Siege despawning too fast!!
The Siege timer is fine for non superior siege, say in /map that you have refreshed siege at a certain place to the minute and ask others to do the same.
Superior siege does need a longer despawn timer though.
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Working as intended.
You’re not supposed to bother building defensive siege, upgrading towers, etc., the game Anet wants is endless zerg capping and 60+ zergs. Having siege that actually lasted would be counter to this, so it won’t change.
What they should have had (and was suggested 5 minutes after the game came out) is siege that eats a set amount of supplies per minute, eg AC 0.5 per minute, and if there are no supplies left then the siege will deteriate over time- say 1 hour of no supply to disappear.
That would mean people would need to ensure bessies reach keeps, etc and would change wvw quite a bit.
Of course it won’t be changed, as it doesn’t affect pve so will be 50,000th on their list of things to do when they have nothing better to work on.
Here’s the discussion at Anet:
Intern: ‘hey, I read all those issues in wvw and just finished working on that Jump Puzzle, can I spend a few minutes fixing some of them?
Boss: ’What? Are you crazy? We have plans for another 200 JP’s, didn’t you see that April one? We made it good enough for 4 year olds and the pve’rs lapped it up! Look at all the positive feedback it generated! Forget wvw- it’s not important, and company policy is clear here- don’t change anything for the sake of wvw, but if anything we change in pve might be a change that affects wvw, make sure we sell it as a major wvw update. Got it? Good. Now start working on that Jump Puzzle for May- yes, the one for 3 year olds, let’s see just how much like a 70’s flat game we can make it before anyone notices!
It truly sucks when u invest the money to buy a Treb which u place inside your own keep for defense, then waste a mountain of supplies to build it and 30minutes later its gone
Other solution is that owner of the building can mark siege weapons that the workers in the building keep so they dont despawn, maybe set a limit to say 5 in tower 10 in keep or something like that.
But the one were superior have 1hour despawn time was a good sugestion.
This question has been addressed before:
- How does siege despawning work?
Unbuilt siege sites that are placed by players will go away if someone does not bring supply to them within 10 minutes. Anyone that adds supply to a site should reset that timer.
Completed siege weapons will despawn if they haven’t been manned for 30 minutes.
Why do we have to do this? Each weapon takes up some small amount of resources on the server because we register a few pieces of data for each weapon in the field. One thing we absolutely cannot do is remove the timer entirely or else we have a situation where someone can put down a ton of weapons that could potentially be around forever (or until matches reset) and it would start to cause bad things to happen to the server. We also use some placement restrictions to help prevent there being too many siege weapons on the field, I’ll explain those more in the next question.
It’s admittedly not an ideal system but it is something we are required to do to keep the game running as smoothly as possible. We’d like to make it more obvious that the weapons have some sort of despawn timer since it is a completely hidden mechanic, but we don’t have a way to expose that timer to players yet.
- Do we have a siege limit? If so, what happens if we cross it?
There are two basic hard limits to siege placement.
There is a limit to how many siege weapons can be placed within a certain radius of each other. We tried to set it to be fairly lenient, right now you can set 5 weapons (sites or completed weapons) within any 1000 unit radius. If you try to place a new site somewhere within a radius that already has hit it’s limit, the placement will fail but you should still have the weapon bundle in your hands so you can try to place it somewhere else.
There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is a bit harder to explain as it is based on some internal concepts that don’t translate well to laymans terms, but basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.
Persistent siege isn’t a good idea right now. Even having the keep/tower workers tend to it can create issues. Lame, I know.
Better solution: Make it so cannons/mortars aren’t hanging out in the open. Those things are just asking to be hit because of their placement. We like to build our own siege because we know where to put it. I can tuck an AC into a number of nooks and crannies and cause some havoc that way. Cannons? Not so much.
Cannons have a flat firing line though, if they weren’t placed on the edge of the wall, you’d never be able to shoot past your own battlements.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Guess I didn’t think that one all the way through. ANet should buff cannons so we can make it rain cannonballs.