Siege? No problem! AOE it!

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


This is terrible design.

Siege should out damage players and out damage players rezzing other players. It doesn’t.

If I’m fighting an Elementalist with an arrow cart or a cannon and he’s fighting with normal attacks on the ground, I should win. But I don’t.

Every class has AOE that can hit your siege no matter where you place it on walls and destroy it because player damage does more than siege damage. (Ele’s are the most OP when it comes to killing siege with AOE)

Here’s a good example:

We had 4 arrow carts, 2 superior arrow carts, 2 cannons and 2 catapults just on that wall alone (more on other walls). All of it was being manned by our ~15 guys, but the opponent destroyed it with mass AOE because they had 50 guys.

After siege is destroyed, they then make their own siege on the ground which is safer than ours ever was on our walls.

In the olden days, castle walls weren’t 15 feet tall. There’s a reason for that. Also, in the olden days, a cannon shot to the face would kill someone. Not let them rez their friend to full health while being pelted by siege.

This needs to change. Increasing siege damage vs players would be a good start.

(edited by Ruufio.1496)

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: evildan.8260


Not to mention that if your side has had the foresight to get defensive siege built in good time and ready with people to man it then they will most likely be yanked off their equipment and over the battlements to their doom- those same battlements that block half their ranged attacks- and stability is no help either.

In many forts it’s almost impossible to mount an effective defence against superior numbers from the walls and the zerg wins again.

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


The trick is to let them destroy the wall, then defend the hole. Makes for more loot too.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Thresher.3049


Fairly sure not every class has AOE that can hit siege… well, properly placed siege anyway, I know this as I have an AOE build which can’t hit any siege.
Ele’s are the little critters that can just dragon tooth and meteor storm everything to death, its why we sort of put up with them

GW2, where you can have a rapid fire blunderbuss but the invention of the 20ft ladder is beyond us.

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


I actually think ladders should be part of WvW.

But ONLY if there are rewards for guarding a hold. Players would need a reason to stay behind and watch for invaders… though this is kind of off topic lol.

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Defending the wall has been largely useless. Your own wall blocks your own attacks, so you can’t even hit the enemies below unless you jump onto the edge. And once you jump onto the edge you get pulled off right away and dies.

Arrow carts is always useless because any character with AoE would out damage it. Its only advantage is the range.

The best way to defend a tower is to charge outside altogether to abuse culling.

We used to build a lot of defensive sieges. Now we don’t even bother. Save the money up for offensive sieges later instead.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

There ARE siege placements that can’t be hit by AOE from most directions, that said. Defense from a wall is still a pain in the kitten

I only have 2k Armor total, and I’m not afraid of a single arrow cart.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Thresher.3049


I actually think ladders should be part of WvW.

I sort of miss my rogue characters in DAOC climbing up walls, stabbing people in the face that where working siege and then running off giggling before their friends turned up and got really angry.
Course, that actually had decent stealth mechanics and not this GW2 rubbish so we should be careful what we wish for… :o

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Siege is fine as is. They do not need any buffs.

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Defense from the wall is mostly to stall an attacking enemy until your reinforcements show up, or to stall time for others to build siege behind where the breach will be. It should not be used as your primary and only means of defense against a large group.

And if you want your arrow carts to last as long as possible, place them as far back on the wall as you can so that only lucky Elementalists/Rangers can nail them with Meteor Shower/Barrage. It will give you more longevity. If a thief can cluster bomb it, it’s a bad spot for an Arrow Cart.

PS: When outnumbered, use Superior Siege, especially Superior Arrow Carts and Superior Ballistas. That’ll show those mass revivers who is the boss.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Silver.3284


Why shouldn’t a big ball of fire destroy a wooden arrow cart?

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


better still send your pets up there to eat it

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Arrow carts were already nerfed after Beta. Perhaps its time for Anet to re-look at seige damage and mechanics.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Some good points, some mindless AOE zerling:

Siege is fine as is. They do not need any buffs.

Defense is broken siege wise, if you put yours out of harm way you will have some interesting camera angles to experience, and if you want to see/cover good area, you will get destroyed. The fact that you can shoot up better then you can shoot down is flawed as well.

This “i better fight in the open then in tower” mentality leads to zergs flipping towers like camps, no strategy, no upgrades, no siege, nothing. IMHO, there is a very simple first step in the right direction, remove player damage to doors (then restriction targeting from the walls, etc ). But this is the main reason why siege is not working, 50 people hitting a door and melting it in under 1 minute leaves no time to react, has no need for siege and it’s ultimate kitten

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Siege? No problem! AOE it!

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


To the OP, did you have regular siege or superior sieged placed?
Also please mark the locaitons, and be aware there are places you can place siege that 99% of attacks will not hit.

Normal Siege damage is ok, however with a heal or two it is bearable. Though superior siege if you have it manned and set right will destroy pesky players.

Not to mention Ranger pets and mesmer clones still coming onto walls, and behind gates. So please if you are going to complain about 1 type of skill vs siege, make sure to include all. ANet has nerfed AOE’s to being nearly useless for anything but killing siege. Not to mention they are planning a nerf to AOE damage overall already.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu