Siege Bunker Needs Some Buffs
Lol @ 5
Stand in front of a treb shot and the guy using it sees the shot come flying back at him xD
Your ideas are quite strong. I get the lines rather boring right now, but they will likely just extend it like they did guard skills
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
I agree with all but #5, it’s actually irrelevent for cata and treb damage since the damage is usually negated by out of combat regen except for AC to which I’m not sure how it would apply. Many with that trait would mean instant death to the AC operator in a defense against zerg making ACs useless lol…even if it’s only the first tick that is reflected back. Same goes for the Balista, operators would kill themselves using it making it kinda useless except against siege.
Maybe a form of aegis that last like 1 second making ACs hit you one out of 2 tick of damage if you are standing in it, I don’t know, I don’t really have an awesome suggestion for #5 lol.
Anyhow, I agree that with all the damage boost offensive siege get, total of 5% don’t really mitigate the damage and the trait should be stronger considering the cost of the trait.
Behind every red name there is a human being just like you. Respect your enemies :)
(edited by Astaroth.5146)
I think the point cost is a bit too low for what you propose.
WvW Coordinator
We will be adding to the line at some point and it may also involve revisiting the line as it currently functions. But yes, I agree it needs to be better.
While it maybe could use a slight buff it’s not what wvwvw needs imo, what wvwvw needs is ways to punish bunkerzergs for being static or face on tanking anything which the new ram mastery will make even easier, making this even better means making gaurd/war bunkerzergs even stronger.
Adding siege that would do a % amount of hp damage per hit or a thing that adds armour devalue per tick, would be better idea’s to punish static bunkerzerging which i think should be added to give the defenders some more options vs these immortal setups, not making it easier for them to facetank your t3 keep under siege.
While it maybe could use a slight buff it’s not what wvwvw needs imo, what wvwvw needs is ways to punish bunkerzergs for being static or face on tanking anything which the new ram mastery will make even easier, making this even better means making gaurd/war bunkerzergs even stronger.
Adding siege that would do a % amount of hp damage per hit or a thing that adds armour devalue per tick, would be better idea’s to punish static bunkerzerging which i think should be added to give the defenders some more options vs these immortal setups, not making it easier for them to facetank your t3 keep under siege.
Maybe if you stopped hiding behind walls, you would discover that fighting outside the walls when you allies stay on their arrowcarts is quite effective in destroying a zerg.
Or you just want for the keeps to be defendable by 3 people sitting on arrowcarts?
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