Server communities migrations: Public Rankings + Free Transfer not a great idea.

Server communities migrations: Public Rankings + Free Transfer not a great idea.

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


I just wanted to point out, at least for EU servers, that after the first publishing of rankings, full guilds and loads of players are quickly using the free transfer.

But not in the intended (by Arena, i guess) way.

They’re running from losing servers (Fissure of Woe, apart any kind of issue with the population, it getting more and more empyt) and flooding winning ones (Gunnar’s Hold went from istant/10 min queque to min 1h, from ligth/med to high /full).

Which means that the first will be always worse, and same for the latter due to longer queques. Plus all the e-drama due to communities moving of servers.

Just asking, what do you think about it? US servers are almost all high/full, so probably it’s more evident on EU ones.

Imo, free transfer + public rankings = players leaving losing ones to get in winning ones, which makes both the servers (the starting and the destination ones) less playable (first lose players, seconds get queque times skyrocketing). At least transfers and new accounts shouldn’t have been able to go towards high/full server, because atm the trend isn’t that good, splitting in empyt and overpopulated servers the WvW.

Not fun for both cases.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Server communities migrations: Public Rankings + Free Transfer not a great idea.

in WvW

Posted by: Bloobat.2539


You raise a good point and of course this will be happening, it is rather sad that certain players/guilds feel the need to be on the winning server anyway as in the end its them that will have to queue for longer. However this is also why lower ranked worlds tend to play other low ranked worlds.

I personally play on WhiteSide Ridge and although it is near bottom of the league table because of the ‘matchmaking’ we tend to have fairly balanced matches….

My complaint for WvWvW matchmaking would be not to place us against Servers from other countries, I think that English servers should play English servers so that we are all in the same time zone, I do realise that there is only one Spanish server but they can play the Germans as their time zone is the same…