Single Server Match Domination
I’m not a fan of that idea, but until we see how things are matched during week long battles; hard to say how things will play out. Many guilds haven’t been as gung ho as they will be about upgrading cause you dump gold into keep defense just to lose it a few hours later because of resets.
Also hopefully they iron out the brackets so no one server completely facerolls
I’m not certain that’s going to be the case entirely though. The primary issue is you have servers like HoD and ET with consistently full maps 24 hours a day. This is due to the Guild alliances on those server. They have guilds from every part of the world for the specific intention of being active 24 hours a day.
The brackets are being ironed out and there actually getting fairly good a matching the servers together but there’s still always going to be limits. You can’t just have the top 3 servers fighting each other for all of eternity. One eventaully loses and they go down a bracket and then faceroll the servers in the lower bracket. The skill level and organizational differential between servers can be staggering.
I consistently see more matches involving one server completely steam rolling the others than I’ve seen close neck and neck scores. That shouldn’t happen IMO. Or at least no where near as frequently as it has. While the suggestion wouldn’t outwardly prevent this from happening it would at least alleviate it somewhat.
I am a little bit curious how this will play out when 1 week comes around, I notice with the 24 hour cycles this. I play on ET, every day when the reset occurs each server is well balance for about 1 hour. After that hour ET and HoD tend to pull ahead by a few hundred to even a thousand or two. By the time I head to bed, we are usually above or behind HoD by about 1-2k; by the next morning when I check to see what happened over night, HoD is always blowing everyone out. Going from a match that is 7400-6800-3000 ish…. to the next morning seeing 50,000 to 14,000 to 10,000. This has happened every day for the last week except the day that SBI beat us for second place and we went down to T2 and won by a lot.
I am not sure if the AA night time crew is gone after the split, just bad compared to the HoD night time group or what is going on really. Seeing the 1 week results could be interesting, but judging from the 2-3 day match ups from before, the first overnight time period dictates a lot.