Silver League just broken
I am a commander, the server is consistently out-manned because stacked servers demoralize the server after only a couple days. How exactly does that even the match out if its impossible to pull the numbers against servers who can.
I’m not even pulling the defeatist card, I’m pulling from statistics:
Those scores look pretty balance in silver doesn’kitten
(edited by Charak.9761)
Waiting for a bronze leaguer to complain about their top 3 being stacked.
LOL facing the reality that the winner is predetermined is “defeatist” and “fairweather”. It’s entertainment, no one needs to be the dependable ol’ soldier and suck up dealing with rotten game design.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
“Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon”
… hmm why even bother…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
If the topic is on silver, why are you referring to gold league to define balance, Blackgate has 1st place sealed.
I’m looking at this “out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.” and wondering “how many exactly?”, if there are at least 20, get them all together and fight.
FA, SBI, YB win only because you don’t want to fight, it is that easy. 20 man zerg making a big difference already.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
Yes but you say that like BG has always been the dominating server. I was merely giving a example of a server in a similar situation making the best of it. The fact that I’m on BG doesn’t change my opinion of the many guilds and players on TC/SoS/Mag that have no chance at winning as long as there is a tier 1 server in the match. We have had some awesome fights from all those servers and in some situations they out numbered us. (Yes not all Tier 1 guilds run 60+ zergs)
As for voicing his opinion, Its great that people do but it does nothing when it comes off as another complaint post that ends up getting trolled. If OP made a constructive analysis of the issues he sees within his tier/league it may have come across better.
You say there is so much wrong with the game mode when in fact the game mode is fine. Problem is population imbalances, with even populations the matches tend to be quite close and very competitive. So the real current problem is leagues (and the random matches prior to leagues). Please don’t try to be condescending because I’m on a server that has put in time and effort into recruiting and building a strong WvW community. If you think we (SoR/JQ/BG) want these matches, you are mistaken.
All that aside, I think it is near impossible to balance all the tiers. I would love nothing more than to have 6 “tier 1” servers for season 2. Unless anet makes some major changes that will never happen. So for us, hopefully, they put the ranking back to the original form and allow for the ladder to place like servers together. All these complaints are due to the random match up system and now leagues.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
If the topic is on silver, why are you referring to gold league to define balance, Blackgate has 1st place sealed.
I’m giving you a example of a server in a similar situation. Mag will have a guild or group of 10-20 people on a map that they own nothing and try to make something out of it. The fact that its gold league is irrelevant, its the point behind the comment.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
(edited by Zikory.6871)
I’m giving you a example of a server in a similar situation.
It’s an interpretation, only Mag can tell you what Mag knows. While you may have the right intention, you come from a server that hardly has perspective.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Join a guild and you’ll have fun. I found it is really demoralizing if your not running in a good group of people but if you are you can have fun no matter what. When we fa were playing tier 1 for months straight we knew we couldn’t win but all our main guild loved it and in fact cant wait to get back there. Personally I think being on the losing end is almost better at least there are fights every where you go atm bf4 is the only thing entertaining these days
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
just leave FA and SBI and YB to fight each other for the next 4 weeks, everyone already knows what servers will pull ahead and we’re not even half way through the season. Its not like there is going to be a difference and it doesn’t need a reason to leave these stacked servers stomping everyone else.
I think the problem is that the gaps between all the servers are large now and they get worse as the result of any week becomes obvious.
YB can’t really match the numbers from SBI and FA either. Even if you take those three out then DB or BP would stomp the next servers down etc.
an interesting development to consider is how the match up system has changed. It went from a system that was designed to match servers that were closests in relative strength together. To a random crapshoot. To a league where everyone fights everyone and most matchups are a complete blow out, and we reward the winner.
While the only real complaint about the old system was, that it was simply to slow at addepting to mutations within servers. As weeks could go by before a server moved up or down.
“While you can’t beat the system, you sure can break it.”
— Malcom (in the Middle)
I like WvW. I enjoy fighting against tough odds. However, it is utter crap for people from a stacked server (I’m looking at you BG) to come in here and basically say tough it out. The only reason they say that is b/c you are their entertainment. Every time you fight you give them something to do and, quite frankly, points to earn for their beloved progression.
So, you want to break the system and defeat the stacked servers? Then don’t fight them. Let them take the zones and don’t take anything back. Don’t give them their entertainment. And think of how hilarious it is for them to be ticking 600 points and get nothing for it after the first push.
This will, ofc, do nothing to the hangers-on who joined those servers to get their rewards. They will gladly just take them. But it will absolutely destroy their dedicated WvW guilds. With nobody to fight they will get bored and either a) transfer to other servers or b) quit the game. Either way it cuts off the head of the stacked servers since the organized guilds are the only thing that keeps the mobs in the fights.
Ofc, you won’t be able to get everyone to stop fighting so the next best thing is to pick a zone and hold it and stomp the crap out of them when they come in there but leave the other zones untouched. That leaves most of them bored and others just frustrated and has roughly the same effect.
Just some food for thought. If you can’t beat them in PPT, then mess with their heads.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
My server has one of the toughest schedules for the season. We are up against at least 1 T1 server 5 out of 7 weeks. We have no chance to win those matches and will not be in the top 3 when all is said and done, but we are still having fun. Forget about the overall PPT and look at individual fights. We are going to come in 4th. This has been known since they released the schedule. No golden Dolyak for us (but we have Handin ).
Skill doesn’t determine who wins or loses, it’s coverage. There is a thread about population imbalance going so at least Anet is acknowledging there is a problem and accepting ideas on how to address it. For now, just have fun, win the fights you can, and shrug off the ones you can’t. It’s all we can do at this point.
[ZzZz]Zombie Coast, [CERN]When Zergs Collide
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Ahka.6705)
I am a commander, the server is consistently out-manned because stacked servers demoralize the server after only a couple days. How exactly does that even the match out if its impossible to pull the numbers against servers who can.
I’m not even pulling the defeatist card, I’m pulling from statistics: scores look pretty balance in silver doesn’kitten
I am also a commander on DB and while you are right that it demoralizes the server after a few days when outcomes are determined, the point people are trying to make is that I go into WvW with my guildies and my friends because I enjoy fighting with them. Do we play for ppt? Sure sometimes, if I can flip a keep or snag a tower we will. If I can find players to fight that outnumber us a little or are around roughly the same size we will fight them….hell sometimes we just stack up and go right at the massive zerg blob, just to see how many we can down and how long we can stay alive for.
The point being is that we play for our server, get as many points as we can, get as many bags as we can…and generally enjoy playing the game together as a guild or a server or whoever else wants to get on the server VOIP and have a good time. The best part about this game even with it’s obvious game flaws is that it is what you decide to make of it. Yes we all want to win, but then end of the day if I enjoy playing the game then it’s worth the money I put into it
Underwater Operations – [WET]
@OP. The issue is that ANET separated the leagues incorrectly. They should have had 1-3 separate and then 4-12 together.
I think everyone would have been having more fun watching SoS, Mag, FA, SBI, DB, and yak fight it out. TC is probably a bit stronger than any of those, but much less so than in the past.
@OP. The issue is that ANET separated the leagues incorrectly. They should have had 1-3 separate and then 4-12 together.
I think everyone would have been having more fun watching SoS, Mag, FA, SBI, DB, and yak fight it out. TC is probably a bit stronger than any of those, but much less so than in the past.
Really, it would be the same scenario but with TC, Mag, SoS etc drubbing the like of YB.
The tier imbalances are there all over not just T1 vs the rest.
From the perspective of YB (based on the results so far) – we can’t keep up with SBI and FA and of the rest of silver only DB keep us on our toes by having a population that is hugely offset to ours. I suspect that the same is true for other servers as well
I’m giving you a example of a server in a similar situation.
It’s an interpretation, only Mag can tell you what Mag knows. While you may have the right intention, you come from a server that hardly has perspective.
SoPP, You’re absolutely right! I can’t speak for Mag or the majority of it’s population but based off what has been said in the match up thread and the amount of players on the field, I would say that they have a good out look on what can come from the match. I’ve seen everything from groups of 5 to 30 running around fighting much greater numbers over and over and keep coming back. From my perspective on the stronger side, Mags WvW core is very resilient, my example was only to show that there are people out there finding fun in a otherwise guaranteed loss.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
It doesn’t matter really because the servers with the most 24×7 coverage are the top anyway. Probably the top 8 currently, wouldn’t you say? Just look at their fun fact from yesterday then look at their scores now.
“Fun Facts
Eight worlds remain undefeated, beating every opponent they’ve faced so far.
•North America: Blackgate, Fort Aspenwood, Henge of Denravi, and Sorrow’s Furnace
•Europe: Vizunah Square, Desolution, Drakkar Lake, and Ruins of Surmia
So the only question left is are players who roll on the lower tier servers having fun? And, why should they be penalized for not being on any of the top 8? It is a failed system and one reason why DaOC never put a league in play. You can’t control 24×7 coverage let alone population unless you do one or two things.
1. Cap players in WvW
2. Assign points to players 80/uptick and incorporate a sliding scale or weight so the underdog gets an equal amount based on the number of players per side.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
My server has one of the toughest schedules for the season. We are up against at least 1 T1 server 5 out of 7 weeks. We have no chance to win those matches and will not be in the top 3 when all is said and done, but we are still having fun. Forget about the overall PPT and look at individual fights. We are going to come in 4th. This has been known since they released the schedule. No golden Dolyak for us (but we have Handin
Skill doesn’t determine who wins or loses, it’s coverage. There is a thread about population imbalance going so at least Anet is acknowledging there is a problem and accepting ideas on how to address it. For now, just have fun, win the fights you can, and shrug off the ones you can’t. It’s all we can do at this point.
This right here, every T1 server has huge respect for TC and its players. If I remember right TC has came out ahead in Score every reset (during the NA part) every time you’ve fought BG. The only thing holding TC back is the lack of coverage. I’m sure losing KH and EP was a big hit to your NA but you guys still did great in week 2.
But back to the subject (kinda) these issues will never be resolved as long as the population is the way it is. Unforchantly a majority of non NA players have migrated to T1 servers leaving everything below lacking. Maybe after seasons, if the queues persist some of these guilds may transfer around. Till then as long as there are random match up there are always going to be blow outs. This whole issue could be resolved by allowing the ladder to do its job and place the correct servers together.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
I would not mind seeing a SBI/FA/YB match up and I’m on Yaks Bend even though we would be the weaker server out of the bunch I know it would produce some awesome fights.
We on yaks would let sbi and fa weaken each other and then swoop in for the kill….. Ok a little bit of dreaming there…..
I personally find this week fun as we start to log out and db starts to log in. Mix in some resilient nsp – it is fun. Maybe it isn’t close in ppt, but i never really cared about that tbh….
Good on you for voicing your frustration. As we know from reading many threads here this is a common problem in most if not all leagues. It’s not going to change anything though.
Sides need to learn & adapt to opponents play style; going to help a lot if servers wanting to try & win rounds. Facing a 60 man blob, form one too if you have player numbers. Downside? massive skill lag.
This game is becoming less about guild vs guild & more about zerg vs zerg or blob vs blob.
Don’t they call you all Fort Stackwood?
just leave FA and SBI and YB to fight each other for the next 4 weeks, everyone already knows what servers will pull ahead and we’re not even half way through the season. Its not like there is going to be a difference and it doesn’t need a reason to leave these stacked servers stomping everyone else.
So, what you are saying, is that in the NBA, since Miami is gonna win, the only teams that can play them all season are maybe Indiana, and a few other top teams?
Seriously, we know that FA and SBI are gonna be 1st / 2nd, etc. But, there are still battles for 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to finish last, and I would try hard not to.
In Bronze, DH should have lost their match with FC. But, they banded together, and took the lead over FC about 2 hours before reset, and was able to win by 2k.
Anyways, if you don’t like the leagues, that is fine. It isn’t any different than RNG match ups, and after the league that is what you will be doing again. For me, the 5/3/1 scoring is better than Glicko 2 (which is still being calculated, and you can see that on the leaderboards).
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Good on you for voicing your frustration. As we know from reading many threads here this is a common problem in most if not all leagues. It’s not going to change anything though.
Sides need to learn & adapt to opponents play style; going to help a lot if servers wanting to try & win rounds. Facing a 60 man blob, form one too if you have player numbers. Downside? massive skill lag.
This game is becoming less about guild vs guild & more about zerg vs zerg or blob vs blob.
Well, I don’t know about some of that. When we (SBI) faced YB and IOJ last week, on reset night my guild was in IoJ BL, and we were running 1 blob. YB and IoJ were running smaller groups and having more success than us with 1 blob. We eventually spun a small group off of us, so we could be more effective.
This week, on reset, we were in BP BL, with another guild. We were running seperately, but would communicate and come together in 1 big blob when needed. BP and CD were running huge blobs in that BL, and we had to come together a lot in order to combat that.
I really think that running in guilds is better, and good communication and supporting each other is key. You don’t need a big blob, if you have good communication.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.
Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
Maybe the answer is to not care about points anymore. Why don’t we try an unofficial system of achievement and informally keep score on that? It happen all the time in underground fight clubs :-P
I’m on FA and I know what it is like to be stomped by servers with greater population and coverage(BG, TC). I’ve thought about changing servers to a lower ranked one but I don’t have the money to do it and I’m afraid to get stuck on a server I don’t like (I’ve changed servers 4 times since launch and I don’t really want to move anymore)
(edited by Asurastafarian.9708)
Would love if the system was off killing, been asked for before.
Maybe the answer is to not care about points anymore. Why don’t we try an unofficial system of achievement and informally keep score on that? It happen all the time in underground fight clubs :-P
I’m on FA and I know what it is like to be stomped by servers with greater population and coverage(BG, TC). I’ve thought about changing servers to a lower ranked one but I don’t have the money to do it and I’m afraid to get stuck on a server I don’t like (I’ve changed servers 4 times since launch and I don’t really want to move anymore)
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
Says the player on the dominating server……….I really think its kinda disgusting that people tell others to enjoy a game they cannot win. For me its a has to be balance between effort and rewards……playing for fights but getting overwhelmed at every turn is NOT my idea of enjoyment, especially since those OP servers are getting more rewards for less effort.
Really the devs should take a stance and face this problem before the competition comes out or they will lose many players who feel they have been ignored and spitted on with this lack of empathy.
To all those players who feel playing a game when you have NO chance of winning is fun, don’t demean those vocal enough to say something is wrong with the game mode. Games are meant to be competitive where each match should not be determined before-hand and that would be the fun factor that most of us are looking for.
My server has one of the toughest schedules for the season. We are up against at least 1 T1 server 5 out of 7 weeks. We have no chance to win those matches and will not be in the top 3 when all is said and done, but we are still having fun. Forget about the overall PPT and look at individual fights. We are going to come in 4th. This has been known since they released the schedule. No golden Dolyak for us (but we have Handin
Skill doesn’t determine who wins or loses, it’s coverage. There is a thread about population imbalance going so at least Anet is acknowledging there is a problem and accepting ideas on how to address it. For now, just have fun, win the fights you can, and shrug off the ones you can’t. It’s all we can do at this point.
This, just enjoy the fights, attitude is rotten. I can play with my guild and have all the fun in the world but what are population imbalances doing to the servers? The pugs and militia? The morale and tone of the game mode?
As long as these huge population balances exist WvW will in general become less and less competitive. And that is a problem.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.
You’ve yet to be pounded mercilessly for weeks on end I wouldn’t expect an [Abys] member who goes from stomping T6 and would have stomped silver before bandwagoning to SBI to continue to stomp people when they realized they wouldn’t be winning anymore, to understand one bit. However, That my friend, is pretty rich.
Also our server didn’t implode, we lost two large guilds. If our server imploded we’d have lost a lot more than that. Just glad one of then went to a server that completely annihilates SBI. <3
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
Love how everyone likes to ignore the fact that FA got transfers 2 days before the leagues start. No one is thinking of them imploding when they are getting stomped?
Maybe, the people who transfered to SBI won’t really care about getting stomped, since they were on servers that got stomped at times in the lower tiers. Most of the people on SBI have been stomped before, and done the stomping. We will be fine.
But, we have moved back over FA in the Glicko ratings, so maybe FA should quit chest bumping and start working on getting all those numbers they had for the first match up to come back for the final match up.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.You’ve yet to be pounded mercilessly for weeks on end
I wouldn’t expect an [Abys] member who goes from stomping T6 and would have stomped silver before bandwagoning to SBI to continue to stomp people when they realized they wouldn’t be winning anymore, to understand one bit. However, That my friend, is pretty rich.
Also our server didn’t implode, we lost two large guilds. If our server imploded we’d have lost a lot more than that. Just glad one of then went to a server that completely annihilates SBI. <3
If you mean FA… they hardly annihilate SBI.
We have good fights with them. In our last 2 matchups we’ve both won once.
If you want the definition of annihilate… look at SBI vs. IOJ matchups.
I think you have an unhealthy hatred for SBI based on your posts over the last month.
What did we do to you exactly to make you so angry? <3
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.You’ve yet to be pounded mercilessly for weeks on end
I wouldn’t expect an [Abys] member who goes from stomping T6 and would have stomped silver before bandwagoning to SBI to continue to stomp people when they realized they wouldn’t be winning anymore, to understand one bit. However, That my friend, is pretty rich.
Also our server didn’t implode, we lost two large guilds. If our server imploded we’d have lost a lot more than that. Just glad one of then went to a server that completely annihilates SBI. <3
If you mean FA… they hardly annihilate SBI.
We have good fights with them. In our last 2 matchups we’ve both won once.
If you want the definition of annihilate… look at SBI vs. IOJ matchups.I think you have an unhealthy hatred for SBI based on your posts over the last month.
What did we do to you exactly to make you so angry? <3
I’d like to know that too. They have been hating on us for awhile, and even had a guild transfer to FA just so they could try to beat us for the league, just to get even for something that we have no idea that we did.
“For sale: GW2 rifle. Never fired, dropped once”
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.You’ve yet to be pounded mercilessly for weeks on end
I wouldn’t expect an [Abys] member who goes from stomping T6 and would have stomped silver before bandwagoning to SBI to continue to stomp people when they realized they wouldn’t be winning anymore, to understand one bit. However, That my friend, is pretty rich.
Also our server didn’t implode, we lost two large guilds. If our server imploded we’d have lost a lot more than that. Just glad one of then went to a server that completely annihilates SBI. <3
If you mean FA… they hardly annihilate SBI.
We have good fights with them. In our last 2 matchups we’ve both won once.
If you want the definition of annihilate… look at SBI vs. IOJ matchups.I think you have an unhealthy hatred for SBI based on your posts over the last month.
What did we do to you exactly to make you so angry? <3I’d like to know that too. They have been hating on us for awhile, and even had a guild transfer to FA just so they could try to beat us for the league, just to get even for something that we have no idea that we did.
The only thing we said when we were transferring was no Bronze league and not SBI. Old history from DR days. The other guilds from SBI are pretty cool. While facing SBI was a bonus of going to FA, it was not our main decision point. Stop flattering yourself.
If we left FA, SBI and YB alone to fight each other then someone is going to re-create this thread but instead complain about DB and BP. If we leave them out, then they’ll complain about Ebay. If we take them out, CD becomes the focus of the qq. It’s a never ending cycle. Everyone will complain about the servers that are stronger than their own.
And LOL at any of those servers being “stacked”. Have you heard of T1?
lol @ FA being stacked.
it is quite true actually….
almost every frustrated players on IoJ stacked on FA…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
New map will fix everything because after that you don’t need to care about points. Can’t wait.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch