virtually none. Furthermore I have played alot of the roamer role and the zerg role. Going up against quality opponents in prime time hours the rewards/repairs etc. are much better as a roamer vs being involved in a zerg.
6. Finally the best way to look at is if everyone did this how would the wvw health of your server turn out? People only willing to drop siege if getting “paid” for it? People rushing to grab siege on the ground before someone else gets to it? Mesmers demanding paid for portals in jp (a few scum have tried doing this already)? You are on the unofficial RP server TC and you cannot help out your fellow war leaders even though you are reaping the benefits as well from their efforts (go look at those wvw bonuses even available in pve which put more money into you pocket via every kill etc.) I’d suggest a transfer into a T8 server or so. You are giving the people of TC (I was there for around a month) a bad name even having TC above your head. Let alone being a guild leader on that server. I guarantee you if I was a commander/heavy wvwer in your guild I’d blow a head gasket if I witnessed you doing this.
Some commanders are hardworking and very efficient. I give them siege and thank them for doing a good job.
I think it makes a nice change to the rants I see in forums/team chat from people who say “If I had a commander pin…..” All the power but no responsibility….
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I find it funny that you all don’t see the parallel. I’m simply selling a drop. Nothing more. Just because some people seem to think it’s expected to give away a good for free, I’m supposed to comply else I’m denigrating my server, myself and my guild? No, I disagree.
The effectiveness of your armor is directly related to your combat effectiveness. Maybe we should be giving away exotic gear that we find. If it dropped for you in WvW it goes to the server. Every lv 80 should be fully geared, if they aren’t we should just give them our extra. No profit from your play. Do you not see the parallel?
If I ever saw someone demanding money for a siege equipment even if it was reduced price I would look down on them, this method is almost an assured effect of a jumping puzzler mentality, as I highly doubt someone would do this if they bought it with cold hard cash.
That being said you are acting as a free loading leech to those mesmers that camp in EB puzzles for hours on end without asking for anything in return. Imagine if mesmers demanded that you pay them 30 silver for each person that they are portaling up? What you are doing isn’t much different from that, sure you may donate free siege during the heat of combat every now and then, but you are still demanding money from people off of materials that you got for free, which comes off as nothing but greedy and selfish.
I feel bad for the commanders who have bought siege off of you in TC.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
If I ever saw someone demanding money for a siege equipment even if it was reduced price I would look down on them, this method is almost an assured effect of a jumping puzzler mentality, as I highly doubt someone would do this if they bought it with cold hard cash.
That being said you are acting as a free loading leech to those mesmers that camp in EB puzzles for hours on end without asking for anything in return. Imagine if mesmers demanded that you pay them 30 silver for each person that they are portaling up? What you are doing isn’t much different from that, sure you may donate free siege during the heat of combat every now and then, but you are still demanding money from people off of materials that you got for free, which comes off as nothing but greedy and selfish.
I feel bad for the commanders who have bought siege off of you in TC.
Lucky you, I was still on the page. First, siege drops like candy from enemies. You’d know that, I’d think, if you played a lot. Second, I’ve portaled people myself in the JP. I find it hilarious that you all think it’s selfish to sell a good. An asset that dropped as the result of combat. I’ve got some alts that aren’t in full exotics yet. Can I get some gear. For the good of the server.
The people who they call you out like that are most likely the people who spend literally hundreds of gold and badges to upgrade towers, camps and keeps when nobody else does, drops siege without a second thought, and spends countless hours in WvW. If they see you selling siege in team/map chat, obviously they would think you’re not contributing, since they already use hundreds, if not thousands of gold pouring into WvW.
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
The people who they call you out like that are most likely the people who spend literally hundreds of gold and badges to upgrade towers, camps and keeps when nobody else does, drops siege without a second thought, and spends countless hours in WvW. If they see you selling siege in team/map chat, obviously they would think you’re not contributing, since they already use hundreds, if not thousands of gold pouring into WvW.
But their thought process isn’t logical. I work hard for TC. I’ve been with it since beta and I’ve never though of leaving. I help out whenever is needed. Run with zergs (even though I hate it) when we’re out manned. Try to coordinate and work with the zergs. But if I’m honest, the reaction I got today has made my loyalty waiver. I was taken aback and very disappointed.
I have spent nearly 100 Gold on Upgrades and Siege over the last month. I was given my Commander Tome by a friend who enjoyed when I commanded and thought it would be better for the Server if I wore the icon. I have thrown down absurd numbers of ACs, Ballista, Catas, Trebs and Rams…I have also donated ridiculous amounts of items/things to my Guild’s bank. When I see someone else doing this, I am thankful. But I do not believe it is right or appropriate or anything to assume all people should be doing the same thing. Siege is something you earn, how you use ANYTHING you earn is up to you. Will you be more respected for giving it freely? Certainly…People who donate to Charity are often more respected than those who don’t. But by charging a discounted rate, you are doing nothing wrong beyond saving people Silver that is going to a Player instead of an NPC and thus likely going to help the Server indirectly anyway.
It’s your seige, do what you like with it. If you don’t want to contribute, don’t.
But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.
But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.
This expectation is the selfish and greedy one. Not yours…so long as there’s some form of discount you are still contributing.
It’s your seige, do what you like with it. If you don’t want to contribute, don’t.
But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.
I got the idea from another TC player….
So yeah, everyone is doing it for free. /sarcasm
After reading through all these posts I think it’s clear that the attitude towards this practice varies from server to server and tier to tier.
In the lower tiers, we almost never have a queue so the idea that someone is ‘taking up a spot’ in wvw doesn’t apply.
On my server most of the commanders are idiots who think they’re better at wvw simply because of their tag. I don’t know anyone who has ‘donated’ to a commander simply because they were a commander.
A lot of siege that I see placed is placed poorly so the notion that any siege that gets deployed is a ‘contribution’ is wrong. A badly placed piece of siege will waste supply from players who don’t know better.
At the end of the day I thank SteepledHat for bringing up this issue for debate. Unless ArenaNet changes the behavior of blueprints there is no doubt that more and more people will sell blueprints. Some servers will shame their playerbase into giving away blueprints, other servers will embrace the buying & selling of blueprints at a discount. This issue will work itself out on it’s own as any other free market does (assuming of course that ArenaNet doesn’t make any changes).
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
You are missing a major part of what WvW is about if you are hoping to be paid for your contributions.
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP
You’re missing a major part of what currency is for if you are hoping for people to give it away for free.
You are missing a major part of what WvW is about if you are hoping to be paid for your contributions.
It’s not a “hope to be paid for contributions” it’s an exchange of goods no different than armor, weapons or food.
Look at it another way, hundreds of players are either too cheap or too lazy to put on both a Food nourishment and a Utility nourishment when they WvW. Should those players be scorned for not ‘contributing’ to their full potential? Should rich players buy them food and give it out? Should poor players expect to get free food & utility? There is no single answer to that question and the answer is going to be different depending on which server you play on.
You’re missing a major part of what currency is for if you are hoping for people to give it away for free.
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist
… and people wonder why that server is getting crushed against servers with people on them.
I have a much better idea. Why not have guilds charge the server for their services as well? I think a rate of at least 1g an hour for each member who serves the server in WvW would be a nice touch. After all, if everything that can become a commodity in WvW becomes one, why not effort as well? Server profits from winning, players profit from gold. It’s a win win situation for everyone.
(edited by Kid Taylor.5479)
I have a much better idea. Why not have guilds charge the server for their services as well? I think a rate of at least 1g an hour for each member who serves the server in WvW would be a nice touch. After all, if everything that can become a commodity in WvW, why not effort as well? Server profits from winning, players profit from gold. It’s a win win situation for everyone.
No reason not to try, it’s called “Being Mercenary.” Problem is…who’s going to pay you for your services?…
I have a much better idea. Why not have guilds charge the server for their services as well? I think a rate of at least 1g an hour for each member who serves the server in WvW would be a nice touch. After all, if everything that can become a commodity in WvW becomes one, why not effort as well? Server profits from winning, players profit from gold. It’s a win win situation for everyone.
Except that your example is asinine.
We’re talking about a consumable item. We’re not talking about player participation.
Consumable items are by definition a commodity. The time spent to create, find, or otherwise collect those commodities is the value being exchanged.
I really and truly do not see how this is even remotely a problem. You have a player actively contributing to their server looking to fund themselves so that they can continue to contribute to their server. Yeah that sure is selfish and wrong guys. Nailed it.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
There’s nothing wrong with you selling your siege, which you presumably got from doing jumping puzzles, but there’s also nothing wrong with people getting annoyed at you for it. There’s no need for public affirmation.
You should start advertising yak escorting, player ressing, or supply running services. Ha, that would really get their knickers in a twist.
It’s your siege, do what you want with it. If somebody else chooses to go broke ‘for the cause’, good for them, but not everybody will do the same, nor should they be expected to.
If you came to Jade Quarry advertising siege people would just lol at you, I don’t think anybody even conceive the idea of selling/buying siege.
Some commander says “taking siege donations at X waypoint” and people gather around them dropping blueprints.
I hope that TC realizes that they are doing it wrong.
Long story short: If you’re not “Freely contribution the ‘the cause’”, you are a “ kitten PvE’r who doesn’t deserve WvW bonuses”
At least that’s what it is sounding to me…
I have tons of sieges, tons of badges, and seriously i’m not giving they away freely, just for the fact that I am the one who got they…No one gave it to me for free, and i’m not letting it go just because some guy with a ‘Blue Dorito’ floating over his head thinks that i did nothing to get it. Now you will say: “You were just hitting your space bar inside the JP while people were waiting in the queue to get into WvW”. Yeah, maybe… But i’ve also got a lot from going around flipping camps and killing roamers, which was done with my own effort.
What i think that my reward wasn’t suitable (for me) and want to exchange it? What you do when you drop a Exotic piece of gear that doesn’t give the stat you want? You give it to the Blue Dorito Man? No you don’t! You put it in the TP because that ‘reward’ wasn’t suitable for you and you wanted to exchange it…
Let the guy sell his sieges. He is the one who worked to get’em! If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. I’m sure that if he just throw they away (since he said they are no use for him) it will be even ‘worse’ for you server…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
All your siege are belong to Blue Dorito Man
I do have a problem with what you’re doing, only not the complaint you’ve been receiving.
What you SHOULD be doing is pitching your servers guilds and buyers vs your enemy servers buyers. Then create a bidding war and sell your prints to the highest bidder. The goal here is to make money, and you’re doing a sub-standard job of it :p
Note: Watch Lord of War with Nicholas Cage for more details
If you came to Jade Quarry advertising siege people would just lol at you, I don’t think anybody even conceive the idea of selling/buying siege.
Some commander says “taking siege donations at X waypoint” and people gather around them dropping blueprints.I hope that TC realizes that they are doing it wrong.
Basically this.
Although I have to say, I’ve never seen this guy, even though he claims to organize and “do a lot for the server”.
As it stands, if this was seen in mapchat of WvW, especially during peak, he would be hammered continually by the majority of the community on at that time, since we all give what we can for the good of the server, not just to line our pockets.
He’s free to do what he wants, but his actions will have repercussions, and I would think that would be the exact same way on most servers.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
… and people wonder why that server is getting crushed against servers with people on them.
You missed the part where we were winning Tier 2 yesterday against SBI and Rall, and are only losing now because we don’t have a Tier 1 viable night crew. Same thing happened with Blackgate. Can’t do much against +400 and +600 overnight PPT’s.
OP, it’s your siege, you looted it, do what you want with it, but the server would benefit more if you gave it away for free, assuming you don’t want to keep any on you. Too often I see players that don’t have any siege on them, and are unwilling to chip in when commanders ask for something to be placed.
To everyone on TC, please make sure your main WvW character has a small stockpile of siege on it. Don’t run around without arrow carts, rams, catas and ballistas on hand.
Although I have to say, I’ve never seen this guy, even though he claims to organize and “do a lot for the server”.
As it stands, if this was seen in mapchat of WvW, especially during peak, he would be hammered continually by the majority of the community on at that time, since we all give what we can for the good of the server, not just to line our pockets.
He’s free to do what he wants, but his actions will have repercussions, and I would think that would be the exact same way on most servers.
Do you play in the overnight? Do you ever leave your army of 1 spammers? I doubt it. I run solo or in a small group. I’m the guy that keeps your zerglets supplied. Most of my prints come from camp capping. I’m happy to “line my pockets” with discounted siege. I make a fortune selling an item I never have the chance to use. You know, none of that money ever goes to camp or fort upgrades. I just sit on my kitten farming dolyaks while you guys go do the real work. /sarcasm
It’s comments like this that make me want to leave WvW. TC, for the most part, has let me down on this instance. But you guys don’t need players like me. You have your zerg. Tier 2 ftw.
(edited by SteepledHat.1345)