Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Uh hello….. NSP, lol.
Also, and I’m speaking from experience here, a 20-25 man group can most definitely hold off a 50-60 man blob. It requires a good group comp, people listening on VOIP, and good movement, though, so good luck with pugs.
We had all that. We were holed up in Garrison, keeping them from taking over as long as possible. 3 hours of work, and we finally fell because we couldn’t keep the small team of 3-5 grabbing supply and doing patchwork on the holes in the garrison fast enough. Twas a leaky boat, and she finally sank at the end of those 3 hours. Despite being trebbed at NE, rammed at Watergate, and golemed on east, we survived 3 hours. If that tells you how bad it was.
That actually sounds like a lot of fun. A lot of decisions on how to spend supply. A lot of fights. Some small and large victories on both sides. Very fun.
Also, and I’m speaking from experience here, a 20-25 man group can most definitely hold off a 50-60 man blob. It requires a good group comp, people listening on VOIP, and good movement, though, so good luck with pugs.
We had all that. We were holed up in Garrison, keeping them from taking over as long as possible. 3 hours of work, and we finally fell because we couldn’t keep the small team of 3-5 grabbing supply and doing patchwork on the holes in the garrison fast enough. Twas a leaky boat, and she finally sank at the end of those 3 hours. Despite being trebbed at NE, rammed at Watergate, and golemed on east, we survived 3 hours. If that tells you how bad it was.
Actually it sounds like an epic farm. I don’t see why you would be unhappy about this.
Ah Crap, I’m agreeing with Boonprot. I better switch over to CNN to find out when the meteor is going to strike.
Seriously though, sounds like an awesome fight. We did the same thing the other night, only it was in TC’s garri and not our own
T1 servers asking about the concept of outmanned… Lol’d irl. Best post I’ve read all day 11/10
I haven’t read any posts asking about the concept of outmanned. All T1 servers, past and present, has been there.
Frankly, I like it best when we have the outmanned buff. It means that we can just get out there and have fun without worrying about repair costs and such (woo! don’t have to repair every few deaths so that your armor doesn’t start breaking). The increased magic find boost is also a sweet bonus.
This has been said before, but if your server is not in the top 3, just let it go. You are not going to win; but you can go out and wreck face with your group. Flip some towers, troll them with siege, bust some zergs!
You can only deal with the time when you play and that is the end of it. I feel bad for defense-oriented guilds, but you are playing against the development team there; not Omega Golems.
It’s hard to let it go when you are one achieve from getting season 1 done and you can’t do it because the only things left to do are keeps, castles and obsidian jumper….things that can’t be achieved when your server can’t even leave spawn.
so here’s the problem with wvw were theres one server that totally dominates the other two because they have 60 man zergs on every borderland weres the balance in that?its no wonder servers give up on going into wvw they see no point in playing a part of a game were its so unfair i reckon if the ppt was much closer on all 3 servers the servers would have somthing to fight for!
In SBI’s defense though, CD had a terrific start to the season. CD was dominating much in the same way SBI is raining on our parade. The way I see it is: you win some, you lose some.
I’m 10/15 only because I’m not too heavy on WvW, but I figure 3 weeks is plenty of time to make up for lost ground even after being farmed by the giants like FA and SBI.
-They need to bring back tiers and get rid of RNG entirely.
-If a server wins their tier match up, they become green next week, 2nd place becomes blue, 3rd place becomes red.
-If the “Green” server (places 1st) wins 4 weeks in a row with at least 50% of the total score. They move up a tier.
-If the “Red” server (places 3rd) loses 4 weeks in a row without scoring at least 25% of the total score, they are demoted down a tier.
Any competition needs a fair rule and a goal to start with. For wvw, ptt should be everything people are fighting for to win. For those who don’t care about ptt but just do gvg stuff, it’s Anet’s fault that there is not a gvg section separated from wvw. Current wvw has too many people with too many goals to play in it, while there should only be 1 goal, ptt. That is the inbalance apart from population and coverage.
All these PPT heroes makin’ me sad. WvW gives you essentially zero reward for winning a matchup and the winner is decided majoritarily by whoever has the most coverage. It is quite literally determined by whoever hurls bodies at an objective best. Why on earth would you care about PPT in such a system.
Because people like winning.
Also, and I’m speaking from experience here, a 20-25 man group can most definitely hold off a 50-60 man blob. It requires a good group comp, people listening on VOIP, and good movement, though, so good luck with pugs.
We had all that. We were holed up in Garrison, keeping them from taking over as long as possible. 3 hours of work, and we finally fell because we couldn’t keep the small team of 3-5 grabbing supply and doing patchwork on the holes in the garrison fast enough. Twas a leaky boat, and she finally sank at the end of those 3 hours. Despite being trebbed at NE, rammed at Watergate, and golemed on east, we survived 3 hours. If that tells you how bad it was.
That actually sounds like a lot of fun. A lot of decisions on how to spend supply. A lot of fights. Some small and large victories on both sides. Very fun.
It was, but a lot of us were saying on Teamspeak, “Will they leave us alone for 5 minutes so we can put up our paper walls and gates before they attack us? Sheesh.”
I started on JQ, and they were great, they expanded and retracted alot. I ended up transferring to TC since my friends couldnt get into JQ when they started playing. TC has a great community that I wouldnt trade for a Golden Dolyak.
I know SBI had seen greatness many times and fell and settled, the core that remains there I absolutely respect.
I love FA, they are my favorite fight (good times FA)
I remember when BG was barely tier 1 and struggled alot against JQ and SBI.
I commend them on thier growth and accomplishments.
I could go on and on, you are all great communities and sadly this all falls on Anet who is working hard to solve our concerns. But its time that they are WVWing against and the PPT is definately showing not in their favor.
I truly believe we should all get the Gold Dolyak, but well, that promotes failing an event for free loot. And the community has already spoken our dislike for that.
So hang in there, because for those on rock bottom, it can only get better.
It’s hard to let it go when you are one achieve from getting season 1 done and you can’t do it because the only things left to do are keeps, castles and obsidian jumper….things that can’t be achieved when your server can’t even leave spawn.
Obsidian jumper is your roadblock…really?
Just do it right at reset, no one will be camping yet.
Because people like winning.
Obviously, since FA wailed on Ebay and IoJ so much that they PPT’d their way into 6th place, ahead of Maguuma which should have gained points just by showing up.
Never thought we’d be going into week 5 saying that Tier 1 have been better sports about things than Tier 3.
I don’t get it… I don’t. Last night in EB on Gold League, we had 35-40 guys zerging around and taking keeps, the castle, etc… We ran head long into biggers zergs several times and won and lost. 50-60 player zergs. Just because you have fewer, doesn’t mean you can’t win. We basically took everything we tried to take. The times we lost open field we got taken by surprise, well the commander did, he froze heh.
I don’t understand, “out manned”.
How good are you at math if you don’t mind me asking?
Yes, there are times whereas a smaller group can take down a larger one. However, that isn’t just the only picture here. Remember I asked about math? Well, more people means:
1. Better map coverage
2. More condition damage
3. Better hourly coverage
Adding 1, 2, and 3 above together means you can do more over the course of 24 hours. So let us say you play on a lower populated server. You win some and you lose some. Now let us say you take a tower and re-take your keep. Now you move to try and put pressure on them by taking some of their towers. No sooner than you beat feet across the map with your 20 or so players guess what happens? They re-take your keep, your towers, your wine cellars, while the hole time sending in a small force to defend whatever you are taking. The flip you just did lasted all of about what, 2 minutes? Heck, the points probably didn’t even register.
I do agree that small groups can, and do win, frequently. However, the larger the mass (here comes some more math) means that they also have more AOE and conditional damage which will destroy you. Picking off stragglers or people who don’t play smart will always happen but there is just no way this game will allow a lower populated server with less 24×7 coverage win.
Statistically it isn’t even remotely possible.
Because people like winning.
Obviously, since FA wailed on Ebay and IoJ so much that they PPT’d their way into 6th place, ahead of Maguuma which should have gained points just by showing up.
Never thought we’d be going into week 5 saying that Tier 1 have been better sports about things than Tier 3.
There was no wail, it was only due to numbers…
so here’s the problem with wvw were theres one server that totally dominates the other two because they have 60 man zergs on every borderland weres the balance in that?its no wonder servers give up on going into wvw they see no point in playing a part of a game were its so unfair i reckon if the ppt was much closer on all 3 servers the servers would have somthing to fight for!
Well maybe if you would stop taking screen shots of the score maybe your server would do better
Just kidding, honestly I am.
I don’t get it… I don’t. Last night in EB on Gold League, we had 35-40 guys zerging around and taking keeps, the castle, etc… We ran head long into biggers zergs several times and won and lost. 50-60 player zergs. Just because you have fewer, doesn’t mean you can’t win. We basically took everything we tried to take. The times we lost open field we got taken by surprise, well the commander did, he froze heh.
I don’t understand, “out manned”.
The problem is you’re telling me to assemble my own group of 30 people. My guild consistently has 25-30 online for raid times, but outside of that (especially at night), you’d be hard pressed to find more than 20 people around that are willing to run in such a group. Sometimes you can, but then people start going to sleep and by midnight last night, we had 15 people (from multiple guilds, mind you) fighting a group of 30 or 40. You can hold them off for so long, but then more people log off. Then you’re left with 5 to 10 against their 30 and because they aren’t incredibly bad at the game, they will win.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
To note us magummans are always wining 12 hours after reset and usually get lead a few oceanic’s can make all the difference in WvW. What I don’t see is why WvW is devided into NA and EU servers when best servers have 24 hour zergs. I push for all seasons to be merged gold, silver and bronze for NA and EU. This way we actually have people same level to fight against. Let first half be random and second half be best fight the best and score be based on who you win against not that you win determined by off season ranks.
Because people like winning.
Obviously, since FA wailed on Ebay and IoJ so much that they PPT’d their way into 6th place, ahead of Maguuma which should have gained points just by showing up.
Never thought we’d be going into week 5 saying that Tier 1 have been better sports about things than Tier 3.
We did? Had no idea. I’m pretty sure we didn’t even try too, unless I’ve been out of the loop. I’m sorry we took your coveted 6th place spot. Maybe we will give it a better go.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
To note us magummans are always wining 12 hours after reset and usually get lead a few oceanic’s can make all the difference in WvW. What I don’t see is why WvW is devided into NA and EU servers when best servers have 24 hour zergs. I push for all seasons to be merged gold, silver and bronze for NA and EU. This way we actually have people same level to fight against. Let first half be random and second half be best fight the best and score be based on who you win against not that you win determined by off season ranks.
TC does the same thing, they are normally leading reset during NA and lose the lead in OCE. No doubts the prowess of T2 NA forces, its the water fall effect of them having to make up ground after oce/sea/eu that puts them at a disadvantage.
As for a Tier 1 EU/NA league would be awesome. I would love to test our might against VS and see where we really stack up. I bet JQ and SoR would feel the same. I think there is just a physical limitation on anets side that won’t allow for it. It would be truly epic though.
I’m not sure how small zerg-busters = better 24/7 coverage
I read the title of this thread had loads to say like “WTF?” then realized it was aimed at NA lol. EU Silver league is awesome, best thing anet ever done, the amount of guild groups in 1 league is phenomenal, we have loads of guild from all tiers and from NA all packed into EU silver, the fights are non stop, and relatively the fairest match ups you could get as far as fights go, apart from the odd server as far as PPT goes. You could win against a particular server and next time you meet you could lose against the same server. So as you can imagine until I seen that this was aimed at NA I was really really really confused at the title lol.
However, from what I have heard from the NA folks on FSP, that NA and EU have a totally different play style (not that I would personally know), but they love it here, not just on FSP but also in EU silver league, so EU silver is far from broken so I hope anet dont do any changes towards us.
It’s not just about the amount of player, a good guild will wipe zergs twice their size.
From what I can see from these “smaller” servers, they have the same number as us on reset nights, but just lack coordination to survive fights and relies on numbers.
Our current adversaries certainly can’t blame numbers for yesterday’s reset night.
The number of times some zerg came running at us without stability or any type of organization and was wiped in a few seconds was ridiculous.
The rest of the week is another matter.
It’s not just about the amount of player, a good guild will wipe zergs twice their size.
From what I can see from these “smaller” servers, they have the same number as us on reset nights, but just lack coordination to survive fights and relies on numbers.
Our current adversaries certainly can’t blame numbers for yesterday’s reset night.
The number of times some zerg came running at us without stability or any type of organization and was wiped in a few seconds was ridiculous.
The rest of the week is another matter.
Uhh on a couple maps we didn’t even have a queue so I don’t know about that and saying numbers don’t matter is a bit of a stretch. I guess it’s easy to say when your guild groups are almost the same size as opponent pug zergs.
In Spanish football league Barcelona and Real Madrid are beating everyone because of their resources (they have a lot more money and can afford better players). Should they just face each other each week because no one else could win against them?
“It’s not just about the amount of player, a good guild will wipe zergs twice their size.”
Assuming the “zerg twice their size” is a bunch of noobs, may be.
But if the “zerg twice their size” is skillful as your “good guild blob”, you stand no chance!
But seriously, Nsp is really in bad shape after weeks of roflstomping, not even sure we can compete in bronze league now…
GG Anet, can’t wait to suffer from your next “great” idea!
In Spanish football league Barcelona and Real Madrid are beating everyone because of their resources (they have a lot more money and can afford better players). Should they just face each other each week because no one else could win against them?
How are you even comparing this to the imbalances that plague WvWvW?
I just wanted to say that approaching week three of getting constantly rolled. This isn’t fun anymore.
Take a break. If wvw is boring because of the changes they made step back and be part of the change in metrics that makes them see it’s a bad idea.
Hi Charak,
You have a interesting complaint. If you would use your link and take a look at the SoR/BG/Mag match, as you can tell BG is winning, at times ticking 300-400+ most the match. While mag doesn’t have the population to win, Mags guilds and players are out there fighting hard. Just a few moments before this post, Mag had BG pushed back to Vally in EBG (while our map is queued)
Your problem is expecting you can win the PPT game, with out coverage, you can not. You bring up balance? Both Anet and any WvW player will tell you, WvW is not balanced and won’t be any time soon. It’s up to you to make it fun, you say you’re a commander? Rally 20-30 regular people, train them, get better together. Get out there and fight, drop the “we can win the match” mentality because its (As SpehssMehreen said) a defeatist attitude.
Good luck
To note us magummans are always wining 12 hours after reset and usually get lead a few oceanic’s can make all the difference in WvW. What I don’t see is why WvW is devided into NA and EU servers when best servers have 24 hour zergs. I push for all seasons to be merged gold, silver and bronze for NA and EU. This way we actually have people same level to fight against. Let first half be random and second half be best fight the best and score be based on who you win against not that you win determined by off season ranks.
TC does the same thing, they are normally leading reset during NA and lose the lead in OCE. No doubts the prowess of T2 NA forces, its the water fall effect of them having to make up ground after oce/sea/eu that puts them at a disadvantage.
As for a Tier 1 EU/NA league would be awesome. I would love to test our might against VS and see where we really stack up. I bet JQ and SoR would feel the same. I think there is just a physical limitation on anets side that won’t allow for it. It would be truly epic though.
Only a poor sap from BG would ever say fighting Vizunah will be epic. If BG and VS were in a matchup together, the third server would be bored to death because everyone else would be turtling in keeps.
Anyone comparing WvW to sports leagues needs to remember that strong teams in soccer don’t get to field 50 players to their opponent’s 11. There’s no valid comparison to be made.
It’s not just coverage, though having an oceanic presence is important. It’s also organization. Speaking as a grunt on Yak’s Bend, I’ve been very impressed with the degree to which the half-dozen core guilds plan and coordinate activities, starting well before the first day of a reset.
That said, FA and SBI rolled over us to the same degree as we have others. Complete blowouts. It becomes self-reinforcing, as people from the losing server log in less. That’s a problem faced by most games with open-world PvP. I’m not aware that any game has solved it.
You can still have fun. An organized havoc group can still get things done, and even solo roamers can sneak around and take down yaks/ sentries.
If all you want is fair fights, sPvP offers them. Personally, I like open-world combat, with all its warts.
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Anyone comparing WvW to sports leagues needs to remember that strong teams in soccer don’t get to field 50 players to their opponent’s 11. There’s no valid comparison to be made.
Strong teams in football are spending hundreds of millions to buy the strongest players. They spend millions to hire the best coaches. They spend millions to train/drill the players. They have a huge staff of co-trainers, mental trainers, physiotherapists etc etc. Look at FC Barcelona, Real Madrid or Bayern München. Compare this to small clubs with very low budgets. These Underdogs could win maybe once or twice against the fat cats but will be steamrolled over the complete season.
Strong servers in WvW buy strong guilds that fit to their ways to play and close weak points in their concepts. There is not much difference.
(edited by Belenwyn.8674)
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Why attack a T3 wp’d hills when you can hit a paper bay/garrison that’s worth the same points, and the enemy is distracted? That T3 keep will still be there, exactly the same, afterwards, while the paper bay could get an upgrade and be more difficult to take. Simple tactics, not double teaming.
(Although when we let those 2 DB golems break down the SW garrison gate last night after we wiped the rest of the DB forces there, and protected them from BP defense, that was really funny, and we were laughing so hard in raidcall. – Of course we promptly killed the golems once they got us inside the outer wall.)
(edited by Atrophied.8725)
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Why attack a T3 wp’d hills when you can hit a paper bay/garrison that’s worth the same points, and the enemy is distracted? That T3 keep will still be there, exactly the same, afterwards, while the paper bay could get an upgrade and be more difficult to take. Simple tactics, not double teaming.
(Although when we let those 2 DB golems break down the SW garrison gate last night after we wiped the rest of the DB forces there, and protected them from BP defense, that was really funny, and we were laughing so kitten raidcall. – Of course we promptly killed the golems once they got us inside the outer wall.)
Yeah we have been taking their stuff. But 2 weeks of fighting sbi’is constant karma trains killed our morale in wvw.
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Why attack a T3 wp’d hills when you can hit a paper bay/garrison that’s worth the same points, and the enemy is distracted? That T3 keep will still be there, exactly the same, afterwards, while the paper bay could get an upgrade and be more difficult to take. Simple tactics, not double teaming.
(Although when we let those 2 DB golems break down the SW garrison gate last night after we wiped the rest of the DB forces there, and protected them from BP defense, that was really funny, and we were laughing so hard in raidcall. – Of course we promptly killed the golems once they got us inside the outer wall.)
For better competition. Because its a better challenge. Because fighting people is more fun than fighting doors. Because in the long run its better strategy and leads to more fun. Because demoralizing a server is not in the best interests of the match, either server, WvW, or the game as a whole.
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Why attack a T3 wp’d hills when you can hit a paper bay/garrison that’s worth the same points, and the enemy is distracted? That T3 keep will still be there, exactly the same, afterwards, while the paper bay could get an upgrade and be more difficult to take. Simple tactics, not double teaming.
(Although when we let those 2 DB golems break down the SW garrison gate last night after we wiped the rest of the DB forces there, and protected them from BP defense, that was really funny, and we were laughing so kitten raidcall. – Of course we promptly killed the golems once they got us inside the outer wall.)Yeah we have been taking their stuff. But 2 weeks of fighting sbi’is constant karma trains killed our morale in wvw.
And this is why people transfer to T1. More balance. Better fights at all times. Better competition. Less PvDoor. Morale is higher and is less likely to be hurt.
I’m thinking of moving there myself.
Imagine being on Mag or SoS right now… they are getting hammered by the heaviest servers with no end in sight.
Leagues exacerbated an already crappy problem (transfers and tier locks). Until they abandon this architecture, I am not sure there is much that can be done sans eliminating leagues altogether.
Mag and SoS wanted in the gold league. A lot of SBI wanted to be in there too. FA tanked to get to silver. The argument for wanting to be in Gold, is that we knew we would get stomped, but there would be plenty of good fights to be had, at all hours of the day.
Argument for silver was that we would stomp people and get the better prizes.
But, stomping isn’t fun, just ask BG, FA, JQ, SBI, HoD, and SF. It gets boring. Less fights all the time.
I imagine that some long-time SBI folks like yourself might have been ready for Gold League, but all those guys who moved there when you were T5 were obviously not excited about the challenge or were simply not up for it.
It’s going to be interesting when the Season ends and you start getting tough matches a majority of the time. 6 weeks straight of karma trains is not going to make the harsh reality awaiting any easier.Have to agree here, SBI better put their try hard shoes on again or fa will stomp you and so till SoS you may beat mag in coverage but I can promise their EU and NA guilds would wipe the floor with Sbi blood all day with the servers current combat performance. You’re in for another exodus if you all aren’t ready to get hit hard 24/7.
FA will pass Mags quickly to get back into Tier 2. The question is how will FA and SoS matchup now, with both servers looking very different since their last meeting. Also, how will SBI’s alliance hold up when they get into the black pit of Tier 3 where every match is a curbstomp battle (either too easy or too hard).
We’ll see next month.
when SBI is getting stomped T4 numbers, when they do the stomping T2/3 numbers. No doubt FA will work its way back up but a you said in nicer terms. Will SBI find a balanced ground or implode again. 300g on implode for me.
As for SoS and FA, would put my money on SoS winning.
That’s pretty rich, coming from someone who’s server imploded right before leagues started.
How many months has it been since SBI was ‘supposed’ to implode?
Don’t hold your breath, we have a really good community right now.You’ve yet to be pounded mercilessly for weeks on end
I wouldn’t expect an [Abys] member who goes from stomping T6 and would have stomped silver before bandwagoning to SBI to continue to stomp people when they realized they wouldn’t be winning anymore, to understand one bit. However, That my friend, is pretty rich.
Also our server didn’t implode, we lost two large guilds. If our server imploded we’d have lost a lot more than that. Just glad one of then went to a server that completely annihilates SBI. <3
Prettty sure they think im crazy at work when i started laughing out loud from this XD. The best i can do for ya is say that it is a cute post of frustration <3.
History is not your strong subject just random fyi, without it you may just look a little silly. for example in December DH went from 12th server position to 19th, guess we should of reported a bug in the ranking system since we were stomping with some of the ppt differences you experience now.
As for us transferring for winning? XD XD XD XD Thats what got me laughing out loud. Sarcasm/ Yes we transferred 100+ people for a finisher which judging by the last one they released ( angel wings….WTF??!?!?!?1) is going to be oooh soo great? /end sarcasm
We look forward to December >:) win or lose either way we gonna have fun. And bro stop caring about winning or loosing, Have faith in anet they will sort this problem right out after they attend to runes of perplex and make spvp worthwhile <<< HA I MADE A JOKE XD
To the steamrolling servers commenting here claiming that it’s about the fight, and not the points – go away. You win constantly, so you never have people leaving the borderlands. When it becomes difficult to even muster up a force of 20 people in Eternal Battleground, and then it immediately gets rolled by the enemy zerg, that isn’t fun. The only thing we can even do is make small groups to take camps, MAYBE take a tower if we can do it fast enough without the mega-zerg noticing.
Try joining a server that has been getting stomped for four weeks in a row, and then come back here, and we’ll see if you’re singing the same tune.
Anyone comparing WvW to sports leagues needs to remember that strong teams in soccer don’t get to field 50 players to their opponent’s 11. There’s no valid comparison to be made.
Strong teams in football are spending hundreds of millions to buy the strongest players. They spend millions to hire the best coaches. They spend millions to train/drill the players. They have a huge staff of co-trainers, mental trainers, physiotherapists etc etc. Look at FC Barcelona, Real Madrid or Bayern München. Compare this to small clubs with very low budgets. These Underdogs could win maybe once or twice against the fat cats but will be steamrolled over the complete season.
Strong servers in WvW buy strong guilds that fit to their ways to play and close weak points in their concepts. There is not much difference.
Except one addresses skill and one addresses plain numbers. No matter how rich a top club is, they are still playing the same game under the same rules. That’s why upsets can happen. There is meaning to the weaker teams playing the stronger teams because of this possibility. If you lose, you know it’s because you didn’t play as well. And maybe, just maybe, if you play really well and the opponent is on an off day, you can pull off that miraculous upset.
There is no such equivalent in WvW 99% of the time. It’s like if Barca got to put 50 people in front of the opponent’s goal and repeatedly score against 1 goalkeeper. That doesn’t happen.
To the steamrolling servers commenting here claiming that it’s about the fight, and not the points – go away. You win constantly, so you never have people leaving the borderlands. When it becomes difficult to even muster up a force of 20 people in Eternal Battleground, and then it immediately gets rolled by the enemy zerg, that isn’t fun. The only thing we can even do is make small groups to take camps, MAYBE take a tower if we can do it fast enough without the mega-zerg noticing.
Try joining a server that has been getting stomped for four weeks in a row, and then come back here, and we’ll see if you’re singing the same tune.
I have been on both sides thank you. When you stop caring and just focus on fighting you will have a better time. People aren’t just saying it because its something to say. Its true for those who have gone through it.
to those who compare sports to the current state of WvW, you are just plain stupid….
in sports, you always have to field the same number against your opponent, only then skills matter…
the current state of WvW is all about numbers….
(edited by azizul.8469)
Silver league has seen almost every match each week end with 100k+ victories. Gold isn’t a lot better but Silver has by far the most lopsided matches going.
I don’t think there has been an upset for 1st place in any match yet.
Another thing about the tiny minority who are trying to compare this to sports.
This is not a ******* sport. It’s a game people play to have fun. To relax and enjoy themselves. Not get their faces stomped in every week by some power house server. Those teams you mention are getting paid to have their faces stomped in (or a scholarship in the case of college teams or a chance at a scholar ship for high school).
Imagine you were having a friendly match of football at the park when the patriots show up and challenge you to a game.
You get destroyed. Its novel at first.
Then the next day there they are again.
And again and again and again.
are you still having fun? no, you probably are sore, angry and finding a new way to have fun.
Even sbi needs to double team bp with db. During nights both zergs hit bp and don’t hit each other it seems. Db owns a fully upgraded hills and sbi won’t touch anything they own. Poor sports
Why attack a T3 wp’d hills when you can hit a paper bay/garrison that’s worth the same points, and the enemy is distracted? That T3 keep will still be there, exactly the same, afterwards, while the paper bay could get an upgrade and be more difficult to take. Simple tactics, not double teaming.
(Although when we let those 2 DB golems break down the SW garrison gate last night after we wiped the rest of the DB forces there, and protected them from BP defense, that was really funny, and we were laughing so kitten raidcall. – Of course we promptly killed the golems once they got us inside the outer wall.)Yeah we have been taking their stuff. But 2 weeks of fighting sbi’is constant karma trains killed our morale in wvw.
And this is why people transfer to T1. More balance. Better fights at all times. Better competition. Less PvDoor. Morale is higher and is less likely to be hurt.
I’m thinking of moving there myself.
This is what expounds the problem. I would rather quit playing rather than spend money to a T1 server. Have fun with an every shrinking population. One day it will be only three-but maybe with who’s left there won’t be 3 hour queues.
Another thing about the tiny minority who are trying to compare this to sports.
This is not a ******* sport. It’s a game people play to have fun. To relax and enjoy themselves. Not get their faces stomped in every week by some power house server. Those teams you mention are getting paid to have their faces stomped in (or a scholarship in the case of college teams or a chance at a scholar ship for high school).
Imagine you were having a friendly match of football at the park when the patriots show up and challenge you to a game.
You get destroyed. Its novel at first.
Then the next day there they are again.
And again and again and again.
are you still having fun? no, you probably are sore, angry and finding a new way to have fun.
lol you know….
sports are games people play to have fun..
look im not saying hey its fun to get destroyed, im just saying having a league once in awhile is fine. This is season 1 who knows when season 2 will be. You get to see how your server measures up, what its limitations and strengths are.
after the season is over it will go back to being exhibition matches, and honestly its a lot more boring to me.
As far as the regular match ups are, i find those to be just as bad, random opponent usually = someone getting face stomped, and rating alone = fight the same 2 servers for months, which is boring
Id like a better solution for non season match ups, but i dont really see one.
and yeah id want the chance to keep playing them. In all honesty, a game isnt really about winning. Its about the journey.
(edited by phys.7689)
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