Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


I personally run at all hours of the day, that being said.

As I originally said, your actions speak about your willingness to help out and participate with the community. Instead of throwing down siege for free and allowing people to spend money upgrading keeps/camps, that money is instead being used to by the siege you are supplying. Either way, TC is full of people that have positive attitudes and a willingness to help out, even if we have to run dry on funds every one in a while. If you really feel like you no longer belong on TC by all means, go. We have no shortage of people trying to get in.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Since you clearly don’t read anything I’ve written but what appeals to your opinion of me, I’m going to ignore you from here on out.

Actually, let’s lock this thread up. I think it’s going to be tough to keep a discussion going.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


Steepled, I’m going to contact you in-game. I’ll mail you if you’re offline.


Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


If you came to Jade Quarry advertising siege people would just lol at you, I don’t think anybody even conceive the idea of selling/buying siege.
Some commander says “taking siege donations at X waypoint” and people gather around them dropping blueprints.

I hope that TC realizes that they are doing it wrong.

Basically this.

Although I have to say, I’ve never seen this guy, even though he claims to organize and “do a lot for the server”.

As it stands, if this was seen in mapchat of WvW, especially during peak, he would be hammered continually by the majority of the community on at that time, since we all give what we can for the good of the server, not just to line our pockets.

He’s free to do what he wants, but his actions will have repercussions, and I would think that would be the exact same way on most servers.

I probably play less WvW than you do and even I’ve seen SteepledHat in-game before.

My honest best guess is that, as you’re a commander in a guild, you’re wrapped up in guild chat or guild voip’s more than you are map and team chat. I on the other hand pug/play solo, and I don’t usually run with our zerg.

You’re more likely to bump into our roamers when playing defense, as they pass by friendly towers and camps more often than offensive teams do.

Saying that SteepledHat and others in similar roles don’t contribute is frankly naive, or at the very least a sign of being out of touch with the general pug masses.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


I’d gladly buy siege for, say, 50% vendor cost. Maybe 75%. At some point it will not be worth my time to arrange a meeting but for 50% I’d do it with a smile.

As someone else said, people will call you out for doing this and you’ll never be able to stop that, but personally, I’d love some discount siege. Pretty much 100% of my money since this game launched has gone into siege and fort upgrades and saving some cash by buying player siege would be an improvement.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I just did the math on what I’ve spent on upgrades, siege, etc …. In the two months or so that I’ve been WvWing I spend easily 5g a day, seven days a week (today i spent 18 gold, but thats not the norm) …… So about 300 gold, donated out of pocket, gladly, to help my server. I’m not alone spending that much either. I think the resentment likely comes from folks who donate that much day after day, week after week, and someone else is unwilling donate what amounts to a few silver to help support the community effort.

Nobody is obligated to help or do anything in WvW, so while I’m a litte put off at the idea of selling and not donating, I can also appreciate that other people view it differently. It really is a matter of scruples, I suppose.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: SuiRyuJin.4615


u say u dont want to give free stuff out well use it like everyone else.

just because u dont run in a zerg doesnt mean u cant use ur seige. take ur ac, cata, ballista drop a few in a keep/tower that there arent many and build it. when the location gets seiged nxt time, ur team will have the seige to defend the place easier. even trebs can be well worth it on defense to counter enemy treb/cata.

rams and golem, well those might be a little harder if u never go with a zerg. but simply stock up a few golem, then drop those 4 golem, build it and tell the commander about it. and suddenly ur zerg has 4 golem to take that hard to break keep. rams… meh>.> i dunno what 2 do here without being in a zerg.

of course ur going to feel, why am i building these seige that i will never use? the same reason goes for everyone else who drops seige for defense, to help ur server defend the location. i drop seige whenever we need, i am never using it unless the operator is simply being stupid or its some emergency. u might say, those zerglets who drop seige at least get to benefit from the capture/defense event of the location and i am not. but then when ur out there flipping those defenseless camps some of those zerglets might be out in the field providing protection for ur zerg with defensive skill and barely ever get kills, gets a massive repair bill, and end up with very few event complete as reward(since its in the field) or those treb operator who spend tens of min sitting the treb shooting and not getting any reward, or those ele who spend those tens of min swirling wind protecting those trebs/wall from enemy trebs.

there are plenty of ways use seige without being in a zerg. of course if u simply just dont want to use it because u can get money from it thats ur choice. but as many people mentioned, dont expect others who does drop those seige to be happy. difference of opinion and view, u cant make everyone happy.

Suiryujin – Ele [Pyro]
Server: Maguuma

(edited by SuiRyuJin.4615)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


Steepled and I quickly worked out a deal that we’re both quite happy with.

You may all drop your pitchforks now.

Fellow Toasters, arms dealing is not something to be shunned. It is a fair trade between a siege hungry Commander and a dealer who chooses to entrust the weapons to better hands. It ultimately contributes to the Toast war effort.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

Never mind donating—I’ve bought full sets of exotic armor for two players.

One of them I had never spoken to previously, but they mentioned how they were trying to save up for a certain armor set in Lion’s Arch map chat, and I had spare gold, so I bought it for them. The other was an in-game friend.

I only have 3g 14s 80c at the moment, and I still need two more exotic weapons to have a full exotic set of gear. (My more generous purchases were from before I was level 80, so I didn’t need my money to buy gear at the time.)

I don’t normally buy siege, but I do often buy upgrades for keeps and towers, and I use my drop-acquired siege liberally.

Now, I’m not saying everyone should be expected to donate their siege to their server’s cause, but your “you wouldn’t donate exotic armor!” argument falls pretty far short, at least for me.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Selling the siege and trying to sugarcoat it, that’s precious. WvWvW it’s about server loyalty, and you pretend you don’t get it. You want to take away in a place you are supposed to give. If you are not interested in your server welfare/ranking, stick to spvp, you will have more PERSONAL REWARDS there. If you come to WvWvW, it’s about the whole community, and you are not helping.

Fortunately, on lower ranks this is unheard off, probably because on those servers if you don’t do something yourself, there is none to do it for you, and the siege you get, you use.

To answer the question: siege THAT you sell is helping the server, YOU are not.

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Hygeria.9538


Man you guys are way too serious. If he/she wants to try to sell the siege instead, let them. It only relies on whether or not people even buy from them anyway.
If, to you, they are spamming the chat when they are trying to sell it, then block them. Simple.
Idk if TC is going mad trying to be ‘too generous’, but come on guys, each to his own…
I am TC, too. I spend out of my pockets on upgrades and siege equipment, and I have thought of being a commander for a long time, however I remain at around 5g-10g because I put so much into WvW. However, even I would be willing to buy from this guy, for me to pay less than the vendor price, at least.

Some random [TCLU] guy.
Tarnished Coast

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


A non-guildy from the guild AoS on JQ gave me 7 golems, 3 trebs, 4 ac’s, and 6 rams for Christmas.

I saw (Tewchainz a charr dressed in some kind of day-glow pink armor) again tonight, and he chased my thief group while ringing an xmas bell around the map for a bit.

Moral of the story: You can do whatever you want with your siege, but if you donate it, people don’t care if you get drunk and cross dress on Sundays occasionally.

xoxo Tewchainz

Mance Malhavoc
Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Tried to advertise my siege stockpile amounting into the 100s for sale. No one on the server was interested or even raged at me.


Some one linked me to this-

Although blueprints are soulbound, they can be dropped when equipped, allowing them to be passed to other players. Players will sell the blueprints to other players for coin. While transfering blueprints in WvW is intended1, selling is not.

Players will spam the chat about selling blueprints, otherwise players will be unlikely to observe the actual trade. Selling in this fashion is not only subjected to suspension (players selling blueprints should always be reported) but is also highly susceptible to scams.

Is that Anet’s stance on it or just people assuming?

(edited by Azure Prower.8701)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I don’t get the hate, it’s a business transaction. Sure, the vast majority of people contribute for free because they want to, but I don’t see what’s wrong if he wants to profit off it instead. Either way someone is getting cheaper siege and he is getting money.

So…don’t buy his stuff if you don’t want to, but nobody really has any business pushing some arbitrary moral crap at the guy for playing how he wants and even offering a reasonable deal for it. I hope it won’t become a thing because that kind of gives the wrong vibes for a community effort like WvW, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Never mind donating—I’ve bought full sets of exotic armor for two players.

One of them I had never spoken to previously, but they mentioned how they were trying to save up for a certain armor set in Lion’s Arch map chat, and I had spare gold, so I bought it for them. The other was an in-game friend.

I only have 3g 14s 80c at the moment, and I still need two more exotic weapons to have a full exotic set of gear. (My more generous purchases were from before I was level 80, so I didn’t need my money to buy gear at the time.)

I don’t normally buy siege, but I do often buy upgrades for keeps and towers, and I use my drop-acquired siege liberally.

Now, I’m not saying everyone should be expected to donate their siege to their server’s cause, but your “you wouldn’t donate exotic armor!” argument falls pretty far short, at least for me.

This is basically how I be feelin lad.

That being said, send me a tell in game of what weapons ye be needin and ‘da stats, and I’ll see if I can help ye out.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Tried to advertise my siege stockpile amounting into the 100s for sale. No one on the server was interested or even raged at me.


Some one linked me to this-

Although blueprints are soulbound, they can be dropped when equipped, allowing them to be passed to other players. Players will sell the blueprints to other players for coin. While transfering blueprints in WvW is intended1, selling is not.

Players will spam the chat about selling blueprints, otherwise players will be unlikely to observe the actual trade. Selling in this fashion is not only subjected to suspension (players selling blueprints should always be reported) but is also highly susceptible to scams.

Is that Anet’s stance on it or just people assuming?

Anet has said on the forums that they want siege to be tradeable directly, but can’t due to technical reasons. So its’ not against any rules. However, due to the means by which you have to trade, it would be very, very easy to scam someone. So be careful.

Link to Anet dev saying it’s okay and not an exploit:

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


I have tons of sieges, tons of badges, and seriously i’m not giving they away freely, just for the fact that I am the one who got they…No one gave it to me for free, and i’m not letting it go just because some guy with a ‘Blue Dorito’ floating over his head thinks that i did nothing to get it.

If you do WvW regularly you know wich commanders are attention wh*res and wich ones are great leaders. Those guys spend 1-5 gold per day, so even a blueprint or 20 silver can help. And they don’t DEMAND siege and money, sometimes they don’t even ask for anything and you have to whisper them “hey I have a golem for you”. Only people who only come to WvW for badges and world completition don’t know that.

Let the guy sell his sieges. He is the one who worked to get’em! If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. I’m sure that if he just throw they away (since he said they are no use for him) it will be even ‘worse’ for you server…

Err the OP asked for opinions? Anyway, he’s free to do what he wants with his blueprints, and I’m free to say what I think about that.

Edit: I really believe he made the topic to get new buyers, but that’s me : )

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

(edited by Engels.8537)

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.

This expectation is the selfish and greedy one. Not yours…so long as there’s some form of discount you are still contributing.

Wow, you really took that personally huh?

All I’m saying is that maybe you shouldn’t try to make it sound like you’re doing commanders a huge favor when you’re selling them something that everyone else is giving them for free.

You can either do it for the cash, or you can do it for charity, but you can’t do it for both.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

I look at it this way:

Many people in WvW devote countless hours and hundreds of gold to the cause.. whether it be with upgrades or siege weapons.. And they do it without the expectation of being reimbursed. Half the time they don’t even get recognized for their work. These are the people (a small portion of the population) who are the driving force in winning a match. More often than not they are commanders.

When those players see you trying to sell siege weapons instead of donating them to commanders or putting them down yourself, they’re going to call you out on it. They’ll accuse you of taking up a spot in WvW to do jumping puzzles and “make gold” instead of contributing to the war effort. And there’s nothing you can do to stop that.

Yep. Pretty much this…


Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: RoninDB.9540


I’m on TC, spend most of my time in EB, and I don’t ever see anyone in EB selling seige. This is not a common TC practice, from what I know (and I’m there pretty much every night, and some morning, depending on school). While I think you are within your rights to sell seige as you see fit, did you even notice all the times we were struggling against Blackgate? A struggle to even just hold onto our keep, so we didn’t lose it overnight? I’m not saying you have to donate all of it to people, but how about placing a few pieces here and there in the keep. The keep is where YOU access the jumping puzzle. Maybe just drop a few pieces, sell a few pieces, etc? I don’t know

Zero Negative [ZN]
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


I may have to repeat myself.

Steepled and I quickly worked out a deal that we’re both quite happy with.

Those with pitchforks please drop them before someone gets hurt.

Arms dealing is not something to be shunned. It is a fair trade between an experienced Commander with a liberal siege policy, and a dealer who chooses to entrust the weapons he looted off the corpses of his enemies to better hands.

Ultimately, he is a valued contributor to the Toast war effort.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I may have to repeat myself.

Steepled and I quickly worked out a deal that we’re both quite happy with.

Those with pitchforks please drop them before someone gets hurt.

Arms dealing is not something to be shunned. It is a fair trade between an experienced Commander with a liberal siege policy, and a dealer who chooses to entrust the weapons he looted off the corpses of his enemies to better hands.

Ultimately, he is a valued contributor to the Toast war effort.

Great stuff. Said it all basically.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Ninja Stealthy.8740

Ninja Stealthy.8740

hello people. I am on Dragonbrand and have siege blueprints for sale at half the vendor price. send an ingame mail or pm to setup a exchange (my siege for your monies). for the record I am a Commander, throw down siege, do upgrades and donate, i just have more siege than i can possibly use thanks to 9 character slots that do jp’s everyday. no rams tho i go through those like crazy with 3-4 per normal/reinforced gate depending on supplies on hand. So dont be shy, shop at Crazy Ninja’s Discount Siege!!!

[WE] Warlord Jason Krushbone

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Cypix Kull.5492

Cypix Kull.5492

I’m not sure but whenever a guildie post that EB JP is available we que in get badges drops sieges and get out. I hope it’s not hurting WvWvW.

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


Hi guys, I have a ton of siege blueprints for sale on IoJ if interested. Feel free to PM or in game mail me for an exchange. I am willing to part ways with my siege at 50% off cost for alpha golems and 75% off cost for everything else. Happy hunting!

Selling siege - Is it helping or hurting?

in WvW

Posted by: Hyde.6189


Look at it another way, hundreds of players are either too cheap or too lazy to put on both a Food nourishment and a Utility nourishment when they WvW. Should those players be scorned for not ‘contributing’ to their full potential? Should rich players buy them food and give it out? Should poor players expect to get free food & utility?

It’s not exactly rare to see people dropping feasts at spawn to help out their server, which makes your entire point null & void, because yes rich players do buy/make food and give it out. It costs somewhere around 5g to make a feast recipe, and I’ve been considering making a couple so that I can help my server and guild by putting down feasts (and I am far from a rich player).