Server advice
Switch to a NA server if you want English to be your main language. I am on Gates of madness which is an english server. If you want a good steady server I know Gates of madnes, Emry Bay and Crystal dessert are going to be the steadiest servers you can get into that are open at the moment.
Potion Sella
GH+Vabbi+UW is going tier1 soon, stay there.
Yeah that three pairing should prove lively.
Yep sorry, it seems I know nothing about WvW outside the mechanics… Noticed servers got linked last night and every map was red…
It’s gone from one extreme to the next haha, I’m guessing these servers were linked due to the population issue? Where can I find information on when servers get linked and un-linked e.t.c.? Should I stay on this server now?
I want to learn the ins and outs here, was only playing WvW for runes of leadership but turns out I’m actually really enjoying it
Relinks happen the last Friday of every even month (Feb, April, June, August, October, December), except in 1 case so far where December’s relink was pushed to the first week of January because of the holidays.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination