Server Transfers decide WvW results

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


Eredon Terrace, Yaks Bend and Fort Aspenwood have been locked in combat all week and an eventful week it has been.

Unfortunately ET have been almost absent due to previous server transfers decimating their ranks which essentially made it a two horse race. This alone negatively impacts the match up and is a direct cause of server transfers.

Back to the match. YB took a huge110k+ point lead. That said the early fights were hard enjoyable affairs.

However behind the scenes FA have been brilliant in attracting server transfers. Whether these guilds will stick with FA or move again I know not, but they have managed to double and in certain time zones treble their combatants, completely flipping the match and locking out ET and YB from a single map asset.

Personally I think this will cause FA issues at peak concurrency such as when the new match up kicks in resulting in yet more transfers.

With the broken Orb mechanic removed WvW has become even more of a bland zerg fest and therefore server transfers are causing huge disparities and wrecking Server ratings.

Please please ANEt show some love to WvW.

Put a week imbargo on WvW for players transferring in and reinstate Orbs even if it just gives a points bonus. We need a reason not to just zerg.

Thank you

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


This is actually something I support, although in ET’s case it wouldn’t have helped them, nor would it have helped HoD – bandwagon queues are still bound to happen and large guilds do come and go. WvW is designed for competition 24/7 so the populations just need to be balanced out for full coverage of all hours of the day. How Arenanet can begin to achieve this is by merging the Euro and NA ladder into an “International” ladder.

Off topic
How can you be upset with the winning margin getting closer? Isn’t the whole point of WvW the competition? Somehow I feel like you wouldn’t make this thread if you still had a 150k~ lead.
Fort Aspenwood has been 1600~ rated since week long match ups began. Yak’s Bend has been 1400 – 1500. Maybe you guys just don’t go as hard as we do during the weekdays. I know all the insomniacs here at [PRO] aren’t magical new transfers, yet you can ask [COCO] [OTG] [TOG] and Badgers all about us at late night, I can guarantee that.

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.2450


I’m pretty sure that FAs turn around doesn’t have as much to do with transfers as it has to do with YB having a higher WvW population that has to do stuff during the weekdays that keeps them away from the game, as the turn around didn’t begin till Monday.

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


Eredon Terrace, Yaks Bend and Fort Aspenwood have been locked in combat all week and an eventful week it has been.

Unfortunately ET have been almost absent due to previous server transfers decimating their ranks which essentially made it a two horse race. This alone negatively impacts the match up and is a direct cause of server transfers.

Back to the match. YB took a huge110k+ point lead. That said the early fights were hard enjoyable affairs.

However behind the scenes FA have been brilliant in attracting server transfers. Whether these guilds will stick with FA or move again I know not, but they have managed to double and in certain time zones treble their combatants, completely flipping the match and locking out ET and YB from a single map asset.

Personally I think this will cause FA issues at peak concurrency such as when the new match up kicks in resulting in yet more transfers.

With the broken Orb mechanic removed WvW has become even more of a bland zerg fest and therefore server transfers are causing huge disparities and wrecking Server ratings.

Please please ANEt show some love to WvW.

Put a week imbargo on WvW for players transferring in and reinstate Orbs even if it just gives a points bonus. We need a reason not to just zerg.

Thank you

As of Wednesday night, I’ve only heard of and seen 2 new guilds on FA. LLAC and a smaller Japanese guild. FA has been working on getting off peak players for months now since it is known that FA had almost no coverage other than NA primetime. The YB v ET v FA thread is drowning in tears due to this comeback, and it’s starting to get a little old. Being out in WvW on average 6-8 hours a day since the start of the matchup, I’ve noticed a massive difference in the number of YB players which is probably a bigger problem for Yaks.

On the weekend it was almost impossible to find an area not swarming with Yaks, now it’s hard to find any yaks at all. I would argue that the change is score is mainly due to FA showing up and Yaks not. A few transfers playing during the day have given a morale boost to most of FA’s fairweather players, but it’s not the transfer themselves winning this match for FA (we appreciate you coming over though).

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


You are correct Chris. And I apologize for the few people from Yak’s complaining, they are in the very small minority.

Again, we had ques times over the weekend, now we don’t. Simple as that, and that says it all.

A few Yak’s may be crying, but the majority of us know FA has done a great job this match.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Myth Shaia.4856

Myth Shaia.4856

Not to mention some of the US East Coast coming back online – although that one of the first things they would do is play some WvWvW goes to their character

…from elsewhere…
“I am not a complete idiot, there are some components missing still!” …

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


kitten 4 guilds, one 100 man, the JPN guild was 70 plus 2 smaller guilds. ET was hamstrung by an exodus. Yaks has stayed pretty much the same. You can see the wild change in score this week and in ET’s other pairings. Server transfers are still killing WvW . On top of that there is no real incentive for any but the top 4 or 5 servers to do anyting meaningful except to farm karma in WvW. No personal gains, no guild gains, nothing that grinding out a dungeon wont get you.

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Subtle.4596


Guys, look at some of the guilds that round out Yaks bend’s population:
Mine: OF: EVERYONE is over 25.
OTG/TOG – OLDER gamers – theses guys are people who have played games together for YEARS and YEARS which means they are mostly over 25 if not 30.
Quite a few of the commanders on Yaks are over 30.

Know what that means? REAL LIFE gets in the way. Jobs, kids, hockey practice, swimming lessions, walking dogs, shoveling driveways. REAL LIFE. Of course Monday to Thursdays we are a little lean on leadership and population. I know for the wife and I we are pretty tired when we actually have the time to sit down and play.

We as a server have to deal with that – be happy that with the leadership we do have, with the population we do have – that we were able to bump us up from tier 6/5 to a tier 4/3 server.

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlite.7536


There’s many servers that took hits from server transfers… Think of it this way Yes u may have lost by a blowout… Yes your morale for this week may have gone down but next Week is a new matchup. Take these weeks to work together as a server. Yaks had to go through alot to get where they are now. I remember when we beat them in a blow out when they played against us in Maguuma. Maguuma hasn’t moved in a few weeks in ranks now but you don’t see us complaining because were now showing that we got some backbone in what used to be a blowout against us Being Darkhaven has a bigger population. Were actually hot on their kitten in points.
Don’t give up just cuz your lower in points or zergs keep recapping.. Grow as a server and work together and only then will u find it’s easier to start playing WvW the way it was meant to be played. As always keep up the good fight.

Moon Lite – Officer of Digital Villains (DV)

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: rhonyn.6810


I will just copy/paste my response from the match thread….

All this complaining about numbers….it is, what it is. Its the game design/mechanics issue. …numbers win matches (or at a minimum greatly influence it). Whether server number variations and miss-matches versus competition come from:

1) Dumb luck? – more people clicked on your server when they installed the game
2) Recruiting more “PvE only” players to participate
3) server Xfers
4) New players trying the game, or recently finishing PvE content trying WvW out
5) Daily/hourly variations in players participation – jobs, life, extreme weather
6) Score dynamics – “fairweathers”, momentum, attitudes etc etc..

It will happen and continue to happen and impact scoring in matches…especially when small changes (relative to map pop caps) in off-hour player numbers can dramatically impact the maps……our choices are to:

a) Accept it, and enjoy the fights we have (sometimes you will have more, other times less)
b) Xfer to tier where raw numbers play less of a role (i.e. top tiers)
c) Build your server to mitigate as much as you can by getting numbers/coverage
d) petition Anet to change the scoring design

(edited by rhonyn.6810)

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Decommissioner.4597


Yaks are the biggest whiners I have seen in all the match ups.

The only reason you had such a lead was the 24/7 coverage at the start of the matchup. Every night, weekend included YB were getting steamrolled in the open field and could barely cling on to their 100% fully upgraded towers/keeps/forts. You guys need organisation and better players.

I have more fear of fighting 10 guys from AoN on ET than 50 from TOG and I’m sure others from FA will say the same.

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


I have more fear of fighting 10 guys from AoN on ET than 50 from TOG and I’m sure others from FA will say the same.

I second this. We’ve seen these guys wipe out 30+ Yak zergs easily. They’ll kill a few then the rest run. AoN knows what they are doing for sure.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Yaks are the biggest whiners I have seen in all the match ups.

The only reason you had such a lead was the 24/7 coverage at the start of the matchup. Every night, weekend included YB were getting steamrolled in the open field and could barely cling on to their 100% fully upgraded towers/keeps/forts. You guys need organisation and better players.

I have more fear of fighting 10 guys from AoN on ET than 50 from TOG and I’m sure others from FA will say the same.

This isnt a Yak whine, its an issue with transfers that has been an issue since day one because they cannot work out guesting. People jump servers all the time and it messes the brackets up. Look at SoR. A tier 4/5 server jumps into the top tears due to transfers. Completely blew out the tier it was in and caused two weeks of issues as servers against them were dropped too low and blewout that tier.

Get your head out of your kitten and realize how bad it is. Of course you are the server with 200+ new W3ers so its ok… for now. Hows HoD doing?

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


As a Yaks Bend commander, I can assure you, while we HATE free server transfers, we do not begrudge any server those transfers. The week got more fun once the transfers happened. Did those transfers effect your scores? Yes, as you had more presence at certain times. Are we crying in our milk? Not the commanders. If one or two is, then I am sorry, but do not take the feelings of a minority to the feelings of the majority.

Good work all week. I wasn’t impressed with the EU transfers anyway. Only people I really remember were Unlimited and PRO. That’s about it.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


i’m not certain a week embargo would fix your issue.

if any damage to balance was or is done by server transfers, 99.9% of that damage is already done.

the major imbalance brought by the transfers is that server full/high status is determined by total people on the server. pvp players and pve. with guesting coming soon pve server population will not matter at all whereas, as you say, wvw server population dramatically affects who wins. So whether or not a wvw guild can move to a server is determined by how many people are PVEing on that server still, even though PVE can be done on any server.

those servers who had wvw guilds stack on them have effectively a much higher population and will always have such as long as the server population status is is a function of PVE populations.

for this reason the embargo won’t help. most of the stacked WvW servers are already stacked and we are already looking at the results of this.

-Desirz Matheon

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


The EU half of the transfers are still in discussion, they may not even come over.

As a Yaks Bend commander, I can assure you, while we HATE free server transfers, we do not begrudge any server those transfers. The week got more fun once the transfers happened. Did those transfers effect your scores? Yes, as you had more presence at certain times. Are we crying in our milk? Not the commanders. If one or two is, then I am sorry, but do not take the feelings of a minority to the feelings of the majority.

Good work all week. I wasn’t impressed with the EU transfers anyway. Only people I really remember were Unlimited and PRO. That’s about it.

This, right here, and we’ll remember you as well. Epic battles with you guys this week.

As for the fighting that took place during this matchup… ferocity was unmatched. Unlimited, BT, and PRO to name just a few went out in force and fought regardless of Fair Weather backup. The server saw the tide switch and came out to meet us. FA has the spirit to push this tier, but found it a few days too late.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


The Euro guilds haven’t transferred over to FA yet (if they do). Regardless of how many threads you post it doesn’t change the facts.

Please…show me a guild tag of one that transferred. A name. A screen shot. This is beyond silly. There’s no doubt FA would love to have the transfers happen to help our coverage, but it just hasn’t happened yet.

The fact is FA suffered a few demoralizing defeats due to nightcapping/better coverage the last couple of weeks and it looked like that was happening with Yak’s during the weekend. Turns out Yak’s does have a little better overnight coverage, but mostly it it seems to have been Yak’s players just staying up very late those first few nights, and so FA lit a fire and brought the fight back during the week.

All that said, Ireniicus, I will still turn on the nightlight and check under your bed before you go to sleep so don’t worry.

Edit: adding Euro in opening sentence.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

(edited by Haldunius.7864)

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

kitten 4 guilds, one 100 man, the JPN guild was 70 plus 2 smaller guilds. ET was hamstrung by an exodus. Yaks has stayed pretty much the same. You can see the wild change in score this week and in ET’s other pairings. Server transfers are still killing WvW . On top of that there is no real incentive for any but the top 4 or 5 servers to do anyting meaningful except to farm karma in WvW. No personal gains, no guild gains, nothing that grinding out a dungeon wont get you.

I doubt we got more than 200 members from transfers over the course of this week.

200 members split between 4 maps is very little.

Anet make Rev great again.

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I am more concerned with servers like Henge and ET losing their entire populations overnight, than servers like FA getting stronger. Having 1 weak server in a 3 way battle makes things bland more often than not.

Yak’s is more likely a T4 server and we are content with that. As stated TOG and OTG have real lives which are more important.

I would have even beene quite happy with FA fighting back and winning, had it not been for people bragging and belittling others on the forum.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Yaks are the biggest whiners I have seen in all the match ups.

Thats rather ironic given the amount of FA whining at the beginning and comments about how FA were going to wipe the floor with YB. The match seems to be ending on a relatively good note pity you have to go and spoil that.

The complaints about server transfers since midway through are mainly about the refusal of FA to acknowledge them when the pop increase has been obvious to your opponents and when there are forum posts stating what transfers have occurred..

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro