Server transfer exploit?
You’re paranoid.
Asura Warrior
these threads dont make sense.
If you have a huge lead then your enemy quits and there is no one to fight why would your server have people there?
If you have no one there then what is to stop 10 people from another server logging on and taking something undefended?
You dont need massive transfers to do that. 5 people can take a tower in about 2 minutes, less if they want to use a golem. 15 or 20 people with a golem or two can take stonemist castle in less than 3 minutes, whether it is upgraded or not if it isnt defended.
THATS why the so called ‘night capping’ ordeal is such a big issue. it takes zero effort to take any point on the map when all you have to fight are NPCs.
Thats why WvW fails. There are no built in contingencies or fail safes to slow or hinder players playing on empty maps. While in some cases it doesnt matter (mostly due to the problems and people not playing anymore) it does when the match up might actually be competitive and there is a small amount of interest in doing WvW.
Bottomline is that what you get for winning WvW or leading or racking up points is meaningless PvE boosts. Big deal. The drops in there suck and all you end up getting are massive repair bills and maybe a couple ‘fun’ encounters a night. Assuming you have people playing on all the servers in your group.
If you have 3 orbs and own everything then there is no way you will lose, end of story. So losing a tower or a keep for a little bit isnt anything to cry about. If another server actually puts up some resistance you should actually be happy and look forward to actually PvPing in a PvP zone instead of running around on empty maps all week.