Siege and Siege builders

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Ciic.3679


How much longe must we wait for serial siege builders, who waste supply, on purpose, to be delt with?

He does not fight, does not defend, just runs from tower to tower, building siege in dumb spots. He continues to do this then moves on to the next one. He even has his own guild “Serial Siege Builders”.

Everyone reports this “repeat offender” and nothing is done about it day after day.

What we need is an active GM who can come into game for 5 minutes and watch him, and wave his big ban stick across his head before the in game abuse gets much worse.

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Slyk.1452


past few days in sos we had someone place siege everywhere and been in gridlock , and wasn’t able to place out simple rams or anything else to defend stonemist,. and they knew it ,so kept pushing , but we became resilient and stomped them simple, haha on the baddie cheaters ,.

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I would have thought by now that everyone would know that ANet does not have much of an in-game monitoring process.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Ciic.3679


Hence why I asked for one to come into game for 5 min just to see for himself.

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I think an in game moderator or so could make a change.someone u can address when things like this happen.It would be great to have someone in game to come and check.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Siege and Siege builders

in WvW

Posted by: Ciic.3679


…and 3 hours after reset, we are siege capped.