Server Switched Back Involuntarily

Server Switched Back Involuntarily

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


Long before Jan. 28, 2013 I transferred servers from Sea of Sorrows to Jade’s Quarry. No problem then for a month or so. However, I just noticed this morning while playing WvWvW that I am back on Sea of Sorrows and so is my wife’s account (I switched her over to JQ around the same time before 1/28)!

Now, I did this because it was free and I wanted to be on a winning WvW server. Arena Net wants 1800 gems ($25) to transfer servers now (not a news flash).

By being switched back is this a glitch? Did I not play enough WvW to stay on JQ? Is this a money grab by Anet? What the hell is going on? Has anybody else have this happen to them? Please advise. Thank you all.

Server Switched Back Involuntarily

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


That is a weird one.

Contacted customers services?

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Server Switched Back Involuntarily

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Yeah you should probably contact Anet… They must see if something has happened on the server end. What does it say in the login window (server list). Is SoS or JQ your home server? If JQ is still your home server then that wierd. And awesome at the same time, playing for another worlds WvW group, lol. Hidden feature

Server Switched Back Involuntarily

in WvW

Posted by: Yoke.4671


Now, I did this because it was free and I wanted to be on a winning WvW server.

Karma. for being glory-hunter

Server Switched Back Involuntarily

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarz.1750


Old news but . . . . .

One day WvW crashed. When I logged in, I found myself on Jade Quarry (I am not on JQ normally) in EB. Everything was green and I couldn’t interact with anything.

I expect CS will fix that for you OR everyone is about to be xfer’d back to their original servers and xfer’s are being removed from the game for abuse and game breaking exploits.