Siege Weapons Despawn when you leave WvW?
From what I’ve heard if siege is not manned for 30 minutes it despawns, which I have to agree is very lame. Just this morning my server was sieging a keep with trebuchets, had to leave to defend the keep our orb was in, only to come back to find that four of the five trebs had despawned which meant we had to spent more money/badges as well as supply to put siege back up that shouldn’t have disappeared in the first place.
I can understand despawning build sites, but I’d really like to see it changed that completed siege not to be despawned.
It seems inconsistent too, two nights back I was on Eternal and our keep had tons of defensive siege in it. At one point we hadn’t been attacked in quite some time, meaning the siege didn’t need to be manned, some of which was hidden from view unless you knew where to look for it, and it was all still there when it was needed.
yah i spend 5 gold in buying sige enginge to keep our fortress defended just to see them disapeer without beeing attacked -.-
This is unacceptable, Siege should NOT despawn for anyreason. you spend hard earned cash on it. if it despawned it should cost nothing IMO.
Anet needs to have a look at this and change it IMO
The intended use for siege weapons is, funnily enough, to besiege a fortification. If you want to use those same weapons for defence that’s fine but ANet have designed them primarily for offence.
You can get around it by going back to them inside of 30 minutes to restart the despwan counter. (I would say they’re a waste of resources in the first place if they’re unmanned for that long)
If the other team can pull you away for 30 minutes while not attacking the fort at the same time then their strategy to undermine your defence is working.
If people spent as much time/energy on developing good WvW strategy and increasing understanding of what’s possible as they do QQ’ing on these forums, the face of WvW would be remarkably changed
(edited by JoolaPrime.6390)
Thing is we WERE using the trebuchets for offence, we were sieging their keep for a good hour or two to starve them of their supply and eventually got a hole in their outter wall, then they mounted an organized assault on our orb keep and we placed priority on protecting it. When we went back to the trebs to resume our siege four of the five were gone. And this is up on the Garrison cliff by the way, the only way to kill them is by breaking into the keep which they had not.
And siege is meant for both offence and defence, why else would you have arrow carts which are meant to disperse crowds? Or ballista that do bonus damage against siege?
Thing is that 30 minute timer should not be there, siege is expensive, and we have to spend supply to build it, why do we have to man it every 30 minutes to keep it on the map?
And what if we go on the offensive and keep them away from our fortification? Why should our perfectly good siege that we spent coin/badges and supply on be gone if we get pushed back to that fortification and need to make use of it?
Thing is we WERE using the trebuchets for offence, we were sieging their keep for a good hour or two to starve them of their supply and eventually got a hole in their outter wall, then they mounted an organized assault on our orb keep and we placed priority on protecting it. When we went back to the trebs to resume our siege four of the five were gone. And this is up on the Garrison cliff by the way, the only way to kill them is by breaking into the keep which they had not.
And siege is meant for both offence and defence, why else would you have arrow carts which are meant to disperse crowds? Or ballista that do bonus damage against siege?
Thing is that 30 minute timer should not be there, siege is expensive, and we have to spend supply to build it, why do we have to man it every 30 minutes to keep it on the map?
And what if we go on the offensive and keep them away from our fortification? Why should our perfectly good siege that we spent coin/badges and supply on be gone if we get pushed back to that fortification and need to make use of it?
That is if they didn’t use their own siege to kill yours.
If they blow the top on the timer then they would have to allow players to use any existing siege, not just that created by their own server. That would make for some interesting dynamics
So if I run into a keep where nothing is going on, and I jump around on our siege to man it for a few seconds, does it reset the timer?
If so, everyone should take a few seconds to do that when not much else is going on around them.
I believe that’s how it works
Can we get a community rep to comment on this? Siege Weapons should not despawn. You cannot get up a defense of Siege Weapons quick enough when the enemy is at your front door. It needs to be there and be ready. At the very least make the despawn timer a LOT longer.
EDIT: Also JoolaPrime is an idiot.
I have a suggestion, put a slight decay on siege weapon life and allow us to repair them, that way if they are left alone for too long they go away but if an attack happens they can be made functional again in a short amount of time.
(edited by Kuishen.6140)
thats a great idea Kuishen. The repair shoud cost only half of the original supply cost .
Well the main reason to despawn all the siege is probably to reduce the amount of units in the map to load up. So, instead of despawning the siege how about an inactive site? Something a lot smaller than the current render’s>? Then when you come back to the siege you just interact with it and it replaces the nothing inactive siege with the real deal again. Then it solves both our problem and Anet’s problem with having too much stuff loaded into the map at once.
Maybe just something processed by the GPU? No real idea how it all technically works but I"m pretty certain they are despawning so that the map will still work and not be flooded by 1000’s of siege sitting around doing nothing.
Edit: I agree with the above posters. Siege is for defense just as much as it is for offense….. Case in point Oil on the walls, mortar, and cannons.
Yeah, I dislike this as well. We spent a good 2g seigeing up Etheron Hills while upgrading it. I logged to sleep for 5 hours and wake up to see its all despawned. The hell was the point of it then? Promotes last-minute defense behavior where you throw up ad-hoc defense seige while under attack instead of planning ahead.
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer
Didn’t they remove the despawn timer in one of the betas? Or was that a bug and the despawn timer is now back?
And also, are you sure it wasn’t lightning damage from not owning the quaggan camps in the lake killing it?
The Purge [PURG]
Many siege equipment left uinattended at Garrison are destroyed by tempest storm (Quaggans), it is crucial to maintain control of Quaggans site at all time if you want to preserve your deployed siege.
It is true as well that many siege weapons left unattended are simply destroyed by FLYHACKER who just wait for you to turn your back to fly into the keep, destroy and leave (it happened many time on FoW, i’ve witnessed it with my own eyes, too often i add)
Therefor, i still have doubts about an ingame timer which eventually make siege disappearing.. I couldn t really double check on that, an official answer or a proper guide about it would be most appreciated.
Just in case there would be a timer, imho it sucks! :p (nonsense)
Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle
they vanish i tested it.
I builded 2 trebs. while i used 1 the other wanst used and vanished after around 45 mins.
i testet this in EB in our fort next to our champ so enemys could have not come there.
The one i used did not despawn until i joined a assult on sm and got back 1hour later.
I also saw siege vanisching in other cases.
In the first beta the siege did not vanish and people started complaining that to many siege wapons are used to defend a keep. (i think it was around 15 arrow carts defending 1 gate at sm).
Siege equipement is known to randomly despawn, sometimes even after being used only minutes before. The weather nodes do not kill them, they just randomly despawn.
Siege equipement CAN last several hours, I’ve seen this plenty of times, and I’ve also seen them vanish infront of my eyes.
To me, it seems like a bug. I agree however, siege equipement should not despawn, they took time and money to build and should persist (HEAVENS FORBID! PERSISTANCE IN A THEMEPARK MMO!?).
Thorny Scrub – Thief
This serves two purposes: A money sink for players & avoids ridiculously outfitted keeps/towers over time.
But if they did take this out it would be pretty funny to see… imagine the amount of accumulated siege. lol
Arrow carts are cheap and only 30 supply. It just means the defense needs to be ready to react/build on the fly. Adds to the challenge of it all.
This serves two purposes: A money sink for players & avoids ridiculously outfitted keeps/towers over time.
But if they did take this out it would be pretty funny to see… imagine the amount of accumulated siege. lol
Arrow carts are cheap and only 30 supply. It just means the defense needs to be ready to react/build on the fly. Adds to the challenge of it all.
You DO realise this isn’t actually possible, right? You cannot place more than ~5 siege equipement in an area before you are locked out from spawning more.
Keeping that in mind, why should someone’s work and money just randomly be deleted?
Thorny Scrub – Thief
I’ve seen siege last for 12+ hours inside Garrison without people touching it every 30 minutes. Siege does have a despawn timer but I don’t know what it is.
As for the trebs you lost on the high at Garrison. There are two ways you can lose it without it despawning and both sound likely since you said you left to go siege bay.
First, as someone mentioned if you don’t control the north quagan camp lightning strikes your siege and kills it quickly. I have seen it go down quickly because of this.
Second, which is more likely since you were using it to treb Bay is you can take out trebs on that hill with a balista placed down below. If the trebs are placed perfectly it’s much harder to get them which is probably why one remained and the other 4 got destroyed. There are only a few places there that you can place them and have them both be unreachable and hit the bay so odds are you had 4 poorly placed trebs.
Too the person that said siege isn’t for defense. You are just wrong. They’ve nerfed places where people used to be able to put siege and have it be unreachable. Like on top of supply depots or on top of many buildings that it won’t let you place siege. There is also a limit to how many pieces of siege you can place in areas like the lords room. If they didn’t want you placing siege in the keeps then they would make the whole area unable to place siege.
Also some siege specifically says it’s stronger against othe siege equipment then units. If they don’t want siege being used on defense then why make it stronger against other siege since it would only ever be on the attacking side.
Lastly….arrow carts. Those are clearly more of a defensive siege weapon then offense. Yes they can be used to great effect offensively but with how easily they can be destroyed they are more designed to be defensive where they are easy to protect and they are designed to punish people stacking which is more of an offensive tactic then defensive(like attacking a gate).
Sanctum of Rall
To whoever said seige isn’t for defense… You must lose alot?
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer