Shorter WvW Matchups

Shorter WvW Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


I’m sure this has been discussed on this forum but I just wanted to really make it a point.

7 Days is entirely to long with WvW in its current state.

I am on Gate of Madness and we have been losing since day 1 of this week’s matchup but more importantly, losing horribly since Monday.

Oddly enough I play this game for WvW…it reminds me of the DAOC of old and no game has been able to match that until GW2. I have barely logged any game time this week since Sunday night simply because we can’t do anything productive without getting zerged by 200 people.

I don’t know if shortening the battles to 3 days duration is the answer but in its current state, it cannot be healthy for the game. I have yet to see a WvW that changes drastically from what the order is on Monday. It seems like Tuesday through Friday until reset is just “dead” time.

(edited by Arlandino.7513)

Shorter WvW Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


Just an update. YB/GoM/SF matchup did not even last 3 days. It was already over by this morning. Less than 24 hours.

This self correcting business is going to make a lot of people quit before it actually corrects. I definitely don’t feel like getting spawn camped until Friday.

Shorter WvW Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


They was thinkin about 14 days instead 7 :S
7 is good to me, but free server transfer is not :S

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

Shorter WvW Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


14 days would be the worst decision they could make lol