Separate PvE from WvWvW Players (Full Server)
you have just suggested to ANET to kill one of their source of income : server transfer cost.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
you have just suggested to ANET to kill one of their source of income : server transfer cost.
The whole reason for servers currently is to generate a revenue from the population that neglects to throw away money for fancy pix-elated outfits or PvE based scenarios… (my conclusion on that is Toys bought from gem store don’t work in WvW)
….. And Elementalist.
I would love to make a case to clear out some things that might encourgage seperating WvW from PvE player base:
The Case study considers Ring of Fire on Europe:
Ring of Fire has a small core group of WvW players that keep the server in it’s Top bronze ranking. However many of the hardcore WvW players are willing to boost up the server towards low silver. There is one problem towards this. Ring of Fire’s succes is based on the core group working very hard to get a good tick going. At that point a lot of the PvE player base joins Rof up when a commander is tagged up. This will make out lead expand easely considering the expertise of some of our commander. However once our matchup goes into silver it is not possible for the core group to even get a good tick of just because of the low number WvW-playerbase Rof has.
Because of this situation guilds that come here drag our core group away from our server (Including myself for 2 weeks). This makes it even harder for us to get our fellow Rof PvE players into WvW.
In the past (before the mega-server system) WvW commanders went to PvE and even helped out the PvE players for eg. triple trouble in order to get help in WvW when we needed it. The server system as it is at the moment makes it very hard to set up any events like that or to recruit from our own server.
This situation makes it so RoF WvW is ‘Dying’. Core players are moving out. Only way to get more people into rof is by means of our own Community. Cross server recruiting is very hard since people are not likely to transfer to a top bronze server that is loosing rating.
To conclude:
Considering this i would love a system that will take WvW population into account. For me this can be done in 2 ways:
- WvW population should be seperated from PvE population.
- Create a system where lower populated WvW servers would gain more points for holding objectives compared to their opponents which holds many more players. Again this will require setting up a WvW player Database to monitor the difference in player population.
These are just rapid thoughts i cam up with just now so i don’t have a worked out sollution for iether of these option. but i encourage people to make their own cased here as well as try to place there own idea so we can support Anet in to making a game for the players.
Sorry for spelling mistakes
Oh how I wish they would separate WvW from PVE servers. mega servers broke on server WvW recruitment ability, and now yes, you can have a full server and not be able to que a map in WvW at times. Large PVE guilds being on a server definatelty hurt WvW ability to have enough players to play.
In addition to the ideas you suggested, maybe some sort of system that you check a box stating you will be playing wvw might also suffice to help solve the issue? MANY players have no intention of stepping foot in wvw and should not be counted in the WvW server full amount even if they do log in and play PVE every day. WvW servers should not be full when most of the players counted on the server never step foot in there or intend to.
(edited by lil devils x.6071)
Ring of Fire’s succes is based on the core group working very hard to get a good tick going. At that point a lot of the PvE player base joins Rof up when a commander is tagged up. This will make out lead expand easely considering the expertise of some of our commander. However once our matchup goes into silver it is not possible for the core group to even get a good tick of just because of the low number WvW-playerbase Rof has.
In the past (before the mega-server system) WvW commanders went to PvE and even helped out the PvE players for eg. triple trouble in order to get help in WvW when we needed it. The server system as it is at the moment makes it very hard to set up any events like that or to recruit from our own server.
Considering this i would love a system that will take WvW population into account. For me this can be done in 2 ways:
- WvW population should be seperated from PvE population.
We’ve had this discussion before, and if you strictly separated PvE and wvw players, your server would always stay in bronze as no PvE players could join once your tick is good enough.
Because of this situation guilds that come here drag our core group away from our server (Including myself for 2 weeks). This makes it even harder for us to get our fellow Rof PvE players into WvW.
Why do “foreign guilds” drag your core away?
I still think that measuring the queues (maybe over 2 months or so before making it count) is the best way to determine whether or not a server is really “full”.
(edited by Jana.6831)
This suggestion is very bad for me, because I almost periodically play in the manner “2 months play, 2 months break, and then again 2 months play etc”. Second fact is that I am proud of being a part of Seafarer’s Rest WvW (#1 EU server) since game release (and I never transfered anywhere else), to be more precise even from 3-day headstart before game release, and after I finished PvE content (map completion etc), I play almost entirely only WvW mode, with a few exceptions like when I want some nice PvE things like a nice skin or for example Sinister atribute insignia/inscription.
So even if I did a lot of things for SFR, you want me to be disassociated forever from my trusted SFR WvW community only because I play periodically with breaks and because somewhere will appear a mark “full”? Btw where would you associate me then? To Kodash, or Vabbi, or where?
Thanks for your suggestion, I maybe understand your reasons for it, but my vote is “No”.
This suggestion is very bad for me, because I almost periodically play in the manner “2 months play, 2 months break, and then again 2 months play etc”. Second fact is that I am proud of being a part of Seafarer’s Rest WvW (#1 EU server) since game release (and I never transfered anywhere else), to be more precise even from 3-day headstart before game release, and after I finished PvE content (map completion etc), I play almost entirely only WvW mode, with a few exceptions like when I want some nice PvE things like a nice skin or for example Sinister atribute insignia/inscription.
So even if I did a lot of things for SFR, you want me to be disassociated forever from my trusted SFR WvW community only because I play periodically with breaks and because somewhere will appear a mark “full”? Btw where would you associate me then? To Kodash, or Vabbi, or where?
Thanks for your suggestion, I maybe understand your reasons for it, but my vote is “No”.
You would be classified as PvE player and wouldn’t be allowed to play wvw anymore if this was implemented. Your server then would be megaserver.
We’ve had this discussion before, and if you strictly separated PvE and wvw players, your server would always stay in bronze as no PvE players could join once your tick is good enough.
Totally agree in short term. But at least we can try to rebuild our server keeping guilds that transfer to us and not move out again in few weeks taking few or even many of our players with them when they leave (lets not name and shame here). This way we could boost up our playerbase with our strong core group instead of guilds getting frustrated by the vast amount of pugs we have at the moment. Even though they keep us in high bronze.
Just a Note RoF has a very bad TS/ingame ratio. Also those in TS are always the same. ofc this is nothing Anet can help. But what we experience is WvW pll do come to TS while PvE pugs just don’t. Hence they are not keen for trainings, discussions and so on.
And if people don’t even come to TS for the time beeing getting them recruited into WvW is an even bigger challange.
All i’m saying is the case of RoF. I’m not saying that this situation would apply to all servers. I Just feel there is a lot of potential in the core group of RoF. We just don’t have the numbers to live up to our expectations. I think a different System (server or points) might be a more fair way and will help RoF in the long run. It’s possible higher tier servers are not fond of changes because of their current rating.
Totally agree in short term. But at least we can try to rebuild our server keeping guilds that transfer to us and not move out again in few weeks taking few or even many of our players with them when they leave (lets not name and shame here).
That would still happen unless transfering would be prohibited as well. And no PvE players could come into wvw anymore, so you would have to headhunt from other servers, and let’s be honest here; it is possible to build a strong community without big guilds, our big guilds are usually in the borderlands karma training. Which is ok but only helps for that long. In case of TS – advertise it every 15 mins or so, seems to help in case of my server, I’m never in TS because I mostly roam. still I’m able to fight in zergs/blobs. But that might be a special case (long story). And in fact my first server started without TS and it worked well, maybe that’s why I don’t need TS.
This way we could boost up our playerbase with our strong core group instead of guilds getting frustrated by the vast amount of pugs we have at the moment. Even though they keep us in high bronze.
When I started to play wvw we had a commander who explained everything to us and maybe that is an idea. Some servers actually learn, others are resilent to learning. If you have a strong base of people who know what and how to do it, people will want to stay, don’t mind the guilds. And I’m not afraid to remind people of stuff when I see they “make mistakes” maybe they didn’t know before.
All i’m saying is the case of RoF. I’m not saying that this situation would apply to all servers. I Just feel there is a lot of potential in the core group of RoF. We just don’t have the numbers to live up to our expectations. I think a different System (server or points) might be a more fair way and will help RoF in the long run. It’s possible higher tier servers are not fond of changes because of their current rating.
You can’t make a rule for just one server and your rule wouldn’t add up, you just don’t see it. I think closing down top tier wvw servers and making lower tier servers cheaper gem wise is the best solution. And every server I’ve been on (4) had problems with not enough players. If you have a strong core you will be able to hold pve turned wvw players, like me.
I have been on a silver/bronze tier EU server that ranked up by doing early morning karma trains and didn’t even bother to defend the rest of the day, they literally just stood in a fully sieged T3 keep and watched 3 guys taking it-hey, there was no commander around! Anyway, they never read map chat because all of them were in TS, so every scouting was left unheard – that’s why I left. A friend left with his guild a few months after, probably because of the same reasons, it was his first server so he didn’t know that people usually communicate.
Some guilds/people really have a reason to transfer and in case I’m unhappy on my current server again, I’ll transfer to some other server.
Edit: But don’t forget that a lot of wvw itself is what frustrates people, like lags, bugs, game mechanics. So even if you’ve got the best core of the world people still might leave, no matter whether they’re classified as PvE, WvW or whatever players.
Edit²: There is already more points for lower ranked servers if one or 2 servers in your matchup are higher ranked.
(edited by Jana.6831)
Jana. There is no point for me to continue this discussion with you. You don’t know the situation on Rof i’m just giving the big picture on what is going on. I even encourage other people’s story’s. I want to help Anet in getting information what is the opinion on the servers about this topic. And believe me half my guild left, and 2 of the 4 remaining big guilds did too. I’m not the only one who thinks this way. All i feel you are doing in trying to win an argument of me instead of helping Anet get the full picture of every server.
My opinion stands.
Jana. There is no point for me to continue this discussion with you. You don’t know the situation on Rof i’m just giving the big picture on what is going on. I even encourage other people’s story’s. I want to help Anet in getting information what is the opinion on the servers about this topic. And believe me half my guild left, and 2 of the 4 remaining big guilds did too. I’m not the only one who thinks this way. All i feel you are doing in trying to win an argument of me instead of helping Anet get the full picture of every server.
My opinion stands.
Ok, I tried to explain to you why your idea would back fire big time – I don’t think anet will ever consider it as it doesn’t make any sense.
I have been on Miller’s Sound btw – not everybody is on a gold ranked server (and in fact I’ve never been) – if you think that rethinking your idea is out of question because I can’t possibly understand the very special situation on Ring Of Fire then so be it.
I believe there are better ways to handle this situation then to exclude players or creating game type only servers….
The following would have to be created to minimize the QQ:
-Role Playing Only (TC would probably win this hands down)
-PvP Only (Just Heart of the Mists or open world pvp)
A more simplistic solution:
Your WvW rank allows you to jump ahead in Queues
Billy, Sue, Jannet, Crysta, Nicholas, and Bobby are in a Queue for server kitten kitten
Billy is rank 140
Jannet is rank 80
Crysta is rank 4
Nicholas is rank 340
Bobby is rank 69
Sue is rank 22
Lets say that current queue system shows:
Crysta in spot 1
Under my purposed system the queue would work based on your rank:
Nicholas – Spot 1
Billy – Spot 2
Jannet – Spot 3
Bobby – Spot 4
Sue- Spot 5
Crysta- Spot 6
An old saying goes “Rank has its privilege” let it be the case for the queue system.
If you are a new player, you should hop over to Edge of the Mists and dabble around in there for a little bit while you wait in queue. Eventually, you will rank up enough to play with the rest of the crowd at a faster pace.
Fort Aspenwood
… Really? Expecting to get into queues faster just because you zerged or did EotM? I’m sorry but that is just wrong.
… Really? Expecting to get into queues faster just because you zerged or did EotM? I’m sorry but that is just wrong.
I’d rather have a spot taken up by someone who knows how to zerg then a person who just started the game and has no clue whats so ever to do and probably doesn’t have the gear or the skills to survive against 1 attack.
But ‘ey this ain’t my forums so ill leave now. bye bye
Fort Aspenwood
That solution would never fly.
Sorry fa has huge queues right now, but preference because you are a vet…… Of course if they did that people would leave en masse so no queues problem solved!
So this is definitely an issue that should be addressed in one way or another. Currently the only area that gets affected by having a “full” status is WvW. Although it could be noted that the megaserver does attempt to match up with your server mates, it could strongly be suggested that WvW is really the only major area where having an association with a server plays a significant and major role.
I think this is a distinction that needs to be made here. It can be annoying to be locked out with a map and not being able to play a world boss with your friend, but in wvw, it affects all aspects of gameplay there. Indeed, I think it’s more severe that you can’t play with your friends in wvw at all, even if you are willing to pay. In the past, with the hassle of guesting these things may have had merit, but as many people would feel, it is a dated system that doesn’t work well in the game as it is.
So severs are effectively losing wvw population but the system in place does not allow them to really do anything about it. Recent fiascos include ones involving Dragonbrand (of which we had multiple recent threads about), and it appears Darkhaven also suffers from “full” as well.
Thus it does seem to make sense that there needs to be a metric to measure wvw activity on each server. But that in itself is sort of hard to measure. If someone logs in once every 2 weeks to do dailies, are they really consider active? Not logging at all, As the OP suggested, might work as well, but I would feel it is unfair for people to become disassociated with a server so quickly. I think it’s merely enough to not count them in server census so to speak.
Of course, there’s many ways to game a system, such as having blackouts or whatnot. Even basing server capacity based on rank can be gamed, and can form bandwagons, and so I wonder if whatever system gets put in place would be more opaque to prevent this sort of behavior.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)