Simple fix: score modifier according to manpower difference

Simple fix: score modifier according to manpower difference

in WvW

Posted by: valerria.3841


A simplified example, one way we can do it is to calculate the average number of players per world at each tick, from the total, and the modifier is based on how much a world’s number of players is more or less than the average. So if Blue has 350 players, Red 250, and Green 150 at a tick, the average would be 250, and thus Blue will have a negative modifier applied to its score for that tick, Red no modifier, and Green a positive modifier.

The actual formula will probably be quite complicated to optimize, but the basic idea is the more manpower advantage one world enjoys, the less its score at a given tick will count. This I feel will have the least negative impact on the current state of things, compared to queue manipulation and region restriction, and do the most to equalize uneven population trends. The only downside is off peak players won’t make as much contribution to the score if they face few opposition, but that doesn’t take away much. They can still do everything else they enjoy.

Simple fix: score modifier according to manpower difference

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Already suggested something similar without any significant response It really is hopeless I’m afraid. Glad I’m not the only one who sees the solution though!

Simple fix: score modifier according to manpower difference

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Of all the ideas I’ve read, I like this one the best. But Arenanet will first have to prove willing and able to remove afkers and botters in a timely fashion to prevent them from doing even more harm to their home realm than they already do.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”
