Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: babazhook.6805


del duplicate character 15

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


The big change is that now attacking an upgraded keep that has any defenders inside is such a boring slog that no one wants to do it. A keep with 1700 supply means defenders can chain-disable siege for literally hours. In populated matchups they only get flipped during coverage dead zones. The net effect is to make the PPT game more boring, and the PPT game is already boring enough that a big chunk of hardcore players don’t care about it at all.

This hits the nail on the head…

I have been a defender for so long and if you look at the many times a blob has brute forced t3 with 4-5 rams before we even could react considering fast build i think for the moment it is justified to let def be a little op.

While I agree as grave points out, that using a siege disabler can be abused both ways and this is surely true – the not surprising insight on my side is that i see a way higher intelligence level in the guys that deff versus the the blob in front of the gate how seems unable to put some brains in it and expect t3 to drop easily.

Have you tried one of the following:
- draining you objective with a few tier5 treb users (should not be an issue to come by them nowadays).
-running at least one main group and one distraction group who hits the objective from the other side
- spacing your siege (2 deffers….30+ blob cant space their siege so not all will bloked at once?)
- using reflection and protection your siege
-coordination to cause a distraction somewhere else on the map
- map awareness where you 3rd party on the map is (aka taking advantage of the enemy of the enemy)
- destroy a wall or multiple ones will drain supply quickly
- cut enemy supply into keeps
- using a siege disabler yourself

There is sure a few more but just straight out complaining wont do.
And last but not least, did you guys not always “we are here for the fights”. Well, I am on a deff server and that sure give me alot of fights when i can call in my own people to deff a tower where a 30+ blob stands outside (back turned stupidly to the inc and no scouters and stacking, nicely standing in the red circles of sup ac). If we spend 2 or 3 hours fighting around our keeps trying to maintain our objectives on the map versus multiple groups I can assure you everyone gets something out of it even if at the end of the run we loose a keep.

And if all does not help. Go for a 30 golem parade (happened on us today). You can still brute force but it wont come at a cheap price.

If you want karma runs go eotm.

If you get your T3 keeps ram rushed before you can react you should’ve had a scout. You don’t need an overpowered gadget that makes long sieges even more boring than they already are. A scout, a gate treb, and half a brain were all you ever needed to stop a ram rush, but apparently that’s too hard.

Look at your suggestions. You want the attacking force to have to split up into several small groups, hit multiple gates at once, rotate reflections (which requires running several eles with weapon combinations that are bad for fighting), have havoc groups keeping the enemy starved for supply, and sit on catas/trebs for long periods of time.

You want attackers to do all that, but for you having a scout and a gate treb is too much work? You want to be able to not only stop a blob by yourself, you want to be able to do it without having to do anything hard. 15 badges and five silver for me, thirty golems for thee.

Disabler as it is now is overpowered. Disable or remove please, like the title says.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


I usually get high blood pressure when people call to nerf something. I will have to agree to this. This one single move to easily thwart the entire enemy zerk’s attempt is way too convenient. I would say 5 second effect is disruptive enough, left alone a whooping half a minute?

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

either just remove it from the game or swap the times around so that golems get disabled longer than other siege. The biggest problems for defenders is causing a delay against an omega golem rush.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Siege disabler trap was the worst addition to WvW ever.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

Siege disabler trap was the worst addition to WvW ever.

removing the lake for bloodlust was a worse move imo. It is not that I don’t mind bloodlust, I just think it would’ve been better had the objectives been underwater and a bit more creativity involved in expanding underwater combat.

Siege disable traps are actually quite useful for attacking as well as defending. I wouldn’t mind if they were taken out of the game, but if you are going to keep them then they should be there to counter the buffs given to golems.

I discuss elsewhere my ideas for improving the golem buffs.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Siege disabler was a great addition to WvW. It has added to the strategies used to take and defend keeps and makes gameplay more then just a karmatrain. It allows smaller forces the time needed to get reinforcements to their location so as to defend an objective.

It gives more reasons to upgrade and hold keeps and towers and makes the same something better then just “speedbumps” enroute to those just wanting champions chests loaded up as quickly as possible.

The issue here is that of “instant gratification” as evidenced by those openly admitting they do not want to bother with the time needed to siege a tier 3 keep . Splitting ones forces and doing something other then run in the zerg makes battles much more interesting yet people arguing against disablers claim it forces one to split forces so as to be defeated in detail.

One might as well call for “instant healing walls” as it can be boring to run supply to repair them .Let us have “Instant upgrades” rather then put them on timers as it can be boring to ensure supply continues to flow to a keep. Really what is the point of supply keeps and towers if all people want to do is roll over the enemy with a zerg as the one and only facet of gameplay.?

Anything that breaks the zerg mentality is good for the game.

I have yet to play a single night where there not large scale battles and small nor have I played one where keeps and towers are not flipping.

Siege disablers are rarely used in EOTM. Objectives are rarely defended. There really no need to build any siege other then rams when on the Karmatrain. There are few if any “long boring sieges” and people want to advocate the rest of the borderlands become another EOTM.

That type of game already exists IN the EOTM. I find EOTM boring. A tier 3 keep should be hard to take and involve an investment of time. That is the reason keeps and castles are built in the first place.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Siege disabler was a great addition to WvW. It has added to the strategies used to take and defend keeps and makes gameplay more then just a karmatrain. It allows smaller forces the time needed to get reinforcements to their location so as to defend an objective.

It gives more reasons to upgrade and hold keeps and towers and makes the same something better then just “speedbumps” enroute to those just wanting champions chests loaded up as quickly as possible.

The issue here is that of “instant gratification” as evidenced by those openly admitting they do not want to bother with the time needed to siege a tier 3 keep . Splitting ones forces and doing something other then run in the zerg makes battles much more interesting yet people arguing against disablers claim it forces one to split forces so as to be defeated in detail.

One might as well call for “instant healing walls” as it can be boring to run supply to repair them .Let us have “Instant upgrades” rather then put them on timers as it can be boring to ensure supply continues to flow to a keep. Really what is the point of supply keeps and towers if all people want to do is roll over the enemy with a zerg as the one and only facet of gameplay.?

Anything that breaks the zerg mentality is good for the game.

I have yet to play a single night where there not large scale battles and small nor have I played one where keeps and towers are not flipping.

Siege disablers are rarely used in EOTM. Objectives are rarely defended. There really no need to build any siege other then rams when on the Karmatrain. There are few if any “long boring sieges” and people want to advocate the rest of the borderlands become another EOTM.

That type of game already exists IN the EOTM. I find EOTM boring. A tier 3 keep should be hard to take and involve an investment of time. That is the reason keeps and castles are built in the first place.

It’s because siege disablers benefit the servers with more numbers and more coverage; and that’s already a thing on these forums.

All this does is allow the server with the bigger blob to go even more on the offense, since it only takes one guy with 20 supply to buy their zerg 1:30 to get back. 2 guys it can be 3 minutes and that’s not counting the amount of time it will take to get the door down after that and the damage done to the siege by defensive siege.

Meanwhile when the blobbier server goes on the offense, they can PvD an upgraded door before the disable even wears off.

Oh, and the golems getting less cool down; that’s bullshrimp! They really need to swap those first thing. Golem rushes are a plague on this game.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Spyderson.8371


Yes yes, if you have siege disabler, logically, you should have siege enabler too :’)


or at least let us put like 5 more supply into a disabled piece to get it up and running again or something.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Siege disabler was a great addition to WvW. It has added to the strategies used to take and defend keeps and makes gameplay more then just a karmatrain. It allows smaller forces the time needed to get reinforcements to their location so as to defend an objective.

It gives more reasons to upgrade and hold keeps and towers and makes the same something better then just “speedbumps” enroute to those just wanting champions chests loaded up as quickly as possible.

The issue here is that of “instant gratification” as evidenced by those openly admitting they do not want to bother with the time needed to siege a tier 3 keep . Splitting ones forces and doing something other then run in the zerg makes battles much more interesting yet people arguing against disablers claim it forces one to split forces so as to be defeated in detail.

One might as well call for “instant healing walls” as it can be boring to run supply to repair them .Let us have “Instant upgrades” rather then put them on timers as it can be boring to ensure supply continues to flow to a keep. Really what is the point of supply keeps and towers if all people want to do is roll over the enemy with a zerg as the one and only facet of gameplay.?

Anything that breaks the zerg mentality is good for the game.

I have yet to play a single night where there not large scale battles and small nor have I played one where keeps and towers are not flipping.

Siege disablers are rarely used in EOTM. Objectives are rarely defended. There really no need to build any siege other then rams when on the Karmatrain. There are few if any “long boring sieges” and people want to advocate the rest of the borderlands become another EOTM.

That type of game already exists IN the EOTM. I find EOTM boring. A tier 3 keep should be hard to take and involve an investment of time. That is the reason keeps and castles are built in the first place.

It’s because siege disablers benefit the servers with more numbers and more coverage; and that’s already a thing on these forums.

All this does is allow the server with the bigger blob to go even more on the offense, since it only takes one guy with 20 supply to buy their zerg 1:30 to get back. 2 guys it can be 3 minutes and that’s not counting the amount of time it will take to get the door down after that and the damage done to the siege by defensive siege.

Meanwhile when the blobbier server goes on the offense, they can PvD an upgraded door before the disable even wears off.

Oh, and the golems getting less cool down; that’s bullshrimp! They really need to swap those first thing. Golem rushes are a plague on this game.

No. What favors the servers with the larger numbers is their larger numbers and not the tools they use. This like suggesting we remove hammers from the game because they favor the group that can wield more hammer warriors.

If a zerg of 40 is on a map with 10 of the enemy it will not make one whit of difference that those 40 can use siege disablers.

They can AFFORD to leave one scout per castle and keep even without disablers and get there in plenty of time to defeat those ten when they try and take an objective
It is not going to impact that numerical advantage.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

Siege disabler was a great addition to WvW. It has added to the strategies used to take and defend keeps and makes gameplay more then just a karmatrain. It allows smaller forces the time needed to get reinforcements to their location so as to defend an objective.

It gives more reasons to upgrade and hold keeps and towers and makes the same something better then just “speedbumps” enroute to those just wanting champions chests loaded up as quickly as possible.

The issue here is that of “instant gratification” as evidenced by those openly admitting they do not want to bother with the time needed to siege a tier 3 keep . Splitting ones forces and doing something other then run in the zerg makes battles much more interesting yet people arguing against disablers claim it forces one to split forces so as to be defeated in detail.

One might as well call for “instant healing walls” as it can be boring to run supply to repair them .Let us have “Instant upgrades” rather then put them on timers as it can be boring to ensure supply continues to flow to a keep. Really what is the point of supply keeps and towers if all people want to do is roll over the enemy with a zerg as the one and only facet of gameplay.?

Anything that breaks the zerg mentality is good for the game.

I have yet to play a single night where there not large scale battles and small nor have I played one where keeps and towers are not flipping.

Siege disablers are rarely used in EOTM. Objectives are rarely defended. There really no need to build any siege other then rams when on the Karmatrain. There are few if any “long boring sieges” and people want to advocate the rest of the borderlands become another EOTM.

That type of game already exists IN the EOTM. I find EOTM boring. A tier 3 keep should be hard to take and involve an investment of time. That is the reason keeps and castles are built in the first place.

It’s because siege disablers benefit the servers with more numbers and more coverage; and that’s already a thing on these forums.

All this does is allow the server with the bigger blob to go even more on the offense, since it only takes one guy with 20 supply to buy their zerg 1:30 to get back. 2 guys it can be 3 minutes and that’s not counting the amount of time it will take to get the door down after that and the damage done to the siege by defensive siege.

Meanwhile when the blobbier server goes on the offense, they can PvD an upgraded door before the disable even wears off.

Oh, and the golems getting less cool down; that’s bullshrimp! They really need to swap those first thing. Golem rushes are a plague on this game.

No. What favors the servers with the larger numbers is their larger numbers and not the tools they use. This like suggesting we remove hammers from the game because they favor the group that can wield more hammer warriors.

If a zerg of 40 is on a map with 10 of the enemy it will not make one whit of difference that those 40 can use siege disablers.

They can AFFORD to leave one scout per castle and keep even without disablers and get there in plenty of time to defeat those ten when they try and take an objective
It is not going to impact that numerical advantage.


Nothing wrong with it. Fancy tool that only seems to bother sea/ocx ktrains.
Considering how easy it is to counter , it should stay.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Why again weren’t the useless ballistas repurposed to be anti-siege weapons?
Such that actually require a minimum of skill to use effectively against high-priority targets and fit with established gameplay mechanics (like LOS)?
Oh right, because this developer, ANet, is a hack.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Tao.5096



I gotta congratulate Arena Net for developing a single thing that makes whole blobs cry.

Turns out that braindead charge blobs do not work anymore.

This is what Siege should be about.
Not mindless who has bigger blob random aoe spam and win.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615



I gotta congratulate Arena Net for developing a single thing that makes whole blobs cry.

Turns out that braindead charge blobs do not work anymore.

Big problem there, most gw2 players just want to blob n’train this is the mentality that players learned of the gw2 mechanics/game design.

By the other hand they increased golem damage to flip towers, even a massive speed boost :] to make it faster reaching the 2nd gates faster.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Lol! No no… no no no. Siege disabler is the single best thing to happen to WvW since Obsidian Sanctum arena and free armor repairs. No more utter hopelessness when you’ve got 10 defenders facing a 30+ mob. For once a step in the right direction. Just in time for us to be facing a bunch of Tier ones in Season 3 as well.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Werat.7063


If you get your T3 keeps ram rushed before you can react you should’ve had a scout. You don’t need an overpowered gadget that makes long sieges even more boring than they already are. A scout, a gate treb, and half a brain were all you ever needed to stop a ram rush, but apparently that’s too hard.

Look at your suggestions. You want the attacking force to have to split up into several small groups, hit multiple gates at once, rotate reflections (which requires running several eles with weapon combinations that are bad for fighting), have havoc groups keeping the enemy starved for supply, and sit on catas/trebs for long periods of time.

You want attackers to do all that, but for you having a scout and a gate treb is too much work? You want to be able to not only stop a blob by yourself, you want to be able to do it without having to do anything hard. 15 badges and five silver for me, thirty golems for thee.

Disabler as it is now is overpowered. Disable or remove please, like the title says.

Lol, sorry i only read here occasionally. You must be either from sos or fa. Only two servers with timezones imbalance that would care.And Is this a game of who moves first?

Well, I can assure you on this.
I never implied that i did not do my homework as a defender or a scout. Ironically the one that made this thread knows this. I was simply pointing out what can be done from a offensive pov. Just because I did not include the deff actions those not mean they are not done. But I cannot count the times i lost stuff through zoom hacks/ac angles or a big blob simply overpowering the scout by causing massive lag and last but not least siege placement where deff cannot reach (which you obviously dont know about in the first place hence your argumentation). Or to put it another way….if its that easy to deff why does it worry you if i get one more gadget or not.

Look at sos,I just find it ironic that a server who wins the ppt game for 6 months straight by 100k lead is the first one making complains here. And on top by someone who has been absent from the game for a while and now worries in the other thread that gvg would die. Tell you what – it`s always easy to say you dont care for ppt if you have the nightcrew that get`s you the 100k win while all others sleep and then claim you dont care about it.

Simply balance out your populations on the timezones, learn how to play together with other groups, and you wont be having a problem with fights (or siege disablers)….or simply dont bother at all attacking and do your gvg.

p.s. might be me but loosk like onl na league are complaining? No probs on eu side.

eu league
“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”

(edited by Werat.7063)

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: storiessave.3807


Siege needs to get an immunity to the disable debuff after it wears off. Something like 30-40s at the very least. With no cooldown, a negligible cast time with a nearly unnoticeable animation, these things are way too powerful.

Does it make me giggle when I stealth on my mesmer and disable enemy catas? Sure. But someone else shouldn’t be able to go disable them again once my disable wears off. Stalling for time I would get; stalling indefinitely is game-breaking.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Its all a matter of perspective. The Disabler Trap is both overpowered and necessary depending upon who is wielding it. For a tier 8 server with literally 5 people online after 12pm eastern (and even less than that in TS) it is very well received and allows them time to at least hop maps and type in map chat/ask in teasmpeak for help and have a chance at keeping the objective. However, in tier 3 it is ridiculously overpowered and in no way shape of form necessary for a server that can field several guild groups across all maps to have to use. In tier 8 and the lower tiers, they have an excuse. In the higher tiers it is being abused and is completely overpowered.

The only solutions to this problem I can think of, is to either remove it completely and find a way to implement the same chance for lower tier servers to stall for help without making it so spamable(if thats a word). Or to drastically reduce the disable time.

[varX] Limitless Potential

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

Where in T3 are you? EU server? NA T3 is having no issues with siege disables. With amounts of siege all 3 servers are using siege disables are not making much of an impact. Maybe they are affecting ktrains, but I stay away from the brainless things anyway. Anyone in a ktrain should just be booted to EOTM . So if these traps annoy them, ty anet!

Siege Disabler. needs nerf or remove please!

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Siege disablers need more counterplay mechanics. Right now, the only way to counter them is to spam projectile denials. However, the animation is so small and the cast time so fast that you have to pretty much predict when they’re coming.

1) Bigger animation. Make it a flaming fireball or something.
2) Slower travel time. Maybe something like Guardian’s staff 2.
3) More counterplay. Perhaps blinded players also miss. Or have interrupts eat up the 10 supply but fail to apply the trap.

Second Child