Siege Blueprint Wallet?
It has been suggested, but obviously not implemented, the shared inventory slots can help although atm its limited to 5 slots. Best thing right now is to just keep siege on each toon you do wvw with.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Siege isn’t really a currency.
And most importantly the more pressure the dev’s can put on your bag slots in general can only help their gem store sales, so not much incentive to clean up the current wallet as a priority. For $5 US each for a bag slot expansion players can solve this issue with their wallets kek
(edited by Naix.8156)
Siege isn’t really a currency.
And most importantly the more pressure the dev’s can put on your bag slots in general can only help their gem store sales, so not much incentive to clean up the current wallet as a priority. For $5 US each for a bag slot expansion players can solve this issue with their wallets kek
Then sell the kitten wallet in the gem store then.
Siege isn’t really a currency.
And most importantly the more pressure the dev’s can put on your bag slots in general can only help their gem store sales, so not much incentive to clean up the current wallet as a priority. For $5 US each for a bag slot expansion players can solve this issue with their wallets kek
ayyy theres a thing called gold → gems
oh wait
wvw players are poor af lmao
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I’d love to have a ~10 slot bag for only siege – no other things can be put into it.
I would favour it being a wvw only item which can only be earned in wvw.
The problem is that the PvE people of this game will complain.
I’d love to have a ~10 slot bag for only siege – no other things can be put into it.
I would favour it being a wvw only item which can only be earned in wvw.
The problem is that the PvE people of this game will complain.
They could make it a wallet for siege, tricks, traps, food and utilities and sell it on the gem store. PvE players won’t care about most of that but the food/utilities might appeal to them.
I’d love to have a ~10 slot bag for only siege – no other things can be put into it.
I would favour it being a wvw only item which can only be earned in wvw.
The problem is that the PvE people of this game will complain.They could make it a wallet for siege, tricks, traps, food and utilities and sell it on the gem store. PvE players won’t care about most of that but the food/utilities might appeal to them.
They do care about something being theoretically in game but of no use for them.
“why can’t we have 10 slots bags, the wvw players have them, so it’s possible!!”
No, only for siege (that includes traps as they need supply to build) no pve related stuff to fit in there – otherwise the above is highly likely. And this would be a compromise to the gem store related items.
If this found its way into the gem store, I would buy it. I play on a lot of alts and having to keep siege on all of them is a pain.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
this would be cool if it came with a commander tag
That’d be a nice addition to the WvW window. Add another tab below WvW rank that lets you stack 250 of each blueprint and double click to equip them.
Yes. It has been suggested before. It would be a niece Quality of Life improvement, since now I need to shuffle blueprints with all my WvWvW characters.
Yes it’s been suggested plenty of times before, especially with the Shared Inventory Slots release.
It would be a very appreciated QoL update to be able to log into any toon and have all your siege ready to be used.
I don’t care how they implement it – but it needs to be done. A wallet sounds good, or how others have suggested – by earning it via some kind of WvW related “track”. The possibilities are there, please make it a thing, ANet.
I don’t see an inventory issue with blueprints unless you are a commander or a roamer and even then I don’t think it warrants resource allocation to work on. There are bigger issues in this game mode and the game as a whole that need attention.
Many issues are finally getting a possible fix later this month so now is actually a great time to start giving them ideas for nice quality of life fixes they can also work on.
It’s recommended that any regular WvWer, regardless of role, keeps a stock of some rams, catas, ACs, ballistas and siege disablers on the off chance they’re needed, especially the last 3 as they’re instrumental in defending structures.
If you’re stocked up on every possible siege blueprint and trap just to be prepared for whatever may happen in WvW then you’re losing 9 or 10 slots per character and making sure each character is stocked up can be a chore if you play multiple alts.
World vs. World currently has no incentives to keep players interested in continuing and bring players in to become interested. Like PvP? Do sPvP. It’s better supported with more reward and less of the headache. Like PvE? Do the many avenues of PvE that you have which are also more rewarding in varying degrees. My point is if World vs. World continues down the route it seems to be going, then who cares about what to do with consumables to a damaged game mode that ends up no longer being popular?
Again, we’re getting those incentive later this month.
They’re releasing (though a live beta at first) better rewards and a population balance change and a few other changes.
The fighting in WvW is considerably different than in sPvP, there’s more freedom and more ways to fight.
I care, and I’m sure many others considering the game mode is not dead yet. We’re finally getting an update that could start fixing things so asking for a quality of life change is not pointless.
By more freedom you mean what exactly? The pirate ship meta? Steamroll compositions designed to roll through any zerg like butter? Absurd boon spam? Condition bombs and traps that can stunlock entire groups of players? Or do you mean the freedom to sit inside of an objective and build enough arrow carts so that you can maintain a constant flow of red circles for miles?
Yes… World vs. World has definitely given the freedom for players to be all the cheese that they can be. I am being somewhat facetious but I am sure that you get my point.
You’re confusing ‘freedom’ with ‘balance’.
Freedom to min-max my build as I see fit and being rewarded for putting a little extra effort into my build. Don’t like the pirate ship meta? Roam or go smallscale, that’s where the effort you put into your build shines and your skill shows.
I’m gonna stop arguing with you here since this is getting off topic and it’s putting a downer on a nice, helpful thread.
What I would like, although I’m sure people won’t like since everyone hates clutter on the screen, is maybe another small row on the ui for siege so I don’t have to always keep opening up my inventory, double clicking then closing my inventory to throw seige out
Maybe make it optional to show up on the ui or not, able to set some hot keys
Anyone ever suggested a siege blueprint wallet? To keep all those precious blueprints accessible when changing to different characters?
Been suggested a lot, but still +10000.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I would +1 this. even if it was something in the gem store like some have said. but it would need to more than 10 slots. enough to fit 1 stack of every type of siege. Managing 10 characters all having their own siege is a chore.