Simplest WvW Fixes
Make that the WP are only available at T3 to give us a reason to defend Rampart… Same for south tower…. But give the WP to everyone who hold the tower to T3… Or bring back the old WP on left and right keep.
And yes, auto upgrade have to be removed….
agree on most of the points here….towers and taken areas should be stepping stones and you should be able to reach and attack and support from one to the next…the auto upgrading dumbed it down and makes no sense, we want things to be more strategic, not simplified, if anything, its now harder for the smaller servers to sneak attack and ninja places like stated by op, we need to be able to take advantage of weaknesses and areas the enemy did not fortify or left unguarded…not to mention how the wvw skills themselves were nerfed and are too easy to get all of them now with tons of points left over for no reason….
1. Revert all HoT-WvW-changes and bring the Alpine BL-Map back.
2. Add Desert BL-map to EOTM rotation.
I honestly think that most WvW players would have been totally happy with old maps if:
- Existing bugs were fixed
- Upgrading was made free but with (close to) old upgrade system.
- Population unbalance and night capping was addressed at some level.
- Maps got visual update and maybe some tweaks here and there.
Added bonus would have been if
- Autolooting was introduced to everyone in WvW.
- Siege line of sight was made consistent and clear to understand.
- Protecting dollies was made easier (like with the shield buff we have now).
- More effort was placed to combat lag.
…but this is only my gut feeling and can be wrong. In the end it’s impossible to say what “we want” without some kind of realistic poll and good enough coverage from the actual users.
Here’s what I think without reverting back to the old borderlands.
People are complaining about how large the maps are, how it takes too long to get to certain destinations. This problem could be solved by adding more waypoints to the map so players can defend positions faster and get into the battle faster.
- Place waypoints on each supply camp, that activates immediately after it is captured. This gives players a spawn point closer to action and forces enemy teams to capture the supply camp to cut off reinforcements. Would introduce some interesting plays and increase the importance of supply camps.
- Place waypoints in towers that activates in a set time frame (shorter than keep waypoints). Capturing towers will allow players to secure a fortified rendezvous point until enemy players recapture it.
- With all the new waypoints, make the use of the waypoints non-instant. Require the player to stand still “channeling” the waypoint for a set time.. like 10 seconds as well as being out of combat. Taking damage while channeling the waypoint will interrupt the player.
- Assaulting an objective will contest it for a longer period of time.. like 5 minutes as opposed to the default 2 minute 30 seconds.
- Remove Righteous indignation from champions.
- Increase the amount of time required to capture objectives
(edited by TheBravery.9615)
With the update makes recapture easier. However, who can use wp? Enemies? Do you suppose they are considering some system for auto upgrade removal…manual free upgrades would be fine right?
Towers still have strategic importance and will have even more when they can mark enemies like sentries. They allow players to track enemies and provide a place of refuge where a small force can significantly harass a larger force. They make it much harder to sneak north camp, which is now the most important camp on the map as south doesn’t feed as many objectives as it used to.
Just because they aren’t easymode assault launching pads doesn’t mean they aren’t important.
Honestly, it’s disappointing to see people complain that towers aren’t important or that yaks aren’t important (3x faster upgrades, people). It doesn’t have to be slammed into your face in order to be a vital part of a successful strategy.
they need to move the southern WPs into the keeps. Having them attached to the towers is stupid. What does the home team need WPs all the way down there for. And the invading teams already have waypoints 30s walking distance from those towers. Having the WPs in the keeps is strategic for all teams. Plus WPs need to be part of tier 3 upgrades so that it gives teams a reason to fight and hold something again. Some of the best battles I was in were defending or attacking a keep because the waypoint was coming soon. I also agree with reverting upgrades to a manual process but not having a gold cost with it.
I think those 3 changes would bring back some of the missing strategy. Zergs, roamers, havoc teams, and soloist would all have uses again.