Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Beezlebub.1538


EB – BG server – Take a look, see for yourself. Keep supply was at 70, towers at 50, when I took this.


Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Kamara.4187


That’s why I hate server linking. There is no way to escape from servers that do this. Truth is if there wasn’t linking they would find themselves all alone because everyone is sick of it.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


BG don’t have enough people to man all these golems? This cannot continue! Please open Blackgate.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Kamara.4187


BG don’t have enough people to man all these golems? This cannot continue! Please open Blackgate.


Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

BG don’t have enough people to man all these golems? This cannot continue! Please open Blackgate.


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Taobella.6597


you guys do know unlike any other siege omega can be reflected by normal attacks ?

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Asami.3572


That’s why I hate server linking. There is no way to escape from servers that do this. Truth is if there wasn’t linking they would find themselves all alone because everyone is sick of it.

BG isn’t even linked with anyone.

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Nihevil.8024


EB – BG server – Take a look, see for yourself. Keep supply was at 70, towers at 50, when I took this.

Sooo? What’s your point? It’s only golems like 35 golems. I doubt the golem rush will succeed anyway.

Elitism in Guild Wars 2.

(edited by Nihevil.8024)

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Soooo… what’s the problem here? other than the obvious BG needs more golem drivers.
Not like that’s the first time that’s ever happened.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


you guys do know unlike any other siege omega can be reflected by normal attacks ?

I’ve seen omegas killing themself on feedback spam, quite funny.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: tym.3791


Only thing you can do, is log out, either go play some pve stuff, or find something else to play. Thats what I do.

Sooner or later the over stacked server will get bored with no fights and stop playing. You can only Karma train so much before the boredom becomes to much.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Only thing you can do, is log out, either go play some pve stuff, or find something else to play. Thats what I do.

Sooner or later the over stacked server will get bored with no fights and stop playing. You can only Karma train so much before the boredom becomes to much.

Not really. As soon as they open, people who are on losing servers just bandwagon there instead to start winning and the cycle repeats, now with even more-dead opposition.

Links could have been the solution, but ANet messed up with their implementation, and WvW lost so many people due to how badly HoT affected WvW that it’ll never recover, anyways.

Fact is, the format will die, and it will continue to get worse. If you don’t like it, it’s not even worth bothering to do and definitely not worth having hopes in the future for.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Kamara.4187


That’s why I hate server linking. There is no way to escape from servers that do this. Truth is if there wasn’t linking they would find themselves all alone because everyone is sick of it.

BG isn’t even linked with anyone.

They may not be but that don’t mean other servers don’t get linked to go up against them….Seriously I was in T1 and transferred hoping to escape some of the clusterblobbing, even if it was just by a little bit.

It would make my day if someone told me I never had to deal with the blobbing and stalemates ever again. What I fell in love with with wvw was the sense of community and team-work. Sadly I then witnessed that server demoralized and soul crushed by other servers that stacked and played in the off hours for an easy advantage.

Today 99% of them are all in the top tiers locked in where they truly deserve one another lol.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: MadBomber.3719


i heard Crystal Desert has more golems and is super strong in T4. anet please open BG. #theonlylogicalsolution

shit guardian on maguuma

(edited by MadBomber.3719)

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


So BG has more first place skirmish finishes this match than the other two servers combined. What’s your point?

If Anet doesn’t want to balance WvW by moving players maybe they can balance matchups by limiting supply…..Good suggestion there OP.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: hmsgoddess.3869


i heard Crystal Desert has more golems and is super strong in T4. anet please open BG. #theonlylogicalsolution

hahahaha that’s why we’ve lost like the last 6 matches in a row cause we are op!

~ Emma Vine Sixty Nine Shades Of [NUDE] – Crystal Desert

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


Mags showed some love in BG Bay a couple resets ago when we did this. Someone was bored. lol


Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


i heard Crystal Desert has more golems and is super strong in T4. anet please open BG. #theonlylogicalsolution

hahahaha that’s why we’ve lost like the last 6 matches in a row cause we are op!

Well… to prevent that from happening to BG… we all know what needs to happen…

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Simple solution if you are running out of supply.

Take your EB map queue and go to OS
Have your home BL map queue get supply from your T3 keeps and transfer to EB
OS blob goes to home BL and resupplies.

This shouldn’t be too tough for a server with a great community.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: apharma.3741


you guys do know unlike any other siege omega can be reflected by normal attacks ?

The golems in the OP are alphas btw….