Siege Troll Discussion
Thanks for the continued discussion. At this point, I’d like to shelve the exhaustion idea. I completely agree with many of you that it has hit a point of being overly complicated especially for the size of the problem. Also I feel it will only address a few tactics that trolls employ. We did get a lot of great discussion and spin off ideas out of it though.
Zui had an interesting thought that the system could detect a pattern of behavior rather than specific instances of bad behavior but others brought up real fears that no system should be given to players on any scale that that has the potential of being abused or produce false positives.
Pandaman had some interesting ideas about siege slowly returning to their original orientations. I think maybe it could return to the orientation that the owner last set it at. Also some good thoughts about interact precedence.
A couple of ideas that seem to have consensus are some sort of labeling or filtering of siege interacts and reducing the footprint of build sites.
Dismantling siege seemed to have a lot of support but there didn’t seem to be good agreement on who can dismantle whose siege and a lot of defensive players brought up concerns about the defenses they build on objectives and fears that it might get dismantled by others who didn’t see the defensive potential of it.
I’m going to ponder what we discussed here and chat with the team about it. Thanks again for a great discussion!
Thanks for starting the discussion and staying engaged! You put out an interesting solution and did a good job integrating different ideas, unfortunately it’s a very tough question and I think you’ve made the right call. Glad that we were able to help you identify other improvements that could be made to siege interactions!
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Theres still the problems with the Golems .
If they waste the suplies , then they will drop them the under the brighe to destroy them .
If (like other ppl have mention) that if you drop it and die from falling damage , you cant mount an other for 12 hours .
But in that case , they will simply jump from smaller hights , so the golems goes from 200k hp > to 1000 and leave it in the corner .
If they give an out-of-combat-very slow regen , then theres a huge chance for that server at one points m that will be filled with an army of Golems , or those Trolls will hide them somewhere and when they get in full hp , will repeat the small height combo
But how can we prevent ppl from stacking them and wasting the suplies?
Collecting simplies from the Keep , awards you with ’’pink’’ suplies ? Where they can be used to create everything exept Golems ?
PPl can stillgo in the nearby suply depots , ot they can w8 for 5 min in order the ‘’pink suplies’’ to ’’mature’’ into ’’blue’’ …. or something ?
Edit: Hitting doors , killing players , or completing objectives (no sentries) helps the ‘’pink suplies’’ to mature faster ?
(Or in a debuff form , so it wont be too comfusing )
kitten those mambo jambos items i got …. need ..more ..time .. to proccess…
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
a solution is to give a comand who claim the tower, keep or castle to take off a wrong siege and take back the supplies
Thanks for discussing the problem with us, and asking for our opinions and concerns, and taking them into consideration. I hope to see more threads like this, for pondering future game mechanics.
New idea:
- remove siege from all loot tables / chests / achievement rewards (unless wvw achievement)
- remove all ways of getting siege besides the siege merchant in wvw and guild siege
- remove the “buy with coins” tab from the wvw siege merchant
- increase the prices in the “buy with badges” tab so only active wvwers can buy siege
current prices for siege are just laughable, this way anyone can be a troll
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
New idea:
- remove siege from all loot tables / chests / achievement rewards (unless wvw achievement)
- remove all ways of getting siege besides the siege merchant in wvw and guild siege
- remove the “buy with coins” tab from the wvw siege merchant
- increase the prices in the “buy with badges” tab so only active EOTMers can buy siegecurrent prices for siege are just laughable, this way anyone can be a troll
Fixed it for ya!
What if you made the labels of the siege build side more easy to recognize? I don’t see this happen in WvW, but in EOTM most people just build whatever drops on the ground. If it was easier to distinguish a treb from a ram, I bet players were more likely to ignore troll siege drops.
a solution is to give a comand who claim the tower, keep or castle to take off a wrong siege and take back the supplies
Just let me make a simple statement to this, that I know Anet agrees with just from what has been said here.
No. Absolutely Not.
Also this has been argued probably 5 times in this prior, and it is among the worst ideas because it allows the trolls to claim and do far more damage than they can now.
Everyone needs to stop and think how the trolls could get around their idea, how they could actually use it to troll, and how it could hurt legitimate players. Trolls are your enemy right? Know your enemy, think like your enemy, because it is the only way to really defeat your enemy, but I will reiterate this point:
Whatever idea you can come up with, it has to be strong enough to have an effect, yet it is pretty much guaranteed trolls can not only get around it, but potentially use it as a new way to troll, all the while legitimate players will be forever restricted by the idea.
New idea:
- remove siege from all loot tables / chests / achievement rewards (unless wvw achievement)
- remove all ways of getting siege besides the siege merchant in wvw and guild siege
- remove the “buy with coins” tab from the wvw siege merchant
- increase the prices in the “buy with badges” tab so only active EOTMers can buy siegecurrent prices for siege are just laughable, this way anyone can be a troll
Fixed it for ya!
- EOTM should not reward badges as long as the gameplay there isnt as intended, im still hoping for a patch where they “fix” it.
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
i seen some great siege trolls that got creative. will be sad to see them finally go 2 years in and after many many posts asking for it.
As much as people despise EOTM for its not-really-WvW karma train, it’s still an aspect of the game.
It’s also the only way certain WvW players, who do not participate in zerg fights (like roamers or havoc squads) can get access to honor badges. That being said, removing badges from EOTM would hurt a percentage of WvW players – unless someone can figure out a way to get more badges available to roamers.
As much as people despise EOTM for its not-really-WvW karma train, it’s still an aspect of the game.
It’s also the only way certain WvW players, who do not participate in zerg fights (like roamers or havoc squads) can get access to honor badges. That being said, removing badges from EOTM would hurt a percentage of WvW players – unless someone can figure out a way to get more badges available to roamers.
I am mostly a solo roamer in WvWvW. I really dislike the EotM map design, playing EotM is as much “fun” as pulling nose hair out one by one. I have spent thousands of badges on buying traps and siege. Are you telling me I should torture myself and start to play EotM to get more badges? I only got 10k+ badges left, after blowing too many on those new traps.
Let’s talk about Siege Trolls and what we can do about them. The problems that have been brought up are:
- Creating Siege to hit the siege cap
- Creating the wrong type of siege to hit area siege caps
- Spending supply on needless siege to drain supply depots
- Dropping siege on top of legitimate siege build sites
Here are some parameters and questions we should consider:
- Can we come up with a system that doesn’t involve constant policing from GMs?
- What are the characteristics of bad behavior that are different than good behavior?
- How do we prevent bad behavior without making too big of an impact on good behavior?
- What restrictions might we be able to live with as good players in order to prevent bad behavior?
To kick off the brainstorm I’ll throw out this idea:
- When a player places a piece of siege they receive a stack of “Exhaustion”
- A stack of “Exhaustion” expires after three minutes
- If a player has three stacks of “Exhaustion” they can no longer place siege
We are just brainstorming here so I’d love to hear alternative suggestion or whether or not this would work for you.
I know there are other threads on this but I want to start with a clean discussion and focus on how we can realistically address this issue. Let’s keep this constructive and focused.
troll problems exist because the system allow them to be.
if i am building a siege , this siege should have my name upper of its name ,,like
all will know that this is my arrorcart and they can thank me for my efforts (the full anonymity in wvw is the biggest wvw problem and most wvw players left the game because of this ) or report me ( btw , add first a proper report option for this issue ) to come a gm and investigate . this system can applied to all sieges.
now on illegal usage issue. when i am building a siege i want to have the option to make it private or public or only for my guild .
this will prevent illegal usage of any siege
i don’t think the siege trolling is a difficult problem . there are more solutions on this problem like involving more the guilds in claim system
(edited by Reborn.2934)
THE issue affecting WvW is not siege trolls. It’s bad MATCHUPS. We need to be discussing a replacement matchup system instead, imo.
One fix for the siege dismantling issue is, if it is fully built, only the one placing it, or those who put supply into the building of it, can vote to dismantle it.
Allow people to rt click on a piece of siege and auto report the maker. Then actually do something about it. You can’t run a competative game like WvW and not have some gm presence.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
- Make it so you can’t contribute to building siege deployed by people on your blocked list.
- You’re welcome.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
Dont forget about troll tower claims!!!
You dont want a troll to create a guild with no WvW buffs claiming your keep.
I think you should have it set that when another guild comes along which has more buffs that the currently claimed guild, the new guild can claim a tower off them without having to PM the current guild to claim something else so they can claim.
I am mostly a solo roamer in WvWvW. I really dislike the EotM map design, playing EotM is as much “fun” as pulling nose hair out one by one. I have spent thousands of badges on buying traps and siege. Are you telling me I should torture myself and start to play EotM to get more badges? I only got 10k+ badges left, after blowing too many on those new traps.
I never said that, calm down. I’m a havoc roamer and the only way I can get a decent amount of honor badges/world exp is to get a toon and grind it out in EOTM. When I was done with EOTM I never wanted to go back.
My post was directed to people who wanted to completely remove badges from EOTM as an answer to siege trolling. My reply to that: It’s gonna hurt people who need EOTM to grind their badges.
I suspect the easiest solution to the problem would be to pay Bags to transfer to YB. Can’t build troll siege there because everything’s already siege capped.
Remember when there was a big water area in WvW and you spent a bunny load of time making the ruins to further imbalance WvW? Maybe that was the time to ask a question like this…or maybe as you were initially designing such a system. All I am seeing here is admission of failure and perhaps a better solution is to replace those that were not creative enough to get it right in the first place.
Simple solution that can be implemented tomorrow; Have the person that deployed Siege’s name be displayed along with the account name on anything that is deployed. EG Urdelf [Suranis.8279]’s Flame Ram. There is no better and simpler system for fixing stuff than relying on the Mark 1 eyeball. Zero workarounds for abuse.
More complex solution to the issue of people draining siege, not allow anyone in the block list of the person that has guildclaimed an objective to draw siege from it. Could be abused by a troll guild to try and lock out the supplies of a keep from a commander, but in general there would be more legit players than commanders on the block list so supplies could never be locked out. And would stop stupid idiots draining supps from the keep.
Similarly, anyone on the blocklist of the owner of a siege unit cannot use it. Simple, efficient, zero abuse potential. No more idiots running golems off cliffs. And since people will learn trolls account names fast due to the first suggestion, sooner or later the troll will wind up not being able to do anything much without building a new copy of the game to get a new account.
The problem of people draining supply to avoid supplies being there when an enemy captures it has no easy solution to be honest, but frankly its not a huge problem anyway and is a fairly legitimate action in my book, even if it is annoying. People do burn ammo to avoid it landing in enemy hands in real life.
The exhaustion mechanism I have seen discussed in the thread would need to be carefully thought out before implementation. I’m no troll but I could see all sorts of ways I could mess up peoples lives with something like that. Other than that I really have nothing to add to that discussion.
Thanks for having an intelligent thread to comment on
Allow people to rt click on a piece of siege and auto report the maker. Then actually do something about it. You can’t run a competative game like WvW and not have some gm presence.
Oh you went and done it now even mention its ANETS responsibility to police their game will get you infracted even if its true and it is AN doesn’t want to hear the facts they just want its customers to fix their game.
Or just make it more recognizable that one siege drop is a troll siege…..and people won’t build it.
I don’t know, make the name more visible, or change the artwork to show the siege half-finished?
Lunacy Solacio.6514 no that is not true with my idea, when Tower (take that as example) is under attack then everyone can take supply from it, you cant block how much supply you can take when Sword on building, only when its not attacked. And that players that want to empty your tower would block so you cant empty it work against them self.
For someone creating a lot of siege in a “good way”, that exhaustion debuff would be horrible. Especially for commanders, but as well for scouts and people having their focus on defending objects (like my guild, for example).
I would prefer GMs or a better reporting-system with automations.
Dismantling siege seemed to have a lot of support but there didn’t seem to be good agreement on who can dismantle whose siege and a lot of defensive players brought up concerns about the defenses they build on objectives and fears that it might get dismantled by others who didn’t see the defensive potential of it.
Perhaps dismantling siege that was placed around defensive structures can be limited to those who are representing the guild that has claimed the structure?
troll problems exist because the system allow them to be.
if i am building a siege , this siege should have my name upper of its name ,,like
Arrcowcartall will know that this is my arrorcart and they can thank me for my efforts (the full anonymity in wvw is the biggest wvw problem and most wvw players left the game because of this ) or report me ( btw , add first a proper report option for this issue
) to come a gm and investigate . this system can applied to all sieges.
now on illegal usage issue. when i am building a siege i want to have the option to make it private or public or only for my guild .
this will prevent illegal usage of any siege
i don’t think the siege trolling is a difficult problem . there are more solutions on this problem like involving more the guilds in claim system
This would not solve any of the existing siege troll problems, and it would actual create two new ones.
I can just imagine the first type now, who spends all of the supply in a keep building cheap siege everywhere so they can display their name all over the place.
The real trolls would set up well-placed defensive siege in strategic spots, so that others think that they’re defended, but when the attackers come, the troll sets them all to personal use only.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
I got a great idea.
An item with a cooldown of 1 hour. It is a 20 second channel and will remove siege at the end of channel unless the owner man’s the siege.
Sure you can run around once an hour or create multiple accounts to remove 2-3 siege items an hour. Or gather a whole guild to wipe whole towers of siege every hour.
HOWEVER, to offset this i want to propose that ALL SIEGE is “owned” by the GUILD that the player who build the siege belongs to.
This way, one person does not need to be present in a tower all day or night, however a guild member can refresh sieges.
It also opens up for servers to manage siege building by making a “community guild” that only builds siege in important structures. This way you can have people from several timezones be members of a single guild just for the purpose of securing siege from siege trolls.
Is it a slightly elaborate system? Sure
Does it require a certain degree of inter-guild coordination? Yes
But would it be less prone to siege trolling? Yes
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
-put name on siege (dual purpose people can locate troll or whisper advice to someone that poorly places them)
-allow salvaging as a high level siege mastery skill with button ( would require commander tag on and would spread the material to his group, sort of like the 5 supply bonus)
-allow owner to salvage (in case they place it poorly)
This would give multiple advantages:
Commander could whisper people that he’s tearing down your siege, report a troll, or give advice on where to place it next time
Commander could strip an objective that might have a lot of siege that he’s about to lose to recoup his losses.
Putting in a high level of wvw points into a siege mastery would have an advantage
Commanders could use siege to bank resources (building siege becomes a benefit)
To troll u would need a commander tag, a group and a fairly high wvw level to have the points to tear down siege (you would have to max out the sieges specific to what you can salvage not something people normally do) the tag makes it easy to see along with the group and once your group is full supply the commander can’t salvage anymore
Also: remove fall damage on golems, trolls can drop them but they can always be picked up and teleported back
Alternatively: allow siege to be moved (might be more trollable than existing method though)
Allow golems to be repairable with suitable golem mastery/supply
troll problems exist because the system allow them to be.
if i am building a siege , this siege should have my name upper of its name ,,like
Arrcowcartall will know that this is my arrorcart and they can thank me for my efforts (the full anonymity in wvw is the biggest wvw problem and most wvw players left the game because of this ) or report me ( btw , add first a proper report option for this issue
) to come a gm and investigate . this system can applied to all sieges.
now on illegal usage issue. when i am building a siege i want to have the option to make it private or public or only for my guild .
this will prevent illegal usage of any siege
i don’t think the siege trolling is a difficult problem . there are more solutions on this problem like involving more the guilds in claim system
This would not solve any of the existing siege troll problems, and it would actual create two new ones.
I can just imagine the first type now, who spends all of the supply in a keep building cheap siege everywhere so they can display their name all over the place.
The real trolls would set up well-placed defensive siege in strategic spots, so that others think that they’re defended, but when the attackers come, the troll sets them all to personal use only.
it will not create these issues , because nobody with a small piece of brain ( and trolls have this small piece of brain ) will allow someone else accuse him for siege trolling and he will not make private the sieges ,because ALL WILL KNOW WHO MADE THEM PRIVATE and WHO IS THE TROLL !
Trolls exist , because the system allows anonymity . when the anonymity disappeared , siege trolls will disappeared too .
sorry for the caps , but it seems it is the only way to make you understand how trolling works .
conclusions : ANONYMITY is creating theTROLLS and in wvw , all are anonymous . so look who build this anonymity to find the REAL TROLLS
(edited by Reborn.2934)
One thing you could do is allow commanders to mark siege for tearing down and salvaging a percentage of supply that it took to build it.
As a safe guard to “Commander Trolling”—trolls with commander abilities tearing down siege… you could place an internal timer on siege to make it so you can’t salvage it until a certain time goes by (maybe 5 minutes)
If you did that, you could also have a WvW skill called siege salvage…which would grant the person a higher percentage of supply salvaged from marked siege.
JQ Ranger
Higher ranks of the guild claiming an objective can refund placed siege in the affected area and get all the supplies back which where drained.
Lunacy Solacio.6514 no that is not true with my idea, when Tower (take that as example) is under attack then everyone can take supply from it, you cant block how much supply you can take when Sword on building, only when its not attacked. And that players that want to empty your tower would block so you cant empty it work against them self.
No, this would still allow them to troll fairly well, even with assuming camps would not be subject to such a limit (if camps were able to be limited in much the same way, it would be far worse). It is not practical, nor is it a viable solution to anything. It would complicate things, not prevent the current trolling really, and give them new ways to troll even if in a limited fashion. In turn, it would make it more difficult to know when you can and cannot take siege.
Additionally, are upgrades restricted as well since they use supply? If not, trolls can still waste supply no matter who claims, if they are restricted, you could pretty much be stuck defending a paper tower/keep if claimed and no upgrades are run by the guild that claimed, because when it is under attack, that is not the time to run an upgrade either unless you want to drain supply before they cap it. It is just adding more hoops to jump through with no actual solution, only at best shifting how the trolling is done, while complicating WvW for everyone
Higher ranks of the guild claiming an objective can refund placed siege in the affected area and get all the supplies back which where drained.
Again, if a troll claims a keep (since, you know, they created the guild for that purpose therefore the highest rank), they could refund any siege they want to at any time. Just think on that…
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
The main problem is not the blueprints, it’s the ability to use up precious supplies. Prevention is better than cure right? My proposal is to prevent said trolls from using supplies.
By talking to the relevant NPC at the Supply Depot in Garrison/Citadel, people can input a name into box (almost like a report feature). Being in a Commander Squad will allow you to vote from anywhere in the map much like the party kick feature with a simple tick/cross. Once, XX (10/15/20) votes are in, their supply is disabled for WvW across all maps for 24/48/72 hours. Repeat offenders will mean increased time duration of said ban, kind of like the “Dishonorable” feature in GW1.
But what if someone used all the seige up in Garrison at 5am when 6 players were on?Reports will still count to this overall total of votes needed per WvW match-up (so a week).
But what if someone has made 40 ballista’s already?
Commanders can purchase an Elite Skill that will show up when on a flame/ac/treb etc. that costs 250 Badges of Honor that will allow you to refund siege from a particular site. It will be called Commander’s Offering. The cool-down duration will be 3 minutes.
Commander’s Offering will refund siege dependent on players on map and the amount used to build the seige. It gets added to the Supply Depot in Citadel.
Formula = (Supply cost of Siege) x (Number of Players on map/100)
Say for example 50 players are on the map.
AC = (30) x (50/100) = 15 Supplies recovered and sent to Citadel
Treb = (100) x (50/100) = 50 Supplies recovered and sent to Citadel.
TL;DR – loss of supply is the main problem. Added in-game report feature that needs XX votes to disable trolls supply for rest of match-up. Punishment increases for multiple offenses. Added purchasable Commander Skill on Siege to refund supplies dependent on players in map via use of formula.
Sorry for long post.
Lunacy Solacio.6514 i don’t think you should be able to remove siege, or only the owner should be able to do that, i know you cant then remove trolls siege other way then now let timer go out, and I never sad anything about upgrades, anyone can start a upgrade even if it is 0 supply, what I want is limit so players can not remove supply from Crag (my home) under a specific number, so when it is paper it would be 60supply so the wall upgraded have a bigger chance off getting finish, don’t know how many time I been with that you know now with this dolys 70 supply Wall/Gate get finished and some **** come take 10-15 supply and the wall/gate don’t get finished and enemy come and take down the wall/gate and cap it.
Ps I totally agree that the name off the owner should stand on siege.
oh, I am happy to see “dismantle” got some love ^-^
I think low populated servers may have troubles if the numbers required for voting are considered as fixed value: what about using proportional values?
Something like “in order to dismantle object A you need 10% of current map population to vote YES”
oh, I am happy to see “dismantle” got some love ^-^
I think low populated servers may have troubles if the numbers required for voting are considered as fixed value: what about using proportional values?Something like “in order to dismantle object A you need 10% of current map population to vote YES”
Dismantle is stupid. What if someone finds a clever spot to put siege and other people think it’s no good?
I vote this idea down.
Thank you ANet for this thread Hope you guys gonna continue communicating with WvW community
My thoughts on subject:
1. The main reason why people siege troll at the moment is LACK OF OFFICIAL STATEMENT from ANet team. People simply do that cause “its fun” and they know that they not gonna get punished for doing that in any way (people raging at them in map chat only make things “more fun” for trolls). As soon as they know that siege trolling is a bannable offense – they will think twice before doing so. A simple official statement will reduce the amount of trolls by 95%.
2. Any kind of automated reporting feature is bad. Cause players can abuse it – all it takes a troll guild of X players and your legitimate commander will be prevented from performing his duty.
3. To solve the problem I think you should put current WvW ranking system to a good use. Like make some additional feature (maybe new purchasable trick for commanders), that feature should require high enough rank so troll/alt accounts will not be able to use it. Maybe rank 1000 is enough? My guess is that most active commanders should have rank 1000 to date. The trick can be the following: no one can deploy siege near commander, duration – 1hr, cost – a hundred badges of honor etc. You can even make it a guild trick – only guildies can deploy siege. This will prevent potential issues with 2 legitimate commanders working as a team on the map – they can just rep the same guild etc.
4. Friendly siege should have an owner name on it. If some troll dropping 100 balistas or building 100 trebs to dry supply – it will be really easy to screenshot and report that kid
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Hi all,
Firstly, my concerns,
1. Play my way or else (i.e. my way is right, I am the expert, follow my direction or else I’ll report).
2. How do you tell the inexperienced or mistaken from the trolls?
IMO, the only one that is obvious is Flame Rams because they basically belong only next to doors/gates. I think those that are built in corridors with the excuse of “for fear” are definitely trolling.
For all the rest, they could be situational, something that was relevant in the past (like from pushing back an earlier attack) or even erroneous (mis-click). And I think it will be a mistake on A-net’s part to punish people over those.
There is also such a thing as building golems and taking them for a suicide run. So how do you tell the foolhardy, the inexperienced or the unskilled from the malicious? My belief is it cannot be enforced because it involves mindreading.
Anyways, I’d just like to add my own suggestion which is the concept of “Valid Deployment Areas (VDA)”. For Flame Rams for example, only the areas immediately outside an opposing structure’s gates are valid for deployment. Otherwise you get a “cannot deploy this here” error message.
Extending the above, perhaps the experts can also give input on what the VDAs are for the other sieges. I think ACs, Trebs and Golems are generally good so perhaps just the Catapults and Ballistas?
I also want to add my support for adding the deployer’s name to the siege.It should be visible for screenshot and reporting.
Thanks for reading!
(edited by justkoh.4073)
I’d start with a couple of small changes.
- Identify siege by owner.
- Add a specific report for griefing to the in-game report options. You may not be able to report the person directly if you don’t see them, but reporting griefing with a screen shot of the troll siege would make for easier report investigation.
- let deployed superior siege override paper siege if the siege cap is hit
- act on griefing reports
- if someone is found to be siege trolling by a GM, give them a debuff similar to dishonored, where they either can’t enter wvw for <insert appropriate time frame here>, or at least can’t place siege, use supply, claim, or upgrade anything for the buff duration.
Then wait and see if this reduces the siege trolling dramatically or not.
There are a whole lot of good suggestions in this thread, but some of them have some serious drawbacks that impact legitimate play. Why overcomplicate it early on?
Dismantle is stupid. What if someone finds a clever spot to put siege and other people think it’s no good?
I vote this idea down.
Then that someone should either stay in his siege and prove it is clever or tell people why it is clever in order to dissuade them from dismantling.
You’d be surprised how many “problems” exist when you refuse to communicate with people.
the recent change to trail accounts has also gone a long way in helping stop siege trolls. Atleast the rapid creation of them every darn WvW Season (create trail alt, troll servers, farm resources, mail said resources to main, resume playing main)
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Dismantle is stupid. What if someone finds a clever spot to put siege and other people think it’s no good?
I vote this idea down.
Then that someone should either stay in his siege and prove it is clever or tell people why it is clever in order to dissuade them from dismantling.
You’d be surprised how many “problems” exist when you refuse to communicate with people.
and you underestimate stubbornness, trollishness, and overestimate the ability of people to listen and read anything said, plus who in their right mind wants to sit at a piece of siege for hours explaining to every single person, ‘this is good’, while they continue to not listen?
One thing you can do is get rid of the golems. Cannot believe this has been added to the abilities line. Now sides face ridiculous constant golem rushes. This is especially bad when sides are faced with appalling mismatches. You are not making the game better by introducing the above skills, you’re making it worse.
Dismantle is stupid. What if someone finds a clever spot to put siege and other people think it’s no good?
I vote this idea down.
Then that someone should either stay in his siege and prove it is clever or tell people why it is clever in order to dissuade them from dismantling.
You’d be surprised how many “problems” exist when you refuse to communicate with people.
I agree that lack of communication causes problems, but your proposed solutions to the dilemma of deconstruction are not convincing. Imagine if someone put up their clever siege and then had to go to help an ailing relative with a trip to the lavatory or serve dinner to their annoying, ungrateful children. I feel that now that we have thought through the myriad problems with the deconstruction concept, we have proven it to be an unfeasible solution to the rare but irksome siege troll botheration.
I do believe that the simplest and most satisfactory solution to this problem has actually been solved by Anet without thinking about it.
The adopt a dev scheme has worked to put anet devs on almost every server, playing in wvw guilds that have welcomed them with open arms. These devs have seen for themselves exactly what happens with siege trolls.
Goodbye Fla********x
Let’s talk about Siege Trolls and what we can do about them. The problems that have been brought up are:
- Creating Siege to hit the siege cap
- Creating the wrong type of siege to hit area siege caps
- Spending supply on needless siege to drain supply depots
- Dropping siege on top of legitimate siege build sites
Thx of opportunity to discuss it
1) Siege cap ( generally good thing don’t mind at all just better be siege cap per tower/keep/castle example max 6 arrow carts per tower/12 per keep/20 per castle) placing siege outside tower/keep/castle should not be limited ( decrease offensive capability bad thing )
2 Creating wrong siege ( i like idea i think that some siege should be built on specific place area like flame rams they should be built only in close proximity of gate like 300 range or so it also stop people from building flame rams at supply camps to spent supplies because they are cheapest thing )
3. spending supplies needless to drain supply depots ( that wont stop them people will just then stay at camp and camping and if they spot zerg ‘’friends or foes depends who do you troll’’ they will just order upgrade at that specific time to drain supply, every upgrade at camp just drains all supply at max each time)
4. dropping siege on top of legitimate building sites ( no good idea at the time but on other hand if you can stop people building catapults at blank point range of tower wall so that they can hit wall faster or hit second wall because of range after first wall goes down that would help a lot for easier defense )
To kick off the brainstorm I’ll throw out this idea:
- When a player places a piece of siege they receive a stack of “Exhaustion”
- A stack of “Exhaustion” expires after three minutes
- If a player has three stacks of “Exhaustion” they can no longer place siege
exhaustion bad idea all around multiple reasons
1) you just cap your tower in your borderlands and you start siege with arrow carts etc
and you get fast exhaustion and opponent just target the side of wall you did not siege yet and you cant drop siege on that or near that side of wall and you cant defend check mate
2) there is always a winner in each week and strength ratio of server changes all the time and for weaker worlds that would make their chances of winning drop a lot , they have enough trouble to keep it up especially if you are in gold league where seafarer’s rest always win each wvw tournament this especially goes for low population server’s less people there is the more exhaustion will be applied on individuals because in all honesty ( its always one player that keep dropping and siege tower alone other just help build )
one personal fix i would like to see if possible that is damage you receive by players through out gate while trying to repair it ( example zerg of 20 players came and build rams then they keep aoe gate and you cant get near gate to repair it because you are like instant dead of 20 players blasting you off with all skill through gate and gate is not even down ) seriously you have 700 supplies you cant use to defend where is balance in that
(edited by TomRex.9318)