Server Full

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jelly Pain.8027

Jelly Pain.8027

The mega server sounded like a good idea when it started. In reguards to WVW it has a negitive impact. If your server is heavy laden with PVE players and its full the server will never be able to compete on a WVW level. I have a son I would like to bring into the game. I would like him in my guild. I would also like him to play in WVW. I am from Darkhaven and a ton of big guilds left our server. Some for this problem. You would think that with all those guilds leaving that my son could get on the server. The fact is more PVE players came and the server is full. I would like to avoid paying 300g to tranfer him so he can start playing. I would also like to keep my guild in Darkhaven than to spend 1000 moving the guild to a server that can handle WVW players. Does anyone have answers?

(edited by Jelly Pain.8027)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Cynz.9437


He can always delete his characters and xfer for free..<_<

DH was my first server, left it for this very reason: too many pve’ers, nobody cares about wvw nor helps the server but looooovvveee dem wvw buffs. You go in LA and ask for help to defend keep etc., they just laugh/harass/troll you~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: slimike.1693


You can’t transfer to a full server whether you pay or delete all your characters, unless it drops back down your son won’t get onto DH


Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Alien.2851


Try during the less popular times – servers can change from Full to Very High at these times.

Alien Hunter
We Built They Came [ekoc]
Isle Of Janthir

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The megaserver has nothing to do with it. Before there were Megaservers there were full servers and people trying to get on them for WvW. It’s there to form as few PvE and sPvP maps as possible by combining people from all the servers for PvE and sPvP. If there wasn’t a megaserver, the server you wanted to get on would be just as full.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


And another thing we’ve all complained about is that with megaservers, server transfers are now solely for WvW players.

The costs do not match the WvW capabilities of a server, rather the full WvW+sPvP+PvE population of the server.

We’ve all complained that this is unfair and yet still no acknowledgement from anet.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Jelly, I just recently got back in DH (Only to find it continues to have an exodus of guilds in WvW going up to t3.) One around 12:00 pm to 1:00pm EST DH tends to open up for transfers.

Unfortunately, DH’s biggest guilds are PvE guilds, not to mention SodaPoppin for some reason came to DH filled its server and then went back to WoW. (likely the biggest contributor to the full status.)

So yeah DH has some pretty hard issues right now with population in WvW. Without naming the guilds, if we could get half of those people from the two GIGANTIC PvE guilds that DH has into WvW it would overpower just about any server T3 and below.

WHich honestly its unfortunate because the DH Community has been the best Ive seen in my few travels around and its why Im back on the DH server.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Nightblood is correct, look during off peak times and Dh will lose its full status on occasion. Log in and check every once and a while, you’ll find an opening. I’ve had multiple people get over by transferring during 10-11am PST if memory serves.

That said, I would like to point out that this is ridiculously unfair to us as a WvW server. We were going places before full status hit. Once full status hit, it lost us a bunch of people considering transferring to our server, thus losing our shot at t3, thus losing our guilds that wanted to be a part of t3. Anet, your systems screwed Dh over, it is not fair for a t5 server to be full while t2/3 servers are not. It’s stupid. Fix it please.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


It is incredibly unfair that servers get locked by PvE players.

With the advent of megaservers for PvE players Anet should have done a revamp on their population calculations to reflect the WvW population only rather than a total population. This is an example of unintended consequences that adversely impact the player’s enjoyment of the game.

Of course this may not be unintended after all. Seeing as your server has had a large exodus of WvW guilds. Presumably these guilds bought boatloads of gems to move their members to T3. It also consolidates the WvW population even more, which from their end makes life easier.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Maybe ANet should have an offer to us PvE players in full servers to move to another, lower population server for free and with a free makeover kit or free mini or something like that.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Maybe ANet should have an offer to us PvE players in full servers to move to another, lower population server for free and with a free makeover kit or free mini or something like that.

That doesnt solve the problem. It will only move the same problem elsewhere and wth they should reward pve players cause of this? PvE isnt server restricted like WvW.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Maybe ANet should have an offer to us PvE players in full servers to move to another, lower population server for free and with a free makeover kit or free mini or something like that.

That doesnt solve the problem. It will only move the same problem elsewhere and wth they should reward pve players cause of this? PvE isnt server restricted like WvW.


Since they aren’t going to scrap the server idea anytime soon, getting PvE players off a full server onto a non full server is one viable and possible option. The other option is WvW players complaining on the forum about full servers and not getting what they want, slots opening up on full servers so they can get in.

It doesn’t matter to me what server I’m on, but I’m not going to pay to transfer to a non full server and I don’t care enough about WvW problems to volunteer even if the option to transfer for free did come up. But I might transfer for free if a small consideration was added.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Maybe ANet should have an offer to us PvE players in full servers to move to another, lower population server for free and with a free makeover kit or free mini or something like that.

That doesnt solve the problem. It will only move the same problem elsewhere and wth they should reward pve players cause of this? PvE isnt server restricted like WvW.


Since they aren’t going to scrap the server idea anytime soon, getting PvE players off a full server onto a non full server is one viable and possible option. The other option is WvW players complaining on the forum about full servers and not getting what they want, slots opening up on full servers so they can get in.

It doesn’t matter to me what server I’m on, but I’m not going to pay to transfer to a non full server and I don’t care enough about WvW problems to volunteer even if the option to transfer for free did come up. But I might transfer for free if a small consideration was added.

So transfers free with freebies on top of it to lower populated worlds > All move there = same situation, different server.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Maybe ANet should have an offer to us PvE players in full servers to move to another, lower population server for free and with a free makeover kit or free mini or something like that.

That doesnt solve the problem. It will only move the same problem elsewhere and wth they should reward pve players cause of this? PvE isnt server restricted like WvW.


Since they aren’t going to scrap the server idea anytime soon, getting PvE players off a full server onto a non full server is one viable and possible option. The other option is WvW players complaining on the forum about full servers and not getting what they want, slots opening up on full servers so they can get in.

It doesn’t matter to me what server I’m on, but I’m not going to pay to transfer to a non full server and I don’t care enough about WvW problems to volunteer even if the option to transfer for free did come up. But I might transfer for free if a small consideration was added.

So transfers free with freebies on top of it to lower populated worlds > All move there = same situation, different server.

As I understand the problem the difference is that if it is a non full server now then it’s a server that most WvW players don’t wish to be on as it’s low tier. If PvE players move off a full server that’s full because WvW players are crowding on it then why would the WvW players care if a non desired server fills up.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

How would you decouple the PvE server from the WvW server when it’s the same exact server. It’s one server with slots that accounts go into and when the number of account slots are full, then the server is full. There are no PvE, WvW or PvX accounts, only generic accounts. So how is ANet supposed to separate them out since they are not tagged on any way?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

How would you decouple the PvE server from the WvW server when it’s the same exact server. It’s one server with slots that accounts go into and when the number of account slots are full, then the server is full. There are no PvE, WvW or PvX accounts, only generic accounts. So how is ANet supposed to separate them out since they are not tagged on any way?

You aren’t decoupling the server – the population count that is used to determine full – high etc is what you decouple.

Shouldn’t be that hard to not count people that never go into wvw…… Maybe something like if you go into wvw within last 2 weeks – you are considered Pvx and you count in the equation that calculates status…. Not perfect because pve may go to wvw for crafting only, but better than what is there now.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

How would you decouple the PvE server from the WvW server when it’s the same exact server. It’s one server with slots that accounts go into and when the number of account slots are full, then the server is full. There are no PvE, WvW or PvX accounts, only generic accounts. So how is ANet supposed to separate them out since they are not tagged on any way?

You aren’t decoupling the server – the population count that is used to determine full – high etc is what you decouple.

Shouldn’t be that hard to not count people that never go into wvw…… Maybe something like if you go into wvw within last 2 weeks – you are considered Pvx and you count in the equation that calculates status…. Not perfect because pve may go to wvw for crafting only, but better than what is there now.

That’s not how server population works. What you are suggesting is like…. If I open up a carton of eggs and there are 12 eggs filling 12 available slots, writing PvE on some of the eggs doesn’t open up slots for more WvW eggs. The carton is full.

When you transfer to a server, what is transferring? It’s your account that is transferring. If it was people online then you would not be able to guest to a full server. You can guest because the account doesn’t transfer over. It’s only if someone else moves their account off of a full server that a spot opens up for you to transfer.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Not continuing this as you don’t understand what I am saying at all. Have a great day though.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Not continuing this as you don’t understand what I am saying at all. Have a great day though.

I understand what you are saying. I’m saying it’s not possible because how the servers are structured. If a server is full, then all the available account slots are occupied. It doesn’t matter if you rename some accounts PvE. Renaming them doesn’t open up account slots so that someone can get their WvW account on to a full server. Full is full. You can’t add an account unless there is an empty slot.

But I agree. Have a good day.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

You can’t calculate that at all. Many players do both. If you count who goes in WvW, when would it count them? Someone goes in and uses the crafting stations, or uses it as a route between wherever and LA, how do you count them? If you count it daily it’s going to be severely distorted, and easily manipulated, if you count monthly then it won’t react to population change very quickly, not much different from now. There are numerous reasons why these ideas won’t work, or would cause huge headaches for all, which is precisely why the system hasn’t changed at all.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

You can’t calculate that at all. Many players do both. If you count who goes in WvW, when would it count them? Someone goes in and uses the crafting stations, or uses it as a route between wherever and LA, how do you count them? If you count it daily it’s going to be severely distorted, and easily manipulated, if you count monthly then it won’t react to population change very quickly, not much different from now. There are numerous reasons why these ideas won’t work, or would cause huge headaches for all, which is precisely why the system hasn’t changed at all.

Its a matter of just the number of players in WvW, not really deciding who is PvE or WvW.

Just take a month, average the daily number of people in WvW for that month and poof you have a real number on WvW population that distributes resets and weekends.

It would be really easy to calculate for a computer.

Of Course then you will have the weekend warriors that people will complain about later as they will skew an average, but thats far better than servers being full with PvE’rs.

Also about monthly population change and timeliness of reacting to population change.

You do it on a rolling 30 days. So it wouldnt be from 1st to the 31st. It would be from whatever day it is to 30 days ago.

So reacting to population change would actually be very precise. It would also be very hard to play it as it would take some time to get past the average, but it wouldnt take a month.

As a matter of fact you could do it on a rolling quarter and still get the right result. Much like investors use to look at businesses and understand whats happening.

So it could be a rolling 90 days and it would still react quickly within weeks without being able to play the system. As it would have to take very very sharp drops in population for it to really change the average quickly for a good week.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

You can’t calculate that at all. Many players do both. If you count who goes in WvW, when would it count them? Someone goes in and uses the crafting stations, or uses it as a route between wherever and LA, how do you count them? If you count it daily it’s going to be severely distorted, and easily manipulated, if you count monthly then it won’t react to population change very quickly, not much different from now. There are numerous reasons why these ideas won’t work, or would cause huge headaches for all, which is precisely why the system hasn’t changed at all.

Its a matter of just the number of players in WvW, not really deciding who is PvE or WvW.

Just take a month, average the daily number of people in WvW for that month and poof you have a real number on WvW population that distributes resets and weekends.

It would be really easy to calculate for a computer.

Of Course then you will have the weekend warriors that people will complain about later as they will skew an average, but thats far better than servers being full with PvE’rs.

It creates a myriad of new issues, though. I didn’t touch on them all. I’m not saying it may not be worth trying, just that every suggestion has it’s own drawbacks. I’ve often thought something like that could be better, but yet I know many only use the crafting stations and asura gate to get to LA, and we know the new map will still have them. Additionally, although it would be harder for a server to orchestrate a month long hiatus to manipulate their population amount, it isn’t unheard of for it to be attempted in mmo’s.

(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


I think this is an issue that can’t be solved by players as we don’t know how many people came new to this game, how many accounts are “sleeping” and when these will be removed from the server’s population calculation.
You can’t solve the issue by measuring both playstyles indepently because both are on the same server.
So basically the problems are that the servers are too small and/or that the period until a deserted account doesn’t count as active anymore is too long, I guess.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


I think this is an issue that can’t be solved by players as we don’t know how many people came new to this game, how many accounts are “sleeping” and when these will be removed from the server’s population calculation.
You can’t solve the issue by measuring both playstyles indepently because both are on the same server.
So basically the problems are that the servers are too small and/or that the period until a deserted account doesn’t count as active anymore is too long, I guess.

From everything Ive read, they dont count deserted accounts, its actual unique logins they count.

So even now, if someone wanted to play the system, people just can have some alt account on some other server that they play for a while and not log into their main.

And from the megaservers being a thing, I dont think this is about hardware load balancing at all anymore. The megaserver handles that already by itself with the it giving buffs to players who leave a dead map. In other words, it gets all those players out and then kills the instance. If a new player comes in, it doesnt put them in that map its trying to get rid of.

It builds maps as appropriate for the population and tries to get people out of dead instances.

Server population has nothing to do with load balancing at this point.

(which honestly was what they should have done from the beginning as Im sure its way more efficient like this.)

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


From everything Ive read, they dont count deserted accounts, its actual unique logins they count.

So even now, if someone wanted to play the system, people just can have some alt account on some other server that they play for a while and not log into their main.

I don’t really get what you mean, isn’t that the same? You have an account on some server and as long as you log in x times over a period of y time, you’re seen as a member of this server thus you have this place. If you don’t log in for a period of z days your account is still on this server but doesn’t count as such thus there’s room for someone else. And I guess this period is too long as I bet a lot of players have already left -or it is too long for the influx of new players due to the super sales. So their original formula for server space doesn’t add up anymore.

Edit: I’m not so sure you can put the wvw population onto a megaserver. You can do that with pve, yes but still they’re assigned to the same server like wvw players and still have the right to be in wvw.

Edit² – Kitten, you sure edit your post often

First real edit: Yeah of course you can to that with wvw, works for EotM.

(edited by Jana.6831)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Every server has wvw players….. Now would ALL the pve move to the same server filling up another – I doubt it….

Either way, the answer is to decouple pve server pop with wvw server pop. Pvx would obviously count as wvw pop. The one remaining issue issue is pve visiting wvw for the sole purpose of crafting/banking. That would have to count as Pvx even if they are pve, but I doubt that is a huge issue….

You can’t calculate that at all. Many players do both. If you count who goes in WvW, when would it count them? Someone goes in and uses the crafting stations, or uses it as a route between wherever and LA, how do you count them? If you count it daily it’s going to be severely distorted, and easily manipulated, if you count monthly then it won’t react to population change very quickly, not much different from now. There are numerous reasons why these ideas won’t work, or would cause huge headaches for all, which is precisely why the system hasn’t changed at all.

Its a matter of just the number of players in WvW, not really deciding who is PvE or WvW.

Just take a month, average the daily number of people in WvW for that month and poof you have a real number on WvW population that distributes resets and weekends.

It would be really easy to calculate for a computer.

Of Course then you will have the weekend warriors that people will complain about later as they will skew an average, but thats far better than servers being full with PvE’rs.

It creates a myriad of new issues, though. I didn’t touch on them all. I’m not saying it may not be worth trying, just that every suggestion has it’s own drawbacks. I’ve often thought something like that could be better, but yet I know many only use the crafting stations and asura gate to get to LA, and we know the new map will still have them. Additionally, although it would be harder for a server to orchestrate a month long hiatus to manipulate their population amount, it isn’t unheard of for it to be attempted in mmo’s.

Ya or alt accounts on other servers to fill them up with quick logins. I see your point.

But couldnt all those things be done now? Whats stopping people from doing this now as like I said before, it counts unique logins.

For it to work, Anet would have to keep it a secret. Have a tolerance to work with and not post either.

As of right now though from what im seeing just from going from a non-full t2 server to a full t4/5 server, it makes zero sense and is broken.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


From everything Ive read, they dont count deserted accounts, its actual unique logins they count.

So even now, if someone wanted to play the system, people just can have some alt account on some other server that they play for a while and not log into their main.

I don’t really get what you mean, isn’t that the same? You have an account on some server and as long as you log in x times over a period of y time, you’re seen as a member of this server thus you have this place. If you don’t log in for a period of z days your account is still on this server but doesn’t count as such thus there’s room for someone else. And I guess this period is too long as I bet a lot of players have already left -or it is too long for the influx of new players due to the super sales. So their original formula for server space doesn’t add up anymore.

Edit: I’m not so sure you can put the wvw population onto a megaserver. You can do that with pve, yes but still they’re assigned to the same server like wvw players and still have the right to be in wvw.

Edit² – Kitten, you sure edit your post often

First real edit: Yeah of course you can to that with wvw, works for EotM.

It counts all logins into the game itself. Im saying if the number of people in WvW were counted not just logged into the game.

It started without megaservers, so it counted all people on a server to dictate if the server was full and people from different servers did not PvE together. Likely a load balancing strategy.

Now Megaservers came into play. The load balancing is done with the megaserver not by the separation of servers. Yet, PvE players are counted in the server population. People who never play WvW actually count towards your WvW server population as (from what Im reading) what dictated a server being full originally has never changed even when they added the megaservers.

So what Im saying is, there is no need for load balancing as the megaserver does that when concerning PvE and queues handing the load balancing in WvW.

What dictates load on a server is not some data sitting on a harddrive and not doing anything, its actually the number of instances and the number of people within those instances at any given time.

So server population no longer (if it ever really did in the first place) has any affect on load balancing.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


It counts all logins into the game itself. Im saying if the number of people in WvW were counted not just logged into the game.


It started without megaservers, so it counted all people on a server to dictate if the server was full and people from different servers did not PvE together. Likely a load balancing strategy.

Now Megaservers came into play. The load balancing is done with the megaserver not by the separation of servers. Yet, PvE players are counted in the server population. People who never play WvW actually count towards your WvW server population as (from what Im reading) what dictated a server being full originally has never changed even when they added the megaservers.

Yes, I didn’t say anything else.

So what Im saying is, there is no need for load balancing as the megaserver does that when concerning PvE and queues handing the load balancing in WvW.

We’ve had queues before the megaservers and I guess x hours is the maximum time someone is willing to spend in a queue.
So basically you have the wvw population and the pve population who could essentially be wvw players as well.

What dictates load on a server is not some data sitting on a harddrive and not doing anything, its actually the number of instances and the number of people within that instance at any given time.

I don’t think so as these players potentially could log in at that day and even play wvw (formerly pve and wvw) – it would be stupid or servers would be unneccessary if only the current log ins would count, it’s also potential log ins.

So population no longer (if it ever really did in the first place) has any affect on load balancing.

It has, the cap of wvw maps has just been lowered because of lag issues.

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


It counts all logins into the game itself. Im saying if the number of people in WvW were counted not just logged into the game.


Im saying count the number of people in WvW instead and the population of WvW servers. Average it over a month and check the population of people.

So what Im saying is, there is no need for load balancing as the megaserver does that when concerning PvE and queues handing the load balancing in WvW.

We’ve had queues before the megaservers and I guess x hours is the maximum time someone is willing to spend in a queue.
So basically you have the wvw population and the pve population who could essentially be wvw players as well.

Yes but you also have strictly PvE people who count against your numbers in WvW. What I was saying about queues is that they handle the load balancing of the instance.

What dictates load on a server is not some data sitting on a harddrive and not doing anything, its actually the number of instances and the number of people within that instance at any given time.

I don’t think so as these players potentially could log in at that day and even play wvw (formerly pve and wvw) – it would be stupid or servers would be unneccessary if only the current log ins would count, it’s also potential log ins.

Does that really matter? You can only have a limited number of people in WvW at any given time. Whether they want to play or not. Yet, from being in T2 servers to where queues go up to 40 to 60 man queues and then coming back down to darkhaven where I havent seen a queue but on reset in EB, obviously something is broken.

So population no longer (if it ever really did in the first place) has any affect on load balancing.

It has, the cap of wvw maps has just been lowered because of lag issues.

I meant server total population here. If they changed any caps, its the number of people allowed in the instance. Lowering the number of people and extending the queues. Regardless server population has no affect on the load balance, it only affects the queue times. The load balance in EB is handled by its queues, not by the number of people associated with the server.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Im saying count the number of people in WvW instead and the population of WvW servers. Average it over a month and check the population of people.

And I tried to explain why this wouldn’t work.

Yes but you also have strictly PvE people who count against your numbers in WvW. What I was saying about queues is that they handle the load balancing of the instance.

So, if you start to play this game, a pop up window comes and you have to declare you will never play wvw-does that make sense? No it doesn’t – so all people on every server are potential wvw players.

Does that really matter? You can only have a limited number of people in WvW at any given time. Whether they want to play or not. Yet, from being in T1 servers to where queues go up to 40 to 60 man queues and then coming back down to darkhaven where I havent seen a queue but on reset in EB, obviously something is broken.

That’s why I say their formula is off as when I started to play the server I assigned to was marked as “moderately populated” and is now “very high” like every other server. But I don’t think it’s 1000% more players, they just fail to get the ratio of potential log ins and actual log ins right.

I meant server total population here. If they changed any caps, its the number of people allowed in the instance. Lowering the number of people and extending the queues. Regardless server population has no affect on the load balance, it only affects the queue times. The load balance in EB is handled by its queues, not be the number of people associated with the server.

Yeah but if you have 100% more players on said server the queues would be longer as the wvw maps can only hold x players – and while the lower tier servers might not have a queue at all the higher tier servers would have a few hours added. So in the end what you mean is what I’m saying the whole time: recalculate the server population, actual and potential. It would make no sense to exclude all pve players from wvw.

Edit because my space bar is broken

(edited by Jana.6831)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


@ Jana.6831

First lets take Darkhaven for example.

Currently right now, you can find it open at given times of the day. Usually about the same time, 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST.

For this to happen, it has to be based on total people logged in at any given time not really inactive accounts.

Now to your other points.

Understand that it would affect transfers and new players. So lets say some player who has been playiing PvE for 6 months decides to give WvW a shot. So this adds to the WvW population that sets it over its limit or higher in its limit. This means no new players or transfers to that server until something in the WvW population changes.

So people will have to transfer down or not play WvW to open that server back up. If a player decides they no longer want to WvW, it also detracts from that number.

Now yes, in the extreme case that you have 100’s of strictly PvE players who decide that they want to give WvW a shot all at the same time, then you might have a problem.

If its ten though, it wont be a problem as it would just close off that server from accepting transfers or new players and have queue times up a little bit.


Im not sayng exclude PvE players in this, Im saying count what is in WvW over the past 90 days and average it, decide some tolerance, and go with that.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


First lets take Darkhaven for example.

For this to happen, it has to be based on total people logged in at any given time not really inactive accounts.

No, it can also mean (and that I’m sure of) that that is the time when x more accounts are being counted as inactive.

Im not sayng exclude PvE players in this, Im saying count what is in WvW over the past 90 days and average it, decide some tolerance, and go with that.

Okay, I’ve said the same over the past 4 posts of mine and I would now say the same again in a try to explain to you what I mean and why I think your idea won’t work as you would exclude players who are new to wvw from wvw or extend the queue times from those who already play wvw. So let’s call it a day, ok? =)

Edit: Or better: your last idea is basically what I’ve been saying since post one in this thread – minus the “divert wvw and pve population”

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


But since I thought about it:
You can estimate the wvw population with the queue. So observe the queue and set a limit, let’s say 2 hours weekends, one hour weekdays. If there’s queues like this on a server then this server is full and no one can sign up for it. Since transfers are mostly used by wvw players nowadays only transfers from that server really count as free slots, the rest will still only be measured by the queue, so no slots on this server, no matter what “PvE account” expires until the queue is below the limit, then also expired “PvE accounts” count as free.
So those who have never a queue will be “very low populated”. Those with queues only at weekends “low populated” and so on.
This can be abused by players – have to think about that. But in the end I don’t work for anet, so none of this really matters ;)

Server Full

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


What I would ask some of our more tech savy people is, would the following work ?

We have 24 NA servers, take the total population and spread it evenly across these 24 servers. Your server for PvE doesn’t matter because of Mega servers so this shouldn’t effect those folks.

From here when a player chooses to enter WvW they are prompted to choose a World to represent for WvW purposes.

You choose your Rep World, it can be the one your on now or a different one (everyone will get a 1 time free transfer in essence). Your character will now be associated with that World for WvW purposes only. You fight for that World, your matched up against who ever they are fighting ect ect ect.

Transfers would work the same, the difference is you’re transfering who you rep not your actual server.

This way they can keep track of representation for WvW purposes and which Worlds have the most rep’s.

This would in theory end the problem of a server with no one in WvW being full because it has nothing to do with the server itself.