Set AFK auto kick from WvW
It does kick afkers, but as with anything, there is a loophole/workaround. You can set macros to click skills every couple of minutes or whatever and then the system doesn’t know whether you are afk or not.
The AFK time-out is quicker than PVE, while you are inside WvW. I could have sworn it’s roughly 15minutes. Where-as PVE, you can be AFK a very long before getting bounced.
It does kick afkers, but as with anything, there is a loophole/workaround. You can set macros to click skills every couple of minutes or whatever and then the system doesn’t know whether you are afk or not.
And this.. if you see someone AFK for a very long time in WvW it could very well be fishy. Reporting a player who hasn’t moved in WvW for a long time could be warranted.
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