Siege for noobs

Siege for noobs

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


First there’s nothing wrong with being a noob. Everyone starts out there.

Second, siege does more damage to siege than your powers. Arrow carts kill rams and golems and ballista… you get the idea. So, if you’re in a tower and it’s under attack, don’t stand around or whatever. Get on some siege and use it. If you don’t know how to use it, ask someone… preferably before you’re under attack.

You can also build siege. People will show you where to place it. You can kill a lot of people with siege too, and get a lot of badges.

Also, to help create a “fallback position” it’s good to refresh the siege for when you need it. Refreshing siege is simple. you approach the siege. You hit your F key to use it. then you immediately hit your F key again. Done. Otherwise, the siege will disappear after around 30 minutes or so. Then, when you run to the tower to defend it, you’ll have to try to build it while you’re under attack. And that’s less fun.

Siege for noobs

in WvW

Posted by: Alacrity.4312


Am refreshing this post – really useful advice, especially for those trialling WvW this weekend.

Siege for noobs

in WvW

Posted by: eithinan.9841


If you can defend a choke point with a ballista you can get a LOT of loot bags.

Siege for noobs

in WvW

Posted by: Coin.7529


Ok, I’ve had the game a few weeks and will still be a noob for 52 more weeks . so my 2 Q’s. are this. What skill and or tools do you need to repair doors/walls and whats needed to build siege. And if I was on a lowbie would I get some ok xps?

Operator / Operator Sentry/ Operator Peste

Siege for noobs

in WvW

Posted by: Zoja.2631


Ok, I’ve had the game a few weeks and will still be a noob for 52 more weeks . so my 2 Q’s. are this. What skill and or tools do you need to repair doors/walls and whats needed to build siege. And if I was on a lowbie would I get some ok xps?

The only thing you need for both repairing and building siege is Supply. Supply can be taken from any of the camps, or if your towers or garrison have enough you can pull from those. The supply depots have a barrel icon over them, you can carry a max of 10 supply unless someone is running a guild buff which will increase it to 15.

As far as experience, I’ve run a few lowbies on days that we’re not getting hit very hard and have had decent xp while running with a group and taking back towers or camps so it’s worth it.

Zona Eshe
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC